UK Govt. covert vote fraud denying Scotland Independence is a quantum worse than 2000 U.S. Supreme Court fraud in Bush v. Gore making Bush US President & What to do about it!
By Alfred Lambremont Webre
VANCOUVER, BC – This article is not about EU, finance, banking, retirement, social welfare or petroleum, and whether it is better for Scotland to have stayed within the UK or not on public policy grounds.
This article is about prima facie evidence of systemic large scale vote-counting fraud in the counting of the YES and NO paper ballots that could only have occurred under a concerted high-level order within the UK government and Vote-Counting administration to find a NO result whatever the cost.
"The darkest wrong in Scottish history"
My legal analysis is that “the darkest wrong in its history has just been done to the Scottish people.” Because Scotland’s collective free will to become an independent nation by a fair, free vote has been thwarted by systemic fraud ordered by what can only be the highest levels of the political, financial, intelligence, and Monarchical plausible-deniability hierarchy in England, the basic social contract between Scotland and England was broken. At the very least, Scotland is entitled by law to a Recount, or to a Revote (because of the likelihood that existing ballots have been destroyed).
Setting up the Referendum Vote Sting
The following is prima facie evidence of the elements of the covert UK systemic program to sabotage the September 18, 2014 Independence Referendum and secure a fraudulent NO vote.
1. Prohibition of a National Vote Recount – The availability of regulatory or statutory provisions for a vote recount in the case of demonstrations of vote fraud, mishap, close vote, etc. is fundamental to the democratic voting process and is present in any standard democratic voting process anywhere in the world.
Yet, although the UK and Scotland consider themselves among the world’s leading democracies, on the day of the referendum, the legislation governing the referendum stipulated that “In addition, no recount can be ordered in a particular area after its result has been declared.”
On Sept 18, 2014, the UK Telegraph reported, “"No national recount was allowed for independence referendum. The chief counting officer has permitted recounts at a local level in Scotland's 32 council areas but a national one will not happen even if the result is close. The chief counting officer for the Scottish independence referendum has confirmed there can be no national recount even if the result is close.
"Mary Pitcaithly has said that local counting officers in each of Scotland’s 32 councils can consider “reasonable” requests for recounts in their respective areas where genuine concerns have been raised.
"All votes are counted locally and concerns about the count must be resolved locally. In addition, no recount can be ordered in a particular area after its result has been declared."[1]
HOW SCOTLAND VOTE FRAUD WAS DONE: By eliminating the possibility of a recount, the UK government controllers of Scottish referendum ensured the conditions for a covert operation in which vote counters would be ordered to switch YES ballots to NO stacks and do other “dirty tricks” that ensured a NO result, with no legal recourse of a recount.
2. Scottish Referendum Vote Counters ordered to commit massive vote fraud – A second key element of the Scottish Referendum vote fraud are systematic orders from higher ups within the UK Government and vote counting administration to vote counters to engage in a variety of “dirty tricks” that switched YES ballots to be counted as NO ballots, leading to a NO result.
Prima facie evidence of this systematic practice includes the following:
A. International accredited election observers finding of (1) vote counting irregularities and (2) that Scottish Referendum does not meet international standards. On Sept. 19, 2014, The Guardian reported that “Russia has said the conduct of the Scottish referendum "did not meet international standards", with its observers complaining the count took place in rooms that were too big and that the procedure was badly flawed….”
“The team from Moscow's Public Institute of Suffrage watched voting take place in the Scottish capital and the surrounding area. It also met with Scottish politicians, voters and representatives from non-governmental organisations, Ria said.
“Borisov said he was unimpressed by what he saw. He said the room where he watched the count on Thursday night was a cavernous ‘aircraft hangar’ next to an airfield. It was difficult to see what was going on, he said, adding: ‘The hangar is approximately 100m by 300m. There are tables, with voting papers stacked upon them, but the observers are stuck around the perimeter. Even if you want to, it's impossible to tell what's happening. It's also unclear where the boxes with ballot papers come from.’”[2]
B. Prima facie video evidence exists of blatant examples of the systemic vote counting fraud ordered by higher ups within the vote counting administration.
