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Keith Boucher

I am a Mi'kmaw person living in my territory of Mi'kma'gi of the Mi'kmaq people. Genocide is still alive against our people. The state is no longer publicly killing our people, but they take away everything from us that makes us a distinct people with their courts. These courts recognise and impose state boundaries that devide our territory and we become fragmented people under different provincial jurisdictions. I will pray that those resposible for crimes against humanity are punished with the wrath of the creator.

taobao mall

better late than never


good luck with that hope there is enough time


Om Sairam

history as taught in school is full of lies. People need to study history as it happened. Then it becomes clear why the present world situation can lead to a complete slavedom for humanity. Christ is being crucified many times over . We need to remove the perpetrators who seem to expose the signs of psychopath at every step. Respect all religions and use Jesus' simple teachings. However, those teachings have also been excluded for political reasons. Jesus never claimed to be god. Everything is full of lies and manipulation for power and wealth.. Yes, the end is near and we shall see the light. os


Is this also part of the Thousands of children that go missing every year around the world?
No countries can supply records of how many children just disapear, why is that?


It is a shame their is not enough Kevin Annett's to go around in this world. He is an excellent living example of the best in humanity. Bless all the children to be safe from any evil human that would hurt them. Bless all the races of Human beings to realize the truth that we are all brothers and sisters of the Creator. We have to protect everyone (white, Red, yellow, brown, black) from these predators.


Our body have obtained a response from our workplace. We must therefore believe that by our quiet, we are not contesting these statements and the extra ordinary proof that you, the Canada govt and the said others are complicit in supporting and abetting this criminal activity against humankind.


The Pleiadian Message - A Wake UP Call For The Family Of Light

There are multitude of cultures & societies that exist throughout the vastness of space, and these societies & cultures have been on and off this planet from the very beginning. It is not just that we the Pleiadian have come to assist. We are only one grouping from one star system There are many who have journeyed here for many reasons. The majority of the extraterrestials are here for your upliftment. Though there are also those who are here for other reasons.

We give our version of things only to bring you into higher consciousness. We do not wish to say that this version and only this version is how it is. This whole teaching is designed for the great purpose in mind. and the stories that we tell you are setup to take you to a higher plane of consciousness, that is our intention.

You are magnificent beings members of the family of Light. And you come to earth at this time on assignment to create a shift, to make a change, to assist in the transition.

You were told before you came here that there would be much assistance at different junctures and at your development different entities would present themselves upon the planet in different capacities to trigger you, fire you up, and to remind you, not for us to do it for you. We are one of those triggers, a Catalyst. When you hear the name Pleiadians you feel a connection because we are assisting you in bringing your own information, your own knowing, forward. You, yourself, chose to be here, you are on assignment to bring memory forward and to bring the value of human existence back to the forefront of Creation, you are needed.

You have been in training for this assignment for lifetimes. and you did not come unprepared. All that you need to know now is inside of you and it is your task to remember your training. This is not a lifetime when you are going to be taught new information. As we said before, this is the lifetime when you are going to remember what you already know and we are just here to remind you of it, That is part of our assignment. Humanity is an experiment, humanity has been designed as has just about everything else that exist within creation.

Prime Creator began experimenting with creation a long time ago in this universe for the purpose of greater self exploration, self gratification and self expression
Prime Creator brought energies and essences of light, extensions of itself into this universe and endowed those extensions with the gifts that it had
Prime Creator said to these extensions of itself "Go out and create and bring all things back to me"

Earth was a beautiful place, located on the fringes on one of the galactic systems and easily reached from other galaxies. It was close to many way portals, the highway that exists for energies to travel throughout space. Some of the creator gods were Master Geneticists. The Master Geneticists designed various species. Some human, some animal by playing with the varieties of DNA that the Entities of this information contributed to make Earth into this exchange center of information, this Life Centre this Living Library.

The original planners of Earth were members of the family of Light, beings who worked for and were associated with the aspect of consciousness called Light. They designed a place where galaxies would contribute their information and where all would be able to participate and share this specific knowledge. Earth was to be a Cosmic Library, a place of incredible beauty that experimented with how information could be stored through frequencies and through the genetic process.

The project of the Living Library on earth was eventually fought over. During earth's early history there were wars in space for ownership of this planet, skirmishes took place and earth became place of duality. Certain creator gods who had the right to do whatever they wanted, because earth is a freewill zone, came in and took over.

When the skirmish occurred a certain group of entities fought in space and won the territory of earth. These new owners did not want the native earth species, the humans to be informed of what took place. Uninformed, the species would be easier to control. That is why Light is information and Darkness is lack of information. These entities beat out Light and earth became their territory.

