This letter to the state Attorneys Generlas who filed suit against Obamacare previously, contains nw and critical informtion on the intersection of a very disturbing part of Obamacare put there by the WHO and UN, that includes executions, with state pandemic laws that mandate vaccines to the entire country. Together, they appear to legalize (mandatory and mass) execution by vaccines.
Removing the UN/WhO coding inside Obamacare AND overturning the Bush pandemic laws are both needed IMMEDIATELY. Hopefully, this information could provide a strong basis for doing both.
The public can help speed this process by contacting their AGs and by bringing this informaion to city councils, to their state legistures, to their state representativs, and to media of all kind.
Formal Letter to Attorneys General:
Dear Attorneys General of Virginia, Flordia, South Carolina, Nebraska, Texas, Utah, Louisiana, Alabama, Michigan, Colorado, Pennsylvania, Washington, Idaho, South Dakota, North Dakota, Arizons, Georgia, Alaska, Nevada, Mississipi, Wisconsin, Oklahoma, Wyoming, Ohio, Kansas, Maine,
You have all filed suit against the Affordable Care Act or Obamacare on various constitutional and financial grounds.
Are you aware there are much more serious grounds that could provide a stronger basis for overturning the law?
1. Are you aware that Obamacare includes coding from the WHO and the UN?
Is it legal for foreign entities to insert material into US laws?
How did this occur?
2. Are you aware that this coding includes what it alleges are form as "legal execution"?
- This is an extremely bizarre and highly disturbing section to have in a "health" care bill.
- And these executions are explicitly not ones ordered after a trial by jury in a democratic country, for the coding explicitly states at the outside that:
- "All executions performed at the behest of the judiciary or ruling authority [whether permanent or temporary]"
- This is a description of a totalitarian government or totalitarian military order so the order would not be legal
- This section of Obamacare immediately misrepresents as legal, orders of execution given outside of any constitutional framework, implying a military coup in the US.
- Most of the items listed as forms of "legal execution" are NOT forms of legal execution used anywhere in the US or in almost any place in the world.
- What is listed as forms of "legal execution" are actually forms of murder and mass murder:
- murder one might see in war,
- forms of mass murder used under the Nazis,
- a form of killing used during the French Revolution,
- a form of terror and assassination used by Jihadists,
- killing that could occur through infliction of injury by vaccine/drug/chemical, or by torture, or by human experiment, or satanic ritual
- and "unspecified"
Here is the section in Obamacare:
All executions performed at the behest of the judiciary or ruling authority [whether permanent or temporary] as:
- asphyxiation by gas
[As was done in the Nazi death camps? What government legally asphyxiates people? How many people? Where? From the sky? In the new bricked up train buildings in Indiana, California, Oregon, Texas and in many other states, with tracks running into them? In subways? Is this an attempt to pre-legalize gassing people in gas chambers or in subways with Sarin or other gases and killing them, as "legal execution?]
- beheading, decapitation (by guillotine)
[This doesn't need a comment. It's illegality and horror speak for themselves.]
- capital punishment
[Capital punishment" is not a form of execution. Was this just thrown in so someone scanning the list quickly would see something familiar and not look further?]
- electrocution
- hanging
[Do US states hang people anymore for capital crimes? Is haning not considered cruel and unusual punishment now? ]
- poisoning
[The US does not execute using poisoning. In what country anywhere is poisoning a legal execution? Might this be an attempt to pre-legalize deaths by poisoning of water supplies as "legal execuations"? Or of food supplies? Or by assassination?]
- shooting
[Is this by firing squad as in a military execution? Does this cover mass shootings in front of pits as was done by the Nazis? Would it include shooting of protestors?]
- other specified means
[Where are those listed? This UN and WHO coding leaves this section referring to secret information.
What kind of legal coding is that?
What kind of medical coding is that?
Are drones such means? Or mandated lethal vaccines such as with weaponized ebola patented by the CDC? Is harvesting of organs included on the secret list of means?]
- Injury undetermined whether accidentally or purposely inflicted
[How can it be a "legal execution" if it is accidental?
How can it be a "legal execution" - distinct from all the choices above - if it is an injury that was purposefully "inflicted"?
Is that not a description of inflicted injury by mandatory vaccines - which are included in Bush's pandemic laws - that end up killing?
Is this vaguely worded section of Obamacare not an effort to define "accidental" or "inflicted" deaths by mandatory vaccines, as "legal execution"?
Is this also a description of deaths occurring as the result ofttorture?
