By Alfred Lambremont Webre*
- “It’s time science, not rocket science that Earth is on a positive timeline.”
- Positive Future = Positive Timeline + Unity Consciousness
Positive Future = Positive Timeline + Unity Consciousness
A key discovery promulgated in this paper is that (1) a critical mass of humanity is (2) co-creating a positive future, through conscious acknowledgement that (3) we are synergistically traveling along a positive timeline (4) in Unity consciousness.
The Positive Future equation has supplanted and overcome an outdated Matrix Elite formula that is no longer effective:
Problem + Reaction = Solution
Positive Future equation
The Positive Future equation is:
Positive Future = Positive Timeline + Unity Consciousness
The Positive Future equation suggests that in the synergy between the Positive Timeline and Unity consciousness, a critical mass of humanity is collectively and individually activated for some or more of these suggested actions and policies for a positive future, and synchronistically resources and actors are brought together in multi-dimensional universe processes to manifest a desirable result.
Positive Paradox
The “Progress Paradox” or “Positive Paradox” of our current era is that, although our Earth dimension is on a positive time line, Earth’s current bloodline Elites, Negative dimensional entities, Matrix institutions (Governmental forms, Religions; Central Banks), and War & Addiction industries are acting out operational plans that seem based on a false negative timeline, or an actual catastrophic timeline that is occurring in some other dimensional timeline than the positive timeline Earth is demonstrably on.
Although humanity has every objective reason to be optimistic about the future, large segments of humanity still reflect this Matric power focus on a false catastrophic timeline.
According to an April 14, 2014 Ipsos survey, In the West, 42% vs. 34% people feel pessimistic about the future, despite the objective scientific reality that humanity is on a positive timeline. China, India, Brazil, Turkey and Russia are more optimistic than pessimistic for their young – but all other countries are more likely to think things will be worse rather than better.[1]
Yet time science demonstrates that our Earth civilization is traveling on a positive timeline within our time space hologram. And time cosmology analysis demonstrates that Unity consciousness (“We are One”) is the dominant universal consciousness frequency broadcast, as of December 21, 2012, through the singularity – interdimensional portal – at the core of the specific Universe in which we are based.
Catastrophic duality consciousness (“I win, You Lose”) fostered by these Matrix Elites, Negative dimensional entities, and Matrix institutions can no longer can control and thrive on our current positive timeline, as a matter of density and dimensional frequency and time science. Duality consciousness is “Service to Self” and cannot survive in our new Universe consciousness density frequencies.
It is now “time” for the positive timeline to be acknowledged as a scientific reality, and for our individual and collective to transform consciously as a critical mass of ethical humans awaken to the reality of the positive timeline.
Positive timeline in synergy with Unity Consciousness
If you resonate with the positive timeline in synergy with Unity consciousness, you are encouraged to share these insights with others privately and publicly, your family, friends, networks.
Together we can build that critical mass of awakened humanity that acknowledges and collective shifts to being in a reality of a positive timeline Unity consciousness (“We are One”) as the new norm.
All you have to do and all we have to do is change our minds, and the positive timeline follows, as a matter of science.
Time Space Hologram & Time Lines
One of the early key discoveries of time science is that our own universe of time, space, energy and matter contains, and is composed of time-space holograms, and may be considered itself a time-space hologram, created by a higher intelligence and composed of parallel time lines.
“Our universe includes a time-space hologram, within which our Earth human civilization exists, that is an artificial environment created by a higher intelligence. The higher intelligence that created and maintains our universe, including the time-space hologram that we inhabit, is the spiritual dimension that itself is composed of God/ Source, the intelligent civilizations of souls that incarnate in the time-space hologram, and the intelligent civilization of spiritual beings. In “Simulations back up theory that Universe is a hologram: A ten-dimensional theory of gravity makes the same predictions as standard quantum physics in fewer dimensions,” Ron Cowen writes, ‘At a black hole, Albert Einstein’s theory of gravity apparently clashes with quantum physics, but that conflict could be solved if the Universe were a holographic projection.’
“The time-space hologram we inhabit as Earthling humans is composed of multiple timelines. Time travel and teleportation are methods by which intelligent civilizations navigate the dimensional ecology of both the Exopolitical dimensions (the multiverse) and the spiritual dimensions of the Omniverse. Teleportation consists of point-to-point movement across a single timeline. Time travel consists of movement across more than one timeline.”[2]
Timelines = Parallel lanes in a multi-lane highway
Humanity is based inside a virtual reality composed of multiple, parallel timelines.[3] In simple 3D-3rd density terms, one can visualize timelines in a time-space hologram as parallel lanes of a multi-lane highway.
As a collective consciousness, humanity can find itself on a changed timeline from a more catastrophic lane (global coastal flooding event) to a more positive lane (landing a Utopia on Earth). Catastrophic timelines (lanes in the highway) that may have been foreseen through technological time travel (chronovision), scientific remote viewing, or psychic remote viewing can fail to materialize as humanity finds itself on a positive timeline.
Origins of the false “Catastrophic Timeline”
This paper addresses a recent Italian magazine article that misrepresented my views on the positive timeline. The magazine invited me to publish a response. The title of the Italian magazine article was: “Alfred Webre: the global disasters that are affecting our planet, are the effects of "Kill Zone" Planet X.”[4]
Thankfully, the Italian magazine has published this, my response paper on Creating a Positive Future:
Creare un futuro positivo: la scienza sostiene che la nostra terra si trova in un momento positivo del nostro ologramma spazio-temporale
Edgar Cayce remote viewing of 21st Century global coastal event
The Italian March 8, 2014 article relies on my 1974 book The Age of Cataclysm that was a first book to integrate modern earth sciences with parapsychology and analyze the remote viewing predictions of psychic Edgare Cayce of a global costal flooding event occuring on Earth early in our 21st Century.
A global coastal event may be triggered by a variety of astronomical events causing massive tsunamis and earth changes having catastrophic effects on human civilization such as the global coastal event destroying Earth’s great maritime civilization (Atlantis), caused by the solar system catastrophe of 9500 BC when a fragment of the supernova Vela entered the solar system.[5]
2010 Farsight Military-trained Remote Viewers
Predicted Global Coastal Event of June 2013
In the course of research on potential impending transitional changes during the 2012-13 time horizon, I identified in 2010 what can be described as two parallel realities, each buttressed by independent sets of data and personal and institutional decisions – a 2012-13 catastrophic timeline and a 2012-13 positive future timeline.[6]
The two parallel 2012-13 timelines were quite opposite in nature.
The cataclysmic timeline envisioned 2012-13 as a time when the Earth is hit by destructive “solar flares, large meteors, tsunamis, world-wide coastal inundations, mega-catastrophe.” This was congruent with the Edgar Cayce remote viewed global coastal event, as well as hermeneutic interpretation of prophecies of Earth Changes.
As evidence of a possible 2012-13 catastrophic timeline, researcher Dr. Courtney Brown pointed to the results of a recent Farsight Institute remote viewing study of global climate change 2008 – 2013. Expecting to find marginal effects of global climate change on coastal areas in 2013, Dr. Brown reported instead remote viewers found a catastrophic 2013 timeline, and a global coastal event for June 2013 that devastated global coastal cities, with the U.S. Capitol in Washington, DC under water.
1971 DARPA Chronovisor Probe of Washington, DC – 2013 Global Coastal Event. US Supreme Court Building under 100 ft of Bracking Water
In a remarkable coincidence (or synchronicity), both the Farsight Institute and a chronovisor probe in the early 1970s by DARPA’s Project Pegasus chose archetypal targets in Washington, DC right across the street from each other. Project Pegasus chose to view the U.S. Supreme Court building in 2013 via chronovisor and Project Pegasus participant and whistleblower Andrew D. Basiago “found that the Supreme Court building was under 100 feet of stagnant water” in a chronovisor probe. U.S. chrononaut Basiago adds, "There were second, third and fourth dimensional chronovisors. I went to Washington, DC in 2013 bodily. They poured water out of my boots. That particular chronovisor was not a screen or a template. It was a cube of light in the nature of a time-space hologram that enveloped us with the result that we physically went to the time-place they had tuned in." The chronovisor was originally developed by two Vatican scientists in conjunction with Enrico Fermi and later refined by DARPA scientists.
The 2010 Farsight Institute probe targeted the U.S. Capitol building in 2013, and some remote viewer reports viewed the U.S. Capitol in ruins along side deep water.
Predicted 2013 Global Coastal event occured along another, catastrophic timeline dimension
The June 2013 global coastal event predicted by Edgar Cayce remote viewing, 1971 DARPA chronovisor probe, 2010 Farsight Institute probe in fact occured in another timeline dimension, according to Dr. Courtney Brown, director of the Farsight Institute.
In a video update, Dr. Brown concludes that 15 February 2013 meteor event over Russia, the largest since the Tunguska event, coupled with the close approach of the roughly 50 metre asteroid 2012 DA14 that occurred about 15 hours later may constitute the meteor or asteroid event referenced in the Farsight Institute study, which predicted a global coastal event destroying most coastal cities on the planet in June 2013. Dr. Brown states he does not expect any other meteor or coastal event between February 16, 2013 and June 1, 2013 based on the Farsight study. Dr. Brown refers to the holographic nature of reality and to the his remote viewers having possibly viewed a global coastal event happening in June 2013 on Earth in some other timeline or holographic version of Earth or parallel universe.[7]
Planet X and the Catastrophic timeline
Some have speculated that a Planet X (Nibiru or Second Sun type flyby) would be responsible for the June 2013 global coastal event predicted by the Farsight Institute study. [8]
Dr. Brown's interim update appears to suggest that Dr. Brown does not expect any other meteor or coastal event between February 16, 2013 and June 1, 2013 and that the Farsight Institute report states that no global coastal event caused by Planet X can be expected through June 1, 2013.
