35 Key Points regarding EbolaGate: the Ebola Vaccine Bioweapons Martial Law False Flag
35 Key Points regarding EbolaGate: the Ebola Vaccine Bioweapons Martial Law False Flag - Interview with Alfred Lambremont Webre
1) EbolaGate is a house of cards and they won’t succeed
2) Send to 10 people and ask them to send to 10 people with links to inform: Ebola is treatable and they are denying this in order to give an impression of a pandemic emergency.
3) CDC is lying, NIH is recommending Melatonin which is harmful
4) Immediate rejection of the Pandemic Laws (they could be stopped and they are also grossly unconstitutional)
5) Bush signed onto pandemic laws that Congress didn’t sign onto.
6) Center for Constitutional Rights should be down at Federal Court placing an injunction to stop all the Pandemic Laws. All the State Pandemic Laws should be stopped immediately.
7) Center for Constitutional rights to go into Federal Courts to enjoin…
8) Vaccines should be independently tested.
9) Department of Homeland Security, TSA, These people actually believe they are protecting the United States. The point is that if people are reaching out, they can inform them that they are being used to end the United States as a sovereign Country.
10) Lower echelons: A flu in order to create a coupe: Every medical, every military that Ebola is a carefully planned take over of the United States; train operators of the shackled boxcars. People know where the gas chambers are. Militia and Military should try to thwart these “elite”.
11) At least 1,000 milligrams of Vitamin C liveonlabs has high quality Vitamin C and can also directly into the bloodstream via an enema of vitamin C.
12) Vitamin C and what it can do, we have no reason to ever fear any disease ever again. “New Zealand Miracle Cure Vitamin C”, man got well and medical system not informing.
13) Ebolagate blog has a link on Vitamin C ~ Walk away from the prison of the medical system that kills people, removing this evil, dangerous system. You are hastening this collapse of this trillion dollar industry.
14) Ebola is the last gasp of these genocidal maniacs. Communities, Military
15) Every lawyer in the country should be filing injunctions against mandatory vaccinations. They are planning to use Ebola to take over the Country.
16) There should be lawsuits against the CDC for lieing to the public, for bioterrorist really, for creating this bioweapon and then promoting this especially since it all leads to a coupe and mass murder here. Reach every lawyer that you know.
17) Class action lawsuits, Rutherford Institute to protect them from this against the CDC or to make sure that there’s not mandatory vaccination.
18) Hazmet suit is a costurme cause there are treatments against Ebola
19) We don’t have any evidence that people are dying of Ebola
20) It’s a fiction, no Marshall Law, Boxcars with Guillotines can be destroyed as well as the FEMA Camps.
21) It will not succeed, eat organic and VitaminCFoundation.org
22) People are good and there are people we can’t see who are working behind the scenes. People working in the lower levels are not in on this.
23) Alert the police and tell them what is happening. Get to know your neighbors.
24) Must tell people.
25) City Councils, Mayors, Use the EbolaGate articles, CDC lies, Flu to Coupe plan
26) Avoid subways, take a bus or LIRR
27) Gas could be used. Jon Rappaport says staged would be Ebola but actually sprayed with gas. “Clouds of Secrecy” book. Pathogen to be released in the USA will kill the soldiers who have been injected to receive the inoculations when they went to Africa.
28) PositiveFuture.info
29) Plans may have been hatched under Duality Consciousness
30) CDC is from for CIA and WHO is under UN. Have conspired to terminate the Republic and the African American race.
31) Their plans are not succeeding. Full prosecution for those who will participate in effecting this genocide. War Crimes tribunal for 911. That should be seen as the first step to lead to this and the full destruction of the United States. It’s a one step thing. The coupe is supposed to be the finale. 911WarCrimesTribunal dot org . Geneva Convention against Genocide. There are civilians there and there were 3,000 civilians there. When conspiracy enters, cause 911 was carried out as a pretext as a war in Afghanistan equals geno, eco and omnicide (Rocky and the Bildy).
32) CDC parents are NOT vaccinating their kids. Unvaccinated children are 5 times healthier than vaccinated. Garth Nicolson Vaccines on YouTube talks about how unvaccinated children will never pay the pharma medical system.
33) If the black community stopped vaccinating altogether because they are targeted for the MMR and others, then pharma would lose money.
34) Rocky, Soros, Bushes, Clinton, Obama, CDC in prison then everyone could be healthy. Look around and realize how lucky you are to be alive.
35) Look forward to when nature is going to be healthier. Vitamin C.
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