One video example only is contained in this video, which is part of a petition that now has over 70,000 supporters.
Petition for revote with Counting Safeguards
This petition, which more than 70,000 people have signed, supports a Scottish referendum revote with Vote Counting Safeguards as follows:
Countless evidences of fraud during the recent Scottish Referendum have come to light, including two counts of votes being moved in bulk into a No pile, Yes votes clearly being seen in no piles and strange occurences [sic] with dual fire alarms and clear cut fraud in Glasgow. We demand a revote be taken of said referendum, where each vote shall be counted by two individuals, one of whom should be an international impartial party without a stake in the vote.[3]
What remedies do the defrauded Scottish people have now?
When the U.S. Supreme Court in the 2000 case Gore v. Bush[4] fraudulently awarded the U.S. Presidency to George W. Bush even though Al Gore had won the democratic vote, not only the American people were the losers, but the world at large were losers, including the UK.
Governmental fraud has tragic consequences. As a former Judge on the Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Tribunal, we found former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair, former U.S. President George W. Bush (and later Bush’s cabinet of Vice President Richard B. Cheney, Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld et alios) guilty of the Nuremberg-level war crimes of aggressive war and genocide for the illegal invasion and war in Iraq continues to spin off its genocidal industries.[5]
The UK Government vote fraud has a cost both to the Scottish people (who have voted for their Independence as the prima facie evidence of vote count fraud shows) and to the people of the world who now will continue with the unabated, criminally corrupt organization known as the UK Crown, found by the International Common Law Court of Justice in Brussels guilty of child genocide.[6]
What remedies do the Scottish people have now when a diabolically plotted referendum vote fraud by the UK Government’s highest level’s have eliminated recount from the very legislation authorizing the referendum?
There are many remedies, depending on Political Will!
Assuming that there is political will to have a proper and fair recount or revote, there are many parties that have legal standing to go forward and legally secure a Recount or Revote:
1. Scottish Parliament -
2. Citizens of Scotland (individually or in groups)
A. Remedies available Scottish Parliament (Scottish citizens need to apply political pressure to the Scottish Parliament showing massive vote fraud)
1. Scottish Parliament Files Emergency Motion with UK Parliament demanding Recount or Revote (Preferred) on basis of Fraud
2. If UK Parliament denies Emergency Motion, Scottish Parliament to Hold Independence Referendum under Auspices of Scottish Parliament.
- Present YES result to UK Parliament and hold 18 month Separation Negotiation
- Simultaneously apply to international bodies and nation states [UN, EU, Organization of American States] for nation-state recognition
- Seek advice of nations like Iceland that are thriving and independent and have thrown off IMF-Bankers’ grid.
B. Remedies available to Scottish citizens (Individuals and groups)
1. Seek Writ of Mandamus in Scottish or British Courts ordering officials to a Recount or Revote on the grounds of Fraud.
2. Bring powerful community and grass roots support to the Scottish Parliament to strengthen its political spine and political will to either file an Emergency Writ demanding a Recount or Revote (#1 above), or to hold an Independence Referendum of its own (#2 above).
3. If the current Scottish Parliament fails to take action upon being shown evidence of the Scottish referendum vote fraud scheme, then bring community pressure to call a new election and elect a Scottish Parliament that will hold a Scottish Independence Referendum and declare Scotland an Independent nation and takes all necessary actions to secure international recognition of its sovereignty and cooperation with similar nations like Iceland that have recently thrown over the yoke of covert banking rule.
Contact: [email protected]
[1] Simon Johnson, Scottish Political Editor, “No national recount allowed for independence referendum, Sept. 18, 2014, UK Telegraph,
[2] Luke Harding, "Russia cries foul over Scottish independence vote: Russian observers say referendum count took place in rooms that were too big and did not meet international standards", The Guardian, Sept. 19, 2014,
[3] Charlotte Meredith, "Scottish Independence Petition Demanding Referendum Be Re-Held Because It Was Rigged Reaches 70,000", The Huffington Post UK
[4] Gore v. Bush, 531 U.S. 98 (2000),
[5] Bush, Blair found guilty of war crimes in Malaysia tribunal/ Judgment of the Court (PDF) November 22, 2011
[6] ICLCJ v Elizabeth Windsor et. al, Case No. 1, Genocide in Canada,
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UK Govt. covert vote fraud denying Scotland Independence is a quantum worse than 2000 U.S. Supreme Court fraud in Bush v. Gore making Bush US President & What to do about it!
By Alfred Lambremont Webre
Interesting read!
Posted by: EmmaLConnell45 | 09/22/2014 at 01:34 AM
We NEED to unite!
Posted by: DannyMcL1967 | 09/22/2014 at 03:58 AM
FROM NICHOLAS KOLLERSTROM: "3.6 million voted in the Referendum, with apparently 7% more voting No than Yes. Suppose Alfred surmises that 'actually' 3% more voted Yes than No, that is a 10% manufactured swing by vote fraud, i.e. 360,000 fiddled votes.
Let's bear in mind that that is a fairly minimal value, of the magnitude of the alleged fraud - if it happened.
"The breakup of the United Kingdom would have been so wonderful, but I guess it couldn't be allowed to happen. Scots, always remember how the Union was accomplished - by the Crown hiring an army from Hannover to beat the Scottish clans. Hired mercenaries, that's what did it.
The best ,bit of all from a Yes vote would have been Scotland handing back the Trident nuclear submarine to England -and nowhere in England would agree to take it!
Let's hope that Sean Connery takes notice of Alfred's case.
In sorrow, Nick Kollerstrom"
Posted by: Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd, CERTPublicHealth | 09/22/2014 at 12:27 PM
Ruth Davidson slips up by letting on they had saw and counted Votes before Polling Day!
Posted by: TenaciousV56 | 09/22/2014 at 03:00 PM
Not to mention the indy ref opposing labour council organising most of the counts ,, and of course the numerous blank ballot papers
Posted by: Lilaxx1234 | 09/30/2014 at 11:13 AM
Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd writes:
'FROM NICHOLAS KOLLERSTROM: "...Scots, always remember how the Union was accomplished - by the Crown hiring an army from Hannover to beat the Scottish clans. Hired mercenaries, that's what did it..."'
What a lot of UTTER NONSENSE.
'On 5 February 1705 the House of Commons in London passed legislation which would help to shape the entire future history of the United Kingdom. The Alien Act recommended to Queen Anne that commissioners be appointed to negotiate for Union between England and Scotland and, if the Scots did not comply and if discussions were not advanced by Christmas Day 1705, severe penalties would be imposed. All Scots, except those living in England, would be treated as aliens and the major Scottish exports to England of coal, linen and cattle would be suspended. This was a naked piece of economic blackmail, designed to bring the Scottish parliament swiftly to the negotiating table; north of the border the first response was one of outrage.'
SOURCE: 'THE SCOTTISH NATION 1700-2000' by T. M. Devine, p.3, ISBN 0-713-99351-0.
'...England, in 1701, had settled the succession on the Hanoverian line, but no such provision had been made in Scotland...The Scottish parliament which met in 1703 could not be controlled by the court...England retaliated in 1705 with the Alien Act, which declared that, until Scotland accepted the Hanoverian succession, all Scots would be treated as aliens in England and the import of cattle, sheep, coal and linen from Scotland into England would not be allowed; this measure stimulated the Scots into appointing commissioners to treat for union.'
SOURCE: 'Scottish Historical Documents' by Professor Gordon Donaldson, pp.265-266, ISBN 1-897784-41-4.
I voted YES.
Posted by: | 10/15/2014 at 05:45 AM