Holding focus on Earth’s Divine Life Purpose and Self-Accountability into Planetary Mind
Donna D'Ingillo <[email protected]>
Institute of Christ Consciousness
Topic: Holding focus on Urantia’s Divine Life Purpose and Seeding Self-Accountability into Planetary Mind
T/R: Donna D’Ingillo
PRAYER: Paradise Deities, Divine Parents, Magisterial Son, Planetary Seraphim, and all helpers, we place ourselves in your care offering you our heartfelt intentions for the spiritual energies that you convey to us to be communicated throughout our own individual minds and bodies and then to send that into the planet as a whole. We align ourselves with our Indwelling Spirits. Bring us into that UNITY consciousness where divine WILL is able to be manifested. We appreciate this opportunity to be of service to our brothers and sisters and to all life here. And may your presence flow through us supporting our own individual transformation and that into the collective for more people to awaken and reckon within themselves to perceive the Divine Presence Within—the beauty and grace that is a part of that divine relationship. Thank you for this opportunity to be of service to our world and may your WILL be done now.
MONJORONSON: Greetings, beloved brethren! I am Monjoronson, and I greet you this morning with my LOVE that you may embody more of the Divine Presence within you to support you as this world continues to undergo its transition into the trajectory toward Light and Life. As we begin our ministrations, take a few moments to elevate your thoughts up to the presence of the Spirit Within. Your Divine Guide is always with you, as you know. But what is more important is for you to experience this Presence within you, to come into more direct conscious contact with the Spirit that you may perceive the divine guidance with more clarity, open mindedness, and with great intentional heart energy to embody what the Spirit is conveying into you.
So, let us begin here. Take a few moments to commune with your Indwelling Spirits, and we will move you through this meditative experience from the individual to the collective as you allow the presence of Spirit within you to conduct and direct your thoughts. Take these few moments of communion with the Spirit and may you feel that deepening presence stir within you. (Pause)
This world is now undergoing the Adjudication phase as efforts are poised upon Urantia to outwork the rebellion mindset. Communing with the Indwelling Spirit is an integral part of this process. You have been encouraged for many years to take time from your busy daily lives to commune with the Spirit Within, to help you make sense of this world, and to come into a better remembrance and recognition of who you are in the divine plan of all LIFE. Each individual has a divine life plan and purpose, and it is all designed to help this world grow into its own divine life purpose.
In today's focused meditation, we will take you deeper into this divine life purpose for the planet which has never been fully developed, as you well know. While you are still focused at the level of your Indwelling Spirit, I invite you to also envision yourself standing in the core of the earth with the words: URANTIA’S DIVINE LIFE PURPOSE pulsing in it, allowing the energetic information within the core of the earth to gently move upwardly into you, forming a complete circuit from the higher dimensions of life down into the denser levels of material life, and the energies moving upwardly from the earth plane to reach the heavens. This is the dynamic that you call AS ABOVE, SO BELOW, and allow it to stir in you now, my brethren as we minister in you. And you simply receive and experiences energies as you stand in URANTIA’S DIVINE LIFE PURPOSE and let it feed you to help you express your own divine life purpose a little bit more each day. Receive and grow. (Pause)
Each individual divine life purpose is beautiful. It is true and good, and you grow incrementally in expressing this each day based on your thoughts, feelings, and reactions to life. You have ample opportunity to test the waters of life seeing yourselves how you respond to life through each experience. The goal for human life is to follow the inner promptings of Spirit and to demonstrate the fruits of the Spirit in your actions to your brothers and sisters and in your reactions to all life based on divine principles and values.
This is a comparing contrast dynamic that you are constantly engaging to help you use your volition with discretion and discernment that you may wisely use the gifts that you have been given to support the expression of your divine life purpose. It is accountability that you convey that helps you continue to grow on the path, recognizing the ways that you may have erred in interpreting divine law and principles of life and how you have engaged with those principles in a loving and spiritually aligned manner.
To foster this dynamic of accountability within you, I invite you to focus on these words: SELF-ACCOUNTABILITY. What does this mean? Take a few moments to pose this question to your Spirits, inviting the divine meaning and value to lift your mind, to soothe your feelings, and help you perceive that which Is aligned in divine will through your thoughts and actions and that which is not. This is part of the adjudication process underway upon the planet. And it is vital for people to become accountable in themselves to what they have created within their own lives.
