Awakening to Christ Consciousness: Implementing the Divine Template with Donna D'Ingillo
The solution to all of our problems—social and political—occurs at the spiritual level. The solution is coming from a change of mind and heart to perceive the light on the horizon beckoning us into a brighter future. Even though conditions upon the planet may appear hopeless and dire, the spiritual potential of humanity is gaining strength and becoming more active and visible. People are coming out of the slumber of a dark spiritual age to perceive an inner light that provides higher positive information to consider and act upon.
Reorienting your context and perception to a spiritual level elevates you to discern what is happening upon our world as a great outworking is conducted. During our upcoming podcasts, we will explore the spiritual solutions now underway to help people change the trajectory of thinking and feeling into a realm where you are held in peace, compassion, and mercy from our divine Source. There is dynamic upon our world conducted by Divine Personalities who are providing us the environment to see the truth of what has occurred upon our world and how we will together as a planetary culture heal ourselves, our world, and all life upon it. Please join us for information to liberate and uplift you!
2nd & 4th Sunday - Planetary Seraphim Conference call - Contact [email protected]
Institute of Christ Consciousness
“Implementing the divine template to evolve a heavenly planetary culture"
“Entwine with Your Divine:”
Planetary Awakening: