Support My Initiative to be an Earth's Representative on the Regional Galactic Governance Council
By Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd
Truth & Disclosure - A full public disclosure of the presence of intelligent civilizations in Earth’s environment and a global referendum as to whether and on what conditions humanity should enter into relations and space travel, space colonization, space governance, with organized intelligent universe, multiverse, and Omniverse society.
New Energy, Teleportation & Time Travel - A full public disclosure of secret (new energy, zero point, free, antigravity, exotic) new energy sources now available for application on Earth. Public implementation and rollout of sequestered of free energy technologies for powering dwellings, human settlements, industry, transport and propulsion, communication and many other areas.
Implementation of teleportation as a global, national, regional and local transportation system, replacing polluting fossil fuel vehicles (trains, buses, trucks, autos) and their intensive land use in highways, railways, and urban freeways, as well as of a regulated time travel public education program.
Recognition of Animals as sentient beings with rights - Worldwide grant of personhood rights to animals with concomitant rights against murder, slaughter, torture, and cruel and inhumane treatment. Special intelligent civilization status for cetaceans including whales and dolphins. Development of healthy, safe, tasty protein meat substitutes for humanity's consumption and nutrition.
Secure Online Direct Democracy at the local, regional, national, and global level - Secure virtual technology now permits the implementation of Swiss canton democracy worldwide. There is no more need for intermediaries such as City Councils, State or Provincial Legislatures, National Parliaments or Congresses, or even, ultimately in time, a gathering of nations such as the United Nations. Experience over the centuries has shown that the powers that be buy off all intermediaries. Direct virtual democracy adapts secure virtual technologies and provides virtual hack-proof citizen voting at the municipal, provincial/state, regional, national, and world level. Under direct virtual democracy, the entire city votes on municipal laws; the entire nation votes on national laws; the world population votes on global standards, all duly informed by government staff at the respective local, national and world level. Municipal Government, for example, is tasked with efficiently picking up the garbage and managing the city according to the laws passed by local virtual democracy.
Reinvention of money as a human right and public utility like air, water or electricity available for creative investment at public money utilities. A global ban on privately controlled central banks like the “U.S. Federal Reserve System” and on privately owned commercial banks. Support of complementary currencies. Licensing of consumer cooperatively owned banks. Imposition of heavy criminal penalties for violation and astronomical fines, for individuals, organizations, and nations.
Social guarantees in the form of annual income, health care, and elementary, secondary, and post-secondary education for every person on the planet, for life. Funded by universal state pools, tax on all financial transactions and by post graduation contributions to education plan, and more. Implementation of traditional and alternative, as well as advanced extraterrestrial medical technologies.
World Debt Forgiveness – Global forgiveness of all public and private debts – a world bankruptcy for a bankrupt system and an end to the debt – fiat money prison system. Criminalization of charging interest on money and of fractional reserve lending.
Disenfranchisement of the state power of monarchies and religions worldwide – The UK monarchy and the Vatican are examples of the abuses that occur when two institutions based on non-democratic principles (Divine Right of Kings and Popes) are given established state rights in a modern democratic world.
Criminalization of the war industry - A criminalization of and global ban on war, genocide, and depopulation in all its varied forms, overt and covert. A ban on war as a dispute resolution method. A permanent ban on the design, production, or sale of weapons systems, including nuclear weapons, space-based weapons, and conventional weapons. A permanent ban on the maintenance of offensive armed forces. Imposition of heavy criminal penalties for violation and astronomical fines, for individuals, organizations, and nations.
Criminal Prosecution and Conviction of War Crimes Racketeering Organization and Restorative Justice for War Crimes Victims - Criminalization and rigorous prosecution of the international war crimes racketeering organization for a planning and implementing a genocidal depopulation program, including (and not limited to): (a) planning and triggering wars and armed conflicts through false flag operations; (b) regional and global radiation genocide and ecocide through depleted uranium (DU) and the nuclear agenda; (c) planning and implementing environmental war attacks including geo-engineering, weather warfare, HAARP, chemtrails, and scalar weapons robotization and genocide of humanity, famine, vaccines, GMO foods, DNA manipulation and more; (d) Carrying out a program of assassination and Cointelpro terror against activists, researchers and social inventors in the multiple areas of peace research; new energy; food and nutrition; radiation; democracy and electoral politics; (e) Carrying out as DOPE INC. a lethal, 300 hundred year old conspiracy to addict humanity to narcotics and to criminalize useful substances such as hemp for profit and enslavement; (f) the transhumanist agenda of population mind control through nano-weapons, emf and other weapons. (g) Abolition of big tech monopoly of online video broadcast and communications, telecommunications, social media, and the establishment of consumer cooperatives to create online video broadcast and communications, telecommunications, and social media. There is no statute of limitations on murder. Imposition of heavy criminal penalties for violation and astronomical fines, for individuals, organizations, and nations.
How will these suggested collective actions and policies for a positive future manifest along humanity’s positive timeline?
The basic equation of a positive future suggests that these collective actions and policies (or variations of them to achieve essentially the same goals) will manifest out of the synergy of the positive timeline and humanity’s awakening to Unity consciousness.
The Positive Future equation reflects a new level of collective manifestation by humanity and its individuals, resulting from the synergistic dynamics of the positive timeline and a humanity awakening to Unity consciousness.
Creating a Positive Future: Time Science Shows Our Earth is on a Positive Timeline in our Time Space Hologram
By Alfred Lambremont Webre*
- “It’s time science, not rocket science that Earth is on a positive timeline.”
- Positive Future = Positive Timeline + Unity Consciousness
Positive Future = Positive Timeline + Unity Consciousness
A key discovery promulgated in this paper is that (1) a critical mass of humanity is (2) co-creating a positive future, through conscious acknowledgement that (3) we are synergistically traveling along a positive timeline (4) in Unity consciousness.
The Positive Future equation has supplanted and overcome an outdated Matrix Elite formula that is no longer effective:
Problem + Reaction = Solution
Positive Future equation
The Positive Future equation is:
Positive Future = Positive Timeline + Unity Consciousness
The Positive Future equation suggests that in the synergy between the Positive Timeline and Unity consciousness, a critical mass of humanity is collectively and individually activated for some or more of these suggested actions and policies for a positive future, and synchronistically resources and actors are brought together in multi-dimensional universe processes to manifest a desirable result.
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Who is Futurist Alfred Lambremont Webre
Futurist Alfred Lambremont Webre is a change agent whose principal contributions have been (1) founding the science of Exopolitics through his 2000 book Exopolitics [Exopolítica], (2) discovery of the Omniverse in 2014 as the 3rd major cosmological body after the Universe and the Multiverse through which humanity understands the cosmos, as set out in his 2014 book DEO: Dimensional Ecology of the Omniverse, and (3) promulgation of the Positive Future Equation [PFE] though which humans co-create a positive future on planet Earth, published in his 2017 book Journey.
A graduate of Yale University, Yale Law School and a Fulbright Scholar, Alfred has taught at two universities (Yale & U of Texas), served as General Counsel of the NYC EPA, War Crimes Judge, United Nations Outer Space & Peace representative, and directed the 1977 proposed Carter White House Extraterrestrial Communication Study while a Futurist at Stanford Research Institute. Alfred has been host on WBAI-FM and Vancouver Coop Radio and he has been featured on CBC, CBS, CNN, TruTV, PressTV, and other networks.
Support My Initiative to be an Earth's Representative on the Regional Galactic Governance Council
By Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd
Regional Galactic Governance Council (Council of 8): ET contact, and ET environmental intervention-Historic 90 minute interview with NORAD Officer Stanley A. Fulham
NORAD Officer Stanley A. Fulham: Regional Galactic Governance Council
Readers can now listen to this historic 90 minute interview with Stanley A. Fulham and Alfred Lambremont Webre on the Regional Galactic Governance Council (Council of 8), ET contact, and ET environmental intervention:
Alfred You are a splendid candidate to represent earth. Can you please make sure it is true all controlling agents have been removed from earth i.e. Annunaki, Khazarians, Draco, Aldabarans, Chimera etc.? We do not want a repetition of what happened post WW 2, with all the obfuscation of who won and things like Operation Paperclip. The Alien Controllers must leave earth totally so we can espouse unity consciousness. Thank you for your leadership.
