So, mandatory vaccines weaponized by penis-insane Soros and child-crippling Bill Gates in a lab with the USAMRIID that killed with vaccines is not going to be a good health choice. Mass murder, seems like it, but healthy, not much.
But they aren't too worried there won't be much or even any since thanks to their anthrax killing, they got Bush pandemic laws to make sure they don't need real nothing. Nope, they don't even need anyone sick to take people away and to make a LOT of money from doing so at the same time. Smell bankers?
And if you get ordered, buddy, you will go.
Who else gets to share in your being taken away? The "health care safety net trust fund." Who? Let's take a wild sniff. Smell bankers, anyone? You smelled that right. The bailout and stealing the country blind was not enough. Now they want you taken away, stripped of all you own, and then killed. No messy lawsuits. No investigations. These folks are thorough as .... Nazis.
This is all even tidier because the bankers are facing arrests for rigging the economy, for fraud, for theft, for just name it. Why not repeat what George Bush and his "rogue" buddies did to the storage of SEC and FBI cases against the bankers which were held in building seven of the world trade center? Blow it to smithereens and blame "Muslims" who couldn't fly a worth dink. Or what he and buddies did to get rid of the audit material of the trillions Rumsfeld announced were missing from the Pentagon the night before 9/11. It was stored at the Pentagon and the missile that hit it solved that problem nicely. Even Cheney said so. And then there was the billions or trillions in gold stored under the Fed Reserve near 9/11 which due to be paid back on September 12. Gone.
But more than that, the buildings had been insured against terrorism shortly before and so they made a "killing," twice. It's the plan with Ebola, make money as they steal everything from people who refuse to accept weaponized vaccines or chemical for "decontamination" or with unknown untested drugs so are imprisoned and charged $1000 dollars a day and having to also pay for their being taken away. No time frame for hearing back in an appeal but it ain't happening anyway because the judges only make money by ruling against you. In the end, they kill you. If you work for JP Morgan, which likely is part of the "health care safety net trust fund" that splits the "imprisoning you money" with the judges, they would also collect on your insurance after you've been guillotined, hung, shot, tortured, given a disease, gassed, electrocuted, or other "specified" coding categories under Obamacare that are not specified.
The western elite, never ones for half measures or normality and currently off the Richter scale for psychopathy, have decided as the deserving 1%, and tired of the griping of the 99%, to kill off 268 million of those pesky Americans, (75% of 350million)
Here's who they are, with Democrats and Obama thrown in..
Well, it's a way to earn a living.