---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Wayne <[email protected]>
Date: Sun, Oct 5, 2008 at 2:12 AM
Subject: Re: Response to Tim White Oct 4, 2008 - DO NOT REPLY TO ME
To: CAMPAIGN <[email protected]>
Cc: [email protected], Eric Jon Phelps <[email protected]>, Ted Gunderson <[email protected]>, Ted Gunderson <[email protected]>, Send an Instant Message Ted Gunderson <[email protected]>, John DeCamp <[email protected]>, Pam Schuffert Truth 4 All <[email protected]>, Joe Calhoun <[email protected]>, CHARLES BOYLAN <[email protected]>, Alex Christopher <[email protected]>, Ojos Criollos <[email protected]>, David Hawkins <[email protected]>, Gianni D Hayes <[email protected]>, Barbara Honegger <[email protected]>, dennis kyne <[email protected]>, Paul Andrew Mitchell <[email protected]>, [email protected], Leuren Moret <[email protected]>, Leuren Moret <[email protected]>, Campaign for Cooperation in Space <[email protected]>
To all recipients of the original e-mail sent by the person known as Tim White, forwarded to me by Alfred Webre.
I do not owe Mr Webre any favours of any sort, in fact, I have not talked to him in over a year. Nor, for that matter, do I owe Tim White any explanations nor apologies and nothing contained here should be construed as such.
Nonetheless, I have been drawn into this by an apparent mad man known as Tim White. He has been a pain in the ass from the moment he first announced (about a week before the conference, via telephone) that he would be attending the conference and who has been reporting lies and disinformation to Eric Jon Phelps ever since, and who appears to have soaked these up and perpetuated them widely on the Internet.
Please be informed that I was the organizer and coordinator of the Vancouver 9/11 Truth Conference, June 22nd to 24th, 2007 in Vancouver, BC Canada at the Maritime Labour Centre. I am a concerned citizen activist doing my part to help inform my fellow citizens about what I have discovered about 9/11. I was, at one time, a Peace Officer. I also worked for many years in Private Security and as a Private Investigator. No Mr. Phelps, I am not even Catholic, much less a friggin Jesuit! So don`t start any of your malicious gossip with me.
The Vancouver conference is widely acclaimed as being the best and most well organized 9/11 conference ever, and the first one to have not lost money. I am damn proud of that!. You have no freaking idea how much time and work I freely put into it (totally unpaid!) and what I endured and sacrificed personally to make that conference happen, and I will not stand for the likes of this lunatic Tim White (nor for that matter, the uninvited infiltrator Mr. Yamamoto) besmirch my reputation, nor the reputation of that conference which served to spawn the 9/11 Truth movement here in Canada.
Mr. Alfred Webre was one of approximately 18 invited speakers / presenters at this conference. Mr. Webre is a Vancouverite with his own local radio show on CoOp Radio. He wrote a paper with David Ray Griffin called the 9/11, called the 9/11 Independent Prosecutors Act, which was the primary reason he was invited. Unlike some others who presenteed there, he was not paid one cent to speak there.He is friends with Leuren Moret and several others who had been speaking out about Depleted Uranium. After some negotiation with him, it was agreed that we would include a symposium on the topic of DU. A number of people in the Vancover group were interested in this. So it came to pass.
Dennis Kyne was then added to the speaker`s list. Dr. Bill Deagle, who was already invited to speak about 9/11 and the NWO, was also asked to speak about DU, which he did. This symposium and the speakers I just mentioned is apparently what caught Mr. White`s attention. Mr. Webre did assist me in communications with Ms. Moret and helped to insure that she would attend, as I am sure she willl attest to. Together they sent out several press releases announcing that they would be speaking at the conference. Mr. Webre also interviewed me on his radio show. That was the extent of his involvement in the conference, and anyone who says otherwise is a lying sack of shit.
A person calling himself Tim White left several messages on the answering machine that he was planning on attending the conference and was concerned with a number of disinformation agents (or words to that effect). We did not reply to who him. I did, however, do some checking on him and found that he was a public menace, has been charged with harassment and had restraining orders against him, and that he was probably in Canada illegally. A queried a number of speakers about him and found that he had been harassing them for some time. I obtained a picture of him and advised my fellow volunteer staff members to watch out for him and not allow him in. It appears, however, that we had an infiltrator working as a volunteer, and so we was allowed in. Once in, he headed straight for a number of our speakers, who were visibly uncomfortable with him being there.
I personally told him that he was unwelcome and asked him to leave and to not return. He left, but he did later return. I observed him for a while and asked Dennis Kyne, who happened to be outside, if he knew the man. Kyne, as I recall (it was almost a year and half ago) indicated that he had been stalked and harassed by White for several years. I then went inside and called the VPD, not RCMP, with a description of White and asked them to remove him from the premises. White saw me on the phone and left promptly. Why? I wonder, eh. The police did attend, they took a statement from me and gave me a file number, in case White returned. To my knowledge he did not.
For about a year after that, I was harassed on the telephone and with text messages. I have no other enemies. I have friends all across Canada and the USA, including present and former Peace Officers and Private Investigators. Not enemies!
READ CAREFULLY: If I, or any member of my family, or anyone close to me becomes the subject of stalking or harassment in any form whatsoever, I will presume that Tim White is the culprit or instigator and will take legal action against him. I am forwarding a copy of this e-mail to the VPD along with the file number of the incident with Mr. White in 2007. I will also reference the name Eric Jon Phelps as a possible suspect and give my reasons therefore.
All receiving this e-mail should consider themselves as witnesses. You have been warned Mr. White and Mr. Phelps - leave me, my family and friends alone. Go back to your asylum or whatever rock it is that you crawled out underneath from, take your meds and .... Get a life!
This is the ONE and ONLY statement I shall make publicly on this matter. NO REPLY from ANYONE mentioned above, nor any recipient of this is welcome.
Nor do I give ANYONE permission to use my name in anyway, shape or form in regard to this or anything else. I am a private person, not a public official, nor on anyone`s payroll, nor did I profit in any way from that conference, nor from anything I am doing presently as an activist ...unlike many of you.
Cease an desist immediately! Or I will see you in court.
Wayne Prante
CAMPAIGN <[email protected]> wrote: Tim White - Hi! I have no idea why - other than to call attention to yourself - you are continuing to beat this dead horse. I had no authority to ban you from the v9/11 conference and did not request to do so. My attention at that conference was focused on my talk and on my message.
If Wayne Prante did call the RCMP, it was at his own initiative, not at mine. I was a speaker, not one of the organizers. This is the first notice I have that the RCMP were called to the v9/11 conference, and I am copying Wayne Prante, organizer of the v9/11 Conference, on this email so that he may verify if that is true.
If you have any witnesses to the contrary I request to confront them face to face in Vancouver, B.C. under oath. Otherwise, I request that you stop harassing me. Your use of profanities and foul language demeans our cause and my colleagues and underscores the malignancy behind your continued harassment and verbal threats.
Thank you for your attention.
Alfred Webre
Vancouver, BC
Oct. 4, 2008