Mia Feroleto: Sovereignty, Light and Life, Enlightenment & a Portal to Earth Ascension on Lakota Territory 2020
WATCH ON TRUETUBE.CO@YouTube: https://youtu.be/Jo4xAi0Of54
To support Leonard Peltier, please contact Paulette Dauteuil at the
International Leonard Peltier Defense Committee
[email protected]
116 W Osborne Avenue
Tampa, FL 33603
218 790 7667
218 443 6269
For those who would like to write to Leonard:
Leonard Peltier 89637-132
USP Coleman 1
PO Box 1033
Coleman, FL 33521
Pine Ridge issue of New Observations.
Here is the link to our residency program for artists and writers:
Thunderheart Center for the Arts
NEXUS article:
2020: Consciousness in the Black Hills, The Heart of the World
Here is the link to Mia Feroleto's podcast: