But right now, the ante is higher because the criminals who run the US from the shadows - the Jesuits are now actually seeking a complete take over of the US using an ebola pandemic tied to marital law, the suspension of the Constitution, and an invasion of the US by UN troops and the Who. All that was set up and put in writing by George W. Bush, a Republican.
The Jesuits run the Council on Foreign Relations (Rockefeller, Kissinger, ....), the Knights of Malta, Shriner Freemasonry, the Opus Dei, the Club of Rome, the Illuminati, the Knights of Columbus and the Mafia. http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/vatican/esp_vatican21.htm#Chapter%2049 -
Treasonous, Jesuit-controlled, CFR Advisors, 1999 #202
Cyrus R. Vance, former Secretary of State Shriner
Freemason Henry A. Kissinger, former Secretary of State Shriner
Freemason David Rockefeller, CFR Presider and the Black Pope’s International Banker
having replaced J. P. Morgan.
Annual Report: Council on Foreign Relations,
(New York: The Harold Pratt House, 1994, p. 60; 1999, p. 54).
We've all been lied to and cheated and crushed by the US government which is itself a corporation run from the shadows by the Jesuits who have taken an oath not only to deceive and set people against each other and take families and groups and countries apart from the inside but to "exterminate and annihilate"t Protestants and Liberals - that is, Protestant Republicans and virtually all Democrats,
Here is their plan for the US. Read it through and take it seriously.
The Council of Trent and the Jesuit Oath continue to be fulfilled as we remember a portion of the Fourth Vow of the Professed Jesuit:
“I do further promise and declare, that I will, when opportunity presents, make and wage relentless war, secretly or openly, against all heretics, Protestants and Liberals, . . . I will secretly use the poison cup . . . As I at any time may be directed so to do by any agent of the Pope or superior of the Brotherhood of the holy faith of the Society of Jesus.” {20}
The Jesuits, Ebola and Beheadings: Trying to Get the New World Order Going - EbolaGate
Kevin Annett: Witnesses identify Canada PM Harper Cabinet Minister Denis Lebel in 2/22/14 Ninth Circle child sacrifice next to Jesuit headquarters in Rome - BREAKING NEWS
The Democrats voted for Obama because they wanted the rule of law that Bush trashed, put back in place. They wanted the poor and sick taken care of, but they didn't sign on for a rape of the country through Obamacare or know it would be a disaster as well as contain coding for microchipping and beheadings). They didn't know education would be turned into machines and training grounds for a sex agenda. Though they wanted the corporations to stop dumping toxins, they got lied to about "Sustainability" (Agenda 21), just as you got lied to about Iraq and cheap mortgagess and so much more.
That is starting to fall apart for the shadow government as people here and around the world wake up. So wake up fast about your worthless vote and look squarely at what is planned for the US so you and your friends (Republicans and Democrats) can help thwart it locally, because they are planning mass murder here with lethal vaccines for a disease they created themselves.
The Jesuits Are Causing Ebola WITH Vaccines and Plan a "Pandemic" Coup in the US in November"
US Government Wants Ebola Quarantines For Your Health? HA! Then Why Did It Make and Patent Ebola In the First Place? And Why Is it Spraying You Daily With Deadly Poisons, Diseases, Heavy Metals, Toxins and Radiation?
Philip with his wife, both pedophiles,
and she convicted of genocide
“If I were reincarnated I would wish to be returned to earth as a killer virus to lower human population levels.”
Thus, the real fight for this country will be along "medical" grounds. This isn't as strange as it seems once you realize that it was the pharmaceutical industry that killed 20-50 million people in 1918 with vaccines and aspirin and blamed it on a non-existent flu, and it was the same industry 20 years later that put Hitler into office, ran the death camps, made the gas for it, experimented on people with vaccines, mass murdered millions and then in 1945-46, took over the UN and the WHO and CDC. All of it run by the Jesuits who are masters of deception and pledge not only to strangle and disembowel Protestants and Liberal, but to use "the Poisoned Cup."
This whole battle for the US is against those who have been causing diseases for ages and against our own ignorance and naiviete in trusting them. Nature (God) is not the threat) but truly evil men are. There is a full answer to ebola but it is being suppressed because it would be the end of this deadly industry and their power over mankind.
VITAMIN C CAN CURE EBOLA: So Why Are The WHO and CDC Creating A Crisis?
Vitamin C for Newbies and for Professionals And For Any Hiding Under The Bed To Avoid Ebola - EbolaGate
People are now organizing to start going to city councils across the country with documentation on ebola and refusal to accept mandatory vaccines.