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Claudette Stenson

Have followed both of you for years. This interview with AB is very revealing. However, may I agree to disagree about DJT and the Mars letter you wrote. Are you sure he received it? How can you confirm this! When the President speaks about Mars, he is being very reserved. He Knows EVERYTHING that is going on behind the scenes. Just like the human trafficking and missing children. Regarding these horrific events he is slowly making their presence known to the masses. Humans must be shown so they will believe. BHO is a traitor to the USA. He may have been an intelligent buddy to you on your excursions to Mars, yet as an adult he became a manipulator and fraud. When you spoke the USAF and the children, was this a legitimate claim or hearsay? There is a satanic presence on earth that uses children for devious reasons. Are these related in any way? It is difficult to catch a breath with all the disclosures happening. Thank you for your honesty, dedication and compassion for humanity. Never cease from shouting the truth‼️ ✨🇺🇸✨

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