Who says the US has lost its manufacturing? The US government is making lies faster than flies, and selling them globally for a fortune.

So give the US credit where its credit is due. Sure they say that ISIS comes out of the Middle East and ebola comes out of Africa, but that's just modesty and to help sell the effect. Because you can't have a Middle East scourge that comes out of Hoboken, NJ, or a really scary germ that comes out of Atlanta, and have it sell the same, now can you?
They have to have that authentic feel if your media stories are going to have a chance of doing some kick-ass marketing. How else are US companies going sell billions more in weapons for wars in the same area they've already bombed the shit out of, or convince the world to buy what will obviously be weaponized vaccines, if the germ is so obviously invented? Think about it. Provenance matters mucho when you sell things. You couldn't get as much for an authentic US antique table if it has a "made in China" sticker on the bottom, could you? You might even have to give it few dings here and there to age it a bit.
And then you got to dress it up. And this is especially true if those ISIS boys come from Hoboken or wherever and look .... white. What kind of effect would that have? Not scary Middle Eastern terrorist-scary, that's for sure. And how lousy would that be for the big posters that say "ISIS, the Scourge of the Middle East - Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid!" Nah, with white guys in the photos, the effect would be more like "Yo, JIm, doesn't that guy on the right with the blond hair look just like my cousin Daryl, the one that just got out of prison and got a passport?"

They've even set up ISIS with its own PR and even media production, with Middle Eastern names, of course.
(CNN) -- One video shows more than 100 prisoners paraded across the desert in their underwear, then lying face down as militants unleash a hailstorm of bullets into their bodies.
Other images show crucifixions and public executions in towns overrun by terrorists.
And recent footage showing the beheading of a second American journalist proves that ISIS wants to world to know how brutal it can be.
The insurgents are experts at using footage of their crimes as propaganda to terrify those who disagree with their radicalism and to threaten foreign leaders. The visuals are as much a part of ISIS' terrorism as its bloody march across the Iraq and Syria.
And their PR people even made a down-home looking poster for the US, and US media helps by calling it "chilling." It's phenomenal Hollywood, when you think about it. |
'Chilling': Footage purportedly from a CNN live stream of the protests appeared to show one young demonstrator marching along a street holding a sign reading 'ISIS is here'
And ebola is just the same.
They gotta have those ebola costumes because the last global "pandemic" the WHO and the CDC promoted in 2009 with swine flu (also made in the USA and with Dyncorps and NIH holding the patent) flopped like a giant dead fish. No amount of CDC lying about the number of cases in the US - and they sure tried hard, even lying in some cases by 98% - and no amount of the WHO changing the definition of "pandemic" so it could include a sneeze in two places in the world, was enough.
Really, they got to do something because the crooks behind the US are in big trouble.
2. There's a court case now moving along showing they used trillions to bribe the whole government and Supreme Court.

3. Their masters at the Vatican are being charged with Satanic murder of children and don't look too holy and have lost a lot of popularity because of that.
Theses dudes are looking at jail, even execution, with the whole world cheering.
So they just gotta sell ebola as a gigantic pandemic. They need the money from the untested vaccines and they need martial law to murder anyone trying to catch them. Quite clever really. And they want to kill millions more dead, just because. Just because they like genocide with their scotch.
They're all ready with a careful layout of standing dominoes that Bush delicately put in place. Right now, they are playing make-believe - ebola is a terrible disease coming out of deepest darkest Africa. Only it's coming out the CDC but never mind that. The make believe depends on them everyday putting out wildly phony numbers about ebola (or killing Africans which they like to do anyway, and saying it was ebola). They want to get the numbers up so high, the WHO can talk among themselves and agree "Okay, that looks black plague-y enough," and then they will announce a level 6 global pandemic. When that happens, along with civil unrest (they cooked up), a collapsed economy (they cooked up), and environmental disaster (they cooked up) the first domino falls over. That first domino leads to the president suspending the Constitution and Congress.
That shock of a domino knocks over the next one and DHS takes control with the president, and that knocks over the next domino and the WHO shows up and sets up health crisis committees across the country, and that domino knocks over the next one and the UN invades with foreign troops, and then that domino knocks over the one that give them the pandemic laws Bush put in place right after 9/11-anthrax murders, which is so weighted down with goodies for fascists http://exopolitics.blogs.com/breaking_news/2014/08/ebola-triggers-george-bushs-bizarre-pandemic-laws.html and then that domino starts to fall and it hits that last big domino with a resounding smack and as it falls over, before you can say domino, you've got yourself an old fashioned fascist coup, just like the one Prescott Bush tried to get in 1933. .... And that's not all they planned to have fall. Damn if they aren't set up for another Holocaust, this time in the good ole USA, using guillotines made in China - the final insult.
The first domino is ebola.
But how are you going to sell all that if people don't see anything happening themselves? That was the downfall of the 2009 swine flu. Nobody saw anybody being sick, except those taking the vaccines. CBS was getting all these calls from medical people saying they weren't seeing anything. So CBS investigated and damned if nobody was sick! http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2009/10/24/cbs-reveals-that-swine-flu-cases-seriously-overestimated.aspx
So, those running this "disease equals a fortune and total control" show learned a lot about how to sell a pandemic from 2009 and are back again now, with same media stories of all the deaths that could happen. Last time they said millions would die but that didn't seem to phase anybody so this time they are "projecting" billions are going to die. Problem is those are just numbers and even those wildly concocted numbers doesn't really hit people in their solar plexus. Numbers are just not enough.
So, it's show time! It's show AND tell (lies) time.
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Basically, the crooks running the US government are trying to keep the economy going by selling made-in-the-USA products but the world doesn't really like things made in the USA much anymore - not cars, not refrigerators, not wars, and not even terrorist groups or germs. It's an uphill thing they're trying to do, with the sand eroding out from under them. Ebola gets its Hollywood on by dressing people up in Hazmat suits using ceaseless and scary global media stories about all the people dropping dead. They are careful not to say the CDC holds the patent, that fruit bats are in the clear, that the outbreaks in Africa started around a US bioweapons lab funded by Soros and Gates and happened elsewhere with a little help from the UN. The Ebola breakout coincided with UN vaccine campaignshttp://domesticity.gawker.com/a-fitness-critique-of-the-isis-terrorist-workout-video-1593208538So, when you see costumes, try to understand how important they are to the crooks who are scared poop-y themselves right now. Those crooks are counting on costumes to keep people focused on their "scary" Middle Eastern guys (who comes with PR agencies and work out videos http://domesticity.gawker.com/a-fitness-critique-of-the-isis-terrorist-workout-video-1593208538) and scary germs (with patents and weaponized vaccines and plans for a coup in the US hidden). And tell all your friends so they can enjoy the masquerade, movie-ness of it all. And have some pity for the murderous crooks. They're facing arrests, losing all their power and everything else, and being executed. That's really scary. |
Made-in-USA Ebola and ISIS: Love Those Costumes!