The PDF on the letter labeled "Injunction" show how 2 seemingly unrelated but intersecting things done by Bush in 2007 without a Congressional vote which threaten the continuation of the US as a country and invasion of foreign troops, and how "civil unrest" is needed to reach that dire state of affairs - which is, though is the pinnacle of a corporate dream to seize total control of the US in a fascist coup.
The Ferguson shooting is part of this. It was designed to create "civil unrest" and create a situation in which martial law could be imposed, and it is a step in getting us to permanent martial law across the country - a fully fascist state as envisioned by Prescott Bush George Bush's grandfather.
There will be more such shootings nationally, seeking yet more civil unrest and setting up possibilities for martial law.
If you understand Bush's directive 51 and 20 (seen the PDF "Injunction" in the Open Letter to Putin), then you understand why they would INTENTIONALLY kill a black youngster in Ferguson and it's timing as well, for their approaching plan to take over the US and suspend the Constitution.
Bush stipulated certain conditions as the basis of suspending the Constitution, Congress and the Supreme Court and a president ruling with the Department of Homeland Security. This government, or those controlling it behind the scenes, have been steadily preparing those four conditions:
1. economic collapse,
2. environmental catastrophe (through a drought via HAARP, oil spills, etc.),
3. civil unrest (the reaction to wantonly shooting any unarmed black kid will be small compared to the riots they seek when the economy collapses and nearly 50 million people on food stamps have no food, and beyond that, they have arranged a famine. ),
4. a pandemic emergency (enter Ebola, associated with Soros, Gates, Rockefeller's son, a US bioweapons labs and fear porn by the WHO run by Rockefeller and Gates).
The items listed above are included in Bush's two Presidential Directives in 2007, as the justifications for a president ending the US as a constitutional country and ruling with the Department of Homeland Security. The Congress did not vote on this.
DHS, according to Gordon Duff at Veterans Today, is run by Israel.
Why is Israel not recognized for what it really is? It has always been a cover for the global bankers/oil interests/phamaceutical and chemical companies/arms manufacturers/etc who supported Hitler. It used sympathy at the slaughter of Jews (the funded, though many call themselves Jewish) in order to achieve a toehold in the Middle East. From there, they began wars and they have huge geopolitical plans. The elite rule the US and whether they do acting as Israel or as DC, simply depends on the drama and effect they wish.
Israel is cover for literal Nazis, and what covers they have! The UN is controlled by the Vatican and the criminal global elite.
Here is a alleged layout of the UN in relation to the Vatican, according to
The Vatican planned the Holocaust.
The UN is a charade of peace (with troops, and with population and children's agencies that sterilize. )
The WHO is controlled by Rockefeller and Bill Gates and the same pharma companies that funded Hitler. It is charade of health (with bioweapons).
And Israel is another cover (with the criminal elite using their own victims as cover - and setting up a global spy agency and a massive military funded by the US).
Once, you understand that Israel, the UN and the WHO are all run by the same criminal syndicate that were previous supporters of Hitler and are now destroying the world, it's easier to see straight.
The WHO under Rockefeller and Gates has been quietly genocidal for years via its vaccines, and it still is. This is so true that David Rockefeller invites the elite over to plan extreme depopulation as part of their "Good Club."
Bush also agreed to the WHO (Rockefeller and Gate)'s International Health Regulations, againwithout Congress involved.
That is, George Bush arranged with a foreign entity the WHO, for a military invasion of the US by foreign troops under the UN, based on a pandemic announced the WHO.
So, who is inflicting financial collapse, civil unrest, environment catastrophe and Ebolao on our country as part of their insane plan to take over here?
From, in describing George Bush's administration:
"The Rockefeller family, long aligned with the Bushes, owned Standard Oil. Through a stock transfer they became half owners of Germany's IG Farben with Farben likewise owning almost half of Standard Oil. According to the Encyclopedia Brittanica, IG Farben built and operated more than 40 concentration camps in Nazi-occupied Europe, including Auschwitz. At their slave labor/factory/death camps chemicals, weapons, drugs, synthetic fuels and other materials vital to the Nazi war effort were manufactured. In addition, eugenicists like Dr. Josef Mengele used the human subjects in the camps for experiments the data from which are today the basis for many drugs marketed by the pharmaceutical industry-not too surprising in light of the fact that more Americans die from prescription drugs than from any other single cause.
"At the end of WWII the allies split up IG Farben into companies that are now the top pharmaceutical concerns on earth among them Bayer, Hoescht, BASF, the Agfa-Gevaert Group and Cassella AG. Many of Wall Streets favorite pharmaceutical/chemical companies behind the proliferation of genetically-altered foods, transgenic animals, human cloning, dangerous psychiatric drugs, deadly vaccines and pesticides-such as Aventis-are subsidiaries of these same companies."
The CDC, connected to the same pharmaceutical industry with Nazi roots, has a patent on Ebola and works for the Pentagon.
The 2009 swine flu "pandemic" was a test run for Ebola now. The WHO had to change the definition of "pandemic" to include it, and the CDC wildly lied about the data.! Two days after CBS exposed that the false data and that there was no pandemic, Obama declared a pandemic emergency.
A pandemic emergency is crucial for a full take over. But Ebola is not just needed to get UN troops and WHO to take over,t it is planned for biowarfare and mass murder. There is intel that the elite want to kill 268 million people here.
Given the weaponized vaccines, guillotines, and gas chambers being made ready for use, and given that decapitation, gassing, shooting, hanging, poisoning, forced medical experiments and torture - are all listed in Obamacare coding coming from the WHO and UN, - the criminal elite have been setting up in great detail for a holocaust here, to go along with their take over of the country.
This use of disease for totalitarian control is not new.
“Academic medicine has been and is the most important pillar of support of all dictatorships and governments which do not want to submit to written law, to constitutions, to human rights, that is, to the democratically legitimized social contract.” ~ Virologist Dr. Stephan Lanka – Interview 10.27.2005
It ends with 2 things people can do.
1. In their communities, people can file an injunction against mandatory vaccination and quarantine. Here is how, followed by supporting information.
Download Evidence for Injunction
2. People can commit to 30 minutes a day emails friends and family information that is being suppressed by mainstream media, thus becoming a national media of their own.Join them. File an injunction. Become media yourself. Be an active part of America truly and permanently stopping fascism that sneaked out of Nazi Germany and set up the UN, the WHO, Israel and took control in the US.
William Davies* is a nom de plume of a known journalist who prefers to have their work speak for itself.
Ferguson Shooting Is Directly Related to Ebola
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