Today is May 18, 2018, and I want to note for all of you that events of extreme importance happened on this day, the day of Jesus's ascension in 30 AD.
On May 18 of that year, three great universe events occurred:
Event #1: First, this is the day of Pentecost, the great initiatory moment when the followers of Jesus and in fact all humankind received the bestowal of the Spirit of Truth, which in turn led directly to two other great events. . .
I want to thank veteran UB student Joshua Wilson for alerting all of us to the other two crucial events that followed upon our Master's ascension and his sending of the Spirit:
Event #2:Michael, our Creator Son and universe father, received formal confirmation of his "master sovereignty" of Nebadon--the local universe of his creation along with his co-creator, our Mother Spirit.
It was about seven forty-five this morning when the morontia Jesus disappeared from the observation of his eleven apostles to begin the ascent to the right hand of his Father, there to receive formal confirmation of his completed sovereignty of the universe of Nebadon.
Event #3: Our Mother Spirit, Christ Michael's universe consort and cocreator of our local universe, becomes personally knowable by all contacting individuals.
Subsequent to the elevation of the Creator Son to the sovereign authority of a Master Son, the Creative Mother Spirit becomes so augmented in personal qualities as to be personally recognized by all contacting
Proclamation of Equality (see 33:3.5)
Also, on or about May 18, 30 AD, at the Jubilee of Jubilees on Salvington, Michael published the "Proclamation of Equality" for all in our local universe. We can celebrate both together each May 18: Michael's sovereignty and Mother's co-rulership of our universe. As Joshua Wilson puts it: "Let us pledge ourselves in loyalty to the Son and the Spirit, and encourage all whom we know to do likewise. Glory to God in the highest!"
UFOs are not extraterrestrial! Modern secular researchers are getting closer to the truth - The Jesus Times ¡Los ovnis no son extraterrestres! Los investigadores seculares modernos se están acercando a la verdad - The Jesus Times OVNIs não são extraterrestres! Pesquisadores seculares modernos estão se aproximando da verdade - The Jesus Times 不明飛行物不是外星人! 現代世俗研究人員正在接近真相 - 耶穌時報 यूएफओ बाह्य अंतरिक्ष नहीं हैं! आधुनिक धर्मनिरपेक्ष शोधकर्ता सत्य के करीब आ रहे हैं - जीसस टाइम्स НЛО не являются внеземными! Современные светские исследователи приближаются к истине - The Jesus Times Les OVNIS ne sont pas extraterrestres! Les chercheurs laïcs modernes se rapprochent de la vérité - The Jesus Times ها خارج از زمین نیستند! محققان سکولار مدرن به حقیقت نزدیکترند - The Jesus Times Τα UFO δεν είναι εξωγήινα! Οι σύγχρονοι κοσμικοί ερευνητές πλησιάζουν περισσότερο στην αλήθεια - τους Ιησούς Τάιμς
NOTE TO A FRIEND & CHRISTIAN COLLEAGUE: Thank you! Jacques Vallee was one of my early contacts and member scientists of the 1977 Carter White House ET Communication study. That may be one reason the Pentagon & MIB Men in Black shut the project down in Oct 1977.
In the 1st edition of his book Messengers of Deception he calls Alfred Lambremont Webre “another Aleister Crowley”
In this article, with Luciferian Deception, Vallee terms paid deep cover operative Michael Salla - who lifted his 2004 off Alfred’s 2000 book Exopolitics without attribution - the “founder of Exopolitics”.
Neither Vallee nor Salla are cosmic Christ- oriented or cognizant IMHO in our Earth’s Exopolitical drama and both are documented prevaricators.
Be Aware
Alfred Lambredmont Webre April 30, 2018 The @Real Jesus Times
THE @real JESUS TIMES No es tanto que el Deep State - Estado Profundo - esté en contra de Jesús, sino que son los Nazis que están en contra....[En Ingles hay un chiste - Nazi="Not-See" - No ven]:
It is not so much the Deep State is against Jesus, but the Nazis that are [In English there is a joke - Nazi = "Not-See" - They do not see]:
Alfred Lambremont Webre "It's the Jewihs-Jesuit-Commies-Feebies/SeeEyeEh(!), Will :)<3 Alfred Lambremont Webre They want to ensure the greatest "Soul harvest" for themselves in the coming Soul Ascension, and hence they are trying to wall off our information from the rest of Facebook!!! LOL Don't they know Souls are TELEPATHIC???? <3:) COMMENT TO A FRIEND:
MoonDay May 14, 2018
Senor (Tales Of Yankee Power) Written by: Bob Dylan
Señor, señor, do you know where we’re headin’?
Lincoln County Road or Armageddon?
Seems like I been down this way before
Is there any truth in that, señor?
Señor, señor, do you know where she is hidin’?
How long are we gonna be ridin’?
How long must I keep my eyes glued to the door?
Will there be any comfort there, señor?
There’s a wicked wind still blowin’ on that upper deck
There’s an iron cross still hangin' down from around her neck
There’s a marchin’ band still playin’ in that vacant lot
Where she held me in her arms one time and said, “Forget me not”
Señor, señor, I can see that painted wagon
I can smell the tail of the dragon
Can’t stand the suspense anymore
Can you tell me who to contact here, señor?
Well, the last thing I remember before I stripped and kneeled
Was that trainload of fools bogged down in a magnetic field
A gypsy with a broken flag and a flashing ring
Said, “Son, this ain’t a dream no more, it’s the real thing”
Señor, señor, you know their hearts is as hard as leather
Jefferson Davis 8 months ago “Dato curioso (en especial para los mexicanos): La inspiración de Bob para escribir esta canción vino, según el, de un viaje que hizo a Chihuahua (o a Monterrey); México, en tren. En varios conciertos de 1978 lo dijo, pero a veces decía que había viajado a Chihuahua, otras que a Monterrey, y en algunas ocasiones dijo Monterrey, Chihuahua (Muy probablemente un error; hasta donde sé no existe un lugar llamado Monterrey, en Chihuahua. Quizá viajó a Monterrey, Nuevo León, y confundió los nombres de los estados.) Jefferson Davis 8 months ago “Curious fact (especially for Mexicans): The inspiration of Bob to write this song came, according to him, from a trip he made to Chihuahua (or Monterrey); Mexico, by train. In some concerts of 1978 he said that, but sometimes he said that he had traveled to Chihuahua, other times to Monterrey, and sometimes he said Monterrey, Chihuahua (Most likely a mistake, as far as I know there's no place called Monterrey in Chihuahua. Perhaps he traveled to Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, and confused the names of the states.)
- En Antactica en sus bases subterraneas
- Por medio del "Aleman DVD" El gobierno del 4o Reich de occupacion global, con sus capitales en Moscú [Por eso tanto el Partriarcha Ruso, amigo de Putin, tanto que el Jesuita Argentino Bergoglio (Papito) fueron a Antarctica, la vcapital de los "Not-See - Nazi", el Vaticáno, Londres, Washington, DC.
- En Antarctica tienen su Extraterrestre que los Nazi van a poner del a segunda venida de Christo, su nuevo Mesias, quizas - veremos.....Su bandera falsa cosmica....
- Y los hermanos Castro - que ya se sabe vienen de las llamadas "bloodline" - lineas de sangre papales e Iraníes - hicieron su jugada por medio de la CIA para entregarle a los Nazi a Cuba bajo el disfraz del "comunismo" por medio de los tuneles de Atlantides que van hasta Tierra del Fuego y Antarctica.
Bueno - Esto es una hispotesis en marcha - ya verémos!
Un Abrazo, Alfred
Hola Sé que suena un poco raro, pero los Nazis invadieron a Cuba desde sus bases en Antartica, establesidas por Hitler y el 3er Reich conjunto con el comienzo de 2rd guerra mundial, por medio de una red de tunneles de las ruinas de Atlantides que van desde Antactica por Patagonia, la tierra de los Incas, CentroAmerica, hasta debajo del Mar caribe y subiendo a la superficie al fondo del Mar Caribe entre La Bahamas y la costa norte de Oriente donde, cuando viviamos en Chaparra [Oriente], ibamos a nadar al Cayo Juan Claro y Punto Tomate, aya fuera de Holguín, donde se encuentran las ruinas de Atlantide enscondidas dbajo del coral y las rocas y la superficie desde la ultima guerra exopolitica y el cataclimse de 9500 Ante Cristo.
No es tanto que el Deep State - Estado Profundo - esté en contra de Jesús, sino que son los Nazis que están en contra....[En Ingles hay un chiste - Nazi="Not-See" - No ven]:
It is not so much the Deep State is against Jesus, but the Nazis that are [In English there is a joke - Nazi = "Not-See" - They do not see]:
- In Antactica in its underground bases - Through the "German DVD" The government of the 4th Reich of global occupation, with its capitals in Moscow [That's why both the Russian Partriarcha, friend of Putin, as well as the Jesuit Argentino Bergoglio (Papito) went to Antarctica, the vcapital of the "Not-See - Nazi", the Vaticáno, London, Washington, DC. - In Antarctica they have their Extraterrestrial that the Nazis are going to put of the second coming of Christo, their new Messiah, maybe - we will see ..... Their false cosmic flag .... - And the Castro brothers - who already know come from the so-called "bloodlines" - papal and Iranian bloodlines - made their move through the CIA to deliver the Nazis to Cuba under the guise of "communism" through the tunnels of Atlantides that go to Tierra del Fuego and Antarctica.
Hello I know it sounds a bit weird, but the Nazis invaded Cuba from their bases in Antarctica, stabilized by Hitler and the 3rd Reich together with the beginning of World War II, through a network of tunnels of the ruins of Atlantides that go from Antactica through Patagonia, the land of the Incas, Central America, to below the Caribbean Sea and rising to the surface at the bottom of the Caribbean Sea between the Bahamas and the north coast of the East where, when we lived in Chaparra [Oriente], we were going to swim to Cayo Juan Claro and Punto Tomate, aya outside Holguín, where the ruins of Atlantide are hidden under the coral and the rocks and the surface since the last exopolitical war and the cataclimate of 9500 Before Christ.
Alfred, thanks for holding high the vision of the centrality of Jesus and his teachings
From: "EXOPOLITICS.COM" Reply-To: "EXOPOLITICS.COM" Date: Tuesday, April 17, 2018 at 8:49 AM To: Byron Belitsos Cc: Sally Wong , Donna D'Ingillo Subject: Re: Sally, Byron, Donna & Alfred - Can we rise to the Challenge of The Jesus Times, an uncompleted project?
Byron Hi! Thank you very much for this:
BYRON: "I myself have been posting video commentaries related to Easter, called ESOTERIC EASTER, for the last several weeks that may be of interest. It is meant to be palatable to liberal Christians."
The New Testament offers a profound chronicle of the life of Jesus. But humanity has evolved tremendously since the four Gospels and the Epistles were penned. Followers of Jesus are ready for an updated depiction of who Christ was and is. The Esoteric Easter series, which began on March 12 of 2018, grows from that conviction.
This series of talks and discussions, presented as a free service, offers a refreshed vision of Jesus and his teachings as we head toward Easter 2018 (April 1). We continue afterwards until April 16 as we follow the expanded description of Jesus’s resurrection appearances as uniquely revealed in The Urantia Book.
Open-minded Christians need to see Jesus in a new light—especially the esoteric side of his teachings and the spiritual practices he taught. This study and commentary provided by Byron Belitsos, acclaimed author of Your Evolving Soul, is based on the revelatory unveiling of the life of Jesus presented in The Urantia Book, but also tracks for comparison with the traditional biblical accounts. We will focus especially on the last week of Jesus’s life, which was traditionally known as Holy Week or the Passion of Jesus. Because of the modernized story of Christ presented in the Urantia text, we can look beneath the old biblical narrative for an account of the hidden side of these events that have remained unrevealed until now. We will cover:
• The divinity of the cosmic Christ—a postmodern view of his incarnation
• The gospel teaching in its full flowering as presented anew in the Urantia text
• A fuller account of why Jesus entered Jerusalem to confront the Jewish leaders
• Jesus’s heretofore unrevealed teachings to the Apostles in his final days on Earth
• A modern look at the death on the cross, stripped of the blood-atonement teaching
• The lost story of the crucial role of Mary Magdelene and the women apostles
• A new description of the resurrection of Lazurus and Jesus’s own resurrection
• The import of Jesus’s final appearances after his resurrection
• The story of Pentecost and its unfolding ever since
I can see now that you are indeed manifesting what I had in my mind's eye back in the early 1980s with The Jesus Times, which gladdens my heart. I have subscribed to and will be sharing your publication with others.
Alfred, some of our dreams of youth return later in life, and this projects sounds like one of yours. I am all for the explication of Part IV of the Urantia Book, if that's what you aim to do. Making it more attractive to Christians is an especially good mission, if you ask me.
All my best,
PS I myself have been posting video commentaries related to Easter, called ESOTERIC EASTER, for the last several weeks that may be of interest. It is meant to be palatable to liberal Christians.
Subject: Re: Sally, Byron, Donna & Alfred - Can we rise to the Challenge of The Jesus Times, an uncompleted project?
Mr. Webre and Your Public Speakers
For Mr. Webre to ask me - a stranger to him - I feel I must introduce myself at length. Sorry for such a long letter...
but as an on-and-off viewer of both Alfred Webre and Byron - I have emailed Mr. Webre to encourage him and now it is about on this subject of The Lord - this is the outcome of what seemed like was lost because He was given a supernatural empowerment when I heard him share publicly about hearing these Words from the Bible, literally
“ you are Peter and upon this rock ( little stone Petra) I will build My Church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it”
From the facts, Peter never died in Rome nor was he buried in Rome. What the Roman Church says is propaganda; well know in the early 1900’s by the preaching of Charles Spurgeon in his article: Roman Catholic Rubbish"
Mr. Alfred Webre is a humble man - like Jesus - a man … acquainted with grief; and both Alfred Webre and Byron are likable on camera, a gift from God.
-what I’ve heard all my Christian life about being used by God is that - the greatest preachers and revivalist in the past, the likes of, Charles Spurgeon, John Knox, John Wesley etc. ____ these preachers all knew the Bible Inside Out and their
preaching turned their nation upside down because God had spoken to them face to face and told them what to say (and what to prophesy and most of them died penniless or were killed for saying something that offended the King). Today God still speaks in the same way - and after hearing from God; like how the Protestants in the 1600’s faced death
and persecution because once they perceived the Lord face To face - the fear of man fades away. Criticism and the fear of death looses it’s power.
I am Sally Wong - Canadian Born Chinese 64 y/o- going on 65 and FYI - I will not be collecting my pension, if I can help it until I reach 70
since finances is a big deal for me and I still carry a mortgage … what I’m saying is that I
will be busy making money as best that I can for the next 5 yrs. and you and Byron are already well known and can be partners.
I can support your morale and pray for you if you repent for going in certain paths that your viewers take: namely that Mr. Webre's guests are teaching about antichrist to the ‘core' such as
the writings from the 50’s that Jesus never died. etc. If Christ never rose from the dead, of all people, Christians would be the most pathetic of all, if Jesus never conquered the grave, we Christians are the worst losers ever to exist ..
Any Bible scholar can tell you these are twisted lies, fake news since 2000 yrs ago ( read the last chapter of Mathew- the Roman guards were paid large sums of money by the Jewish elders to say that Jesus’ body was stolen) this manipulation by misinformation is so common today: the correct word for this - is heresy AND there are misguided forms of heresy. If you are going to preach about Jesus - you’re up against another kind of heresy that will attack you personally before you get started - which is Vatican law - the Council of Trent that has never been revoked and RULES that all Protestants are the separated brethren and condemns them to death as the Council of Trent has ruled that all Protestant who are heretics and murdering Protestants is not a crime.
As a born again believer since 1976, I found Jesus as my personal Saviour when I was a student of Arts & Science at the U of T, through the witness of a Chinese medical student and by living with her with up to 13 other Christian girls and Pastor kids - Back then at university - the best times we had together were our weekly Bible Study and Prayer meetings. I became a regular church goer since then, and I have tithed for most of my
born again Christian years - As a young believer from an atheist background, I didn’t practice or know back then - what I know now which is that repentance from unbelief ,immorality and generational sins is a reasonable sacrifice to God if we confess to be a worshipper of God.
Unless we actually repent with courage - that is from our heart (Latin Cor from the heart: and French corage : referring to the inside of us, mind and spirit)
Unless your labour is approached with clean hearts as well as clean hands, beware of being sabotaged. Your opponent knows your weaknesses and blind spots.
it will flop again: unless you have the power of the Holy Spirit poured out upon all flesh, at this time.
I’m here to support you but realistically, if you do the Jesus Times on your you tube channel - you will loose your entire audience but you may get a totally new audience; your viewers now
are interested in UFO, occult methods of healing, all these areas of knowledge is magic and completely opposite of what Jesus is about. I dare say that some use their supernatural ability outside of
acknowledging Our Father in Heaven and without giving credit to Jesus who authorized us to use His power.
GOD WILL MAKE OUR HEART NEW during this new time. The old will pass away.
We have been on this new time line since 2012 - nobody has gone through this before and I challenge YOU to believe what the Christian prophets predicted about Donald Trump
that he is a praying man and a (new) born again Christian and he will remove the agenda to destroy Christianity in America. God will use him to usher in this new time line: ?? can’t you see who HE IS ? by who his enemies are??
their world order is collapsing,
: they are losing the fight and God’s Kingdom ON EARTH is being established now, by those who know their God -they will do exploits.
This is the fulfilling of The Lord’s Prayer : Our Father which art in heaven Thy Kingdom come on earth, as it is in heaven
• National Best Seller. Desire of the Everlasting Hills. Thomas Cahill 1999
• When God calls you to do it, He will pay for it, He will give you the script, and all the support and money required - you are likable and people will respond to you _ You must ask God for HIS WILL HIS WAY.
From: Donna D'Ingillo
April 17, 2018 9:56 AM
'Sally Wong'
'Byron Belitsos'
Hi Alfred: I am following the thread of dialogue. I am open to anything that helps people learn more about who Jesus really was and His purpose for His incarnation and the model He demonstrated for our lives. I am uncertain what The Jesus Times is and how you envision what this will look like moving forward. I am very interested to explore this with you.
I have been following Byron’s podcasts and they make a very good resource to understand the last days of his life and subsequent resurrection and ascension. I think it would be a good link for your followers, but there is so much more to share about Him. Count me in and let me know how I may participate with you.
Dear Sally, Byron & Donna - Hi! I am writing you with an open invitation to rise to the Challenge of The Jesus Times, an uncompleted project?
My former spouse, Anna Swadling, and I founded The Jesus Times in Los Angeles [City of Angels, CA] after we returned from our Wedding in New Zealand via Vancouver, BC in the early 1980s.
While, accompanying my fiancé Anna during Anna's 6-month long legal custody battle in Melbourne, Australia to regain custody of her young child Michael, I studied the Life of Jesus
In Los Angeles, The Jesus Times was presented to many prospective partners who were active supporters of sharing a deeper perspective of the Life of Jesus through The Jesus Times publication. These included a wide range of our fellow humans as well as celebrity moguls who were born-again in the name of Jesus and whose names were household words and about whom major motion pictures have been made.
Yet The Jesus Times never took wings as a publication, not for lack of potential material sustenance, financial backing or interested parties.
Are you ready to roll up your sleeves, open your minds to a fresh approach, and help launch The Jesus Times, as above, so below?
Sincerely, Alfred
ps - Please feel free to share this email with other like-minded people you know who may share our goals, vision and values so that The Jesus Times may coming into being and publication in its perfect blueprint form. Thank you.
On Mon, Apr 16, 2018 at 10:59 AM, Sally Wong wrote:
From the desk of Steve Shultz:
Healing is always on the Father's heart...and I believe we are on the cusp of some of the greatest healing revivals we've seen yet.
Nathan Shaw of New Zealand shares about this in his latest article as he says:
Healing is a manifestation of God's Kingdom rule. When people came to Jesus, they discovered not just a Healer who could heal, but a King with a Kingdom. At the heart of God's Kingdom is a tender Father whose heart yearns, even aches, for people to be healed. God's Kingdom is coming with increasing force, and healing will take center stage along with it. Healing revivals have come and gone. However, we are entering a time when the ministry of healing will have a continual prominence.