Why the global coastal event DARPA foresaw did not materialize
U.S. chrononaut Andrew D. Basiago writes that the 1971 DARPA probe was actually to an alternative catastrophic time line. He states, "We are now starting to discover why the global coastal flooding event that I saw when DARPA sent me to 2013 via chronovisor in 1971 didn't eventuate on this time line. NASA is now reporting that in 2012, a solar flare almost destroyed Earth. According to my source to the secret US agency the Department of Physicists, had the huge solar flare occurred six to seven days before it did, when the Earth was one degree of tilt in another position, it would have "wreaked havoc" on Earth. Apparently, the probe I was involved in at ITT Defense Communications in Nutley, NJ on November 5, 1971 for the Office of Naval Intelligence took us to an alternate time line where the devastating effects of such an event in 2012 were evident in 2013, including Washington, D.C. being 100 feet under water."
Dr. Courtney Brown's February 16, 2013 interim update on the Farsight Institute report and Andrew D. Basiago's conclusions regarding DARPA's 1971 chronovisor probe of 2013 appear both to conclude that the respective catastrophic timelines viewed in each study are not the actual (non-catastrophic) timelines that Earth is actually experienceing in 2013.
The False Catastrophic Timeline & False Flag Operations
As stated, Matrix Elites, Negative dimensional entities, and Matrix institutions (Governmental forms, Banks, Religions) appear to be operating from (1) duality consciousness (“I win, You lose”), (2) to create a false catastrophic timeline and thus attempt to maintain hegemony over Earth and humanity.
Using the primary playbook of the False Flag Operation, the Matrix powers appears to be employing an End Times script, ecocide, and depopulation through Weather Warfare; Tectonic Warfare; Biowarfare (Ebola; GMOs; Chemtrails; Famine); World War III memes; Negative dimensional warfare; Religious warfare; and other means.[9]
These efforts cannot find a stable dimensional reality along the positive timeline and have an increasingly short shelf life in the minds of a humanity that is now bathed in the universe, galactic and solar waves of Unity consciousness.
The positive timeline & Unity Consciousness
In 2012-13, Dr. Carl Joseph Calleman, an expert on the Mayan concepts of time and cosmology, stated in an interview with me, “the universal alternating energy wave movements end, and Earth is set on a gradual setting of a potential to reach advanced utopian planet status – a virtual ‘Garden of Eden’”.
Dr. Calleman writesthe positive timeline envisions 2012-13 and the years that follow as: “2012 heralds Earth’s entry into the Golden Age, and between now and then is a time of transition from life as you have known it into life totally in harmony with all of Nature.”
Universe singularity now emanating energy for 'enlightened unity consciousness'
According to Mayan time and cosmology expert, Dr. Carl Johan Calleman, October 28, 2011 marked a portal in linear time when the singularity [interdimensional portal] at the core of our own universe began to emanate a constant “enlightened universal consciousness.”[10]
Unity Consciousness is a consciousness that realizes “We are One.”
Likewise, the interdimensional portal or singularity at the center of our galaxy (our galactic center ‘black hole’) modulates this universe consciousness energy wave as well.
This is, by any standard, exceedingly good scientific news.
Universal, alternating energy wave movements have been a feature of our universe, says Dr. Carl Johan Calleman, since the Big Bang, and it is these wave movements that have shaped the nature of consciousness in our universe over the past 18 billion years.
What, you may ask, does this universal wave of unity consciousness have to do with you or your reality?
In a word, everything.
The wave of unity consciousness – like all universe energy wave emanations, creates the ‘meme’ or story content of our personal and our collective reality.
Dr. Calleman’s discoveries are suggesting that our highest thoughts and ‘memes’ are/may in fact be sourced from the energy waves of the universe singularity, mediated through the galactic singularity – the black hole at the center of our galaxy the Mayans called Hunab Ku.
The singularity of our solar system is Sol, our sun - a dimensional portal to other galaxies, according to physicist Nassim Haramein.
These universe singularity energy waves serve as carrier waves of ‘the universe’s mind and spirit software’ - the way that the intentional universe (some call it source, the ‘sea of Light’ or God) lets us know of its intention for consciousness in the entire universe.
As a practical matter, does it matter if you are tuned in and commit to Universal consciousness universe energy wave of unity consciousness?
Yes – the universe energy waves we humans tune in and commit to determine our planetary status and how we reach our potential as a planet.
Positive Timeline: Earth will be utopia, not a dystopia or
The good news is that our universe singularity is now emanating ‘utopia’ consciousness waves on its alternating energy carrier waves.
