In this Panel on ESS, founder Chris Burres and CEO Patty Greer together with Alfred Lambremont Webre discuss the Anti-oxidant properties of ESS, 172 times more powerful than Vitamin C or D as well as a prophylaxis against HIV infection, suggesting ESS may be an effective prophylaxis vs. COVID 19 CoronaVirus. Other positive properties of ESS include anti-aging, immune boost, anti-viral, and increased mental concentration.
C60Evo is a mega antioxidant anti-aging molecule that is changing the way people live for the better. Now you can buy the highest quality C60 on the market direct from the source with a guarantee of high purity 100% C60/ESS60, a new elite brand from the original C60 company that has been manufacturing C60 for the world for the past 28 years.
Chris is a Mechanical Engineer turned Scientist turned Entrepreneur. Using Nobel Prize-Winning chemistry tested by NASA that was shown to double the lifespan of mammals, Chris went on a mission to make C60 a household name years ago. C60 has proven itself to help people feel healthier, live longer and pain-free lives. His parent company SES has produced most of the raw C60 sold in America since 1991, and today with C60 Evo & ESS60 the secret is out in this fast-moving ExopoliticsTV interview.
Co-owner scientists Chris Burres and Robert Wong invented the only reactor machine of its kind to produce Carbon 60 (ESS60) and other Carbon molecules when they were in college.
Statement from C60 Evo: “The demand and awareness has grown exponentially in the last few years because it works.
“The evolution of C60 had to happen where a new standard was set to guarantee purity and quality to consumers. C60 Evo ( sells direct to the public now with a guarantee that it is safe C60 for human consumption. Their manufacturing process is exceptional and done in a certified clean lab. Their C60 goes through a vacuum oven dry and wash process. They test batches regularly for purity and suspension to guarantee the bottles offer you what they claim. This is rare in the C60 world. At C60 Evo they spin the raw ESS60 powder & organic oil for three weeks in large kettles. These mixing machines are airtight, and without any oxidation or sonication (heat). Once again this is rare in the C60 world. Chris Burres is doing it right.”
Integrity-Sharing with C60 Evo, ExopoliticsTV, and Your purchase of ESS60 at
Chris Burres and C60 Evo have decided to share its financial revenues from your purchase of ESS60 with you and with ExopoliticsTV as a broadcaster of truth and information about C60 and important social topics.
FUNCIÓN de los 28 días: “Organizar – Igualar – Equilibrar”
Lo que esta desequilibrado en tu vida.
Las características de este animal son:
Te ayuda a cambiar la piel, cuando necesitas crecer.
Te ayuda a organizarte, igualar y equilibrar tu vida cotidiana.
Te ayuda a salir de situaciones, cuando se siente amenazado: pierde su cola, cuando se siente amenazado.
Te ayuda a desprenderte de todo aquello, que no tiene que estar en tu vida, porque no te hace evolucionar.
Te ayuda a dirigirte, hacia lo nuevo.
Te ayuda a salir de lugares, situaciones, personas, objetos, compañeros de vida, que ya no son afines, a tu nueva vibración energética.
Es probable que lo hagas camuflado (perdiendo la cola, como el lagarto, para despistar a los depredadores).
Te ayuda a ver, tu nivel de amor actual: ¿egoista, incondicional, obsesivo, libre? Podrás comparar, como es tu nivel de amor, en relación, a quienes te rodean, para poder tomar decisiones tajantes. Activa “la vida cotidiana” (el mundo físico): trámites, mudanzas, etc.
Interiormente sentirás un choque, entre tu viejo yo, y tu nuevo yo, porque pasarás a un nuevo nivel de amor.
Dejarás atrás “tu vieja piel / tu viejo yo / tu vieja forma de ser”, y pasarás a un nuevo nivel de amor (que se consolidará en la luna 8).
Sentirás amor o desamor, porque (a nivel interior y energético) estarás pasando a “un nuevo nivel de amor”, mas evolucionado. Purificarás tu forma de relacionarte con las demás personas y seres del Planeta.
La Luna 6, te prepara para la Gran Transformación Emocional, que vivirás en la Luna 8: Anclar la Conciencia Crística en el Planeta.
DORMIR BIEN: para canalizar y aprovechar bien, el gran caudal de energía física (vida cotidiana).
RELACIÓN: entre las lunas 2, 6 y 10. Compuestas de “energía vida cotidiana”.
LOS 4 TEMAS que viviremos en la luna 6:
Onda Encantada Humano:
(13 de Diciembre): Dejarás una idea, para una Gran Humanidad!! Que anidó en tu corazón y floreció!!
(14 al 26 de diciembre): Tu fuerza vital. Tu poder interior! Tu sexualidad sagrada. No materialismo. ¿Qué te recarga o desgasta tu energía vital?
(27/12 al 08/01/22): Encontrar tu verdad interior,
que pone órden. Y cada cosa en su lugar.
Mono (9/01/22): Conectar a tu niñez interior. Dicha. Calma. Tranquilidad, relajación, creatividad, lo que te da pasión hacer!
¿Cómo te equilibrás, durante estos 28 días? Con cualquiera de estas acciones:
13/12/21: Dejá una idea, para una Gran Humanidad, que anidó en tu corazón y un día floreció!!
14/12/21: El propósito es que te encuentres con tu fuerza vital, tu instinto de anticipación, con tu poder interior, con la creatividad, con la sexualidad sagrada, con el NO consumismo, el NO materialismo. NO acaparar bienes. Observa que cosas te recargan, o te desgastan la energía vital. Dirígete hacia lo mejor para tu vida. Reconocerás y respetarás la fuerza vital de los demás seres, que habitan el Planeta.
15/12/21: El desafío es que mueras a ciclos o etapas de vida, que están desgastando tu fuerza vital, o que te vuelven adicta/o a algo. Encuentra y conecta con tu propia energía, ritmo, comidas, ejercicios y sexualidad.
16/12/21: Realiza acciones constructivas para tu cuerpo y tu fuerza vital. Y Realiza acciones, para querer sanar, de ahí se derivarán el resto de los talentos que puedan surgir. Tienes el talento de regenerarte.
17/12/21: Observa la armonía de la vida y la belleza de todo lo que existe. Tu cuerpo es perfecto, para el plan de tu alma. Respeta el diseño del cuerpo de los demás, porque esa persona, animal, planta, fue diseñada para algo importante en esta vida.
18/12/21: Las emociones son tu brújula, y te dirigirán hacia tu fuerza vital e instinto de anticipación y supervivencia. Observa tus emociones, porque ellas le indicarán a tu instinto, el camino a seguir.
19/12/21: (TORTUGA MÁGICA). SIGUE TU INSTINTO, NO TUS IMPULSOS!!!" Distingue el instinto del impulso. Tu instinto (es espontáneo, surge en el ahora, ya) tus impulsos (son una reacción aprendida, un patrón de conducta), quizás ligado a alguna mala experiencia del pasado. Sigue tu instinto, no tus impulsos. El amor equilibrará las pasiones desmedidas. El amor te mostrará lo que es correcto para cuidar tu energía vital.
20/12/21: Conecta con quien fuiste de niño y recuerda la inocencia. El universo te enviará mensajes diciendo: “mira, esto te da alegría, paz, bienestar, te brindará momentos de tranquilidad y relajación.”. Cuando lleguen a tu vida situaciones, con este tipo de mensaje, presta atención! pues es tu alma intentando comunicarse contigo!
21/12/21: Si quiero preservar la vida, tengo que ser sabio y discernir lo que me desgasta o me recarga la energía vital.
22/12/21: La intención que debes sostener a lo largo de tu vida, es “explorar nuevos lugares, para construir espacios de bienestar para ti mismo y para tu entorno”.
23/12/21: Lo que debes perfeccionar, es conectarte con el presente. Porque tu cuerpo te dirá, lo que necesita "en el aquí y ahora.
24/12/21: Libérate “del que dirán”. Te llaman la atención cosas, que van contra-vía de la sociedad o familia.
25/12/21: Cooperarás con el mundo, conectándote con tu instinto; porque vas a adquirir mayor fuerza de voluntad, mayor disciplina. E Inspiraras a otros a liberarse de sus temores!
26/12/21: Te recordarán como una persona que, cuando se conecto con el instinto, se conectó con la Madre Tierra, con la evolución, con las señales que ella te envía. Te recordaran como una persona que estableció una relación profunda, con todo lo que existe. Te recordarán como una persona que dio bienestar para la Tierra y todos sus seres. Y que conectó con la Naturaleza. Recuerda: La Naturaleza siempre coopera contigo, para que revitalices tu energía vital; es por tal motivo que debemos cuidarla y defenderla.
27/12/21: INICIA LA ONDA ENCANTADA DEL ESPEJO. 13 DIAS, EN LOS CUALES, El propósito es que descubras la verdad más auténtica de tu interior y a partir de ella, pongas órden y organización en tu vida, y cada cosa en su lugar. También esa verdad interior, te ayudará a reconocer quienes comparten tu verdad y quienes no.
28/12/21: El desafío es que con esa verdad vas a tener que transformarte. Esa verdad te lleva a una transformación emocional. Asume esa verdad. El desafío es pasar por una transformación interior, conciente.
29/12/21: El DON: que se activará es tu maestría interior. Se activará tu iluminación, ver las cosas tal y como son. Ver el desorden en tu vida o en tu entorno. Descubres una verdad que activa tu maestro interior. El sol te mostrará, una nueva faceta de tu vida.
30/12/21: Construye tu verdad, simplemente con una certeza interna. Confía en esa construcción paulatina de tu verdad, hasta llegar a la Gran Construcción. Confía en esa nutrición. Confía en las nuevas experiencias. La verdad te hará iniciar de cero. Entra a una nueva dimensión. Nueva nutrición en todo sentido (alimentos, personas, libros, música, amigos nuevos, trabajos nuevos, etc), Cuando cambia una verdad, cambia el camino
31/12/21:. te empoderas de tu verdad interior, encontrándote con tu espíritu. Te empoderas, escuchando lo que pide tu verdad interior. Sigue la verdad que te lleve al espíritu. Modula tus palabras, escucha auténticamente, acércate a los demás. Ver y escuchar todo tu alrededor, te acercará a tu verdad primordial.
01/01/22: (TORTUGA MÁGICA) Te equilibrarás, con las grandes verdades que se manifiestan mientras duermes. Recibirás verdades mientras duermes, para equilibrar algo de tu vida cotidiana. Los sueños te mostrarán una verdad no aceptada.
02/01/22: AYUDA DEL UNIVERSO: “Debes cultivar, disciplinar tu mente, para que cuando llegue LA VERDAD QUE PONE ORDEN Y ROMPE LA ILUSIÓN, estés preparado. Si la verdad que llega es positiva: continúa por ese camino. Si la verdad que llega no te satisface o desanima, entonces, debes replantearte una nueva forma de hacer las cosas (porque hay UNA forma que va acorde con quien eres. Solo debes buscarla y encontrarla)”.
03/01/22: Te dirás: Mis posesiones no son la verdad de mi vida. Mi verdad me conecta con la vitalidad y a la inversa. Cuando vivo fuera de mi verdad, la vitalidad baja (intranquilidad). Mi verdad me da un bono extra de energía vital.
04/01/22: Habrá verdades que tendrás que soltar. Enlázate a las nuevas frecuencias, que corresponden, a tu nueva vibración energética. Suelta todo lo que no corresponde a tu antigua forma de ser. Enlázate a tu verdad interior para que descubras nuevas dimensiones de tu alma. No te culpes por haber sostenido, verdades anteriores que no eran acordes a tu forma de ser (perdónate). Enlázate a lo nuevo, que deba manifestarse y salir a la luz, para que el alma cumpla con esa verdad primordial. Suelta personas que no te acompañarán en tu verdad.
05/01/22: PERFECCIONA: Verdades más constructivas. Pule tu verdad interior, para sanar. Sana, para ver esa verdad. Debes destruir cosas, para construir nuevas y sanas.
06/01/22: libérate de la opulencia y del deslumbramiento que provocan ciertas cosas. Encuentra la Armonía en la luz y en la obscuridad. Libérate de un patrón de belleza. Analiza la razón de ser, de lo que consideras "feo o desarmónico", porque ese ser, con esas características, tiene una razón para existir en el Planeta".
07/01/22: Coopera con el mundo, diciéndo tu verdad interior. Con tu verdad, te sensibilizas con el entorno. Atraerás lo mismo que proyectas (asi que primero, pregúntate lo que deseas atraer, para luego actuar en consecuencia). Cooperar con el mundo (con tu entorno), te revelará una gran verdad. Coopera fluyendo con las emociones
08/01/22: las personas te recordarán por TU AMOR. Al encontrar tu verdad, encuentras tu amor. Encuentras lo que tu corazón ES. Encuentras a tus compañeros de destino y afines. Encuentras la fidelidad hacia ti (hacia lo que eres y sientes). El amor es la fuerza más poderosa del Planeta. Te recordarán por los diferentes estadíos del amor, por los que pasaste. Las etapas del amor. Te recordarán por el reflejo de lo que eres: Por enseñar el amor incondicional, el respeto por todo. Sabes que todo tiene conciencia. Te recordarán por el legado de amor que dejaste. Descubres la fuerza del amor. Y ayudarás a otros a descubrir la fuerza del amor. Descubres la fuerza del amor. Y ayudarás a otros a descubrir la fuerza del amor.
09/01/22: INICIA LA ONDA ENCANTADA DEL MONO: El propósito es que conectes con tu niñez interior, con la felicidad interior (¡no la alegría ficticia!), con la dicha, la calma, tranquilidad, relajación, con la autenticidad. Que conectes con aquello que te gusta hacer. Que te da pasión hacer
Las tortugas mágicas, de la Luna 6:
¿Qué son las tortugas mágicas?: Son “puertas energéticas”, que nos permiten pasar a la Luna siguiente. Son “situaciones concretas”, marcadas por destino, para que vayas a la misión de tu alma (en la luna 13).
19/12/21: SIGUE TU INSTINTO, NO TUS IMPULSOS!!!" Distingue el instinto del impulso. Tu instinto (es espontáneo, surge en el ahora, ya) tus impulsos (son una reacción aprendida, un patrón de conducta), quizás ligado a alguna mala experiencia del pasado. Sigue tu instinto, no tus impulsos. El amor equilibrará las pasiones desmedidas. El amor te mostrará lo que es correcto para cuidar tu energía vital.
01/01/22: Te equilibrarás, con las grandes verdades se manifiestan mientras duermes. Recibirás verdades mientras duermes, para equilibrar algo de tu vida cotidiana. Los sueños te mostrarán una verdad no aceptada.
¡¡¡ FELIZ LUNA 6 !!!
MAYAN CALENDAR Know the Mission of your Soul
28 days : Daily Life Energy
DURATION : December 13 to January 09
28-day FUNCTION : "Organize - Equalize - Balance"
What is unbalanced in your life.
The characteristics of this animal are:
Helps you change skin, when you need to grow.
It helps you organize, equalize and balance your daily life.
It helps you get out of situations, when you feel threatened: lose your tail, when you feel threatened.
It helps you get rid of everything that doesn't have to be in your life, because it doesn't make you evolve.
It helps you direct yourself towards the new.
It helps you get out of places, situations, people, objects, life companions that are no longer related to your new energy vibration.
It is likely that you do it camouflaged (losing its tail, like the lizard, to mislead predators).
