CNN reported:
Over 500 Pakistani parents arrested for children's failure to get polio vaccine
Why would the parents not be taking their children to get vaccinated against polio?
CNN missed the real story. The polio vaccine had killed ten thousand of children.
"In Pakistan, the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation (BMGF) and Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunizations (GAVI) were blamed on an outbreak of acute flaccid polio has begun to surface in the region and killed 10k Pakistani children who were inoculated.
"While in Pakistan, Gates and GAVI teamed up with the World Bank and UN Population Fund in the 1970′s under the Task Force on Vaccines for Fertility Regulation. The Task Force, “…acts as a global coordinating body for anti-fertility vaccine R&D.” GAVI is heavily funded by the BMGF for the global vaccination projects.
"It was found out through an investigation, that GAVI was using an untested vaccine; giving this dangerous vaccine to Pakistani children shows the lack of empathy associated with these organizations.
"GAVI was blamed for the deaths of 10,000 children in Pakistan when they came in and administered polio vaccines that resulted in casualties."
‘Globally-supported company is funding fatal polio shots’
ISLAMABAD:A government inquiry has found that polio vaccines for infants funded by the Global Alliance for Vaccination and Immunisation are causing deaths and disabilities in regional countries including Pakistan.
"The startling revelation is part of an inquiry report prepared by the Prime Minister’s Inspection Commission (PMIC) on the working of the Expanded Programme on Immunisation (EPI). The PMIC, headed by Malik Amjad Noon, has recommended that Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gilani immediately suspend the administration of all types of vaccines funded by the GAVI.
"The commission also recommended launching an inquiry to find out facts leading to the agreement with GAVI without examining the safety of the vaccines. The report also established that the GAVI-funded vaccines are not only causing deaths in many countries but are also very expensive.
"There have been reports of deaths of a number of children and occurrence of other side-effects soon after the vaccination is administered in Pakistan, India, Sri Lanka, Bhutan and Japan.
"Geneva-based officials of GAVI, Jeffrey Rowland and Dan Thomas, were contacted by e-mail but they did not respond.
"GAVI’s partners include certain countries, the Bill and Melinda Gates Children’s Vaccine Programme, International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association, Rockefeller Foundation, United Nations Children’s Fund, World Health Organisation and the World Bank, the report says. ...."
Bill Gates claims to be doing philanthropic work, donating vaccines to third world children, but it's not the case.
"GAVI support constitutes 7.8% of the total EPI cost of Rs26 billion. Pakistan will be spending Rs24.2 billion from its own resources on the purchase of new and under-used vaccines at much higher cost as compared to their equivalent vaccines. Consequently, the whole amount will be flowing back to the manufacturers who happen to be partners of GAVI,” says the report.
“It is not the GAVI that has been supporting Pakistan. In fact, it is Pakistan which has been providing financial assistance to GAVI’s partner manufacturers,” the report concludes."
And the response of those immensely wealthy NGOs, international agencies, private foundations, manufacturers and international bankers all deeply invested in vaccines - to Pakistanis attempting to avoid the GAVI's deadly polio vaccines .... was the mass arrest of parents who had not brought their children to get the polio vaccine and potentially die.
Putting police power behind vaccines is what mandating vaccines is all about. What is happening now in Pakistan offers a window into the insanity of mandating a product that can and does kill some people. And when there are forces behind that product who stand to make trillions only if it is used, it will be used. And as many times and in as much variety as possible, and with new products coming out all the time. They will all be used.
While the organizations behind the deadly polio vaccine in Pakistan promote themselves as humanitarian, they are in fact operating with global totalitarian power that allows them to fill media they control with stories of helping save children from the scourge of polio as 10,000 children lay dead. And clearly this totalitarian power is not finished. They are arresting parents now because they want yet more kids vaccinated "for their health."
Welcome to saving lives through mandating vaccines.