The more we humans are individually and collectively tuned into the universal energy wave of ‘enlightened universal consciousness,’ and committed to achieving unity, non-dualistic consciousness, then the stronger the ‘positive timeline’ becomes, and the more rapidly we achieve our potential as a planet – “a potential to reach advanced utopian planet status.”
The Positive Paradox
The “Positive Paradox” is although that Earth is objectively and scientifically on a positive timeline in a field of Iunity Consciousness, the more humanity as a critical mass fully internalize and acknowledge this reality, the more it manifests.
The term ‘conscious’ is used in Unity Consciousness to emphasize how important individual commitment to achieving unity consciousness is.
One psychiatrist professor I know stated, “Humans are velcro for the negative and teflon for the positive. Because avoiding the negative was so important in our evolution – avoiding getting eaten in the jungle – our brains tend to remember the negative and forget the positive.”
Unity consciousness can be expressed in a simple realization: ‘You and I are not we but one.’
Dr. Calleman writes, “To begin with, for all that we know it is designed to bring a shift to unity consciousness where the human mind no longer will be dominated by any dark filter. We will in other words become “transparent” and I believe this is the particular consciousness – seeing reality the way it is with no separation - that so many are waiting for. Not just any consciousness, but one that transcends the dualities of the past and aids the human beings to see the unity of all things.
“The reason that this kind of unity consciousness can be beneficial to the planet, and to mankind, is that it is one that leads to the transcendence of all separation (between man and woman, man and nature, ruler and ruled, east and west, etc). I feel that without the manifestation of such a shift in consciousness the world will sooner or later come to an end.
“People with a dualist and separating consciousness are somewhat like cancer cells in the body of the Earth with little regard to its larger whole and would eventually generate a collapse of its ecosystem. Only a shift to unity consciousness will forever stop the unchecked exploitation of the Earth and on a deeper level make us understand that we are part of creation and need to live in harmony with it. But will such a shift just happen automatically?”
Creating a Positive Future
There are many modes of expression in many Earth cultures of on how to create a platform for humanity on Earth to awaken and thrive along the scientific reality of our new collective positive timeline.[11]
Here are some suggested collective actions and policies for this platform. Your suggested collective actions and policies are welcome.
You can submit your suggested collective actions and policies via any of the channels linked to below.
Truth & Disclosure - A full public disclosure of the presence of intelligent civilizations in Earth’s environment and a global referendum as to whether and on what conditions humanity should enter into relations and space travel, space colonization, space governance, with organized intelligent universe, multiverse, and Omniverse society.
New Energy, Teleportation & Time Travel - A full public disclosure of secret (new energy, zero point, free, antigravity, exotic) new energy sources now available for application on Earth. Public implementation and rollout of sequestered of free energy technologies for powering dwellings, human settlements, industry, transport and propulsion, communication and many other areas.
Implementation of teleportation as a global, national, regional and local transportation system, replacing polluting fossil fuel vehicles (trains, buses, trucks, autos) and their intensive land use in highways, railways, and urban freeways, as well as of a regulated time travel public education program.
Recognition of Animals as sentient beings with rights - Worldwide grant of personhood rights to animals with concomitant rights against murder, slaughter, torture, and cruel and inhumane treatment. Special intelligent civilization status for cetaceans including whales and dolphins. Development of healthy, safe, tasty protein meat substitutes for humanity's consumption and nutrition.
Secure Online Direct Democracy at the local, regional, national, and global level - Secure virtual technology now permits the implementation of Swiss canton democracy worldwide. There is no more need for intermediaries such as City Councils, State or Provincial Legislatures, National Parliaments or Congresses, or even, ultimately in time, a gathering of nations such as the United Nations. Experience over the centuries has shown that the powers that be buy off all intermediaries. Direct virtual democracy adapts secure virtual technologies and provides virtual hack-proof citizen voting at the municipal, provincial/state, regional, national, and world level. Under direct virtual democracy, the entire city votes on municipal laws; the entire nation votes on national laws; the world population votes on global standards, all duly informed by government staff at the respective local, national and world level. Municipal Government, for example, is tasked with efficiently picking up the garbage and managing the city according to the laws passed by local virtual democracy.
Reinvention of money as a human right and public utility like air, water or electricity available for creative investment at public money utilities. A global ban on privately controlled central banks like the “U.S. Federal Reserve System” and on privately owned commercial banks. Support of complementary currencies. Licensing of consumer cooperatively owned banks. Imposition of heavy criminal penalties for violation and astronomical fines, for individuals, organizations, and nations.
Social guarantees in the form of annual income, health care, and elementary, secondary, and post-secondary education for every person on the planet, for life. Funded by universal state pools, tax on all financial transactions and by post graduation contributions to education plan, and more. Implementation of traditional and alternative, as well as advanced extraterrestrial medical technologies.
World Debt Forgiveness – Global forgiveness of all public and private debts – a world bankruptcy for a bankrupt system and an end to the debt – fiat money prison system. Criminalization of charging interest on money and of fractional reserve lending.