Helps you see your current love level: selfish, unconditional, obsessive, free? You will be able to compare, how is your level of love, in relation to those around you, to be able to make decisive decisions. It activates “daily life” (the physical world): paperwork, removals, etc.
Inside you will feel a clash, between your old self, and your new self, because you will go to a new level of love.
You will leave behind “your old skin / your old self / your old way of being”, and you will move on to a new level of love (which will be consolidated on Moon 8).
You will feel love or lack of love, because (at an inner and energetic level) you will be passing to "a new level of love", more evolved. You will purify your way of relating to other people and beings on the planet.
Moon 6 prepares you for the Great Emotional Transformation, which you will live on Moon 8: Anchor the Christ Consciousness on the Planet.
SLEEP WELL: to channel and make good use of the great flow of physical energy (daily life).
RELATIONSHIP: between moons 2, 6 and 10. Composed of "daily life energy".
THE 4 THEMES that we will live on moon 6:
Human Wavespell:
(December 13): You will leave an idea, for a Great Humanity !! That nested in your heart and flourished!
(December 14 to 26): Your life force. Your inner power! Your sacred sexuality. Not materialism. What recharges or erodes your vital energy?
(12/27 to 01/08/22): Finding your inner truth,
that puts order. And everything in its place.
Mono (1/9/22): Connect to your inner childhood. Bliss. Calm. Tranquility, relaxation, creativity, what gives you passion to do!
How do you balance yourself, during these 28 days? With any of these actions:
12/13/21: Leave an idea, for a Great Humanity, that nested in your heart and one day blossomed !!
12/14/21 : The purpose is for you to meet your life force, your anticipation instinct, your inner power, creativity, sacred sexuality, NO consumerism, NO materialism. DO NOT hoard assets. Observe what things recharge you, or wear out your vital energy. Head towards the best for your life. You will recognize and respect the vital force of the other beings that inhabit the Planet.
12/15/21 : The challenge is for you to die to cycles or stages of life, which are wearing down your life force, or making you addicted to something. Find and connect with your own energy, rhythm, food, exercise and sexuality.
12/16/21: Take constructive actions for your body and your life force. And perform actions, to want to heal, from there will be derived the rest of the talents that may arise. You have the talent to regenerate yourself.
12/17/21: Observe the harmony of life and the beauty of everything that exists. Your body is perfect, for the plan of your soul. Respect the design of the body of others, because that person, animal, plant, was designed for something important in this life.
12/18/21: Emotions are your compass, and they will direct you to your life force and instinct for anticipation and survival. Observe your emotions, because they will tell your instinct the way to go.
12/19/21: (MAGIC TURTLE). FOLLOW YOUR INSTINCT, NOT YOUR IMPULSES !!! "Distinguish instinct from impulse. Your instinct (it is spontaneous, it arises in the now, now) your impulses (they are a learned reaction, a pattern of behavior), perhaps linked to some bad experience from the past. Follow your instincts, not your impulses. Love will balance the excessive passions. Love will show you what is right to take care of your vital energy.
12/20/21: Connect with who you were as a child and remember innocence. The universe will send you messages saying: "Look, this gives you joy, peace, well-being, it will give you moments of tranquility and relaxation." When situations come into your life, with this type of message, pay attention! Well, it is your soul trying to communicate with you!
12/21/21: If I want to preserve life, I have to be wise and discern what wears me down or recharges my vital energy.
12/22/21: The intention that you must maintain throughout your life is "to explore new places, to build spaces of well-being for yourself and for your environment."
12/23/21: What you must perfect is to connect with the present. Because your body will tell you, what it needs "in the here and now.
12/24/21: Free yourself “from what they will say”. Things catch your attention, which go against the path of society or family.
12/25/21: You will cooperate with the world, connecting with your instinct; because you are going to acquire greater willpower, greater discipline. And inspire others to release their fears!