Posted by: Hoffman Jane | 09/20/2022 at 06:53 AM
It's so time to have all of these procedures and recommendations and plans to be brought into action on this planet Earth the special place of transformation and change a movement forward to essential to the 5th dimension
Posted by: David C Loree | 09/08/2022 at 10:24 PM
Happy to support you, Alfred.
Posted by: Maggie Balson | 06/19/2020 at 06:55 PM
I agree with all the measures you propose to change the world into an enlightened place where people and nature can be loved and respected as they deserve. Here I leave my support and greetings from Portugal.
Posted by: Maria Amélia | 11/13/2019 at 11:17 AM
Glad to support you Alfred
Posted by: Michael | 11/04/2019 at 10:33 PM
go for it now ----no more back door politics---My question is who had the right to put Mr. Trump in such a position? My vote would be for Weber who has much more information and contacts then any government entity!!!!Just because it was viewed on the Chronovisor that he would be the American president? I don't believe he is a stable enough individual.He has many enemies. If Mr. Weber wants the position then he is the wiser choice. We need the assistance now not 50 more years of holding us back.Stop the current Harvest Now!!Stop the slavery to off planet and the murder of our children. I AM and this is my vote...
Posted by: Tree Hensel | 10/13/2019 at 07:07 PM
I'll vote for you Alfred. You're the man for this job for sure.
Posted by: David Gilker | 10/10/2019 at 12:24 PM
Yes Alfred you have my support for this significant role as you have been dedicated to the understanding of these issues for a long time and you have demonstrated that you come from a well informed, balanced and loving perspective in dealing with such matters. We will all benefit by having such a well intentioned colleague in this role instead of elites and politicians.
Posted by: Will Hamilton | 10/06/2019 at 03:09 AM
thanks for your determination to assist and the comprehension of collective consciousness, you have my support
Posted by: Sebastian | 09/26/2019 at 02:32 AM
You can have my support certainly...Changes must bring a new Postive Reality of Peace,and Abundance for all living beings on Earth according to the Laws of the Universe !...
Posted by: Americo Ramos | 08/24/2019 at 01:21 PM
Comment & My Support for Alfred Lambremont Webre:
Poštovani gospodine Alfred Lambremont Webre, podržavam Vašu inicijativu da budete predstavnik Zemlje za galaksijsko upravljanje u Vijeću naše galaksije, Mliječni put.
Ovom prilikom Vam zahvaljujem na velikoj hrabrosti u najavi planetarno važne vijesti i želje za vraćanje Izvornog Ustava USA iz 1789. godine s Vašim obrazloženjem nastanka falsifikata još davne 1871. g. danog u Vašem radu u EXOPOLITICS.
U skladu s rečenim, šaljem Vam na korištenje u istraživanju još nekoliko informacija vezanih za Hrvate: s Weba, iz Webstera i iz Svjetske enciklopedije. R. Hrvatska ima ukupno 4.5 miliona stanovnika te 3.5 miliona dijaspore u: Australiji, Argentini, Čileu, Kanadi, EU a od toga je najviše naših potomaka u USA. Ipak u ovim povijesnim okolnostima stalnih ratova, imamo neke impresivne činjenice važne za povijest USA i Republike Hrvatske:
- da je hrvatska jedinstvena neosvojiva Dubrovačka republika u Parizu (in Paris) u Francuskoj 1783. godine 1. na planeti Zemlji priznala USA kao slobodnu državu, sklopivši trgovački ugovor s USA, ref. biblioteka Sveučilišta u Dubrovniku.
