Reconstructing History Hidden by MudFlood with Michelle Gibson and Gary Peter Carlson
In this Panel interview with Alfred Lambremont Webre, Michelle Gibson and Gary Peter Carlson elaborate on their hypothesis that the 1942 Philadelphia time travel teleportation experiment resulted in a tear in the time-space fabric of Earth circa 1740-41, resulting in an interdimensional portal facilitating the entry of possibly up to 425,000 Archonic entities or Reptilian souls into the Earthian Incarnation cycle [notably the incarnation of the Rothschild dynasty of Archonic souls], with these Duality Consciousness ["I win You lose"] souls dominating human controller systems in Government, Finance, religion and creating cyclical "Mud Flood" depopulation and historical manipulation events on human society, around a time loop of 1492-1942 and extending to the present day Pandemic/Human Awakening.
The Seven Salem Solar Eclipse of 2017 — Revealing What Has Been Hidden in Front of Our Eyes
The Destructive Forces of the 1900 Great Galveston Hurricane & Hurricane Camille in 1969 and Other "Natural Disasters" — Revealing What Has Been Hidden in Front of Our Eyes