Dear Alfred,
According to the creator of this video,
Steven Bancarz:
"The outbreak of Ebola was facilitated
by the US government and will infect
the population of America by design
for the purpose of profit, depopulation,
and the introduction of martial law."
He also links the downing of MH-17 in
Eastern Ukraine last July with the
murder, in that crash of Glenn Thomas
(along with that of hundreds of others).
The late Dr. Thomas was the Director of
Communications for the World Health
Organization (WHO) and a leading expert
in AIDS and the Ebola Virus, who was on
his way to a high-profile AIDS conference
in Australia.
There are rumors that Thomas knew that
there was bioweapons research on the Ebola
virus taking place at the Kenema Hospital
in Sierra Leone and that vaccines were
administered to locals, under the guise of a
"precautionary test" - a test which was, in fact,
*giving* weaponized Ebola to people in Sierra
Leone - where this epidemic first broke out.
Thomas had previously spoken at the United
Nations Office in Geneva, Switzerland, on behalf
of the WHO, where he disagreed with the
Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF: Doctors without
Borders) group, that the Ebola outbreak was
"out of control."
MSF were one of the groups initially involved in
administering the deadly vaccines to the hapless
Sierra Leoneans.
Bancarz suspects that Thomas refused to go
along with the cover-up, unlike some of his co-
workers at the National Institutes of Health (NIH)
and now, his former colleagues must be well-
aware that he was murdered.
Bancarz also says it's important to note that
methods for creating an array of Ebola viruses
is patented by the US Government Agency, the
Centers of Disease Control (CDC), who now
have a monopoly on the Ebola virus and that
they stand to gain from any effective vaccine,
should one be developed.
There are countless more chilling and
despicable details, here which leave one with
little doubt that the Ebola outbreak in West
Africa leads straight back the US Department
of Defense, using US Taxpayer money to
develop bioweapons that were tested in Africa,
in concert with French partners to commit
genocide in this diamond- and petroleum-rich
region of Africa; weapons which may be soon
be used against The People of the United States,
as a ruse to enact full-blown Martial Law.
The creator of this piece also notes:
"This is my first YouTube video ever, and is not
really indicative of the types of videos I will be
making in the future, which will be more personal
and related to spirituality and personal
EbolaGate Contributor
“That is powerful.
“It's very much what Jane Burgermeister suspected about Dr. Thomas and how weird he was on the downed flight MH370. (Do they ever do just one thing when they do harm?)
“Vaccines are increasingly looking like hell and there are more and more links to the UN, WHO and UNICEF - such as that article on all of them sterilizing women and children in Kenya (or Nigeria?) with the tetanus vaccine (something Engdahl reported on their doing with the same vaccine and the same method, in Puerto Rico and some other countries, but smaller numbers of people.
“Anyway, these guys are really something awful and I think we need to say flat out that they are at war against us, and speak of ebola that way.”
Proof Ebola Is A Conspiracy - EbolaGate