These new owners who came here 300 thousand years ago, are the magnificent beings spoken of in your bible. In the Babylonian and Sumerian tablets and in text all over the world. They came to earth and rearranged the native human species. They rearranged your DNA in order to have you broadcast within a certain limited frequency band, whose frequency could feed them and keep them in power. They worked in their laboratories and created versions of humans with a different DNA - the two stranded double-helix DNA. The original DNA pattern was left within the human cells, yet it was not functional, it was split apart, unplugged.

We, us Pleiadians, came back through time, into what would perhaps be called our past, we came back in order to share a frequency with you, a frequency that each one of you has agreed to carry on this planet in order to change the DNA of the rearranged human race. Earth is assisting in its own way the evolution of the universe. It is where the plan begins to blossom and what happens on earth is going to effect many, many worlds.

The creator gods, who have been ruling this planet, had the ability to become physical though mostly they exist in other dimensions. They keep earth in a certain vibrational frequency while they create emotional trauma to nourish themselves. There are some beings who honour life before everything else, and there are also beings who do not honour life, do not understand their connection to it.

Who are these beings who came in and asunder to the original plans to earth? Who are these space beings, we sometimes refer to as the 'dark t-shirts'? These space beings are part human and part reptilian. We call them 'the Lizzies', because we like to make things a little less emotional, a little humorous, so that you don't take them so seriously and get so upset. We are not here to frighten you, we are here to inform you. They have fed off your emotions.

One of the big secrets that has been kept from you as a species, is the richness and wealth that accompanies emotion. You have been steered away from exploring emotion, because through emotion you can figure things out. Your emotions connects you with the spiritual body, the spiritual body of course is non physical, existing on the multi-dimensional sphere.

Why are we telling you all this? Why do you need to know it? You need to know it because the living reality is re entering and merging with your dimension.

As you awaken to your history you will begin to open your ancient eyes, these are the eyes of Horus, which see not through the eyes of a human being, but from the point of view of a God. They see the connectedness and the purpose of all things, for the ancient eyes are able to see into many realities and to connect the whole picture...the whole history. All of this is to be felt, allow your brain cells to click into being without your rational conscious mind wanting to define things down to the most minute detail. This experience involves raising a feeling inside yourself and then, one day, at one moment, in one afternoon having overwhelming sense of knowing, having a composition of a thousand pages long come alive in 5 seconds... a divine ecstasy!

Before you came into the body, all of you committed to the designing events that would fire your codings or blue-prints that would activate your memories, then you came into the body and you forgot. All of you have had your blue prints and codings fired to some extent because you understand that there is a divine purpose or a divine plan that you are a part of. You hold the history of the universe within your physical body. What is occurring upon the planet now is the literal mutation of your physical body for you are allowing it to be evolved to a point or it will be a computer that can house this information.

The firing of the codings and the realisation of your identity are going to become phenomenally intense, the reason for this is the evolving DNA. When you have 12 helix-es of DNA in place those helix-es will begin to plug into the 12 helix-es system. The 12 helix-es are vortex centers loaded with information that you must be able to translate. You have to become super beings in whatever reality you enter because as members of the family of Light, the branch of renegades, this is your forte.

As a member of the family of Light you know the inside scoop, you come as ambassadors to make realities merge and become more informed within themselves so that everyone involved can release fear and become uninhibited. As you grow and come to these higher realms of recognition you will break through what feels like cement blocks, layers of yourself that had held you down.

Think of the frequency that has limited the human experiment as a radio station, the human experiment has had one radio station on for 300 thousand years, same old tunes, the human experiment was unable to turn the dial and hear a different band, so the same frequency was broadcast, this created a quarantine 'a feeling off' of this planet.

The creative cosmic rays sent by Prime Creator and the original planners pierce through this frequency shield. They bombard earth, however, they must have someone to receive them. Without a receptacle these creative cosmic rays would create chaos and confusion. You as members of the family of Light come into this system to receive these rays of knowledge. You then disseminate the knowledge of the new life style and the new frequency to the rest of the population to alter the entire planet.

The ultimate tyranny in this society is not controlled by marshal law. It is controlled by the psychological manipulation of consciousness through which reality is defied so that those who exist within it do not even realise that they are in prison, they do not even realise that there is something outside of where they exist. We represent what is outside of what you have been taught exists. It is where you sometime venture and where we want you to dwell, it is outside of where society has told you can live.

What we want more than anything else is to assist you, as members of the family of Light to succeed in liberating the humans. Focus on the dance of yourself. To what tune will you dance and to what magic will you perform and to what heights will you be willing to push conscienceness to give it a new definition of possibilities. Members of the bringers of the dawn or family of Light work in teams, you don't go into systems alone you need each other to do this work because you cannot hold the frequency by yourself.

By going in as teams you increase the odds of successfully carrying out the plan. You are like rays and like spirals of the central sun that are very intelligent and you are guided by a great intelligence inside the central sun. The members of the family of Light are much more than human. Characteristically you are supreme achievers in the multi-dimensional realm. One applies for a position in the multi-dimensional realm as a member of the family of Light. If you were to have a business card printed up for yourselves when you are in full memory of your identity, it would say something like: "Renegade Member of Family Of Light - Systems Buster - Available for altering systems of conscienceness within the free world universe - On Call !

We speak to you as if you are not human, because to us you are not. To us you are members of the family of Light whom we know your multi-dimensional selves. We speak to you about dealing with humans because it is your assignment to integrate with them, soothe them and awaken a spark of Light within them so that they are not all destroyed as with that this place can house a new species and a new realm of activity.

Our final words including thank you to all of you who recognise the Light source that is a part of your identity and that moves you to follow the silent whisperers that echoes down the golden spiral to the corridors of your own being, We honour you, We recognise you and we are here to assist you. We are all here at the family of Light to bring that choice and that freedom to evolve back on to this planet

Family of Light WAKE UP !!!

Jordy Cain

We can truly do without the propaganda of "Pleiadians" intended to confuse and distract.

Kevin and the other real human beings here are the ones on the ground doing the real work of loosening the millennia-old chains slung onto the human race by the psychopaths and their proto-psychopathic minions.

The lessons we learn here will free us to live as we naturally would, like galaxies of creativity and children of wisdom and perception.

Tim Webb

This investigation needs to proceed. It is convened however against a backdrop of until-now concealed global satanism and paedophilia, so we should expect the usual response from individuals such as the "queen" of England and the "prime minister" of Kanata. This will ultimately involve their use of brutal physical repression, as they have no other weapon. Truth is not a commodity they either respect, or deal in. A house divided against itself cannot stand.

"no more excuses", above, states that Jesus never claimed to be God. If you think about it, however, we know without question that every living being brings forth seed "after his kind". We also know that Jesus is the Son of God. I leave you to take the next crucial intellectual step.
Should you doubt that the God spoken of in Genesis Chapter One is indeed this same Jesus, then I urge you to visit the website "The Other Bible Code", where His complete identification with the Almighty is spelled out for you in numerical and geometrical terms which are understandable to even the least amongst us.

Rich Valles

You have no idea what this action will lead to and take away from the energy they had this is so importunely someone doing something about what has taken place and trust us their fear is mounting when there dealing with those who have no fear of them I have been talking about their actions for a very long time it's so mice to see others doing their part thank u rich from Santa Cruz namaste

Verna Petersen

Now that the Queen has been released from the Hospital,they need to waste no time and take her lowness into custody!

King Julio Mariano Barriere

The illuminati controls the media as well as many things in the world. Their has to be a way of stopping these bohemian grove devil worshippers from plotting to destroy our world. We need to bring forward the war criminals from this gulf war in the Middle East. Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld and whoever should be held accountable for such vicious war crimes against humanity. This gulf war was brought about over a lied. This next extremely dangerous war will be with Iran. History repeats itself by saying field Marshall Rommel told Hitler if you take over the oil fields in the Middle East. You will control this war. If the west with the coalition forces take over the oil wells in the Middle East they will be able to control Asia continent industry. This will lead certainty to nuclear war. There are underground tunnels and cities constructed throughout the world and tax payers money has been funding this project. These illuminati are plotting to go down under like rats and destroy five to six billion people on this planet. It's about time the world knows of these key players plot. Everyone who reads of what's going on with all these illuminati figures in the Middle East and the world are being foil and their power taken away. Everyone should do research and pass it along and tell others to pass it along and use social networks as well as a weapon against these evil doers. I'm going off a little of the beaten path but I'm a UFO hunter and have a fleet of UFOs following me around the world. I don't know how far I can go since I have written to much media around the world and I never had a response. Since I have another world that I can see with my naked eye on clear night skys. It must mean I have some kind of purpose in our world. So I write what's on my mind and so much I can do as one person and try to reach out to our world till the next world knows I'm trying to communicate to be heard as a King's speech that the wicked witch of the west world is dead. God help the world from all these evil worshippers.

will maracle

The word is out,now just ignored by the canadians and Brits,catholics in general.The crown and Vatican should not be exempt,if what I read is correct,if so it defeats the purpose of the ITCC investigations. Further more the exsisting chiefs and their councils should also be responsible and held accountable for not taking actions on the behalf of their own people. This is an act of "TREASON" on thier own people of the rightful nations.

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