The Mayan vision says we in the West will find safe harbor only if we can journey past a wall of mirrors. The mirrors will drive us mad—unless we have a strong heart.
If we are going to change things in this country (and for the world) we need to be closely focused on who's behind it all and what they are doing. Clinton versus Trump was and continues to be an intense drama to distract us from the damage those behind the government have planned to do to the country and must do now, as their world of secret power and sick control is falling apart. We must be clearly focused on exposing deadly threats to the public and to the continuing existence of the united States of America.
People need to become fully aware of what has been planned and the scope of it. The Clinton Trump election is a show to hide a coup they began putting into place with Bush's executive orders 51 and 20.
A good place to begin is with this from October 2008, during a time when some people weren't sure Bush was going to leave.
Obama has added many more threatening orders to Bush's, including one on November 4th. Media Blackout as White House Issues Executive Order Giving Broad Powers to ‘Global Health Security Agenda’ for Infectious Disease Threats, moving things forward under cover of the election and now the raging chaos since the election. The scripted protests are arranged by Soros, infamous for destabilizing countries through the use of social media to create mobs, as a precursor to coups.
Section 1 of the order, ‘Policy,’ lays out what the focus will be for the response plan:
“As articulated in the National Strategy for Countering Biological Threats and implemented in Presidential Policy Directive 2 (PPD-2), promoting global health security is a core tenet of our national strategy for countering biological threats, the order states. “No single nation can be prepared if other nations remain unprepared to counter biological threats; therefore, it is the policy of the United States to advance the Global Health Security Agenda (GHSA),which is a multi-faceted, multi-country initiative intended to accelerate partner countries’ measurable capabilities to achieve specific targets to prevent, detect, and respond to infectious disease threats (GHSA targets), whether naturally occurring, deliberate, or accidental.”
Potentially backed by the U.S. military if necessary, the order includes support from major worldwide organizations.
“The roles, responsibilities, and activities described in this order will support the goals of the International Health Regulations (IHR) and will be conducted, as appropriate, in coordination with the World Health Organization (WHO), Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE), Global Partnership Against the Spread of Weapons and Materials of Mass Destruction, the International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL), and other relevant organizations and stakeholders. ....
“To advance the achievement of the GHSA targets and to support the implementation of the IHR within partner countries, each executive department, agency, and office (agency) shall, as appropriate, partner, consult, and coordinate with other governments, international financial institutions, international organizations, regional organizations, economic communities, and nongovernmental stakeholders, including the private sector.”
Finally here is the section on the Department of Defense and how it plans to back up the aforementioned order:
“The DOD may ‘facilitate implementation and coordination of Department of Defense programs to further the GHSA, as well as provide technical expertise to measure and evaluate progress in countries the United States has made a commitment to assist…’”
The flu shot given after the false pandemic declared by the WHO in 2009 led to a maiming of the public and to great profits, yet those in charge of declaring a pandemic are the Rockefellers who run the WHO. and in 2009, the flu "pandemic" was proven to false and deeply corrupt. The WHO is pharma itself and it will massively profit by any declaration. And the criminal and literal Nazi background of those making almost all the vaccines is apparent.
"Prof [R.F.] Garry was the man to discover the connection between the Gulf War syndrome and squalene.
"According to his findings, the Gulf War syndrome was caused by squalene, which was banned by a Federal Court Judge in 2004 from the Pentagon´s use."
".... the Pandremix vaccine contains 10,68 mg of squalene per 0,5 ml. This corresponds to 2.136.0000 microgrammes pr. billion microgrammes of water, i.e. one million times more squalene per dose than in (4). There is any reason to believe that this will make people sick to a much higher extent than in 1990/91. This appears murderous to me." [Emphasis added.]