Disenfranchisement of the state power of monarchies and religions worldwide – The UK monarchy and the Vatican are examples of the abuses that occur when two institutions based on non-democratic principles (Divine Right of Kings and Popes) are given established state rights in a modern democratic world.
Criminalization of the war industry - A criminalization of and global ban on war, genocide, and depopulation in all its varied forms, overt and covert. A ban on war as a dispute resolution method. A permanent ban on the design, production, or sale of weapons systems, including nuclear weapons, space-based weapons, and conventional weapons. A permanent ban on the maintenance of offensive armed forces. Imposition of heavy criminal penalties for violation and astronomical fines, for individuals, organizations, and nations.
Criminal Prosecution and Conviction of War Crimes Racketeering Organization and Restorative Justice for War Crimes Victims - Criminalization and rigorous prosecution of the international war crimes racketeering organization for a planning and implementing a genocidal depopulation program, including (and not limited to): (a) planning and triggering wars and armed conflicts through false flag operations; (b) regional and global radiation genocide and ecocide through depleted uranium (DU) and the nuclear agenda; (c) planning and implementing environmental war attacks including geo-engineering, weather warfare, HAARP, chemtrails, and scalar weapons robotization and genocide of humanity, famine, vaccines, GMO foods, DNA manipulation and more; (d) Carrying out a program of assassination and Cointelpro terror against activists, researchers and social inventors in the multiple areas of peace research; new energy; food and nutrition; radiation; democracy and electoral politics; (e) Carrying out as DOPE INC. a lethal, 300 hundred year old conspiracy to addict humanity to narcotics and to criminalize useful substances such as hemp for profit and enslavement; (f) the transhumanist agenda of population mind control through nano-weapons, emf and other weapons. There is no statute of limitations on murder. Imposition of heavy criminal penalties for violation and astronomical fines, for individuals, organizations, and nations.
How will these suggested collective actions and policies for a positive future manifest along humanity’s positive timeline?
The basic equation of a positive future suggests that these collective actions and policies (or variations of them to achieve essentially the same goals) will manifest out of the synergy of the positive timeline and humanity’s awakening to Unity consciousness.
The Positive Future equation reflects a new level of collective manifestation by humanity and its individuals, resulting from the synergistic dynamics of the positive timeline and a humanity awakening to Unity consciousness.
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Join in our awakening communities committed to the positive timeline and Unity consciousness, including:
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[1] People in western countries pessimistic about future for young people
Ipsos MORI Global Trends Survey
[2] Webre, Alfred Lambremont (2014-03-19). The Dimensional Ecology of the Omniverse (p. 17 - 18). Universe Books. Kindle Edition.
[3] See Webre, Alfred Lambremont (2014-03-19). The Dimensional Ecology of the Omniverse. Universe Books.
[4] “Alfred Webre: i disastri globali che stanno colpendo il nostro pianeta, sono gli effetti della “Kill Zone” di Planet X” | Segni dal Cielo - Portale web di UFO News, Cerchi nel grano, profezie maya, Convegni e seminari
[5] Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD & Phillip H. Liss, PhD, The Age Of Cataclysm, (1974-New York: GP Putnam's Sons, Berkley Paperback) -
[6] Webre, Alfred Lambremont Are you on a 2012-13 catastrophic or positive future timeline? Part 1
[7] Webre, Alfred Lambremont, "Dr. Courtney Brown - Russia meteor & asteroid 2012 DA14 may constitute 2013 "global coastal event" remote viewed in another timeline",
[8] Webre, Alfred Lambremont, “Planet X Update: Is Earth on a positive timeline, 2013-2020?”,
[9] Please see extensive documentation at
[10] Webre, Alfred Lambremont, "GOOD NEWS! Universe singularity now emanating pre-wave energy for 'enlightened unity consciousness'"
[11] Webre, Alfred Lambremont, 10+ Policies for a Positive Future
10 + Políticas para un futuro positivo
Creating a Positive Future: Time Science Shows Our Earth is on a Positive Timeline in our Time Space Hologram
- “It’s time science, not rocket science that Earth is on a positive timeline.”
- Positive Future = Positive Timeline + Unity Consciousness
by Alfred Lambremont Webre
I would be honored to join as an Earth Representative the Regional Galactic Governance Council. Thank you for all that you are.
Posted by: Jennifer Maeve | 07/11/2020 at 08:23 PM
I would be honored to join, as an earth representative, the Regional Galactic Governance Council.
Posted by: Jennifer Maeve | 07/11/2020 at 08:21 PM
Many thanks Mr. Webre, it's of great satisfaction to know about people like you who brings not just hope of Peace and plenty of Life to Earth, but the evidence of such realization / the many activities on that regard. Thanks again.
I've been doing my own effort in that sense but I prefer to share the huge work of someone that has 'surpasses' us (Spanish only);
Posted by: Rafael Farias | 10/07/2019 at 04:19 AM
I second Anon's directive to just get rid of money altogether. Just by doing that, all other good things fall into place. The term is Resource Based Economy, and it's inevitable so y'all best be learning about it.
Posted by: Kristopher | 12/03/2016 at 10:04 PM
Hi Denybedoomed,
I would highly suggest checking out the work of Nassim Haramein on the some YouTube videos and you will see where much of this info comes from. Also check out John Kehoe's Book Quantum Warrior: The Future of the Mind
Posted by: Chris | 09/01/2015 at 12:02 AM
Hey there.
i like this idea an all. i've had enough positive experiences to realize we are all one and consciousness is the key to everything, but i am a little confused about the information presented here. it is perhaps a bit wordy for me.
are you saying, that simply by emanating a positive consciousness, we are in turn creating the positive timline?
also, what's with the bio i read about the gov't sending your book back in time or something?
and why are all your sources just other things you've written? where are you getting these ideas from? who is influencing YOU?
just curious. thanks for your time!
Posted by: denybedoomed | 08/19/2015 at 12:06 AM
Thank's for ispiration.After reading those lines I've recognized a smile on my face.Great news That there are friends trying to make the World a bether place.
Posted by: Sani | 07/13/2015 at 09:43 PM
Thank you Alfred,
Excellent view on the current state of Humanity.
I know & feel this is true. To participate in the energies of the positive timeline. It's magic.
Everyone can now... it's here.
In your thinking, intentions & expectations daily..
every second you are the creator of it..
Posted by: Boddhi | 06/24/2015 at 08:09 PM
* We can only Be One if, and only if, WE CAN BE FREE INDIVIDUALS in the first place. And that doesn't match with "Singularity" but, on the contrary, respect for DIVERSITY is the Key. That's why THEY are dominating Nations&Cultures, creating havoc between Religions, destroying legitimate Governments&Monarchies, extinguishing animals&plants, and stealing ancient technology to control us and to keep us ignorant. To Unify would only make it even easier for them to control, don't you get it?
Posted by: Real truth | 02/13/2015 at 09:53 PM
"Positive Future = Positive Timeline + Unity Consciousness" ... hum.... This sounds more like: Zionist Nazi NWO dream = Zionist Nazi Virtual World + Unitedly controlled cyber humans.
It's so clear that technology is destroying humanity health and freedom (for instance, just measure how much radiation we're getting from all our i-phones, lap tops, smat meters/tvs, microwaves, refrigerators, etc, not mentioning how much surveillance we're getting from all this consumerist-unnecessary-polluting-junk techs! ) and to think that it's going to be "positive" the more humanity depends on it is INSANE. Stop and Think: "Unity" is what every Facist Dictator ever wanted.... Diversity is the Key, Nature is Diversity and Freedom!
These freaks works on CONTROL, what's a better way to control than trough the unity of humanity and nature BY THEM? Wasn't "Globalisation" all about uniting? Now see what we're stuck with: UN, EU, USS... Would a completely unified world be any better (worse)?
Positive Future = Positive ACTION Right Now By THE PEOPLE AND FOR THR PEOPLE + Respect for Individual Divinity and Freedom in LOCAL ABUNDANCE United with NATURE -not by Corrupting/altering Humans and Nature to "perfect" them (in order to benefit/profit WHO?)
Alexandra's interviews are GREAT about what can you DO to have a positive future right now. She also interviews Kevin and Tellinger and clarify so much about what's really goin on online at
Listen to your Heart With your Brain and see the Truth: it might not be what you've expected. You need to ask yourself "who's working 4 who?" In order to find legitimacy and also blue prints in all of this.
P.S.: Although this equation might sounds like a good idea, remember that human history is full of exemples of good intentions that backed ideologies/experiments/technologies/inventions that always ended up in the wrong hands to do harm... To believe that we would have "democracy" in a virtual world is if nothing else but naive. A few controlling many either in a moneyless or with "new" money is all but control again and is meant to fail. In the day when EACH of us control our ownselves because of ethical and moral reasons for the benefit of the whole (not for the benefit of the controllers) with no need of any external "goverment", then I believe that an utopian society might be possible on this Earth.
We Can only Be One if, and only if, WE CAN BE FREE INDIVIDUALS in the first place. And that doesn't match with Unity but, on the contrary, respect for DIVERSITY is the Key. That's why THEY are destroying Nations, Cultures, animals&plants, and stealing ancient technology to control us and to keep us ignorant. To Unify would only make it even easier for them to control, don't you get it?
Posted by: Real truth | 02/13/2015 at 09:17 PM
This is beautiful and wonderful news and I am happy to be a part of this type of world and life. Thank you for the info. and all of the you tube videos.
Posted by: [email protected] | 11/24/2014 at 03:16 PM
For some people the fact that we are all one is difficult to understand. In simple words and pictures the Greek professor in Astro Physics Manos Danezis explains this scientifically perfectly in his videos.
