Dear Yale Law School Classmates Hi! As the November 2020 US election & President Donald J. Trump are being discussed on this list, I feel a scholarly obligation to share with your well-honed sense of judgement my published conclusions regarding the role of secret DARPA-CIA quantum access time travel technology in pre-identifying U.S. Presidents since 1971 and grooming them for office.
In brief, our research demonstrates that, since 1971, all future US Presidents, including George HW Bush, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, Barack Obama, and Donald J. Trump were pre-identified by secret US government quantum access technology and, in 1971 and subsequent years, were briefed as to their future Presidencies by CIA. The functional resultant is that public US elections are in some essential way a charade, thereby defeating the U.S. constitution.
As for the probable outcome of the November 2020 election, I have not been able to locate any further DARPA-CIA quantum access time travel preidentification evidence that suggests that anything other than that Donald J. Trump will be re-elected US President.
My deep concern is that the US and world public should know that Donald J. Trump was pre-identified in 1971 via secret quantum access technology as a future US President and groomed by DARPA-CIA as such.
Here is the article that we published prior to the 2016 US Presidential election regarding DARPA-CIA's preidentification and grooming of Donald J. Trump as a future US President starting in 1971:
I myself met with approximately 50 members of the DARPA CIA quantum access time travel program in 1971 when I was General Counsel of the New York City Environmental Protection Administration. DARPA-CIA wanted to meet with me as DARPA-CIA had time travel-teleported my 2000 book EXOPOLITICS: Politics, Government, and Law in the Universe from 2005 back to 1971 where it was viewed in house by Project Pegasus, DARPA-CIA's secret time travel unit, including a whistleblower who would reveal all this to me in the early 2000s.
You can verify the context of what I am sharing here at the following links:
Implications for our Democracy
A working conclusion for our US constitutional democracy that I have published is that US public affairs are clandestinely controlled by a "Chronogarchy" or secret time travel government that uses quantum access technology to pre-identify political and other leaders and events and hence control policy directions and outcomes in our society, by passing the core role of the freedoms guaranteed in the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
Disclosure - A group of us, including whistleblower US Chrononauts [Timetravelers] have been working for quantum access disclosure, via lobbying inhouse with the Presidential administrations, as well as on publically and in social media.
Public Interest Litigation - If after examining this material, this resonates with any of you Classmates, please feel free to contact me. Because Donald J. Trump's uncle, John Trump was intimately involved with the development of quantum access, it morally behooves President Donald J. Trump to publicly disclose the clandestine role that quantum access has come to play in defeating our constitutional guarantees in public elections, and in much more. Perhaps we will be able to pursuade the next US President - be it Donald J. Trump or another - to disclose the role of quantum access technology in government. If not, we can protect our Constitutional guarantees by taking Disclosure of US government unlawful use clandestine use of quantum access technology to public interest litigation.
Thank you for listening.
Best regards, Alfred
This is why the 'Q' Team (White Hats?) are able to say with total confidence that the future proves past!
Posted by: sylvie pollard | 09/28/2020 at 02:17 AM
Q is an Intelligence Psyop.
Trumps team.
CIA helping to Plan Future, (write history and prehistory)...Control(right wing).
Not Time Travel......
Posted by: Arkwright | 09/29/2020 at 10:16 AM
then all probabilities being equal--this will turn out well for the hu-mans ---step into your power and will with your intent what you want to happen--project a future for us all---be careful and be specific---Micro-Macro......T thanks Alfred
Posted by: Tree | 09/30/2020 at 10:15 PM