In 2009, the CDC did the same sort of thing. They just pulled the darn numbers out of the air, and in the process they created a greater and greater Swine flu bubble, freaking out the country. That is, until CBS found the real numbers. No swine flu, and what's more, barely even any sneezes of any sort. CBS took a little pin of truth, and pop, no pandemic. That was a wonderful thing for the country but it was a vaccine catastrophe which Obama tried to stop by immediately declaring a swine flu emergency. That meant the vaccine manufacturers who were salivating over trillions from the fear the CDC and WHO were puffing up like two mad dragons on opium, didn't have to test their swine flu vaccines and could not be sued for maiming or killing people Nice, since the vaccines turned out to cause narcolepsy, and killed quite a few people including killing fetuses at a 700% increased rate.
In this case, no harm, no foul, because a new adage: harm but no legal mess.
So, we are in 2014 and the vaccine companies and those behind them are after another pandemic since they've tied a lot of laws and presidential orders to a big one, and if they can get one big enough, they get to take over the US and suck even possible thing out of it they want.
http://exopolitics.blogs.com/breaking_news/2014/08/ebola-triggers-george-bushs-bizarre-pandemic-laws.html And on the way there, they can take over countries with oil.
http://exopolitics.blogs.com/ebolagate/2014/08/well-how-very-clever-ebola-for-the-oil-companies.htmlThey've been planning this for decades, maybe much longer so they are understandably rather eager which lights quit a little fire under their WHO.
Which brings us back to the WHO reporting an "exponential increase" in Ebola cases. Now, is it obvious they have taken a page from two books to do it. One page is from the CDC which just merrily put out false Swine flu numbers in 2009 until doctors and health people across the US called CBS and said "We aren't seeing a darn thing" and CBS found the data the CDC was hiding, same as they hid the MMR vaccine data showing it causes autism and 340% more in little black boys . The CDC doesn't just have a vivid imagination but they must have quite a closet over there.
So, for the WHO, if the CDC can just put out false numbers, then why not themselves? They would just have to cordon off areas to make sure no one pulled a CBS on them and went in and looked themselves.
But the WHO has another page to help them out with creating exponential numbers of cases. And that would be the bankers page which is really their own page since the ebola ""pandemic" is very much "This is the house that Jack built, only it's a circular house"
And the bankers' page is a special page - just pull the damn numbers out of thin air, just like they do with money, interest rates, bond rates, etc. They are so used to saying whatever they want, wrapping it up in whatever pomp and circumstance they favor for the day (the IMF announcing a number, the FED announcing a number, the president announcing a number, whatever fits the drama they want and "looks" real) and putting it out through their whole-y owned global media, that one must actually forgive them if they have lost touch with how things are done in the real world. They are on a roll and haven't gotten it yet that their fictions are being seen through now and almost faster than they can announce them as "news."
The WHO's exponential ebola numbers are CDC's fiction on steroids. The CDC can only dream of being able to operate at the WHO's level!
And how does the WHO come up with the numbers, other then pulling them out of the air or their nether region? For there must be some charade of a method if anyone looks.
One must have mumbo jumbo to do the mathematical magic.
The WHO pulls off their "we can say and do whatever we want, we're the bankers after all" medical fantasia by, believe it or not, depending on "verbal" autopsies. They and the CDC have even created a "draft" verbal autopsy "instrument" that makes look official what the CDC did before but bungled badly by not having a "draft" or an "instrument" for putting out its fabulously, 80 to 98% fictitious numbers.
And the essential little draft even includes the oddest little all rights reserved disclaimer that involving redrawing national boundaries of many country which the WHO is careful to say, does not imply any opinion on its part of what it is instrumental in doing.
"© World Health Organization
All rights reserved.
The designations employed and the presentation of the material in this publication do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the World Health Organization concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. Dotted lines on maps represent approximate border lines for which there may not yet be full agreement."
Which makes legally fine and puts the WHO in the clear for what it has done to set up Liberia and to kill its people. Not the WHO fault.
"Malac failed to mention WHO and the UN, who have put 1.3 million people in Ebola quarantine. Quarantines and mass vaccination are their policies when they declare an epidemic. In addition, it is the US government, WHO and UN, who are failing to transfer promised funds, so leaving nurses and doctors without basic protective equipment like gloves, leading to avoidable deaths among medical personnel and strikes.
