The WHO and CDC know that ebola kills by depleting the body of all vitamin C. So why are the WHO and the CDC not reassuring the world that vitamin C cures ebola by resupplying what the body lost?
“The very first symptoms of ebola are exactly the same as scurvy, which is caused by inadequate vitamin C. Though scurvy is seldom fatal as a primary condition, scurvy also represents only a partial deficiency of vitamin C, the body still has a LOT of vitamin C compared to zero, which ebola causes. Absent ANY vitamin C, blood vessels become very weak and start to lose blood, and platelets become ineffective and unable to trigger clots. So death by ebola is caused by massive internal bleeding and loss of blood, which can be stopped simply by taking enormous doses of vitamin C until the immune system succeeds in killing off the virus.”
Why are the WHO and CDC not telling the world that vitamin C kills ALL viruses?"To date, not a single virus has been tested that is not inactivated (killed) by a large enough dose of vitamin C (ascorbic acid). Many other antioxidants have similar virucidal effects, but vitamin C appears uniquely to be of greatest potency and clinical efficacy, as its simple chemical structure allows for it to be disseminated throughout the body with little restriction.
"As such, it is able to effectively address viral populations present in both the intracellular and extracellular spaces. Other antioxidants have been found to have higher ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) values – measurements which are used to quantify the antioxidant capacity of supplements (or foods). However, a virus can never be incapacitated by a potent antioxidant if the chemical structure of that antioxidant does not permit direct contact between the virus and the antioxidant.
"Vitamin C is both very potent and optimally bioavailable in accessing any viral infection."
People have been infected with ebola, specifically need vitamin C because ebola removes all vitamin C from the body.
“The very first symptoms of ebola are exactly the same as scurvy, which is caused by inadequate vitamin C. Though scurvy is seldom fatal as a primary condition, scurvy also represents only a partial deficiency of vitamin C, the body still has a LOT of vitamin C compared to zero, which ebola causes. Absent ANY vitamin C, blood vessels become very weak and start to lose blood, and platelets become ineffective and unable to trigger clots. So death by ebola is caused by massive internal bleeding and loss of blood, which can be stopped simply by taking enormous doses of vitamin C until the immune system succeeds in killing off the virus.
"In the classic form of scurvy that evolves very slowly from the gradual depletion of vitamin C body stores, the immune system will be sufficiently compromised for infection to claim the patient’s life before the extensive hemorrhage that occurs after all vitamin C stores have been completely exhausted. Ebola virus and the other viral hemorrhagic fevers are much more likely to cause hemorrhaging before any other fatal infection has a chance to become established. This is because the virus so rapidly and totally metabolizes and consumes all available vitamin C in the bodies of the victims that an advanced stage of scurvy is literally produced after only a few days of the disease.
"The scurvy is so complete that the blood vessels generally cannot keep from hemorrhaging long enough to allow an infective complication to develop. Also, the viral hemorrhagic fevers typically only take hold and reach epidemic proportions in those populations that would already be expected to have low body stores of vitamin C, such as is found in many of the severely malnourished Africans. In such individuals, an infecting hemorrhagic virus will often wipe out any remaining vitamin C stores before the immune systems can get the upper hand and initiate recovery. When the vitamin C stores are rapidly depleted by large infecting doses of an aggressive virus, the immune system gets similarly depleted and compromised. However, this point is largely academic after hemorrhaging throughout the body has begun.
"To date, no viral infection has been demonstrated to be resistant to the proper dosing of vitamin C as classically demonstrated by Klenner. However, not all viruses have been treated with Klenner-sized vitamin C doses, or at least the results have not been published. Ebola viral infection and the other acute viral hemorrhagic fevers appear to be diseases that fall into this category. Because of the seemingly exceptional ability of these viruses to rapidly deplete vitamin C stores, even larger doses of vitamin C would likely be required in order to effectively reverse and eventually cure infections caused by these viruses.
"Cathcart (1981), who introduced the concept of bowel tolerance to vitamin C discussed earlier, hypothesized that Ebola and the other acute viral hemorrhagic fevers may well require 500,000 mg of vitamin C daily to reach bowel tolerance! Whether this estimate is accurate, it seems clear as evidenced by the scurvy-like clinical manifestations of these infections that vitamin C dosing must be vigorous and given in extremely high doses. If the disease seems to be winning, then even more vitamin C should be given until symptoms begin to lessen. Obviously, these are viral diseases that would absolutely require high doses of vitamin C intravenously as the initial therapy. The oral administration should begin simultaneously, but the intravenous route should not be abandoned until the clinical response is complete. Death occurs too quickly with the hemorrhagic fevers to be conservative when dosing the vitamin C. (from Vitamin C, Infectious Diseases, and Toxins:Curing the Incurable by Thomas E. Levy MD JD)
Does this look like medical help?
