A web portal for the Mother Earth’s Ecology Disclosure about Frequencies War, BioWar, Intentional Human & Biospecies Depopulation, BioWar “Vaccines”, Environmental War, such as HAARP-chemtrails, Fukushima global nuclear false flag, DEW directed-energy, Scalar, Plasma, & DU Depleted Uranium Weapons.
This pandemic has brought a lot more than an alleged novel flu virus, we are living through a war on human consciousness, that has divided humanity into organic and inorganic genetically modified human beings, some of which are now interfacing with quantum computers and 5G technology. In order to understand what impact this has on humanity and nature on a deeper level we need to take a look at electromagnetic ecology and how it affects humans and nature, since we have evolved with natural electromagnetic waves that have shaped our brainwaves and now to intense synthetic EMF 5G technology, moreover, why is this all related to current events?
All biological life has its own natural and very subtle electromagnetic ecology. Researchers at Bristol University in the UK reported that bees’ fine hairs are highly sensitive to flowers’ delicate electromagnetic frequencies, if this is the case, it is no wonder bees have been detrimentally affected by our synthetic electromagnetic pollution. The same with other insects and birds populations that are already less than a quarter of what their numbers were just thirty years ago, according to many scientific studies.
We have entered a technological age where this is a well kept secret, yet thousands of scientific journals are publishing technology on self-assembling DNA nanobot strands and smart dust nanoparticles which use electromagnetic frequencies for self-generated power, we now have microchips the size of nanodust, which can conveniently be placed inside a test tube or injectable syringe. We have entered a world where technology will cause some incredible and unimaginable shifts to human biology and society. Current global events are a covert bridge in this phase of the splitting of humanity, those who buy into the current narrative and those that see through the official narrative and who presently are defending their health freedom and humanity in general. We are experiencing a huge split, we are all having these conversations with those we love, family and friends who we are concerned about while this is happening. We are seeing humans unwittingly become cyborgs primarily with the pressing of this covid shot. Furthermore, we have all been part of this outcome and agenda, as a result of our complete dependence on modern technology which is now a technocracy that has covertly merged with human biology in ways most are completely unaware of. The magnitude of what is happening is a historic shift of humanity being divided into organic human beings and genetically modified human cyborgs interfacing with 5G and 6G whose biological data is being uploaded onto D-Wave Quantum computers which are storing millions of people’s biological data being processed and monitored at all times.
Genes encode and express themselves via light and radio waves, or acoustical holography (see “Quantum Bioholography”, Miller, Miller and Webb, JNLRMI , 2002). DNA can also function as a gel-like liquid crystal, emitting a weak laser-like light that can be converted into an electro acoustic signal. Miller and Miller postulate, along with others that, “The organization of all biological systems is established by complex electrodynamic fields. We are fundamentally electromagnetic, rather than chemical beings, this is how nanobots and nanoparticles can source their energy if inserted into the human body. Wave interaction is a key determinant of biological structure and optimal functioning in human health and brain performance.
Biosystems are sensitive to natural and artificial electromagnetic fields. Perturbations in environmental fields can induce changes in organisms informed by those fields. Field frequencies and amplitudes affect our biodynamic state.” – Ioner Miller, (2003).
How does the Earth’s magnetic field, Schumanns Resonance affect us? Well, if there is a Spike in the cycle, such as anything above 15 Hz we usually feel it. Some days we may feel more anxious and irritable or sensitive and vulnerable and foggy headed, than other days and have no obvious explanation for it. This is usually due too high Solar Radiation or EMF from Space unusual activity with Schumann Resonance (the Earth’s pulse, ELF).
Through human evolution, our brain wave frequencies have been tuned by the specific natural electromagnetic frequencies of the Earth’s electromagnetic field spectrum, known as the Earth’s natural pulse, its also called Schumann’s resonance as has every other animal species with a brain. Lewis B. Hainsworth, was the first researcher to connect human brain waves with The Schumann Resonance, which usually reverberates at a frequency of 7.83 Hz and sometimes spikes in disrupted activity to over 100 Hz. With the Earth’s energy firmament within the ionosphere, we are constantly being affected by these oscillating energies in the atmosphere around us everywhere. we are energy and being affected by cosmic and earth energies all the time between the Earth’s surface and ionosphere which expands upwards between 50 and 180 miles above the Earth’s surface.
Whereas, the next layers are the Troposphere, the Stratosphere and Mesosphere which add up to 350 miles in total projection out to space from the Earth’s surface and scientists refer to these layers as creating a cavity or bubble of energy waves that the Schumann Resonance Frequencies are within and we are also within this energy bubble.
5G and 6G synthetic frequencies are affecting the natural energies within this bubble, disrupting natural fields that have been undisturbed for Eons. Telecommunication and the Military Complex are heating up the Ionosphere with high frequencies generated from HAARP, Gwen Towers and 5G in the range of 6–100 GigaHz, and 6G will be in the range of 100 Gigahertz (GHz) to 3 terahertz (THz). Not only do these frequencies affect climate change but microwaves frequencies can have a powerful effect on our brain waves, 5G is already capable of biological intrusion and 6G will be a complete intrusion to the human brain and biology to the point of AI intrusion and manipulation. Psychotropic manipulation at 6G level is the elite transhumanist dream, as it is so intrusive to the Human brain, we can be overridden by AI frequencies at a remote level to control brainwaves, thoughts, emotions and behaviour. Psychotropic technology is very sophisticated today at a nano-processing level.