So, invite these energies to communicate and calibrate in you, allowing your Indwelling Spirit to illuminate your mind and body with more TRUTH and GOODNESS that you may become more accountable for your own actions, your beliefs, your thoughts, your feelings, and help you bring them into divine alignment. And we minister to you now to assist you in receiving this dynamic of SELF-ACCOUNTABILITY, giving you more access to your own divine life purpose through the illumination of your Spirit into your mind. (Pause)
In our previous times together, we have guided you to focus on the Gospel of Jesus; its living principles and living it on a day to day basis. We also have invited you to focus on the MIND OF CHRIST—that quality of mindedness that Jesus developed through his human life. This is a circuit of information that is available to you. It is very integral to your becoming accountable to yourself for the ways in which you have either aligned or misaligned your life in divine law and principal. The ACCOUNTABILITY dynamic is part of this RECKONING phase of the adjudication process. This is all part of the planet’s becoming aware of its role in the Lucifer Rebellion that DIVINE JUSTICE may reign here and help you as a planetary culture become accountable for what has happened here.
But you see my brethren and we provide to you of the spiritual energy you need to help you grow, to help you become SELF-ACCOUNTABLE, to change course, to make those decisions that will either help you grow in spirit or stay stuck in the past. We have been encouraging you in many ways to support you in the adjudication—AWAKENING, RECKONING—dynamics that are underway on the planet. And so it is good for you to become accountable to yourself because that frees you to add more spiritual energy into the planet as a collective which will assist your brothers and sisters in their own awakening and reckoning processes for them to become accountable for their thoughts and feelings and actions.
Allow these words to settle as you continue to engage with your Spirit, allowing the energies of URANTIA’S DIVINE LIFE PURPOSE to help you become more SELF-ACCOUNTABLE. Let this continue to communicate into you and in a few moments, we will invite you to focus this into the collective. Allow the energies of SELF-ACCOUNTABILITY to have more space within your minds for your Spirits to illuminate you now. (Pause)
We are now moved in position to focus into the collective. The Seraphim have taken their place and are ready to apply these dynamics into the circuits of mind all around the globe. So now you may shift your focus to envision the world in your mind's eye before you. Hold these words in your mind's eye as your project them from your heart into the planet: URANTIA’S DIVINE LIFE PURPOSE. Let this spiral around the globe, north to south poles counter-clockwise. As you do this, also invite the energies of SELF-ACCOUNTABILITY to imprint upon the mindal circuit as the Seraphim take this energy and weave this into where it will do the most good.
As you project this from your hearts, feel your love for this world and hold that intention for more of your brothers and sisters become SELF-ACCOUNTABLE for what they have created or participated here on this world. Do not judge them, but do your best to be loving, kind, respectful, and considerate of those individuals who have perpetuated the great lie that has so distorted human perception. Feel your desire for these individuals to have an experience of SELF-ACCOUNTABILITY that they may reckon in themselves their missteps and open to receive REPENTANCE and the GRACE OF REDEMPTION.
As world is held in its divine life purpose, feel that need for SELF-ACCOUNTABILITY to become a stronger dynamic of REMEMBRANCE and RECOGNITION, and ask for these energies to penetrate back into memory to foster more of the true purpose for this world to operate in human mind through this SELF-ACCOUNTABILITY infusion. And do your best to hold us with great love in your heart as we minister in these circuits now, my beloved brethren. (Pause)
It is fair and just for humanity to become self-accountable. You cannot move forward as a planetary culture until you have recognized the mistakes you have made so that you do not repeat them. Some people bemoan the fact that nothing ever changes. Why is this so? SELF-ACCOUNTABILITY is part of this dynamic, and we provide this to you that you may engage with this more and become more of who you truly are as the son and daughter of God. Continue to focus on this and allow its dynamics to continue to move in you.
SELF-ACCOUNTABILITY will help you become more self-responsible for your thoughts and feelings and actions because now you have been able to more fully open yourself to the presence of Spirit to see in your own sense of self how you have participated with divine WILL. Becoming self-responsible leads you to self-mastery, and when more people are engaged in this dynamic, you will see great changes occur on this world. Even though that is a future event, you are moving in that direction and Urantia is recovering itself. What a beautiful opportunity you have now, my brethren, to move through this SELF-ACCOUNTABILITY to take more responsibility for yourself and to begin that process of self-mastery, which your Father Michael, so magnificently demonstrated as Jesus. And all that He has, all that He did is shared with you. You have access to the CHRIST MIND and access to His memory of how He cultivated Himself. In this way, your life will not be an exact replication of His life because you have your own life to live. But it is in the manner in which you live your life that you can emulate your Brother Jesus. You only have to ask for guidance in this way.
