« UPDATE: UK Tribunal to try Pope Ratzinger and Queen Elizabeth Windsor for child genocide - Rev. Kevin Annett | Main | Tribunal to indict Vancouver Bilderberger Jim Pattison, B.C. Attorney General lawyer, RCMP, CFRO-FM staff for aiding coverup of Aboriginal child genocide by Elizabeth Windsor, Head of State of Canada, and by Vatican »



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Margaret Maier

Instead of building prisons for unfortunates (in need of jobs, education, shelters, and a life) target the the powerful who have willfully tortured helpless adults and children, and/or participated in pedophile rings.

Margaret Maier

Investigate the crimes of Dick Cheney and all other individuals expected of crimes against humanity. It is high time we try to civilize the world to become more humane and accountable as the numbers painfully increase.

Belstaff Coat

I like ANMJ on FB & just subscribed to the email feed! :)

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