- da su dubrovački trgovci i izvrsni moreplovci a zbog dobrih odnosa Hrvata i Španjolske krune bili prvi kolonizatori istočne obale USA. Kolonizatori su civili, a vojne formacije su osvajači, ref. Lost Colony , 1585. godine, Svjetska enciklopedija.
- da je iz kontakta dubrovačkih trgovaca (ne vojnika) Hrvata (lat. name Croata) i Lumbu indijanaca na miroljubiv način došlo do rađanja novog naroda Croatoan indijanaca u Sjevernoj Karolini, uz rijeku Roanoke. Croatoan indijanaci su danas najnapredniji Indijanci u USA with University in Penbrok. Hrvati nisu nikada ratovali s Indijancima u Americi.
- da je ime najvažnije rijeke u američkoj povijesti Potomac (Potomak) došlo jedino od hrvatske riječi 'potomak' a njeno značenje na engleskom je 'descendant', ref. older Webster.
- da je davne 1416. godine Dubrovačka Republika zabranila trgovinu robljem na svom području, što je bilo čak 400 godina prije USA.
- da je Dubrovačka Republika s vrhunskom diplomacijom bila fizički i politički neosvojiva tvrđava za sve osvajače. Bila je stoljećima vojno zaštićena od muslimanske Otomanske imperije a ipak je ostala 100% katolička. Dubrovačka republika je uvijek štitila sve političke izbjeglice iz Vatikana i ratoborne Venecije.
Srdačno Vas pozdravljam i puno sreće u Vašem radu u Vijeću naše galaksije, Mliječni put !
Author: Croatian Kingdom 925. y., 1st King Tomislav
Posted by: Dr. sc. Zvonimir Milošić, M.Sc., B.Sc., E.E., Spec. of Hydroacoustic systems | 04/05/2019 at 02:59 PM
7 Principles of I AM
Techniques To Embody Our Divine Blueprint Through The 7 Principles Of I AM with Kendra Jonas
"This webinar presented by Kendra Jonas and hosted by Alfred Lambremont Webre is entitled, "Techniques To Embody Our Divine Blueprint Through The 7 Principles Of I AM." We expose the control systems that have deliberately been put into place to hijack us away from our divine blueprint --- to keep us from activating our DNA and ascending out of the artificial matrix. Kendra is a channel, author, and life coach who helps bring higher dimensional consciousness into our everyday lives. Kendra shares information and messages directly from her spirit guides and extra terrestrial contacts whom she has been receiving messages from for many years."
Posted by: Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd | 05/09/2018 at 09:20 AM
You certainly have my vote Alfred ! I know of no other with your qualifications, desire, heart, knowledge and experience that could and should fill such a position. I thank you for being the man you are and for stepping up as always, to make this world a better place for all mankind. And if what I've read is true, the Inter Galactic Confederation is getting rid of the hostiles that have controlled us for far too long. I'm excited seeing you in my mind's eye talking with our space brothers and sisters as Earth's Representative ! How awesome is that ?!! Well deserved Alfred !!!
Posted by: Norm T Marple | 04/05/2018 at 11:36 PM
Glad to support you Alfred
Posted by: Mary Back | 04/05/2018 at 08:15 AM
Luv you Alfred...for you are a Truth Seeker and Magnificent Light Worker...may all of your energy be used in this new role...the world needs more of you...and for those one asks you to comment...go and leave this amazing Soul to do his work! We are fighting the dark energy and those obsessed in negativity, are not wanted here!
Posted by: Eunice Howe | 04/04/2018 at 01:00 PM
Yes, Alfred you well qualify :) Love and Joy I look forward to the changes. Your doing a wonderful job already. Namaste
Posted by: Bevanjones V | 04/04/2018 at 02:13 AM
Yes, I strongly support Alfred Webre for the position of, Earth's Representative on the Regional Galactic Governance Council. His knowledge which also includes galactic, his experience, past history, high ethics, along with his personality, simply he cares about this world and the people on it, in my opinion, makes him a perfect candidate.