12/26/21: You will be remembered as a person who, when connected with instinct, connected with Mother Earth, with evolution, with the signals that she sends you. They will remember you as a person who established a deep relationship, with everything that exists. They will remember you as a person who gave well-being to the Earth and all its beings. And that connected with Nature. Remember: Nature always cooperates with you, so that you revitalize your vital energy; It is for this reason that we must take care of it and defend it.
12/27/21: THE MIRROR WAVES BEGINS. 13 DAYS, IN WHICH, The purpose is that you discover the most authentic truth of your interior and from it, put order and organization in your life, and everything in its place. Also that inner truth will help you to recognize who shares your truth and who does not.
12/28/21: The challenge is that with that truth you are going to have to transform yourself. That truth leads to an emotional transformation. Assume that truth. The challenge is to go through an inner, conscious transformation.
12/29/21: The GIFT : that will be activated is your inner mastery. Your enlightenment will be activated, see things as they are. See the disorder in your life or in your environment. You discover a truth that activates your inner teacher. The sun will show you a new facet of your life.
12/30/21: Build your truth, simply with an internal certainty. Trust in that gradual construction of your truth, until you reach the Great Construction. Trust that nutrition. Trust new experiences. The truth will make you start from scratch. Enter a new dimension. New nutrition in every sense (food, people, books, music, new friends, new jobs, etc), When a truth changes, the way changes
12/31/21 :. You empower yourself with your inner truth, meeting with your spirit. You empower yourself, listening to what your inner truth asks for. Follow the truth that leads you to the spirit. Modulate your words, listen authentically, reach out to others. Seeing and hearing everything around you will bring you closer to your primordial truth.
01/01/22: (MAGIC TURTLE) You will balance yourself, with the great truths that are manifested while you sleep. You will receive truths while you sleep, to balance something in your daily life. Dreams will show you an unaccepted truth.
01/02/22: HELP FROM THE UNIVERSE: “You must cultivate, discipline your mind, so that when THE TRUTH THAT PUTS ORDER AND BREAKS THE ILLUSION arrives, you are prepared. If the truth that comes is positive: continue on that path. If the truth that comes does not satisfy or discourage you, then, you must rethink a new way of doing things (because there is ONE way that is consistent with who you are. You just have to look for it and find it) ”.
1/3/22: You will tell yourself: My possessions are not the truth of my life. My truth connects me with vitality and vice versa. When I live outside my truth, vitality goes down (restlessness). My truth gives me an extra bonus of vital energy.
01/04/22: There will be truths that you will have to unleash. Link yourself to the new frequencies, which correspond to your new energy vibration. Let go of everything that does not correspond to your old way of being. Link yourself to your inner truth so that you discover new dimensions of your soul. Do not blame yourself for having sustained previous truths that were not according to your way of being (forgive yourself). Link yourself to the new, which must manifest itself and come to light, so that the soul fulfills that primordial truth. Release people who will not accompany you in your truth.
1/5/22: PERFECT: More constructive truths . Polish your inner truth, to heal. Sana, to see that truth. You must destroy things, to build new and healthy.
1/6/22: Free yourself from the opulence and dazzling that certain things cause. Find Harmony in the light and in the dark. Free yourself from a pattern of beauty. Analyze the reason for being, of what you consider "ugly or disharmonious", because that being, with those characteristics, has a reason to exist on the planet ".
01/07/22: Cooperate with the world, speaking your inner truth. With your truth, you become sensitive to the environment. You will attract the same thing that you project (so first, ask yourself what you want to attract, and then act accordingly). Cooperating with the world (with your environment) will reveal a great truth to you. Cooperate by flowing with emotions
1/8/22: people will remember YOU for YOUR LOVE. By finding your truth, you find your love. You find what your heart IS. You meet your fellow destinies and the like. You find fidelity towards yourself (towards what you are and what you feel). Love is the most powerful force on the Planet. They will remember you for the different stages of love that you went through. The stages of love. They will remember you for the reflection of who you are: For teaching unconditional love, respect for everything. You know that everything has a conscience. They will remember you for the legacy of love you left behind. You discover the power of love. And you will help others to discover the power of love. You discover the power of love. And you will help others to discover the power of love.
