Donald J. Trump beats out Prince Charles, Prince of Wales as qualifier for 666 Antichrist of Book of Revelation
Although Prince Charles, Prince of Wales, is the subject of a 450 page analysis that concluded he qualifies as the 666 Antichrist of the Book of Revelation [See THE ANTICHRIST AND A CUP OF TEA by Tim Cohen]
Download The Antichrist and a Cup of Tea by Tim Cohen (
The following post on on March 10, 2021 by Donald J. Trump qualifies as an admission against interest that Donald J. Trump is in fact the 666 AntiChrist of the Book of Revelation:
Charles 72 and Donald Trump 75 are cut from the same cloth of control freakery [German genes nazi dreams] and wealth and privilege... thanks for highlighting these elitists who present themselves as saviours.. they both make me sick and I hope in the new age we will never have to hear a peep out of their rotten mouths again.
Posted by: S.A. Cunliffe | 07/02/2021 at 09:30 AM
Well done Alfred... these people should be held to account for their crimes against humanity in this lifetime. As my friend Sallie Elkordy would tell others "October is Vaccine Injury Awareness Month" and a black ribbon is in order this year more than ever... rest in peace Grandma, Aunty G. and Lil in the UK.. just three in my immediate circle who died after receiving their jabbies for coviet19.
Posted by: Concerned New Brunswickers | 09/09/2021 at 03:07 AM
Prince Charles is of concern: "The Man Who Shouldn't Be King" 2020 documentary from "Republic Campaign" Graham Smith in the UK.. watch at this link:
Posted by: Sackvillle UNcensored | 10/14/2021 at 03:59 AM
45 Biblical Reasons that Donald J Trump is the Anti Christ
Really tired of the shilling by this three time married con artist
Calling himself King now? Really? Donald Trump Jr posting memes of his Dad as the King ... unreal!
Posted by: Indie Media Eastcoast | 07/02/2022 at 07:27 AM