Posted by: Melody Henriksen | 04/03/2018 at 11:29 PM
Yes! Thank you Alfred Lambremont Webre excellent choice, deep multiple level - breadth of issues/naturally unfolding elements require committed peaceful oriented perserverence
in Character demonstration you clearly offer. Welcome sir!
Posted by: Erica Rainhart | 04/02/2018 at 09:21 PM
The link for "Comment feed" simply shows the coding.
In general these objectives seem positive. I don't see how they would prevent over population if every cause of death but poor health and age is prevented. Of course, we can always hope for a meteor strike or sea level rise of 100 feet.
Posted by: William Jenkins | 04/02/2018 at 03:12 PM
Alfred, you have our support.
Posted by: Starte Christ | 04/02/2018 at 03:29 AM
Glad to support Alfred.
Posted by: Richard F Dihlman | 04/02/2018 at 01:24 AM
There are already authorities dealing with this:
At the Galactic level there are the Eloheim.
There's the Godhead, the Corps of Angels, there's the Sovereign Creator-engineer [YHVH] who runs Pole Magnetics and Schumann Resonance.
There are the Annunaki techs who operate this artificial sun and Moon, as well as their Sanhedrin composed of many factions; but their Sacred Faction runs both the Vatican and Russian Orthodoxy. A radical faction runs Islam.
There's the Enlil-Luciferian Faction [including Jesuit Order] and the Enki-Satanic Faction that runs human trafficking, soul-trafficking and body-parts marketing as forms of commerce.
So, where do you place yourself in this list of authorities, and how do you plan to confront and address these others?
Posted by: Emily Windsor-Cragg | 04/01/2018 at 06:31 PM
I have followed Alfred Lambremont Webre's work, read his books and listened to his Interviews etc on the Internet for many years and believe that he is a well qualified and worthy individual for the post of Earth's Representative on the Regional Galactic Governance Council.
I wish him all the success in the world and am impatient for this vision for the world to become a reality.
Posted by: Luigi Di Rosso | 04/01/2018 at 05:44 PM
Alfred, I've listened to almost all the interviews you've done on the internet. I have a lot of respect for your views. I cannot think of anyone better than you to represent the people of our planet. It's sad that such a small percent of the people recognize the severity of humanity's problems. Within this group, only a small percentage seem to care. Even more sad is that most of the young people, who have been born into this way of life, think this is normal. That's all they've seen.
Posted by: William S | 04/01/2018 at 02:26 PM
I'm with you in this initiative. There is only one point that I don't support and that is the money/financial parasite in all of its form. Any word associated with money or finance has to be dropped, disappear.
Thanks Alfred
Posted by: Arka | 04/01/2018 at 09:57 AM
INDEED--- YOU are the Chosen One for this undertaking...
AND the TIME is right...NOW
Posted by: Orbi | 04/01/2018 at 07:33 AM
This is the best and most comprehensive proposal on I have EVER read in my life.
It gives me hope to see in detail how we can start to rectify and address all that is misaligned on our planet today.
I also can't tell you just how much it lifts my spirits to see such a wise, ethical and multi-dimensional being such as Alfred at the helm of such an inspired and overdue inititiative.
Thank you so much, Alfred for all you do: for your divinely inspired vision, commitment and actions. THANK YOU!!
Posted by: Caroline Ryan | 04/01/2018 at 02:27 AM
Whilst I think that you may be ahead of your time, I also think that what you propose is a fantastic idea and the only way forward. Thank you.
Posted by: Sonara | 03/31/2018 at 11:42 PM
Delighted to reed the hope is in the future for animals to have aright to life.
Find it depressing ther killings of human beings in countries
like Palistine South Africa Siria and whole World turn a blind eye to the attricity.
Posted by: VICTOR HARMS | 03/31/2018 at 10:58 PM
you're an A-1 nutcase (from a guy who many think is a nut because I believe in "conspiracies").
But don't let that worry you. Just teleport to another dimension that I and other doubters aren't inhabiting)
Posted by: stevor | 03/31/2018 at 10:20 PM