No es tanto que el Deep State - Estado Profundo - esté en contra de Jesús, sino que son los Nazis que están en contra....[En Ingles hay un chiste - Nazi="Not-See" - No ven]: It is not so much the Deep State is against Jesus, but the Nazis that are..
No es tanto que el Deep State - Estado Profundo - esté en contra de Jesús, sino que son los Nazis que están en contra....[En Ingles hay un chiste - Nazi="Not-See" - No ven]:
It is not so much the Deep State is against Jesus, but the Nazis that are [In English there is a joke - Nazi = "Not-See" - They do not see]:
Alfred Lambremont Webre "It's the Jewihs-Jesuit-Commies-Feebies/SeeEyeEh(!), Will
Alfred Lambremont Webre
They want to ensure the greatest "Soul harvest" for themselves in the coming Soul Ascension, and hence they are trying to wall off our information from the rest of Facebook!!! LOL Don't they know Souls are TELEPATHIC????
MoonDay May 14, 2018
Senor (Tales Of Yankee Power)
Written by: Bob Dylan
Señor, señor, do you know where we’re headin’?
Lincoln County Road or Armageddon?
Seems like I been down this way before
Is there any truth in that, señor?
Señor, señor, do you know where she is hidin’?
How long are we gonna be ridin’?
How long must I keep my eyes glued to the door?
Will there be any comfort there, señor?
There’s a wicked wind still blowin’ on that upper deck
There’s an iron cross still hangin' down from around her neck
There’s a marchin’ band still playin’ in that vacant lot
Where she held me in her arms one time and said, “Forget me not”
Señor, señor, I can see that painted wagon
I can smell the tail of the dragon
Can’t stand the suspense anymore
Can you tell me who to contact here, señor?
Well, the last thing I remember before I stripped and kneeled
Was that trainload of fools bogged down in a magnetic field
A gypsy with a broken flag and a flashing ring
Said, “Son, this ain’t a dream no more, it’s the real thing”
Señor, señor, you know their hearts is as hard as leather
Well, give me a minute, let me get it together
I just gotta pick myself up off the floor
I’m ready when you are, señor
Señor, señor, let’s disconnect these cables
Overturn these tables
This place don’t make sense to me no more
Can you tell me what we’re waiting for, señor?
Copyright © 1978 by Special Rider Music
Jefferson Davis
8 months ago
“Dato curioso (en especial para los mexicanos): La inspiración de Bob para escribir esta canción vino, según el, de un viaje que hizo a Chihuahua (o a Monterrey); México, en tren. En varios conciertos de 1978 lo dijo, pero a veces decía que había viajado a Chihuahua, otras que a Monterrey, y en algunas ocasiones dijo Monterrey, Chihuahua (Muy probablemente un error; hasta donde sé no existe un lugar llamado Monterrey, en Chihuahua. Quizá viajó a Monterrey, Nuevo León, y confundió los nombres de los estados.)
Jefferson Davis
8 months ago
“Curious fact (especially for Mexicans): The inspiration of Bob to write this song came, according to him, from a trip he made to Chihuahua (or Monterrey); Mexico, by train. In some concerts of 1978 he said that, but sometimes he said that he had traveled to Chihuahua, other times to Monterrey, and sometimes he said Monterrey, Chihuahua (Most likely a mistake, as far as I know there's no place called Monterrey in Chihuahua. Perhaps he traveled to Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, and confused the names of the states.)
- En Antactica en sus bases subterraneas
- Por medio del "Aleman DVD" El gobierno del 4o Reich de occupacion global, con sus capitales en Moscú [Por eso tanto el Partriarcha Ruso, amigo de Putin, tanto que el Jesuita Argentino Bergoglio (Papito) fueron a Antarctica, la vcapital de los "Not-See - Nazi", el Vaticáno, Londres, Washington, DC.
- En Antarctica tienen su Extraterrestre que los Nazi van a poner del a segunda venida de Christo, su nuevo Mesias, quizas - veremos.....Su bandera falsa cosmica....
- Y los hermanos Castro - que ya se sabe vienen de las llamadas "bloodline" - lineas de sangre papales e Iraníes - hicieron su jugada por medio de la CIA para entregarle a los Nazi a Cuba bajo el disfraz del "comunismo" por medio de los tuneles de Atlantides que van hasta Tierra del Fuego y Antarctica.
Bueno - Esto es una hispotesis en marcha - ya verémos!
Un Abrazo, Alfred
Hola Sé que suena un poco raro, pero los Nazis invadieron a Cuba desde sus bases en Antartica, establesidas por Hitler y el 3er Reich conjunto con el comienzo de 2rd guerra mundial, por medio de una red de tunneles de las ruinas de Atlantides que van desde Antactica por Patagonia, la tierra de los Incas, CentroAmerica, hasta debajo del Mar caribe y subiendo a la superficie al fondo del Mar Caribe entre La Bahamas y la costa norte de Oriente donde, cuando viviamos en Chaparra [Oriente], ibamos a nadar al Cayo Juan Claro y Punto Tomate, aya fuera de Holguín, donde se encuentran las ruinas de Atlantide enscondidas dbajo del coral y las rocas y la superficie desde la ultima guerra exopolitica y el cataclimse de 9500 Ante Cristo.
Puedes ver algo de la localidad de Atlantide al norte de Oriente en mi libro La Edad de Cataclismo [En Ingles]
No es tanto que el Deep State - Estado Profundo - esté en contra de Jesús, sino que son los Nazis que están en contra....[En Ingles hay un chiste - Nazi="Not-See" - No ven]:
It is not so much the Deep State is against Jesus, but the Nazis that are [In English there is a joke - Nazi = "Not-See" - They do not see]:
- In Antactica in its underground bases
- Through the "German DVD" The government of the 4th Reich of global occupation, with its capitals in Moscow [That's why both the Russian Partriarcha, friend of Putin, as well as the Jesuit Argentino Bergoglio (Papito) went to Antarctica, the vcapital of the "Not-See - Nazi", the Vaticáno, London, Washington, DC.
- In Antarctica they have their Extraterrestrial that the Nazis are going to put of the second coming of Christo, their new Messiah, maybe - we will see ..... Their false cosmic flag ....
- And the Castro brothers - who already know come from the so-called "bloodlines" - papal and Iranian bloodlines - made their move through the CIA to deliver the Nazis to Cuba under the guise of "communism" through the tunnels of Atlantides that go to Tierra del Fuego and Antarctica.
Hello I know it sounds a bit weird, but the Nazis invaded Cuba from their bases in Antarctica, stabilized by Hitler and the 3rd Reich together with the beginning of World War II, through a network of tunnels of the ruins of Atlantides that go from Antactica through Patagonia, the land of the Incas, Central America, to below the Caribbean Sea and rising to the surface at the bottom of the Caribbean Sea between the Bahamas and the north coast of the East where, when we lived in Chaparra [Oriente], we were going to swim to Cayo Juan Claro and Punto Tomate, aya outside Holguín, where the ruins of Atlantide are hidden under the coral and the rocks and the surface since the last exopolitical war and the cataclimate of 9500 Before Christ.
You can see something of the location of Atlantis off the norther coast of Oriente province in Cuba, in my book The Age of Cataclysm [In English]
Well - This is a hipothesis in progress - we'll see!
A Hug, Alfred
In Love & Light of the Cosmic Christ
April 25, 2018