Chemtrail-Aerosol spraying over Vancouver International Airport, July 4, 2011 during official visit of Prince William, Duke of Cambridge, to Canada. Photo by Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd copyright 2011-12
Do you Have Heavy Metals Poisoning?
©Dr. Ilya Sandra Perlingieri
July 14, 2011
“There are all kinds of things going on with these Chemtrails. I think these Chemtrails are outrageous. They don’t belong in our sky. …We don’t need this kind of dosing the population with unknown chemicals, and messing up the body metabolism. I find it very reckless.”
Dr. Rosalie Bertell, May 3, 2005.
Author: Planet Earth: The Latest Weapon of War.
For the past decade (perhaps even 15 years or more, depending on where you live), Americans, then the entire North American continent, and now people worldwide, have been used as uninformed, experimental lab subjects for illegal aerosol spraying programs overhead with highly toxic Chemtrails. This massive project by the military, government officials, and elites continues every night and every day. Both commercial and private planes are being used. Despite thousands of calls and letters, public officials have refused to respond. Any of our real concerns are ignored or dismissed. The mainstream, corporate-controlled media and weather reporters are complicit in this planetary cover-up. The global environmental consequences are already dire.
We Don’t Have Any Air “Quality”
Since 2007, I have driven back and forth across the US seven times to see the skies (and dramatically diminished sunlight) myself and also to meet with top researchers to get answers. I have tested my once “organic” garden soil and artificial Winter “sno” to find a horrific brew of chemicals that have absolutely no place in our soil. Others have tested the air we are breathing, only to find more poisons. With each Chemtrails-laden breath, we inhale deadly chemicals, mycotoxins, weaponized viruses, mutated agrobacterium, insecticides, the desiccant EDB [Ethylene Dibromide, a deadly fumigant. Is this the major cause of dry eyes and dry skin and Chemtrails “waterfall” nosebleeds?], nuclear waste (such as thorium, that’s been sprayed more than 20 years), and an assortment of heavy metals (such as barium, aluminum, arsenic, lead, mercury, copper, manganese, and uranium). This is just a short list of lethal toxins.
Day in and day out, all of this hazardous spew is poisoning us. No one is safe. Rates of cancers, heart and lung diseases are at staggering all-time highs. Our precious children and grandchildren are born with a Chemical Body Burden that does not belong in newborns or in growing children. As I have previously written, to add to this, environmental laws in place since the 1970s have been deliberately gutted to give corporate polluters tax breaks, while any REAL accountability is non-existent. Meanwhile every year, as a consequence of these poisons, more people are becoming gravely ill and dying. None of this is either natural or inevitable.(1)
We are all expendable. What counts in our world gone totally askew is out-of-control greed. We are “valuable” solely as commodities: we can consume and buy toxic Genetically Modified foods, untested drugs, cars, gasoline, and anything else we can still afford. That’s the only reason we “count.” This makes the corporations fabulously rich (while rarely paying any taxes). Corporate wealth takes precedence over our health and safety every time. See:
However, in the bigger picture of a deliberately caused Economic Depression and planned Financial Collapse, the elite and wealthy insiders want to gut the US and all its laws. With a police state in place and our Constitutional rights trashed, there is little left of our “sovereignty.” Based on fear and perpetual wars, they want to create a world of dis-unity, dis-harmony, and dis-order consisting of a drug-controlled, zombie population no longer able to think coherently or critically. Disaster capitalism is already in full swing with a very poorly informed/educated population realizing the true nature of what is happening. We already have severe harm from this illegal geo-engineered weaponized weather and GMO crops and the resulting damage to our entire web of life. All animals and plant life have been gravely affected.
The numerous articles I have written (on our degraded “health” these poisons have caused) have resonated with so many people around the world. Yes, we are all very concerned. Yet, nothing has been done to STOP these massive crimes of harm! We have done nothing collectively to put a stop to this. In fact, since this past Winter, the aerosol poisons have increased; and people are far more ill. For weeks and weeks, there was hardly any sunshine. The air always smelled full of chemicals. The Eastern Seaboard, New England, and the Pacific Northwest all were heavily assaulted with even more poisonous Chemtrails. Hospital Emergency Rooms were packed, and people were often mis-diagnosed.
In addition, we must not discount the radioactive, but invisible and on-going nightmare at Fukushima’s destroyed nuclear reactors. The enormous ionizing radiation to which we are all exposed is now worldwide. The cover-up by governments and TEPCO is enormous. See:
When a country deliberately does not monitor radiation or chemical exposure, then no one can be held accountable. None of this is accidental. Again, we are all expendable; and the worst radiation harm will be to the entire Japanese population and then the entire West Coast of North America. See:
Because these poisons are mostly invisible to the eye, and because mainstream media mostly ignores this epic crisis, and because the medical profession is poorly trained about the impact of environmental poisons, millions of people still do not know what is going on. So, the modus operandi is to instill fear to the population, based on lies. This is continually perpetuated by governments and media controlled by the elite’s hidden agendas.
