Gary Peter Carlson: Earth & Light souls have planetary ascension on Dec. 21, 2020 at 10:22am PST
In a 1 hour and 5 minute interview with Alfred Lambremont Webre, Gary Peter Carlson sourced that Earth and Unity Conscious Souls will have planetary ascension into 4th density-5th dimension on Monday December 21, 2020 at about 10:22am Pacific Time. If this sourcing is correct, duality consciousness [I win-You lose - reptilian souled] humans and human leaders will lose incarnate status on Earth and disappear, and a new positive human leadership with appear on Earth. Reality will be transformed "in the twinkling of an eye" with new colors appearing, increased synchronicity and telepathy, and the disappearance of Reptilian depopulation agendas like the Genocidal Technologies Pandemic with its mandated genocidal mRNA AIDS-inducing COVID vaccinations, catastrophic Social Control Methods like social distancing, masking, lockdown, concentration camps. Gary Peter Carlson's soul achieves Universe ascension and teleport to a new Universe, and a new Soul that does not have his powers will be a walk-in after December 21, 2020.
God, Matter & Life.
The Central God
There is a Central God, or source. The Central God manifests an etheric, aether, or ‘source field’ that I call the ‘God Consciousness’. It covers all universes and voids. Within the God Consciousness are 4 Prime Creators. The 4 Prime Creators, with their 4 unique polarities, create Universes, which, upon completion, are returned to the Prime Creators and go through a 2 step process before being returned to the Central God, who replaces what came back with new creation material. The God Consciousness kind-of broadcasts programs of DNA and RNA. DNA has 18 branches; RNA only 1.
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Posted by: Cheryl | 12/16/2020 at 07:34 PM
I'd like to see your follow up interview with Gar Carlson at 4 pm today.
Posted by: David Gilker | 12/22/2020 at 04:00 PM