So, as the SELF-ACCOUNTABILITY energy continues to pervades the planet, may it also reverberate deeply in the memory to help more people awaken and reckon to what is in them that they may open to these dynamics of responsibility and self-mastery. Humanity has never really been given a full opportunity to do this, but now this time is upon you. What will you do as a collective society? How will you engage yourself and with others through this period of Adjudication where the RECKONING and the SELF-ACCOUNTABILITY dynamics are very potent forces for individual and collective change.
As these words settle in, let them go deep into your own memory that the Spirit may help you, not only become more accountable to your actions and your motivations and your inclinations, to help you take more responsibility, that you may begin that very beautiful process of self-mastery, which is indicative of the process of growing your soul. It is all being laid out for you, my brethren. It just up to you now to allow these energies to deepen within and integrate that you may walk this path of life with peace, joy, and love as your motivating energies for your life. Continue to send these energies into the planet from your heart as the flow of divine GRACE moves in you and through you and into the world. (Pause)
Now simply envision the SELF-ACCOUNTABILITY dynamic pulsing in the core of the earth where URANTIA’S DIVINE LIFE PURPOSE is held, and allow these circuits to be illuminated with more LOVE from the Paradise Deities and from your Divine Parents to uplift planetary mind in these higher spiritual dynamics for more healing and transformation to occur. SELF-ACCOUNTABILITY pulsing in the core of your URANTIA’S DIVINE LIFE PURPOSE. (Pause)
And now I invite you to focus on the dynamic of RECKONING. Feel that intention and the motivation for this to continue to move more into planetary mind and memory, opening more circuitry in human recognition for SELF-ACCOUNTABILITY to be perceived. As we have indicated to you previously, this is a necessary phase of the Adjudication process that is all a part of the DIVINE JUSTICE now reverberating through this planet. And these energies will continue to reverberate in planetary mind, encouraging more people to reckon within themselves the divergencies within themselves to help them become more accountable and responsible in bringing them closer with their Indwelling Spirits. (Pause)
Now let us elevate our gaze to the Paradise Deities and spend a few moments in appreciating what is being done for this world in its time of great need. Spiritual REDEMPTION is here, but it is upon you as individuals to take responsibility for this. So, we encourage you to spend these few moments communing with us with your gratitude for what has been given to this world.
Paradise Deities, receive our heartfelt appreciation for what is now underway on this planet to return it to the Family of LOVE, and let the planet return to its vibrancy of the LIFE that you have given it. And may that dynamic AS ABOVE, SO BELOW reverberate to the grateful hearts of your children on this tiny world. Thank you. (Pause)
And now simply receive the LOVE of your Creator as you embody more spiritual energy and vitality, letting it go deeply into you, and may you come into greater recognition of who you are and your role in this DIVINE LIFE PURPOSE for this planet. (Pause)
Invite all of these new circuits and energies to integrate, not only into yourself, but into the planet, as we complete our objectives for today, weaving you more deeply into the intrinsic fabric of LIFE and the LOVE in which all life is held. (Pause)
My brethren, so dearly loved, thank you for participating with us. This is a very important time upon the planet, as you well know, and we are doing everything at the spiritual level to help you take accountability and responsibility for healing this world. You are the ones to make these changes. But you are given much support, encouragement, and guidance to do this. But the responsibility is upon you, and in these days you will notice some inner changes helping you see your missteps more clearly that you may take responsibility for your actions and choose the higher path that will add into the planetary collective dynamics of transformation. And as you do this, it will encourage more people to do likewise. And then you will see a mighty, potent change on this world bringing back the planet to its DIVINE LIFE PURPOSE that all may participate in the glorious abundant life that is waiting for you. Play your roles well in this great cosmic drama that is unfolding before your very eyes, and know that you are so loved, so cherished, and more will be added to you to support your soul growth during this dynamic time on this beautiful world.
I will leave you now in this way; but we are never more than a thought away. And when you need that uplifting experience as you go about your day, come to us. Remember, we are always with you as Urantia continues on its trajectory to its glorious destiny, becoming the beautiful jewel in the universe—its rightful place in the Family of LOVE. Good day, my beloved brethren.
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