Yet, there are millions of us around our planet who do realize the extreme gravity of these clandestine and criminal programs. It continues to be a multi-pronged attack on us to destroy our health. We see clearly that there has been a dramatic rise in childrens’ illnesses (including cancers, asthma, and vaccine-related autism, ADD, etc.) and an all-over rise in cardiac illnesses and cognitive damage. In addition, Morgellons, a bio-weaponized nightmare has already wrecked the health of possibly tens of millions of people.
As they fall to earth, Chemtrails are also destroying the natural balance and ratio of our planet’s elements and minerals; and this too is causing enormous havoc. The late British researcher, Mark Purdey wrote extensively (but in obscure journals) about the impact of a distorted Manganese, Copper, and Zinc soil ratio that causes TSEs [Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies], including the epidemics of Mad Cow Disease, Chronic Wasting Disease [now affecting the deer population], and Creutzfeldt-Jacob Disease [CJD, one of the increasingly prevalent fatal neuro-degenerative human diseases that destroys the brain]
Purdey noted that this distorted ratio was caused by
“intensive exposure to natural and artificial sources of infrasonic acoustic shockwaves [from] (tectonic disturbances, supersonic turbojet …planes, etc.)…which are simultaneously predisposed to specific environmental factors that induce a high Manganese and low Copper, low Zinc ratio in brains of local mammalian [human and bovine] populations.”
See: “The Origins of TSEs”:
In another important article, he wrote that
“White Sands [Missile Range] has become a leading world centre for monitoring infrasonic shock bursts from around the globe --not least for monitoring the unique intensity of bursts that are radiated by the explosions of their own missiles. The poor deer herd has played guinea pig to an unwitting experiment that has cracked the causal riddle of spongiform disease.” See: “The BSE Theory”:
Here are critical links between the dramatic change in natural soil ratios and illnesses created by deadly military maneuvers that directly affect humans and the animals eaten, as toxins accumulate up the food chain. It is essential that we read and understand this research and its impact on us!
All this encompasses far more than the degraded “standard” and already highly polluted air we are breathing. In a public lecture in Portland, Oregon (September 2009), Clifford Carnicom, one of the leading researchers on Chemtrails and Morgellons, told the audience: “we are now breathing plasma.”
What effects have become far worse during this past decade? Today, there are more “gatekeepers” creating more diversionary tactics to deliberately debunk what many of us have investigated. Illnesses, most likely created in secret labs, are up dramatically. How much longer can we see our very web of life unraveling around us, while secret military missions wreck everything? We still need answers from those “in charge” and we demand accountability!
HOW MUCH LONGER CAN WE REMAIN SILENT, WHILE SO MANY WE CARE ABOUT ARE ILL? None of these “illnesses” are standard ones.
How many people do you know who are ill in your own family? Your friends or co-workers? How many small children do you know who are critically ill or have died? How many people do you know whose behavior is strange/odd (when in the past it was not)? How many of you have chronic problems, and cannot find a doctor who has any training in environmental medicine? How many of you have been told “there is nothing wrong” when you have serious symptoms, but they do not fit the narrow medical parameters that doctors have been taught? How many of you know young people who often have multiple chronic illnesses? Pharmaceuticals cannot fix Chemtrails and other weather modification poisonings, but physicians never discuss these topics.
Barium and aluminum, both found in enormous quantities in our geo-engineered air are part of the Chemtrails brew. Left undiagnosed, barium poisoning can and does cause enormous damage to the heart and nervous system. Aluminum is known to cause cognitive damage and brain death. Both are silent killers. Neither one of these should be found in air samples or in human hair. For more than a decade, independent researcher Clifford Carnicom has been documenting the poisons in the air and the link with Morgellons found in human and animal blood samples. Please see his extensive research at: and This is essential reading for everyone.
Independent polymer chemist, Dr. R. Michael Castle, has written the only real legislation that would effectively stop these aerosol crimes, “The Unified Atmospheric Preservation Act”:
His seminal research also documents that these poisons have significantly altered our planet. See “The Methodic Demise of Natural Earth”:
How many of you have ever had a hair analysis done for heavy metals toxicity? This is an accepted way to determine what the human (or animal) body has accumulated in toxins. [Blood tests show short-term results done on the day of the test. A hair analysis shows a more overall, long-term impact of toxic exposure in the body.] It is a simple and non-invasive procedure; and it can be a practical way to test your body’s mineral balance. It can detect accumulations of poisons from external sources and how they can impact and damage all your biological functions. It is an easy test to do: cut a small amount of your hair from the base of your neck (about a small teaspoonful, 1 1/2 inches of new growth), fill out a form (provided by a licensed lab), enclose a check (unless you pay your health care provider directly), and mail this to a reputable lab. Results are usually sent back to your health care provider within two weeks.,, and I are calling for nationwide testing for heavy metals. Any of the usual, standard lab tests will not show any heavy metals toxicity. If you’re ill and you don’t know what is wrong, you cannot make any informed decisions. However, if you have a hair analysis done for heavy metals, this will show the extent of your body’s contamination. This will be the first time there is a concerted and collective effort done to show the extent of human toxicity to all of us, resulting from years of Chemtrails poisoning and other pollution that is now completely out of control.
We would like to see women, men, and children from every state participate in this first nationwide testing. will post these results online. It will be done anonymously to protect your privacy. What we do need for you to include is your gender, age, city, and state. Hopefully, this testing would also include people from Canada and Mexico, too.
1.Find a reputable lab, such as (we do not have any financial ties to this lab), and have your doctor give you the pre-printed lab form to fill out from a dependable lab. Many health care providers have the lab’s standard form. The cost should be around $65.
2.Complete the form. Check all the boxes for all the metals. Cut a sample of your hair. The lab instructions tell you exactly how to do it. Some labs even include testing for radioactive elements.
3.Before you mail your hair sample, completed form, and a check, make sure you have this completed form notarized. IMPORTANT: Keep a notarized photocopy of it for your own records.
4.A special page will be set up at, so you can send the results directly there. Save your original copy; and make a second copy where you can cross out your name and address, so it’s sent anonymously. MAKE SURE YOU GIVE US YOUR AGE, GENDER, CITY, & STATE. When you get your lab results, please send them electronically to We will post these results.
5.For anyone who wants to have their companion pets tested for heavy metals, check with the lab first. Some labs will do this. It is important to understand that this poisoning is affecting ALL life on this planet. Most Veterinarians are uninformed.
There have been enough lies and deceit by public officials who used to be working for us “we, the people.” Not any longer. It is enough. We have been surrounded by officials bent on nothing but harm: endless wars; invading other countries without provocation and no rule of law. The US military-industrial complex and its sycophants have killed millions of innocent civilians and brought grave environmental harm to all of us. Everything else, but the “war machine” (the basest example of human behavior) has been gutted: no money for education, or genuine health or elder care, or “real” social services, or anything that makes a society work well! This is an askew paradigm where harm and fear trump compassion and love. Any society bent on such harm cannot survive.
We want our health back. We DO NOT WANT TO BE EXPERIMENTAL LAB ANIMALS FOR CONTINUED HARM! WE WANT ALL OUR CHILDREN TO BE SAFE! We want our air to be clear and clean. We want to be able to live in peace and harmony. These are basic and universal human rights. This poisoning of all of us MUST STOP! This is the first collective step to having enough lab results, across the country and continent, to prove that we are being poisoned. It hasn’t been done before.
So, now we must start from a place of caring and concern, and step to the plate, and document this massive poisoning. We can join together for the greatest good and work from our highest ethical and heart space-potential. We must each take personal responsibility and be a force for good, united for peace and harmony. TOGETHER, WE CAN DO THIS!
PLEASE NOTE: We will have education information on heavy metals detox protocols posted soon. But as always, please check with your own health care provider.
1. Lawrence Wilson. “Toxic Metals and Human Health.” March 2011:
I have also posted some of the following references before. I am repeating them and some new ones, as they are ESSENTIAL READING:
*Dr. Nick Begich and Jeanne Manning. “Angels Don’t Play This Haarp.” This is about radio frequency energy and manipulating the earth’s Ionosphere.
Also Part 1 interview at:
*Dr. Rosalie Bertell. “No Immediate Danger” and “Planet Earth: The Latest Weapon of War.”
Also interviews at:
“Planet Earth: The Latest Weapon of War”:
Part 1 (of 4):
*The “Olgacom connection”:
Educator and environmental writer Dr. Ilya Sandra Perlingieri is the author of the highly acclaimed book, “The Uterine Crisis.” London’s “The Ecologist” calls this book “an inspiration.”
See also Articles on C hemtrails by Alfred Lambremont Webre:
Expert: Chemtrails are global covert operation for total control
Chemtrails are global covert operation mind control operations, violation of international humanitarian law
Chemtrails are global covert operation for tectonic (earthquake) and weather war
YOUTUBE: Clifford Carnicom, Aerosol War Crimes,
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