The New American just wrote an article on Obama and the UN's move to take control of children under the guise of stopping abuse.
UNICEF UK is condemning countries that have not signed onto a UN paper about violence against children, while remaining utterly silent about the massive pedophilia scandal surrounding the UK elite, which include the murders of children).
Pedophiles in Politics: An Open Source Investigation
Instead, UNICEF UK actively points away from the UK and uses people like David Beckham to help do so. (Beckham now promotes himself using the number "7" which has major occult significance.)
7: The David Beckham UNICEF Fund
But perhaps looking at the UN right after it was formed and what its new child agency, UNICEF, did right away to "help" children internationally, might indicate the UN's attitude toward child abuse.
UNICEF used 35,000 times the normal level of radiation ....
UNICEF, immediately after it was established after WWII (when Jewish children were being killed), continued the murder of Jewish children when it killed 1000s of North African Jewish children using radiation to the head (for ring worm!) and sterilized and gave cancer to 1000s more. The fact that the children were shrieking in pain didn't stop them.
Why was the UN (UNICEF) torturing and killing children?
Why is UNICEF run by a CIA man?
"In Pakistan, the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation (BMGF) and Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunizations (GAVI) were blamed on an outbreak of acute flaccid polio has begun to surface in the region and killed 10k Pakistani children who were inoculated.
".... In this instance, the polio spreading through Syria would be “vaccine-derived polio” as originating from the “oral polio vaccine” which contains an attenuated (weakened) vaccine-virus” – or active polio virus.
".... the polio virus has not been identified in the country for nearly 2 decades."
Is it violence against children that the UN itself, with UNICEF's vaccines, brought polio to Syria? A lot of money was made by the pharmaceutical industry that controls the WHO, also part of the UN.
If the UN is concerned about violence against children, why does it allow Obama to use drone strikes against them in Pakistan and allow its agency, UNICEF, to use the CIA on their vaccine teams? The US killed 168 Pakistan children with drones - which the UN does not stop - while the UN itself killed 69 times more Pakistani children with vaccines, acting through its humanitarian child agency, UNICEF.
After 10,000 children died in Pakistan from the vaccines and parents were refusing to bring their children for such "help," the government of Pakistan was backing away from polio vaccination until they were threatened by the WHO (under the UN) with removal of visas and told they required "saturation vaccination," and parents were arrested for not complying.
Vaccine Mandates In Real Life: Over 500 Pakistani Parents Arrested for Not Vaccinating With Polio Vaccine That Killed 10,000 children
Administration of the oral live attenuated polio vaccine with Syrian children, which is no longer used in the U.S. and most other countries. Photo by UNICEF.
The UN, not stopping the carnage of children, uses a clever ploy to get into those areas with spies and deadly vaccines.
UNICEF and vaccines is part of Bill Gates' agenda to vaccinate every child in the world. The WHO claims to be eradicating polio which sounds so noble until one realized it is causing it, and is pushing mandated vaccines and imprisonment of parents who try to protect their children from being paralyzed, sterilized and killed by UNICEF.
Is the UN concerned about violence against children or is it interested in something more malign?
UNICEF UK is concerned about countries not signing onto UN documents against child abuse while omitting how many children it has killed as part of the UN.
SOFT KILL War on Syria Begins With Mass Vaccination Program
Syria: 36 Children Die After Receiving 'UN-Sponsored Tainted vaccines
UN increases Syria polio vaccination efforts
Syrian Polio epidemic "Vaccine Derrived"-Bill Gates (GAVI)
Bill Gates and GAVI work with the World Bank and the UN Population Fund under the Task Force on Vaccines for Fertility Regulation. The Task Force, “…acts as a global coordinating body for anti-fertility vaccine R&D.” .... It was found out through an investigation, that GAVI was using an untested vaccine; giving this dangerous vaccine to Pakistani children shows the lack of empathy associated with these organizations.
GAVI using UNICEF, innoculated thousands of children in Pakistan. 10,000 children died. Gavi is part of he Vaccine Alliance with UNICEF
UNICEF Supply Division is responsible for procuring vaccines and devices for countries on behalf of Gavi,
Why is the UN associated with and allowing military and "medical" actions that end up in thousands upon thousands of maimed and dead children?
Who is the UN? What is their real interest in taking control over all children's lives worldwide?
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