What they ain't saying is it's their own damn shot that spreads it. That little bit of news would make it hard to sell the damn things.
Flu shot don't do squat to stop the flu.
CDC, how come you don't have that little southern-acting little actress tell folks a little something about that good for nothing shot for a flu that is joke? How bout you tell the country folk you're talking down to with them ads, that the flu shot has 25,000 times more mercury in it that the government allows in drinking water? Hmmm?
So, yeah, be a real man and get a shot that's like slamming yourself on head 25,000 with sledge hammer.
And the TDap or DTaP - the guy in charge of safety of 'em said they were the filthiest substance ever injected in human body. Not runner up to the filthiest. The winner of filthy. Yeah, does the CDC think that's just the sort of things good ole boys would gravitate toward? That's like a real man rushing right out and drinking shit water from the toilet.
Does the CDC expect Alabama good ole boys and all the other good ole boys to keel over on demand, too?
Those vaccine companies and their megaphone over at the CDC must be pretty hard up these days. They're clearly hoping all those false WHO numbers on ebola and Obama saying it's as dangerous as ISIS will be enough for martial law here, so they can shoot ebola vaccines into Americans. (Didn't the CIA make ISIS? Come to think of it, didn't the US make ebola, too? http://www.naturalnews.com/046290_Ebola_patent_vaccines_profit_motive.html) The CDC and WHO are going to need some even more fake "scary" numbers than they used in 2009 though. http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2009/10/24/cbs-reveals-that-swine-flu-cases-seriously-overestimated.aspx#!
Why scarier? Because people ain't buying it anymore. 88% of smart parents in LA are somehow passing up on smashing their kids brains in with all that mercury or putting toilet bowl slop into their babies with a needle. We good ole boys can't beat that figure. None of us need your "shit in a shot." Or as the Brits would say, "shaite in shot."
Boy, the CDC is some big building full of dopes if they think all they gotta do is put a cheap commercial on a country channel in Alabama where some southern-sounding actress says "real men take TWO shots," and country guys are just going to put down their beer or their barbeque tongs or their hammer or their rifle and rush right out and get crap shot into them. Yeah, right.
Hard as it might be for the CDC to get it, Alabama country boys and country boys around the country in general actually know the difference between being real men and being mind controlled.
Try doing a little looking around. You see those white construction workers having lunch with those black construction workers? Can you figure that out? Or maybe you have your heads too far up those test tubes of lab-made ebola.
You may be racist asses selling racist shots over at the CDC, but you know what? You're all alone. Americans, including good ole boys, grew up a long time ago. We give a damn about other people.
So, let's be real clear. Real men ain't afraid of a couple of little pricks, we just don't listen to all the big ones over at CDC.
The Vaccine Hoax Is Over
Unvaccinated Children Are Healthier
VITAMIN C CAN CURE EBOLA: So Why Are The WHO and CDC Creating A Crisis?
Not Just MMR Lies:
CDC Lies About ALL Vaccines
by Steve Green
Every Black Child In Ferguson Has Been Shot
The Truth of Ebola - EbolaGate
The Tuskegee Victims Won't Rest In Peace Until The CDC Is Gone - EbolaGate
Well, How Very Clever, Ebola for the Oil Companies
CDC and CIA - A Close And Sick Relationship
Go Shoot Yourself With Your Nasty-Ass Shit-in-a-Shot
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