Would rape not fit here? Would child rape, torture and satanic sacrifice by the criminal elite as exposed by not fit here as well?]
The last question – “Would child rape, torture and satanic sacrifice by the elite as exposed by not fit here as well?” – refers to revelations by the International Tribunal of Crimes of Church and State, that the elite including the Vatican, the British and Dutch Monarchies, have been torturing and murdering children in ritualized ways.
Here are examples:
- Canadian Inquiry reveals possible west coast wing of Ninth Circle sacrificial cult – “Twelve Mile Club” involves top judges, clergy and politicians
- Ottawa False Flag Killings covered “huge scandal”: ITCCS Breaking News, November 4
- Breaking Eyewitness Evidence of Child Killing by Dutch royalty, George Soros and others
For the States whch wish to reject Obamacare, the financial injustices are many, but perhaps Obamacare's inclusion of illegal foreign coding that includes horrific means of murder and mass murder, most of which are not legal execution in the US, might be reason for an injunction as well as the demand for an inquiry into who wrote this section, who inserted it, and what it dovetails with.
For it is known that the US has purchased guillotines which is unheard of and which fits with Obamacare coding for beheading/decapitation which is also unheard of and equally appalling. Those guillotines have been mounted at the head of UN/FEMA boxcars with shackles welded to the floor of each.
These guillotines and boxcars and gas chambers tie in with orders and agreements made by Bush that threaten the sovereignty of the US and arrange a foreign invasion by the WHO and UN - allegedly to help the country in a medical emergency - the very entities that inserted the Obamacare coding for murder and mass murder.
This open letter to Vladimir Putin includes PDFs, listing the orders that Bush signed that would suspend the Constitution, the Congress and the Supreme Court (a coup), and also the International Health Reguations he agreed to that would bring in UN troops and the WHO (a foreign invasion. Both Bush actions were done without Congress' involvement. And there is much else in the PDFs that could potentially be valuable to a legal team.
This is a sample of Bush's pandemic law. Note the absence of any medical help but the clear arrangement for imprisonment and pillage of indivudials, of plunder of the country's assets, massive penalities for any resistance to potentially deadly "treatments" (with half the money going directly to the judges), forcing of many kinds of untested and unknown substances on the whole population, and what is clearly forced human experimentation. Notice also that no avenue for removing this state of medical "emergency," which is martial law, is included.
And while this article is funny, it contains valuable informatin that makes obvious that ebola is not at all what the country has been told.
In short, a close look at certain coding inserted by the UN and WHO into Obamacare raises large and extremely serious legal questions, including attempted treason and murder. These are life and death issues for every person in the country and for the country itself, far beyond the financial issues typically assocaited with Obamacare. While many laughed at the idea of "death panels" this UN/WHO coding shows something more dire - actual execution authority.
Once the Attorney Generals
see this section of Obamacare and
see the plan to use a medical emergency to trigger martial law here intersects with it and
recognize that Ebola which was created and patented by the US government is being used for this purpose and
understand the state pandemic laws arrange for financial plunder and asset stripping of the US and
appreciate that the state pandemic laws would allow the government to cause "Injury undetermined whether accidentally or purposely inflicted" by means of unknown vaccines, clearly intersects with Obamacare's suspect UN and WHO coding
then perhaps these states' AGs could join with even more state Attorneys General and move rapidly to file new and stronger suits against Obamacare for its murderous coding, AND MORE, they could work as quickly as possible in every state to overturn blatantly unconstitutional, financially rapacious, and potentially and perhaps purposefully deadly state pandemic laws.
The people of all ths states and your country would be beholden to you.
First, this article/letter needs to be proof-read. There are a few simple mistakes in it. Second, I've tried this out on more than one intelligent, aware adult and it was rejected out of hand by each. If those Attorneys General are not aware of the multiple false-flags that have happening all over the country, and if they are unaware of the genuine "elite" conspiracies, this sounds like another hysterical "conspiracy theory" presentation like countless others! I'm not saying it's untrue - I'm saying it will likely hit the trash can before it's ever seen by any actual Attorney General, much less acted upon!
Are there ANY actual State office holders, some sort of high State officials with some credibility who could hand-carry this to each State Attorney General? That's the LEAST it's going to take in order to have it taken seriously! A lot of backup documentation of all the rest of this continuing, illegal attack on America that has been accelerating almost openly since Bush should be taken along as well. If you're serious about this, it's going to HAVE to be more than just another blog with another "off-the-wall, crazy conspiracy theory" on it!
Posted by: Ian MacLeod | 11/24/2014 at 09:14 AM