He is a gifted person who attracts a lot of people in Greece and is convinced that a part can never be happy if it does not contributes positively to the whole.
Look at his site
Posted by: Christina Boutloukou | 09/29/2014 at 11:18 AM
Falta conciencia de unidad y trayectoria conduciendo a tal.
¡Poneos fin al genocidio del hispanoparlante! End the genocide of the Spanish American!
El Manifiesto terminaba con el versículo 28 del capítulo 21 del Evangelio de Lucas: "Poneos de pie, compatriotas, y levantad la cabeza, pues vuestra liberación está próxima".
Posted by: Luis Magno | 09/14/2014 at 01:34 PM
I am with all who are saying I AM WE ARE ..WE ARE all who are aware, consistently say it and envision how we will be as ONE.. I believe to achieve this positive timeline is very simple, just believe it, say it, and visualize it..
we cannot fail, it is our destiny to become whole in the Source and in Each other..
Posted by: mary | 09/14/2014 at 06:25 AM
i'm so excited about the new positive timeline, I cant wait to see this as it happens. we are one, i can see it and i can feel it on this planet. We are ready. Give thanks to the universe.
Posted by: David Cooper | 09/13/2014 at 08:53 AM
Thank you. Reblogged @ AbZu2
Posted by: AbZu | 09/11/2014 at 03:18 PM
"“Unity Consciousness” is the end of duality, it is the return to The One. Creator did not create duality, a world of Unity was Created and we created duality. "
The entire 3D holographic illusion is based on duality, and conjured up deliberately as duality. The end of duality is the realization that the entire 3D holographic illusion is NOT REAL and a lie, and has no value, validity, or worth, and should not be clung to. There is no such thing as time and space in Reality regardless of what you have been indoctrinated to believe.
To find out more information about what is stated above, read the information on the following website:
Posted by: Anonymous | 09/08/2014 at 05:25 PM
“Positive Future = Positive Timeline + Unity Consciousness”
“Alfred, this is wonderfully positive news!”
What is a “positive timeline” ? It is the continued use of duality. “Unity Consciousness” is the end of duality, it is the return to The One. Creator did not create duality, a world of Unity was Created and we created duality. Saying”positive” infers that there is “negative”.
Here is something that I wrote about this a few years a go.
"Negative--- also known as- the darkness, the unseen, the
unknown, nascent, unborn, potential, the mysterious, the
The sun is the positive, the earth the negative. Try
growing plants with just the sun.
Out of the negative comes everything positive. If you
have a photographic print (positive) how much is that worth
compared to a negative from which you can make an infinite
number of positive prints?
This is not just a word game. The ego frame of reference
is threatened by the negative. When the negative is
embraced fully, the One is remembered.
When people use the word negativity, they really mean to
say the word bad. But everyone knows that bad is a ‘bad word’,
and no intelligent person would use it. So people hide behind
the word negative, the use of which has become very politically
correct. What does a phrase like "stop being so
negative" really mean? It means this-- "Stop the flow of
the life force within you that is attempting to free you
from the bonds of judgment. Stop that which is trying to
free itself from the collective unconscious of humanity.
Stop the flow of that which the rest of us deny that we have
any knowledge of because we're all so holy and “positive."
Please understand that I am just just saying that I am here supporting all of us in returning to The One.
Posted by: Radiance | 09/08/2014 at 04:58 PM
The devil's in the details me thinks.
Posted by: Rich Buckley | 09/08/2014 at 02:56 PM
Thank you Alfred!
A dimensional Earth shift on 12.21.12 to a ‘positive timeline’ explains the unmasking of extreme deception and assault on life world-wide.
The human brain is a powerful filter that interprets reality as we ‘perceive’ it to be, not necessarily as it is. Knowing how the brain works compels us to check the facts, upgrade limiting perceptions, and replace separation with unity consensus, to advance a coherent new world coming toward us.
What we focus on will find us! I ask everyone to share this information widely, to strengthen a new positive Earth timeline. Be sure to inform men and women stuck in the outdated dark matrix formula that is no longer effective. You never know. They may feel relief and even thank you.
Posted by: Account Deleted | 09/08/2014 at 12:37 PM
The following items should be added to the list:
1) The abolishment of all money and the idea of profit. All goods and services, as well as education, would be available free of charge. The abolishment of all banks and central banks (Federal Reserve, Bank of International Settlements, national central banks).
2) The abolishment of all governments, government agencies, intelligence agencies, taxes, fines, courts, laws. The abolishment of the United Nations, NATO, UNICEF, Agenda 21, Codex Alimentarius, the Council On Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, the Club of Rome, the Bilderberg group, all other Elite groups.
3) The abolishment of corporations and for-profit business. People will be encouraged to discover what they are passionate about doing that can help others, and resources for this will become widely available.
4) The release of all suppressed information, discoveries, and effective treatment (non-mainstream and outside of the modern non-functioning ineffective Rockefeller-sponsored "medicine" paradigm in hospitals) for all diseases. The abolishment of the current Rockefeller-sponsored ineffective "medicine" paradigm and the training of doctors in the nutrition-based, holographic, energetic, holistic paradigm probably in the suppressed information and also in what real healing facilitators do. The abolishment of Big Pharma, pharmaceutical corporations. The abolishment of fraudulent psychiatry and psychology. The abolishment of all bullshit scam disease charities.
5) The change from wifi to li-fi (using light to transmit data) for internet connections, as wi-fi is harmful and li-fi isn't. I read an article saying someone had come up with this new data transmission method.
6) The abolishment of the current corrupt "education" (really brainwashing with lies) system, and the release of all suppressed science / technologies / discoveries / information guarded by the Elite, in an open-source manner over the internet and in books.
There would be the education of children towards empathy, compassion, helping others, altruism, non-violent conflict resolution, communication, reading, writing, and discovery of their innate talents, gifts, skills, passions, education in connection to intuition, direct cognition, claircognizance, healing.
7) The quarantining / expulsion from society of all Elite psychopath families and psychopaths, genetic testing for psychopathy so that psychopaths can never be in leadership positions ever again, and genetic therapy for children before they are born to change them from psychopaths to non-psychopaths, or abortions of psychopath children before they are born in the worst case scenario, to make sure no psychopaths are ever born again.
8) The abolishment of the bullshit news media, and replacement with true, accurate information of what is going on, by people who are not presstitutes.
9) The abolishment of the entertainment (music, movies, tv, magazines, radio, sports, video games) complex designed to degrade, dumb down, corrupt, manipulate, deceive, depress energetically and emotionally, create fear, narcissism, selfishness, lust, materialism, greed, obsession with money and things, brainwash, mind control, hypnotize, destroy the relationships between men and women, mislead, misinform, destroy, and condition with luciferian/satanic/occult symbolism, and the replacement with a positive one designed to correctly inform, inspire, uplift, empower, tell the truth, support life, educate, push people to express the unique expressions and geniuses they are and express their power and wisdom, heal, unite, reconnect people to their wisdom and intuition, awaken, encourage service to others, help people find out what they are meant to do to help others.
The abolishment of all dishonest, manipulative (including subliminal) advertising.
10) The mass distribution of 3D printers, Fab Lab technology, and everything that allows people to make what they need (including downloading and uploading designs for these objects from and to the internet), to make corporations obsolete and unnecessary.
11) Automation and AI fully implemented for industrial mass production for those not inclined to make their own things.
12) The abolishment of the making of junk food and fast food. Only nutritious food, non-GMO, organically grown, will be available, to everyone on Earth, erasing the Elite's plans to depopulate the planet through forced starvation and poisoning of the food supply. Animals will no longer be slaughtered for meat because meat can be cloned over and over again. Something akin to 3D printers for food, or the food dispensers on Star Trek, would be available.
13) Everything that encourages competition and separation will be abolished, and everything that promotes co-operation and true unity and harmony will be promoted.
14) The abolishment of the military, and the disarming and discarding of all weapons of mass destruction. The cessation of all wars.
15) The cessation and deconstruction of all technologies used to do harm and kill by the Elite and their lackeys, and reversing them where possible so they help instead of hurt or kill.
16) The dissolution of all secret societies (Freemasonry and all affiliated groups, Shriners, Luciferian / satanist / occult groups).
Posted by: Anonymous | 09/08/2014 at 10:24 AM
Kudos, sir. Brilliant analysis of the information available. Thanks for tying all the pieces together into a cohesive whole for those of us who have been struggling with coherently organizing the many individual pieces of the puzzle into the 'Big Picture'. Positive reenforcement indeed!
Thanks, Alfred.
I also like the proposal submitted by Exopolitics Hungary (04:49AM
Posted by: phillip w kokesh | 09/08/2014 at 06:14 AM
The implementation of 1. geographical: continental, regional, national, local 2. functional: educational, health-care, intergenerational knowledge-management, environment-protection purposed complementary currency systems and networks of these systems, all accepted by the appropriate governmental organization and/or tax authority to make all these complementary currencies both de jure and de facto a legal tender.
Posted by: Exopolitics Hungary | 09/08/2014 at 04:49 AM
Quit posting this stupid krap
Posted by: Mike | 09/08/2014 at 04:03 AM
Alfred, this is wonderfully positive news! Your grasp of the total picture is so important and inspires confidence in me. I'm looking forward to following the input of others concerning the practical development of your ideas for our creation of a positive future!
Thanks so much for your efforts on behalf of humanity and our planet . . . Hugs, ~Jean (from 2012, What's the 'real' truth?)
Posted by: Jean Haines | 09/07/2014 at 07:47 PM