Photo: Matthias Chang and volunteers on MV RACHEL CORRIE
Ship MV RACHEL CORRIE delivering humanitarian aid requests safe passage to Gaza
The ship MV Rachel Corrie is delivering hospital supplies to the hospital in Gaza that that not had supplies for 3 years since the blockade on Gaza began.
The MV Rachel Corrie has well-meaning UN diplomats on board like Dennis Halliday, UN Humanitarian Coordinator in Iraq.
After the MV Rachel Corrie left Ireland, its engines died as it went through the Straits of Gilbraltar, and it was left behind by the flotilla.
Apparently now the MV Rachel Corrie is determined to continue with its humanitarian mission of delivering the hospital supplies for the hospital in Gaza.
I just found out that this morning through an email from my friend Mathias Chang that a number of my friends like Dennis Halliday and Matthias Chang are on board the MV Rachel Corrie and are determined to deliver the hospital supplies to Gaza. Dennis and Matthias and I are friends, because I am a Judge on the Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Tribunal, and Mattthias is the Chief Prosecutor of the Tribunal, which has indicted George W. Bush and Tony Blair for war crimes in Iraq.
They have asked people to get the word out to Israel that their intentions are peaceful.
As an international Judge, I am now in communication with the office of the Prime Minister of Israel, and of Ambassador Gabriela Shalev, the Israeli Ambassador to the UN
We are trying to avoid another incident on the high seas here with good faith negotiations.
On behalf of the MV Rachel Corrie, we have asked the Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of Israel and Israel's UN Ambassador to give safe passage to the MV Rachel Corrie to deliver its humanitarian cargo to Gaza.
Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: [email protected] <[email protected]>
Date: Jun 1, 2010 8:38 AM
To: undisclosed-recipients
RACHEL CORRIE: MV Rachel Corrie is now the sole ship on the international freedom flotilla moving towards Gaza.
The Malaysian and Irish peace and humanitarian activists aboard share their deepest grief and sense of lost with the loved ones of those killed and injured in the illegal action undertaken by Israel on Monday 31st May 2010 in the international waters of the Mediterranean.
In the names of our friends, we are more determined than ever to continue into Gaza with our humanitarian cargo and our support for the blockaded and suffering people of Gaza.
We expect Israel to respond to the international condemnation of its violence by not impeding by any means the safe passage of the Rachel Corrie.
We appeal to the international community and United Nations to continue to demand Israel our safe passage into Gaza.
Jointly issued by Malaysians and Irish on board the Rachel Corrie.
Sent on behalf of the humanitarian activists on board the Rachel Corrie - by PGPO land team (Ram Karthigasu and Christopher Chang)
Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd
3339 West 41 Avenue
Vancouver, B.C. V6N3E5 CANADA
TEL/FAX: 604-733-8134
Email: [email protected]
Really wonderful post!......Its seems very useful to see such excellent post...Also, there is many interesting breaking news are avail able are provided in this post...I am eagerly waiting for your next blog post...
Posted by: claura | 07/28/2010 at 10:33 PM
Blaire is a war criminal and should be in Prison along with his buddy Bush – these kind of vitriol attacks are from someone who is scared stiff of justice knocking on his door and is desperately trying to divert attention. He thinks if Jones can do it so can I. The man has no integrity and no moral fiber that alone fiber at all.
Posted by: driving without insurance | 10/13/2010 at 06:13 AM
MRW and Chu, If there is any group I feel anger and frustration towrad it is the U.S. Congress. These people are supposed to be the thinkers and diplomats. I am convinced that many, many of them know exactly what is happening and has been happening to the Palestinian people for a long time,while the American people did not. But as many have noted, change is in the air. Just like the soldiers in the APC, Congress is guilty of averting their eyes. Looking down at their feet. We have a few wonderful, clear-thinking congressional representatives who know that this does not smell right. Rachel or Occupation.But some of the big names:Diane Feinstein, Barbara Boxer, John Kerry, Tom Harken, Dick Lugaretc. They are all smart people. Ask any one of them if they have ever walked across the cattle chute type border crossing into Rafah and I suspect their face will get bright red and anger will well up. They prefer that question to not be asked.I don't know how Congress lives with themselves either and I intrepret Vice President Biden's statement yesterday to extend farther than the American Military. I interpret it to reflect that this is also dangerous for the American Congress. At some future date. the American public is going to wake up and realize that this bulldozer was okayed for purchase by the U.S. Congress with oversight to all the organizations that are involved. And, it is not just bulldozers that they are sending . Every single Senator that I mentioned has been made aware that a U.S. funded bulldozer committed a human rights violation. They can avert their eyes as they did in the banking scam or they can stand up and do the right thing. I believe that Vice President Biden understands this.
Posted by: Roberta | 06/18/2012 at 04:19 PM