"Why is vitamin C so effective in killing viruses?"
"A primary way in which vitamin C destroys viruses, or sets them up for destruction by the immune system, is by activating the ‘Fenton reaction’. In a nutshell, this reaction can proceed inside the virus, inside cells in which viruses are replicating, and on the surfaces of the viruses themselves.
"The result of this reaction that is stimulated by the presence of vitamin C, one or more transition metal cations, and the local presence of peroxide is the immediate production of hydroxyl radicals. These radicals are the most reactive oxidizing agents ever identified. As such, they radically upregulate oxidative stress and end up destroying whatever is in their immediate environment.
"The effects of vitamin C in “mopping up” after it inflicts its viral damage are further supported by its potent and multifaceted support of the immune system. There is no other substance that singularly does as much to promote increased and strong immune function as vitamin C.
"Among many other effects, vitamin C directly stimulates interferon and antibody production, while effectively supercharging the functions of the white blood cells by becoming very concentrated inside those cells.
"To be balanced, it is also important to note that the effects of vitamin C on chronic viral infections, such as chronic hepatitis, AIDS, or HIV-positive states are less profound, as the virus works its way into physical locations much less accessible by vitamin C than when the viral infections are acute. Nevertheless, long-term, highly-dosed protocols of vitamin C often completely control and even occasionally cure these diseases."
Are the WHO and CDC afraid of people finding out about Vitamin C?
"In the simplest terms, physics has been applied to biologic science, offering a theoretical understanding of the rapid and full cures that had already been occurring in practice. Seeing through the endless complexity of diseases and disorders which the old paradigm has generated and still continues to add to, along with an even greater complexity of treatments, physics has yielded a single common denominator true for all disease, cancers, toxins, infections and viruses. Health is based on electron flow. Diseases, toxins, infections, viruses, all deplete that flow. The more serious the disease threat, the greater the depletion. With that common denominator, physics could support the idea of a single effective treatment, and a description of how it cures - anything that can deliver electrons in a sufficiently high enough concentration to where it is needed in the body, can neutralize any disease (any loss of electrons)."
Read more:

Since you the author of this article knows so much about vitamin C, why are you not curing victims of ebola? Go ahead and save one live with your conspiracy theory, and your claim against the WHO may have some credibility.
Posted by: James | 09/27/2014 at 04:57 AM
This is not a reputable website, nor news source.
Posted by: Honest | 10/02/2014 at 06:08 PM
James and Honest - Experience is better than conjecture. There are many reputable physicians (dating back to the 1950's) who have used high-dose IV vitamin C with very creditable results. Liposomal vitamin C is demonstrating impressive results, too.
It is easy to not investigate a subject thoroughly (i.e., hide one's head in the sand) and throw stones based on what? You want proof? Read the excellent book, "Curing the Incurable," by Dr. Thomas Levy, which cites many research papers proving the efficacy of ascorbic acid, both orally and intravenously.
Read the on-line version of the book, "The Healing Factor: Vitamin C Against Disease," at for further discussion and research references.
Better yet, experiment with ascorbic acid in an "honest" manner. Find out what dosages are recommended by proponents -- not the RDA set by the FDA. Also, note how much IV vitamin C was used by Dr. Klenner, Dr. Cathcart, Dr. Levy and others. Watch the video about Alan Smith, the New Zealand dairy farmer who contracted Swine Flue and had his life saved with both IV vitamin C and liposomal vitamin C. ( Try it out for yourself (all forms). Many who have done so, swear by the liposomal form. Just be informed and fair and then you can better comment. As it stands, your comments mean little as neither of you are basing you opinions on personal experience.
As far as this web site being reputable or not, that is beside the point. The information in the article either stands on its own merits (again, look at the research) or not. I am not vouching for other articles here, but I do know the vitamin C information is not wild speculation.
Posted by: G | 10/08/2014 at 05:48 PM
James- Your cynicism won't help you survive the CIA's planned ebola psyop.
The author of this article is an attorney in his 70s who has deconstructed the CIA's ebola psyop, explaining how it is being foisted off on us. He has created this whole blog as a public service and it could save your life if you would stop reacting to him in such a stupid, mindless, arrogant way.
I incorporated his deconstruction of the CIA's ebola psyop into the Alert that I emailed last night to my double opt in email distribution list of thousands of people world wide.
You can see that alert here
Posted by: John Hammell | 10/23/2014 at 08:14 AM