Kevin Annett: Pope Bergoglio meets secretly at EU Parliament capital with Russian, Dutch diplomats on BRICS bank & Dutch Queen coverup
By Alfred Lambremont Webre
VANCOUVER, BC – Kevin Annett, North American field secretary of the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS.ORG) has revealed that Pope Francis Bergoglio on Nov. 25, 2014 met secretly in Strasbourg, France, the seat of the European Parliament, with Russian and Dutch diplomats. The Alitalia plane on which the Pope traveled returned to Rome within four hours of its departure.
Vatican funding BRICS; Pope Bergoglio take secret $500,000 payment to certify Argentine crony daughter as future Dutch Queen
According to Kevin Annett, the Pope’s meeting Russian diplomats was in furtherance of arrangements through Deutsche Bank of the Vatican’s financial contribution to the BRICS central bank, of which Russia, under Vladimir Putin, is a central founder. The Pope’s meeting with Dutch diplomats may have been in furtherance of the Pope’s having provided credentials for Dutch Queen Maxima when she was the Argentine Máxima Zorreguieta Cerruti, whose father was a Minister in the military Junta and an associate of then Jesuit Archbishop of Buenos Aires Jorge Bergoglio. According to ITCCS witnesses, Pope Francis Bergoglio was paid a $500,000 secret personal fee in order to certify Maxima as free to marry the heir to the Dutch throne Willem-Alexander.
On July 18, 2014, In the Matter of The People v. Bergoglio et al (Case Docket No. 18072014-002), Pope Francis [Jorge Mario Bergoglio] and other defendants were found guilty by the International Common Law Court of Justice in Brussels “of aiding and abetting Crimes against Humanity, including murder and human trafficking, and of personal involvement in those crimes. Their guilt has been ably presented and proven beyond any reasonable doubt by the Prosecution.”[1]
RCMP issued stand-down order at Kinder-Morgan oil pipeline
In his interview, Kevin Annett stated that Common Law Sheriffs of the ITCCS.ORG would be issuing and enforcing stand-down orders against Royal Canadian Mounted Police deployed at the site of the proposed Kinder-Morgan oil pipeline project to take Alberta tar sands oil to China. The pipeline, opposed by First Nation and community groups on environmental grounds, is now guarded by RCMP detachments.
Today, ITCCS stand-down orders have been issued against RCMP by the Vancouver-based West Coast Common Law Court of Justice “in the wake of illegal arrests and violent ‘gestapo tactics’ by RCMP officers against peaceful protestors opposing the desecration of forests on Burnaby mountain by the Kinder-Morgan corporation.”
Copies of the Stand Down Order were given to RCMP officers today and delivered to the RCMP Superintendent in Ottawa by Court appointed Peace Officers.
Canada: Cabinet Minister Denis Lebel, 12 Mile Club in ritual child sacrifices
Kevin Annett reported that Pope Francis Bergoglio may be shuffling the newly consecrated Cardinal Francois LeCroix of Montreal. The ITCCS.ORG revealed in Oct. 2014 that Canadian Harper government Cabinet minister and Cardinal LeCroix had participated in a February 22, 2014 secret ritual sacrifice of a young boy in a church next to the Jesuit headquarters on Borgio Santi Spiritu in Rome.[2]
Mr. Annett also revealed the identity of British Columbia Judge Paul Leask as involved in concealing ritual sacrifices and sexual activity at Vancouver, BC’s prestigious Vancouver Club and through the so-called “12 Mile Club”. As revealed by ITCCS.ORG last week, whistleblower employees at local yacht basins confirmed that ritual sacrifices of children are now taking place aboard yachts outside the 12-mile territorial limit of Canada.[3]
Citizen’s War Crimes Tribunal to prosecute Transhumanist Agenda
Kevin Annett announced during the interview that he would be joining a Transhumanist Agenda War Crimes Tribunalannounced on Nov. 20, 2014 at the Covert Harassment Conference in Brussels. The mission of the Citizen’s Tribunal is to prosecute, try, adjudicate, sentence, and enforce against perpetrators at all levels in the Transhumanist Agenda including the use of new physics torture and mind control/robotization weapons; the use of mind-control technologies in any and all human settings; and the robotization of humans.
Kevin Annett will be a Judge on the War Crimes Tribunal, along with Alfred Lambremont Webre, former Judge on the Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Tribunal.
Former Belgian Parliament MP Laurent Louis has agreed to serve as Prosecutor for the Tribunal.[4]
Kevin Annett announced the new contact for ITCCS.ORG as [email protected] ITCCS website is
[1] Kevin Annett: Pope Francis, Jesuit Superior General, Archbishop of Canterbury guilty of child genocide - Intl. Common Law Court. Republic of Kanata Convention announced
[2] Kevin Annett: Witnesses identify Canada PM Harper Cabinet Minister Denis Lebel in 2/22/14 Ninth Circle child sacrifice next to Jesuit headquarters in Rome
[3] Kevin Annett: 12 Mile Club-Vancouver & Bangkok world’s top child trafficking cities. Archbishop, Chief Judge, United Church in 9th Circle child offshore sacrifices in yachts
[4] Alfred Webre: Citizen’s war crimes Tribunal, International Statute, Comprehensive enforcement to end Transhumanist Agenda
Kevin Annett: Pope Bergoglio meets secretly at EU Parliament capital with Russian, Dutch diplomats on BRICS bank & Dutch Queen coverup
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Posted by: Elisabetta Errani Emaldi | 11/29/2014 at 01:10 PM