"Helicopters have been jamming the Wifi Systems between Stamford and Manhattan. Do not be startled if communications have been disrupted for you seeing that the banking system is making a move which more than likely tells us that Manhattan has become a designated false-flag target once again.
"When you see such activity it sounds like it’s time to get out of Dodge or do something about it before things get real messy. It’s time to wake up."
"“Wall Street” is in the process of moving out of New York City to Stamford Connecticut, closer to home for the Gordon Gekko rats of the world. Maybe they’re privy to the news Neil discloses in this post about the Obama plan to impose martial law, shut down the banks and to unleash on the American public a variety of deadly diseases? The Wall Street shove-off from the island of Manhattan makes a lot sense then if all hell is about to be let loose!"
"You will understand once you take a good look that Manhattan and Stamford, CT are joined at the hip, or at least it seems that way. Are they planning another major event in the city that never sleeps? We hope not, but look and come to your own conclusions.
- The HAARP facilities are revving up their activity, which is costly and not done without a very good reason. This indicates that something is going to happen soon, so be aware and be prepared.
"It has to end. It MUST end or we will not be living in five years, and the change will see the globalists in complete control of what’s left of the planet. It is in our hands."
What the hell?
1. The largest bio attack drill in New York City's history occurred in early August.
Why does that matter? If one knows that 9/11 had a drill that same day about planes flying into skyscrapers, the Boston Marathon bombing has a drill that same day on bombings at a marathon, Sandy Hook had a drill on an attack on children in a school on that same, the attack on TSA agents at LAX had a drill associated with it, and many more, one can use government drills as tip offs for possible false flag attacks.
What Are the Odds: NYC Tests Patient for Ebola just Days after Largest Bio Attack Drill in City History -
2. The CDC has been profoundly lying to the country about ebola.
- Ebola does not come from fruit bats in Africa.
- Ebola is a man-made virus created by US bioweapons labs.
- The US bioweapons lab in Sierra Leone was at the epicenter of the early ebola outbreak and is funded by Bill Gates (who paralyzing 47,500 children in 2011 with his polio vaccine
and wants every child in the world vaccinated to help them) and George Soros (who takes down countries through currency manipulation and fake color revolutions and was seen at an elite sporting event in which children were stripped naked, hunted down and killed, and the boys penises cut off as trophies. )
- The CDC has a patent on ebola. That's not possible if ebola were natural. It was invented.
- The CDC is behaving as though it were impossible to contain ebola but it is easily containable. So says Garth Nicolson, perhaps the most respected cell biologist in the world. You can listen to him talk about ebola, here and about vaccines in general being contaminated, here.
- The CDC is lying when it says ebola is incurable. That is a rather large lie since ebola is very much curable. Knowing ebola is curable without drugs or vaccines, the absurdity of NYC's drill and the intense CDC and media hyping become obvious, the rush for vaccines and drugs makes no sense whatever, and one can see how many things are being staged. There is information here. and more details here.
- The CDC has done this before. It created the impression of a swine flu pandemic by lying outrageously about the number of cases. And yet immediately after CBS exposed that swine flu was more mild than a normal flu, most peculiarly, Obama declared a national emergency. This activated military and allowed the swine flu vaccines to given without normal testing.
3. The CDC is not a government agency and is actually working for the CIA.
Thanks to two presidential orders put place by George Bush, a range of emergencies that can all be rigged - civil unrest, economic collapse, environment catastrophe and a pandemic emergency - can be used as the justification for suspending the Constitution, the Congress and the Supreme Court, and let the president declare martial law and rule alone with the Department of Homeland Security. There also are International Health Regulations that Bush agreed to, also on his own, which in the event of a pandemic emergency, would trigger the invasion of the US by UN troops and the WHO.
- In essence, based on a virus created by the US government, about which the WHO and CDC can give any impression they want, the mere declaration of a pandemic emergency is arranged to end the US as a sovereign country,
5. A pandemic emergency triggers pandemic laws which have nothing to do with medical help.
Those laws were pushed through by Bush and the CDC after help from 9/11 terror and the immediate anthrax killings, known now to have come from the USAMRIID bioweapons lab at Fort Detrick, Maryland. (USAMRIID is now involved in producing an ebola vaccine.)
The pandemic laws arrange for:
- forced unknown, untested vaccines, drugs and chemicals
- forced human experiments like the Nazis perpetrated,
- quarantines of people (concentration camps are already built) and of whole cities (as Bush did to New Orleans after Katrina, letting no one out and no food or water in,
- imprisonment for not following any order,
- total financial plunder of the people,
- a take over of every industry and resource in the country
The Jewish community in NYC should recognize this, if anyone can, because concentration camps have already been built, gas chambers that trains roll into (an upgrade from the Third Reich) are in place, and there are 1000s of box cars with shackles welded to the floor. A guillotine at the head of each boxcar is goes beyond what the Nazis did. 94% of DHS' funding has gone to the Jewish community which may explain why it is so unaware. And the Southern Poverty Law Center (which works for DHS) has encouraged the Jewish community to fear the main people who saw this threat early - the patriot and constitutional groups that have been arming themselves, to protect the Constitution, the country and its people. Here are details of the Bushes, what they have planned and their relationship with the Rockefellers who control the WHO, the UN and the CDC.
This is evidence from Obamacare which includes UN/WHO coding for decapitation or beheading, shooting, gassing, poisoning, hanging, and a description of torture, human experimentation or possibly satanic sacrifices.
"A staged bioterror event is one of those.
"The primary fact is: no matter what kind of germ you’re talking about or where it came from, releasing it intentionally does not guarantee predictable results. ....
"The perpetrators may find that less than 2% of people exposed get sick and die.
"But there is another strategy that should be understood:
"The use of a germ as a cover story for a chemical." Full article:
They can't attack the US directly but must operate by justifications they rig themselves - economic collapse, civil unrest (example: Ferguson), environmental catastrophe (HAARP is presently at its highest level), and a pandemic emergency - so their actions appear at first to be "help."
They have attacked NYC before, killing 3,000, reaping billions in insurance and achieving their desired war in Iraq. They were behind the merciless killings of trapped Palestinians. Ebola quarantines by military in West Africa are already causing starvation. A quarantine of NYC would leave millions of people cut it off from food within hours. And given how closely packed people are, spraying of various chemical and biologic agents could be very effective. The media would terrify the whole country with scenes of dead bodies and a "plague" in NYC. [Boston, which they already put under martial law after the false flag bombing of the marathon, has had drills in its subway system so should also be alerted.]
The country must see through what is going on to be able to stop it. The world is in the last stages of ending the rule of the corrupt elite and can't be fooled any longer by false flags, even especially disguised medical false flags that come with fascist coups and guillotines.
The American Jewish community in NYC must not be fooled again or frightened, but apply its considerable resources to getting word out. All Americans can help save this country and save lives, including their own, by speaking up now, exposing the virus-coup, to friends, to local agencies, to police, to medical people, to military.
The Zionist Exposed:
Posted by: Nik Tesla | 08/31/2014 at 12:41 AM
Sept 11 would be an excellent date to have a false flag incident and have martial law close the entire area. Whether it might be an Ebola outbreak or another Ferguson type shooting -- doesn't really make any difference because the result will be the same -- more control of American citizen's movements.
With the joke of illegal immigration control, the corrupt CDC research, or increasing military weapons, or one of a hundred other scenarios -- it will happen @ Sept. 11.
Posted by: Floridahank | 08/31/2014 at 06:28 PM
"The Jewish community in NYC should recognize this, if anyone can, because concentration camps have already been built, gas chambers that trains roll into "
Most jewish new yorkers are staunch liberals. They believe and trust the corporate media...
mostly because many of them work in the media.
You have to understand that the banking cabals have been making money from war and chaos for hundreds if not thousands of years. They create wars and finance them.
Posted by: H. Munster | 11/08/2014 at 12:52 PM
indeed !
Posted by: Stamford push | 01/04/2016 at 11:31 PM