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Interesting read!


We NEED to unite!

Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd, CERTPublicHealth

FROM NICHOLAS KOLLERSTROM: "3.6 million voted in the Referendum, with apparently 7% more voting No than Yes. Suppose Alfred surmises that 'actually' 3% more voted Yes than No, that is a 10% manufactured swing by vote fraud, i.e. 360,000 fiddled votes.
Let's bear in mind that that is a fairly minimal value, of the magnitude of the alleged fraud - if it happened.

"The breakup of the United Kingdom would have been so wonderful, but I guess it couldn't be allowed to happen. Scots, always remember how the Union was accomplished - by the Crown hiring an army from Hannover to beat the Scottish clans. Hired mercenaries, that's what did it.
The best ,bit of all from a Yes vote would have been Scotland handing back the Trident nuclear submarine to England -and nowhere in England would agree to take it!
Let's hope that Sean Connery takes notice of Alfred's case.
In sorrow, Nick Kollerstrom"


Ruth Davidson slips up by letting on they had saw and counted Votes before Polling Day! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DcL69gUtPb0&feature=youtu.be&app=desktop


Not to mention the indy ref opposing labour council organising most of the counts ,, and of course the numerous blank ballot papers


Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd writes:

'FROM NICHOLAS KOLLERSTROM: "...Scots, always remember how the Union was accomplished - by the Crown hiring an army from Hannover to beat the Scottish clans. Hired mercenaries, that's what did it..."'

What a lot of UTTER NONSENSE.

'On 5 February 1705 the House of Commons in London passed legislation which would help to shape the entire future history of the United Kingdom. The Alien Act recommended to Queen Anne that commissioners be appointed to negotiate for Union between England and Scotland and, if the Scots did not comply and if discussions were not advanced by Christmas Day 1705, severe penalties would be imposed. All Scots, except those living in England, would be treated as aliens and the major Scottish exports to England of coal, linen and cattle would be suspended. This was a naked piece of economic blackmail, designed to bring the Scottish parliament swiftly to the negotiating table; north of the border the first response was one of outrage.'

SOURCE: 'THE SCOTTISH NATION 1700-2000' by T. M. Devine, p.3, ISBN 0-713-99351-0.

'...England, in 1701, had settled the succession on the Hanoverian line, but no such provision had been made in Scotland...The Scottish parliament which met in 1703 could not be controlled by the court...England retaliated in 1705 with the Alien Act, which declared that, until Scotland accepted the Hanoverian succession, all Scots would be treated as aliens in England and the import of cattle, sheep, coal and linen from Scotland into England would not be allowed; this measure stimulated the Scots into appointing commissioners to treat for union.'

SOURCE: 'Scottish Historical Documents' by Professor Gordon Donaldson, pp.265-266, ISBN 1-897784-41-4.

I voted YES.

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