"Not to mention all the evidence that Ebola is a US bioweapon."
If the Bankers are fruit bats, then, yes the CDC saying ebola comes from fruit bats is right after all. The just didn't say countries come down with martial law and imposed bioweapons while the world watches, thinking ebola is sometihing medical.
Back to the instrument. No concrete fact, you understand. Leading questions, mind you. Defined in advance to elicit ebola as the cause of death. Rather the same WHO genius in "defining things" which is how the WHO didn't find polio in India after Bill Gates' polio vaccine paralyzed 47,500 kids in India. The WHO found only "non-polio paralysis" and poof, not polio in India.
But an autopsy is a real thing and that is a major problem if you want to play bubble games with the numbers of perceived deaths from ebola. It's the same bugger of a problem as having to have collateral held by a bank rather than just depending on digital fun and doing whatever one wants that is to your advantage. If you plan to take military control of whole countries while pretending you're helping, you had better have huge, fantastic, ginormous, frigging panic-inducing ebola numbers to make your moving in with some medial equipment seem not only plausible but urgent out the whahoo in order to distract from the massive amount of military equipment and the definite totalitarian aroma of a take over.
So, the WHO, working for the western bankers who have wrecked the world with abandon for profit and who see wars as delightful products to make yet more money, absolutely cannot be limited by concrete facts. So how, oh how, to come up with those numbers and have them have at least a slim veneer of credence? Come up with a "Draft Verbal Autopsy Instrument"!
How very formal, and full of crap.
Draft (They threw it together and it has no validity).
Verbal (Use words. Just words. Nothing tangible. Words that float in the air and then will be written down to look for all the world "as though" they were based on facts.)
Autopsy (Really the mind boggles. An autopsy is an autopsy. Dead body, opening it, checking organs, chemical analysis. That sort of thing. Gross. Real. That's an autopsy. The WHO is calling an interview, and a rigged one at that, a medical autopsy. This is extremely clever just like all delusions are.)
Instrument (Whoa. The WHO is now turning a frigging interview, just words and pencil and paper, into metal. The WHO is linguistically suggesting - and ebola is all about linguistics and creating images that are based on nothing - that it has a new "instrument" for doing an autopsy on a dead body. It's pure banker alchemy. A sound applied a dinky and rigged interview to turn it into a medical "instrument."
Words are inseparable from what is needed to create the appearance of a terrifying pandemic. The reality doesn't match so the words that are needed are, let's be frank, lies.
A WHO verbal autopsy might go something like this:
WHO: What did they die of?
African health worker: No idea.
WHO: Look carefully. See any ebola?
African health worker: Not really. They were starving is my best guess.
WHO: We don't "guess" at the WHO. Look closer. Do you see any blood. That's a sign of ebola.
African health worker: Not really
WHO: Anywhere? Do you see any?
African health worker: They have a cut on their leg. That had been bleeding.
WHO: There you go. Ebola.
African health worker: But ....
WHO: And what about the other 3 who died?
African health worker: A man hit by a car and mother who died in childbirth, and the baby.
WHO: Blood?
African health worker: Well, yes, but he was hit by a car ....
WHO: Was he bleeding or not?
African health worker: Yes, he was but ....
WHO: Did he die from his bleeding? Is dying from bleeding not a cardinal sign of ebola?
African heath worker: Yes, but ....
WHO: Ebola. Cut and dried.
African health worker: With the mother and baby, it was a typical ....
WHO: Have you even read our Draft Verbal Autopsy Instrument? It plainly states "it is important to identify recent deaths in maternity wards because EHF results in genital bleeding and in spontaneous febrile abortions."
African health worker: But all postpartum maternal deaths involve genital bledding and most involve febrile abortions ...."
WHO: This is the WHO. Do you understand the import of that? The WHO doesn't quibble. Okay, then, that's 4 cases of ebola. 5, really, when we round up.
Gotta Love That There Ebola Math - EbolaGate
WHO's "Verbal" Autopsies Leave Reality In The Dust And Raise Ebola Numbers into the Stratosphere - EbolaGate
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