All the fear, laws and plans related to ebola that threaten the American public with medical martial law and death by vaccine, began on November 1, 2005.
"On November 1, President George W. Bush went to the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland to hold a high profile press conference, to announce a 381-page plan, officially called the Pandemic Influenza Strategic Plan.
"It was no ordinary Bush photo opportunity. This one was meant to be a big splash event. The President was surrounded by almost half his cabinet, including Secretary of State Condi Rice, joined by the Secretaries of Homeland Security, Agriculture, Health & Human Services, Transportation and, interestingly enough, Veteran Affairs. And, just to underscore that this was a big deal, the White House invited the Director-General of the World Health Organization, who flew in from Geneva for the occasion.
"The President began his remarks with the now-obligatory scare-story from 1918: ‘At this moment, there is no pandemic influenza in the United States or the world. But if history is our guide, there is reason to be concerned. In the last century, our country and the world have been hit by three influenza pandemics -- and viruses from birds contributed to all of them. The first, which struck in 1918, killed over half-a-million Americans and more than 20 million people across the globe…’
"He was remarkably candid about the imminent danger to the American people: ‘Scientists and doctors cannot tell us where or when the next pandemic will strike, or how severe it will be, but most agree: at some point, we are likely to face another pandemic. And the scientific community is increasingly concerned by a new influenza virus known as H5N1 -- or avian flu…’
"Mr. Bush went on to stress, ‘At this point, we do not have evidence that a pandemic is imminent. Most of the people in Southeast Asia who got sick were handling infected birds. And while the avian flu virus has spread from Asia to Europe, there are no reports of infected birds, animals, or people in the United States. Even if the virus does eventually appear on our shores in birds, that does not mean people in our country will be infected. Avian flu is still primarily an animal disease. And as of now, unless people come into direct, sustained contact with infected birds, it is unlikely they will come down with avian flu.’
"Despite the admission of absence of a clear and present danger to the American public, the President called on Congress to immediately pass a new $7.1 billion in emergency funding to prepare for that not-imminent, not-pandemic, possible-in-the-future danger. The speech was an exercise in the Administration’s now-famous ‘pre-emptive war,’ this one against Avian Flu. As with the other pre-emptive wars, there is a multiple agenda—one might say, killing two birds with one stone, were it not so tasteless."
Read more about who got rich ....
There are certainly a lot of companies waiting in the wings to get rich on ebola vaccines, though they had to give ebola quite a little boost to make it dangerous enough to both make the vaccines appear crucial and enough of a lethality to satisfy the billionaires in David Rockefellers' "Good Club" who want a 70 to 95% genocide of the world population and the Jesuits who are behind a plan to end the US using ebola as the means.
These men work for the Jesuits and have already shown they are murderous.
Treasonous, Jesuit-controlled, CFR Advisors, 1999 #202
Cyrus R. Vance, former Secretary of State Shriner
Freemason Henry A. Kissinger, former Secretary of State Shriner
Freemason David Rockefeller, CFR Presider and
the Black Pope's [Jesuits'] International Banker
having replaced J. P. Morgan.
Annual Report: Council on Foreign Relations,
(New York: The Harold Pratt House, 1994, p. 60; 1999, p. 54).
“It can easily be seen that the identity of Jesuit political thought with the objectives of Nazi-Fascism makes it imperative to conceal it from the American public. Were it otherwise, the Catholic Church would suffer complete loss of its prestige in the United States — in the eyes of Catholics and non-Catholics alike.” {8} Leo H. Lehmann, 1942 Irish Ex-Priest
Behind the Dictators
"When the time is right the Black Pope will give the order and the post Protestant Reformation American culture as we know it today will be no more! His Masonic Shriners, Knights of Malta and Knights of Columbus on Wall Street will cause an economic collapse resulting in the anarchy of an inner city race war led by his Black Supremacist Nation of Islam. The Constitution will be suspended and martial law will be declared by a final presidential executive order. America’s Commander-in-Chief will truly be a fascist dictator backed by the economic might of the Knights of Malta.
"In fulfilling The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, the Jesuit Oath and the Council of Trent, he, like other fascist dictators of the past, will make a treaty with Rome called a “Concordat.” The guns will be confiscated and the persecution of Protestants, Baptists and Jews will begin in dead earnest! Alaska will be the American Siberia run by Jesuit Inquisitors. Located in the southwest corner, there is a one-million acre “restricted area” complex to be used for brainwashing as well as bizarre and torturous experiments as part of the Jesuits’ “relentless war” on all “heretics and liberals” — the Empire’s Protestant, Baptists, Jews and anti-fascist, anti-socialist-communist, pro-Constitution, truly “liberal” conservatives.
Their key to the end of the US is a weaponized virus and its "cure," a weaponized vaccine.
"The primary Ebola strain being spread right now (as their are 2) was bioengineered by the US Department of Defense (via USAMRIID) & Tulane University with the knowledge/help from pharma/biotech giants such as Monsanto, Alnylam, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Merck, Pfizer and a much smaller pharma company based out of Canada called Tekmira. A known Ebola strain from Central-Africa was used as the base, and was bioengeneered to become a new hybrid respiratory illness (a combination of Ebola Virus & Lassa Hemorrhagic Fever, weaponized via Tulane University & USAMRIID at Fort Detrick) making it become a genetic variant of the original strain. This bioengineered hybrid allowed for airborne human-to-human transmission, an extended incubation period (to increase spread/threat), and a slightly toned down virility (to have the ideal initial wanted mortality rate (~40%))."
The fundamental question for individuals is whether you would trust an ebola vaccine from companies that invented a bioweaponized ebola, have lied about every aspect of it, and for which George Bush and his friends rather evil friends arranged for international, national and state laws all built around a disease they created, which would give them, ABSOLUTE power over every person's body in the country.
And then there's the question, How do you feel about George Bush and the CDC (Rockefellers and CIA) having put in place pandemic laws to go along with the pandemic they are trying to get going artificially, that would force ebola vaccines on you and your loved one even if you know they could be lethal?
Nice touch that, their mandating vaccines that may kill to allegedly "prevent" a virus they worked so hard to invent to be sufficiently lethal.
These are nasty folks.
Ebola is the second part of 9/11. Those who did 9/11 have prepared for a coup. Here is the plan.
First 9/11 Then Guillotines
Here is the Jewish version.
A Vrba Message: Jews, Ebola and Two Holocausts
Tell your friends so no one is silly enough to think ebola happened from nature and the government is helping everyone out.
Also tell your friends, that a doctor in Liberia is getting a 93% recovery rate using just an off the shelf HIV drug.
People can do as well or better by using high dose vitamin C which works on all viruses, even nasty bioengineered ones mixed up in some caldron by maniacs at Tulane and USAMRIID.
Or for an in-depth course in Vitamin C and why it works so powerfully, go to:
Vitamin C for Newbies and Professionals and Any Hiding Under the Bed To Avoid Ebola
All of this is built on a house of cards - lies - and stopping depends on everyone sharing with each other and good Americans, whether in the military or any agency refusing to follow fascist orders to vaccinate, incarcerate, or in other way harm other Americans.
Be well, be good to each other, and be strong Fear is what they want and it makes you putty for them. This garbage can't go forward if it's exposed. That's happening.
Do your part. Blab. Make that a very wide spread blab.
Ebola Is A Gift From Jesuit Murderers:
Bush's "Pandemic" Laws and Obama Make A Genocide of It - EbolaGate
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