October 3, 2014
For years some of us have been watching the efforts of the globalists to roll out a pandemic. Parents Against Mandatory Vaccines is just one of many [orgs, groups] tracking this effort and monitoring the CDC and the WHO.
Parents Against Mandatory Vaccines has established a seven step response to the false flag ebola campaign. All are most welcome to review and utilize this information as they see fit. It is important that we educate ourselves so we cannot be manipulated by fear . . . as has been done to us so many times before.
Ebola pandemic response plan
- Recognize that for many reasons, including the establishment of a BRICs economic alliance, the US petrodollar is faltering. The ebola card is most likely being played now as a distraction to that fact and the potential economic carnage this change might cause.
- Know and understand the US is a corporation as is the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and the World Health Organization. As such, they are bound by the law of contracts. [Supreme Court Bond v UNITED STATES]
- Help destroy the credibility of the CDC (long overdue) by reading this page, circulating this link, and handing out this brochure
- Know and understand that a media 'playbook' has been formulated and is now being used to create fear in the general population. Print out these 10 steps so you can watch the psyop and prove to yourself that it is only a psyop. Familiar yourselves with the FACTS as they are being reported at TruthSector.com andNoMoreFakeNews.com
- Do Not Consent to be vaccinated or forced into isolation. Review the info and print out a Pocket Card //Notice of Non-Consent// to carry with you.
- Do what you can to insure your immunity is strong [Vitamin C and sunshine, for example.]
- Don't allow your critical thinking skills to be neutralized by fear. Remember, that is their goal and that is how those that wish to control the planet have successfully manipulated us before . . . many times. Schedule time for joyful experiences and walks in the park.
Those in vaccine-aware organizations have stopped pandemic agendas before and if we all take this threat seriously, we can do it again. Hopefully we can also cause irreparable damage to the creditability of the CDC so they can no longer manipulate us, scare us, and threaten the health of ourselves and our children . . . ever again.
SOURCE: http://parentsagainstmandatoryvaccines.wikispaces.com/Seven+Step+Ebola+Response+Plan
SEVEN STEP EBOLA RESPONSE PLAN: Parents Against Mandatory Vaccines - EbolaGate
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