ESS60 scientifically linked to Human DNA life extension, following 2012 study showing prolongation of lifespan in mammals consuming C60
By Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd
VANCOUVER, BC, CANADA - The Nobel Prize winning Carbon 60 "fullerine molecule", named after legendary futurist Buckminster Fuller, has now been preliminarily scientifically linked to Human DNA life extension, in its form that is safe for human consumption as ESS60. This result is consistent with the results of a 2012 Paris study showing a 90% prolongation of lifespan in mammals consuming C60.
Download 2012 Paris Baati study
Scientist Chris Burres of SES Research Inc. reports that "One of our clients, a medical doctor practicing out of Tampa, using our ESS60 formulation had the following results.
"He used myDNAAge test to identify the DNA age of two test subjects prior to starting the protocol. The clients took 3 Thorne ResveraCels twice per day, Metformin 500mg daily and ESS60 in Olive Oil each evening. The subjects were retested at 5 months. A typical great result for this type of test would be that the patients experienced only 4 months of "dna aging" over the course of 5 months. In our case, one of the subjects had a MyDNAAge decrease of 1.8 years while the other had a decrease of 2.7 years. The protocol is based on Dr. David Sinclair's book Lifespan, with the addition of ESS60 in Olive Oil.
"Our plan is to immediately start a baseline study and provide 4 test subjects with ESS60 in Olive Oil each morning. The subject will be DNA Age tested with a TruAGE test before trying ESS60 in Olive Oil. The TrueAGE test will be repeated at month 3. With positive results, the test subjects will continue to take ESS60 in Olive Oil daily and will be tested every 3 months."
These preliminary results can now be confirmed and extended in the baseline studies that scientist Chris Burres plans with 4 test subjects consuming ESS60 in olive oil each morning. The 2012 Paris Baati study showed a 90% prolongation of lifespan in mammals consuming C60. What the comparable result will be in humans consuming ESS60 daily is anticipated with great interest.
How to co-participate your own ESS60 human DNA life extension experiment
You too can participate in your own informal ESS60 human DNA life extension experiment, as does this reporter Alfred Lambremont Webre, who met with futurist Buckminster Fuller at the University of Cincinnati, Ohio , in the early 1980s to discuss the World Good News Network, of which ExopoliticsTV is a member.
You can start your informal life extension experiment by ordering ESS60 in Olive Oil using the Special Code ALWSPEC at
ESS60 Subscription - By initiating a monthly subscription for ESS60, the cost per month of your informal life extension experiment will be reduced to an affordable $75.00 per month for the ESS60 in Olive Oil - 4oz. that is sufficient for a teaspoon per day in the morning of life-extending ESS60. Your Subscription by using our Special Code ALWSPEC, includes a 20% discount and an 5% discount, and supports Buckminster Fuller's World Good News Network as 15% of your purchase is donated to support ExopoliticsTV.
You can report the results of your informal life extension experiment on a regular basis to Hello Evo [email protected]