01/09/22: THE MONKEY WAVEWAVE BEGINS: The purpose is for you to connect with your inner childhood, with inner happiness (not fictitious joy!), With bliss, calm, tranquility, relaxation, with authenticity . That you connect with what you like to do. What gives you passion to do
The Magical Turtles, from Moon 6:
What are magic turtles ?: They are "energetic doors" that allow us to go to the next Moon. They are "concrete situations", marked by destiny, so that you go on the mission of your soul (on moon 13).
12/19/21: FOLLOW YOUR INSTINCT, NOT YOUR IMPULSES !!! " Distinguish instinct from impulse. Your instinct (it is spontaneous, it arises in the now, now) your impulses (they are a learned reaction, a pattern of behavior), perhaps linked to some bad experience in the past. Follow your instincts, not your impulses. Love will balance the excessive passions. Love will show you what is correct to take care of your vital energy.
01/01/22: You will balance yourself, with the great truths manifested while you sleep. You will receive truths while you sleep, to balance something in your daily life. Dreams will show you an unaccepted truth.
Michael Salla: soul score 27, is a Wanderer-3, has 3x bad karma, has 34x good karma Donald Trump: soul score 11, Lizard soul, 6x bad karma, 29x good karma David Wilcock: soul score 49, is a Wanderer-4, has 3x bad karma, has 37x good karma Jyrka Rysavy: soul score 6, Draconian soul, has 10x bad karma, has 29x good karma Corey Goode: soul score 42, about 10% done with his cycle of 3rd density, has 5x bad karma, has 35x good karma Laura Eisenhower: soul score 36, about 10% done with her cycle of 3rd density, has 3x bad karma, has 37x good karma [Gary may be picking up Eisenhower DNA frequencies that are distorting this score] Dwight Eisenhower (when president): soul score 37, about 5% done with his cycle of 3rd density, has 27x bad karma,33x g karma Anthony Fauci: soul score 3, Draconian soul, has 26x bad karma, has 29x good karma Bill Gates: soul score 3, Draconian soul, has 23x bad karma, has 29x good karma Justin Trudeau: soul score 4, Draconian soul, has 27x bad karma, has 29x good karma Steven Greer: soul score 56, is a Wanderer-3½, has hardly any bad karma, has 37x good karma
The Lucifer Rebellion occurred upon Urantia (planet Earth) approximately 250,000 years ago. This was a system-wide event, involving 37 material planets, originating at the level where Lucifer was the administrative head. His Manifesto outlined his perspective to stray from the divine plan of evolution and created his own plan of planetary management. At the system level, there were a large number of spiritual personalities who defected with him, which are outlined in “The URANTIA Book” in Paper 53—The Lucifer Rebellion (see link below).
According to spiritual messages from a variety of celestial helpers, the information received indicates that around 1985 the rebellion was adjudicated at the system level, and those who participated have either been vanquished or have received redemption based upon their own individual choice of repentance. While these rebels no longer exist, they left a heavy and dark imprint upon planetary consciousness, which has adversely impacted our consciousness and DNA evolution.
Now each of the 37 rebellions worlds are in their adjudication period called, “The Correcting Time,” an accelerated timeline to help them recover from this insidious event. Pressure is being applied upon our world and the other 36 planets from the spiritual realms to reveal the truth of what has occurred to help humanity understand its role in cosmic planetary evolution and to recognize the larger universe reality where divine values of Truth, Goodness, and Beauty are the motivating factors for human behavior.
Correction is fostered via a massive infusion of Light exposing the dark agenda to help people recognize the truth, choose whether or not to participate in it, and receive the spiritual redemption and rehabilitation necessary to heal the past and move forward into co-creation with Spirit to build a spiritually vibrant planetary culture.
Suggested Reading in The URANTIA Book (; in the search bar, enter the paper number or title: