Synergistic Miracle Medical Breakthroughs with Patty Greer, Alfred Lambremont Webre & Thomas Keough
The Regenexx Difference: Alternative to Orthopedic Surgery
Regenexx has published 44%* of all orthopedic-stem-cell research worldwide and holds 15 patents on various Interventional-Orthopedic technologies and protocols. Regenexx patients receive the full benefit of our unique understanding of regenerative treatments for orthopedic injuries.
Regenexx uses your body's natural healing ability to repair damage to bones, muscles, cartilage, tendons, and ligaments non-surgically. Our proprietary, research-driven techniques allow us to concentrate your cells and to place them in the precise area of your injury to promote healing and to achieve optimal outcomes. ESS60 Synergistic healing with Regenexx
Patty Greer letter to Jason Markle, D.O. 11/12/20:
Good morning Dr. Jason,
I had a total of 30 hours of achy hips after the procedure. My back never hurt at all and still doesn't. I am so impressed with your procedure and your techniques that you offer at Centeno and if I continue to improve which I know I will, I plan to promote your group heavily online as I told you.
For people who take C60 Evo and still have pain because they are living bone on bone, you are a miracle! I started up my C60 Evo the day after the procedure and I know that it helped to ease the pain. I just hope it I did not slow down the healing because it does have anti-inflammatory properties, as well as antiviral, antibacterial and MEGA antioxidant properties (172 times more powerful than vitamin C).
His Reply 11/12/20:
“Glad to hear your are back at home and all going as planned 😊
The C60 EVO should only boost the platelet activity as it helps control inflammation and not shutting off the process!
All the best and take care!”
Jason Markle, D.O.
Board Certified in PM&R
Fellowship Trained in Interventional Orthopedics
Centeno Schultz Clinic: Broomfield Colorado
C60Evo ESS60: Mental clarity; Anti-Viral; Life-Extension; Anti-Free Radical; Anti-Oxidant 172 times more powerful than Vitamin C
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