Tolec, Andromeda Council representative, exposes coming False flag ET “invasion” as Earth-based Deep State Reptilians psyop
Vancouver, BC - In this exclusive TrueTube interview, Tolec, a Senior Joint Earth Council Representative for the Andromeda Galactic Council, exposes coming False flag ET “invasion” as Earth-based Deep State Reptilians psyop, relying on mass mind control of the Earth's human population in collaboration between Deep State control of key Earth governments and remaining negative Reptilian planetary occupiers.
Acting on behalf of this psyop, in an unusual escalation of already Orwellian censorship of Free Speech on its platforms, around August 26, 2020, Reptilian-controlled You Tube, a Google-Alphabet company - another Reptilian controlled entity - deleted a 7-minute informational video by Tolec, a Senior Member of the Joint Earth Council of the Andromeda Council. The Andromeda Council video warned of a Deep State False Flag Extraterrestrial invasion, engineered in an attempt to further erode human civilization’s civil liberties and freedoms, now that the False Flag Pandemic 2020, also orchestrated by the Deep State has begun to lose credibility among a large segment of humanity.
As it is preparing to launch the "final card" global psyop of the false flag ET invasion, on August 26, 2020, another Deep State controlled agency functionally declared Pandemic 2020 was over, as humanity was now fully entrained in its Social Control brainwashing of Mandatory DNA altering Vaccinations, economic lockdowns, and brain altering mandatory masking. "CDC [US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, GA] quietly updated the Covid number to admit that only 6% of all the 153,504 deaths recorded actually died from Covid. 9,210 deaths. The other 94% had 2 to 3 other serious illnesses and the overwhelming majority were of very advanced age; 90% in nursing homes."
Finally, CDC Admits Just 9,210 Americans Died FROM Covid19
CDC Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Weekly Updates by Select Demographic and Geographic Characteristics
Provisional Death Counts for Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
August 26, 2020 - Comorbidities
As a matter of usual practice, YouTube censors do not actively intervene in Exopolitical online video Free Speech, which gives credence to the Andromeda Council’s and Tolec’s warning of a coming attempted Deep State False Flag Extraterrestrial invasion.
On May 9, 2001 at the National Press Club in a Disclosure Press Conference officially publicly announced jointly by Dr. Steven Greer, MD and Dr. Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd, Disclosure Project witness Dr. Carol Rosin testified publicly that a Deep State False Flag Extraterrestrial invasion would be the “last card” in the Earth control agenda of the Draco Reptilian negative Earth occupation force before its final expulsion from Earth. This expulsion, many other Exopolitical observers have stated, will include the awakening human population in alliance with positive Extraterrestrial and interdimensional forces of planetary dimensional frequency Ascension.
Andromeda Council Council.html
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Recommended Reading
YouTube Censors Andromeda Council Representative Tolec’s 7-minute video warning of Deep State False Flag ET invasion
Andromeda Council: Earth is already on a positive timeline. Trump is a non-politician chosen as an instigator and advocate of much needed change
By Alfred Lambremont Webre
Andromeda Council: Earth is already on a positive timeline. Trump is a non-politician chosen as an instigator and advocate of much needed change
By Alfred Lambremont Webre
Poštovani, gosp. Tolec i gosp. Alfred Lambremont Webre,
Puno Vas pozdravljam i zahvaljujem na obavjesti o Lažnoj zastavi o ET i Pandemiji COVID-19 iza koje stoji Duboka država i njezini robovi na Zemlji.
Također ovom prilikom upućujem, moj veliki pozdrav i sreću Andromeda vijeću naše Galaksije Mliječni put.
Posebne čestitke hidro-akustičarima ET civilizacije Procyon s planete Kaena !
Republika Hrvatska - CROATIA - EU, 02. rujna 2020.
Posted by: Dr. sc. Zvonimir Milošić, mr. sc., dipl. ing., E.E., hydroacoustics | 09/02/2020 at 02:52 PM
Dear, Mr. Tolec and Mr. Alfred Lambremont Webre, I greet you very much and thank you for the False Flag notification on ET and the COVID-19 Pandemic behind the Deep State and its slaves on Earth. Also on this occasion, I extend my great greetings and happiness to Andromeda to the council of our Milky Way Galaxy. Special congratulations to the hydro-acousticians of the ET civilization Procyon from the planet Caen! Republic of Croatia - CROATIA - EU, September 2, 2020
Posted by: Alfred Lambremont Webre | 09/02/2020 at 04:09 PM