Our Divine Mother’s Joyful Song of Life Infusion into the Collective Value of Humanity and Life: The Great Reconnection to Spirit
Reconnection and Reconciliation of Humanity with Deity

Christ Consciousness - Jesus Channeling: The Great Reconnection of Planetary Mind to Universe Mind


Christ Consciousness - Jesus Channeling: The Great Reconnection of Planetary Mind to Universe Mind
WATCH ON TRUETUBE@youtube: https://youtu.be/wKLafYT3eAw
READ ON THE@REAL JESUS TIMES: https://exopolitics.blogs.com/the_jesus_times/2021/10/christ-consciousness-jesus-channeling-the-great-reconnection-of-planetary-mind-to-universe-mind.html


Donna D'ingillo
Institute of Christ Consciousness
ACCESS The @Real Jesus Times


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Joyce Fletcher

I totally understand. I am working for peace, love, and light alone at this time. Working to unify family and church associates as well as government agencies. Wherever I am sent

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