Techniques To Embody Our Divine Blueprint Through The 7 Principles Of I AM with Kendra Jonas
7 Principles of I AM
Techniques To Embody Our Divine Blueprint Through The 7 Principles Of I AM with Kendra Jonas
"This webinar presented by Kendra Jonas and hosted by Alfred Lambremont Webre is entitled, "Techniques To Embody Our Divine Blueprint Through The 7 Principles Of I AM." We expose the control systems that have deliberately been put into place to hijack us away from our divine blueprint --- to keep us from activating our DNA and ascending out of the artificial matrix. Kendra is a channel, author, and life coach who helps bring higher dimensional consciousness into our everyday lives. Kendra shares information and messages directly from her spirit guides and extra terrestrial contacts whom she has been receiving messages from for many years."
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The 7 Principles Of I AM
Author Kendra Jonas writes, “The Voice of Creation said, “There are seven principles of I AM. Your book is going to be about these seven principles. It will be revealed that I AM consciousness is not separate, external, or something that is only found in God or within an external being. Every living thing holds the same capabilities, wisdom, and knowledge within itself, and this is an exact replication of the creator. YOU ARE the I AM.”
"The seven principles were then spoken to me in totality, without any hesitation. I typed them exactly as I heard them:
1. I AM Pure Conscious Energy
2. I AM Whole and I Am ONE
3. I AM Not The Ego
4. I AM Multidimensional
5. I AM Timeless, Infinite and Eternal
6. I AM Creative
7. I AM Love”
Kendra answers these important questions within the intro before going into the 7 principles:
-What is our Divine Blueprint?
-Who and from where is this information coming from?
Learn how one woman’s – Kendra Jonas’ – alien abductions, ET contact experiences, and near death experience completely transformed her.
Join us for this free 2-hour webinar as we explore the 7 Principles of I AM as it has been transcribed from worlds beyond this one.
In this webinar, Kendra Jonas shares sacred channeled information based on her book titled: “The Link”.
Join us as we uncover what our ancient alien ancestors are trying to tell us about our divine blueprint and the process for embodying a higher 5-D consciousness.
Who is Melody?
Kendra will also channel Melody toward the end of the Webinar
Who is Melody?
Access the book THE LINK & the 7 Principles of IAM
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