What is terrifying is that these pandemic vaccines contain ingredients, called immune adjuvants that a number of studies have shown cause devastating autoimmune disorders, including rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis and lupus.Animal studies using this adjuvant have found them to be deadly. A study using 14 guinea pigs found that when they were injected with the special adjuvant, only one animal survived. A repeat of the study found the same deadly outcome.So, what is this deadly ingredient? It is called squalene, a type of oil. The Chiron company, maker of the deadly anthrax vaccine, makes an adjuvant called MF-59 which contains two main ingredients of concern-squalene and gp120. A number of studies have shown that squalene can trigger all of the above-mentioned autoimmune diseases when injected.The MF-59 adjuvant has been used in several vaccines. These vaccines, including tetanus and diphtheria, are the same vaccines frequently associated with adverse reactions.I reviewed a number of studies on this adjuvant and found something quite interesting. Several studies done on human test subjects found MF-59 to be a very safe immune adjuvant. But when I checked to see who did these studies, I found-to no surprise-that they were done by the Novartis Pharmaceutical Company and Chiron Pharmaceutical Company, which have merged. They were all published in "prestigious" medical journals. Also, to no surprise, a great number of studies done by independent laboratories and research institutions all found a strong link between MF-59 and autoimmune diseases.Squalene in vaccines has been strongly linked to the Gulf War Syndrome. On August 1991, Anthony Principi, Secretary of Veterans Affairs admitted that soldiers vaccinated with the anthrax vaccine from 1990 to 1991 had an increased risk of 200 percent in developing the deadly disease amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), also called Lou Gehrig's disease. The soldiers also suffered from a number of debilitating and life-shortening diseases, such as polyarteritis nodosa, multiple sclerosis (MS), lupus, transverse myelitis (a neurological disorder caused by inflammation of the spinal cord), endocarditis (inflammation of the heart's inner lining), optic neuritis with blindness and glomerulonephritis (a type of kidney disease).The second ingredient, and one that greatly concerns me, is called gp120, a glycoprotein. Researchers found when it was mixed with squalene, the glycoprotein became strongly antigenic - that is, it produced a powerful and prolonged immune response to the vaccination. In fact, their studies show that with each dose, the intense immune reaction lasts over a year.Now for the shocker-the glycoprotein-gp120, a major component of MF-59 vaccine adjuvant, is the same protein fragment isolated from HIV - the virus that is responsible for the rapid dementia seen in AIDS patients.Studies have shown that when gp120 is taken up by the microglia cells in the brain, it causes intense inflammation and makes the brain subject to excitotoxic damage-a process called immunoexcitotoxicity. This is also the cause of the MS and optic neuritis associated with vaccines that contain MF-59.So, how would the gp120 get into the brain? Studies of other immune adjuvants using careful tracer techniques have shown that they routinely enter the brain following vaccination. What most people do not know, even the doctors who recommend the vaccines, is that most such studies by pharmaceutical companies observe the patients for only one to two weeks following vaccination-these types of reactions may take months or even years to manifest.
Meanwhile the CDC has refused to allow testimony before Congress on details about the MMR vaccine. It now becomes more clear why those concerned about vaccines have been so vilified. Their work has come perilously close to exposing that Americans are real danger from vaccines and the government has been done all it can to prevent this from coming out fully.
"The research the microbiologists were doing could have developed methods of treating diseases like anthrax and smallpox without conventional antibiotics or vaccines. Pharmaceutical contracts to deal with these diseases will total hundreds of millions, if not billions, of dollars. If epidemics could be treated in non-traditional ways, MEHPA might not be necessary. Considering the government¹s actions nullifying many civil liberties since last September, MEHPA seems to be a law looking for an excuse to be enacted. Maybe the microbiologists were in the way of some peoples' or business' agendas.
"We also know that DNA sequence research can be used to develop pathogens that target specific genetically related groups. One company, DynCorp, handles data processing for many Federal agencies, including the CDC, the Department of Agriculture, several branches of the Department of Justice, the FDA and the National Institute of Health. On 11/12/01 DynCorp announced that its subsidiary, DynPort, had been awarded a $322 million contract to develop, produce, test, and store FDA licensed vaccines for use by the DoD. It would be incredibly easy for DynCorp to hide information pertaining to the exact make-up, safety, efficacy and purpose of the drugs and vaccines the U.S. government has contracted for. .... "
Field McConnell exposed the uninterruptible autopilot being installed in passenger planes, making them vulnerable to being hacked from the ground. When he or someone of his caliber, announces that military is now checking out what FEMA and DHS did in the subways and making sure they can not be used to spray the public in a contained area, when others of military background and equal integrity are exposing the WHO/UN and forced vaccine plans here, when we have loyal military shutting down all FEMA camps and destroying the NSA surveillance data on the public as well as the equipment, when tons of vaccines from Novartis, Merck, GSK, and other Nazi related companies are being carted off as evidence for prosecution of a vast conspiracy to murder millions here, when military is ensuring there is food and safe water supplies for everyone, and no one will be held accountable for failure to pay mortgages or other major bills during the rigged banking shut down that is planned, and when the public knows all of this, our beloved country and all its people will be breaking free.
We can pray for things to change safely but we have to expose every piece of what they've planned to do to the united States and its people.
“The Mayan vision says we in the West will find safe harbor only if we can journey past a wall of mirrors. The mirrors will drive us mad—unless we have a strong heart.”
The American people have strong hearts. They also have good hearts. With both, they and the country will come through safely.