Over forty five years ago, in 1974 there were two large volumes of journals published research contracted by the US military on the effects of EMF fields on our biology. These are not mentioned in any modern literature or information about EMF frequencies, yet they provide firm proof that even before 5G, government military-sponsored research already demonstrated that MHz had a detrimental effect on our health and on the health of other animals. The Dangers exposed with MHz (and this was before 5G). First published in 1974-Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Radiation Volume 1. The US Army and School of Aerospace Medicine published several volumes of hundreds of published peer reviewed papers with the results of microwave technology on biological tissue and organs, including human examples, in September 1974. The results of several hundred sick military experiments on animals which were released as findings in several Volumes, each volume comprises of several hundred military-funded tests. Military and scientists knew very well, over forty-five years ago, after experimenting hundreds of times with microwave radiation on animals and people, using pulses and ranges of exposure up to 2.45 MHz /4 MHz range, and S band waves and beyond 150-10,000 MHz. The documented effects in over several hundred scientific journal papers include negatively damage living biological tissues, heart problems, brain damage, cataracts, abnormal DNA changes and damage, cell damage.
Terahertz frequencies will be the primary range that allow humans to interface with AI at a remote range. Proponents such as Elon Musk, have already said AI is the biggest threat to humanity, he is one of the gatekeepers to delivering this change, in 2020 he launched over 43,000 5G /6G satellites with military capabilities around the planet. We are witnessing this transition with the synthetic harnessing of these frequencies, which works in conjunction with geoengineering aerosol spraying a plasmic field of metallic nanoparticulates, another reason why geoengineering is everywhere to create a conductable EMF plasma field as well as terraforming and interfering with natural ecosystems and the spraying of military patented mycoplasmas and viruses that have been priming humans for other diseases such as cancer and other disease vulnerabilities that we are seeing today.
Human brain entrainment interfacing with AI was predicted to become reality by scientists in ten years, however it is happening now. According to Lewis Hansworth, human-made synthetic EMF frequencies at this level interferes with the Earth’s natural pulse- Schumann resonance and is potentially disastrous, not just for humans but all species who have evolved with an undisrupted natural frequency that protected us as long as we have existed. The artificial frequencies that the military complex are pouring out around the planet are unprecedented and heating up the ionosphere microwaving the atmosphere and this will continue to detrimentally affect the climate and the Earth’s Natural Frequencies as well as our own natural electromagnetic brainwaves and natural biorhythms.
We have no idea what the ecological consequences will be, but we are already documenting hundreds of mass die off records, of birds, bees and bats as more than 5G/6G satellites are being turned on, of which there are around almost 50,000 such satellites circling the planet, another unprecedented shift that affects our planet and the atmosphere as well as humanity. Hansworth stated that the devastating effects will be felt by all species until either technology collapses or is abandoned, which is unlikely unless humans all die out and it will be a while before the natural balance of the Earth’s natural Electromagnetic Frequencies are restored as further evolutionary influences would need to return all animal species brainwaves and biorhythms to patterns compatible with nature, which is currently being detrimentally disrupted with the 5G implementation across the planet, hence the mass bird deaths and disappearance of bees as bees are electromagnetic in how they navigate and live in their communities, the EMF frequencies are just too powerful for them. So what will pollinate crops when all the bees and other insect pollinators disappear? If you are already a step ahead with some of this information you will know that Monsanto have taken care of that, and have deployed their own robotic bee technology.
Long-term exposure to EMF frequencies to the tune of GHz are causing a rise in auto-immune and endocrine problems, as well as cancer, none of these are factors that modern psychology or psychiatry takes into account when treating patients with depression and it is an issue that must be taken more seriously in these professional fields, which is contradictory to what governments and military are doing in the aerospace industry. This is probably partly to do with these satellites having the ability to weaponize space; telecommunications is just one of their public functions, its not the main function or reason why we have under 50,000 satellites now circling the planet. This is part of the toxic technocracy we have moved into. Meanwhile, over the last few years certified doctors and scientists have been raising public concern on the dangers of Geopathic stress and EMF frequencies that people are being exposed to as our reliance on technology and the number of 5G satellite technology accelerates and exceeds an unprecedented level. Scientists and doctors have noted that at every shift in radio frequencies since the first world war, we have also seen global pandemics, as our immune system has responded to these electromagnetic frequencies as an attack on the human immune system, the amplification of radio frequencies detrimentally affect human health. This has been documented and funded decades ago by military researchers, its been known for over 50 years but kept quiet.
Nikola Tesla said ¨ If you want to find the secrets of the Universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration ¨. To see things in terms of everything being energy, everything that is alive has an electromagnetic frequency, we all have a natural voltage, the Earth, all living plants and animals and we have a natural voltage of around less than 0.1 to 0.2 volts, that is changing constantly depending on the environment that we are in. This is why it is good to spend time outside in nature, if you have your bare feet on the ground, you are Earthed and your voltage decreases.
We are humans in the process of fusing our minds and bodies with AI, millions of people are currently unwitting volunteers who have bought into the mainstream narrative of COVID-19, (an experimental covert identification tracking and tracing project), those that have allowed themselves to be injected with a nano-processing system are now connected with this technology and very vulnerable to psychotropic manipulation and interferences, additionally all of their biorhythms are being read and uploaded onto quantum computers.
Social engineering influences acceptance of communist spying and technological monitoring of human behaviour as the normal way of life into culture and society, for example movies and animations about glorification of cyborgs, robots and human relationships, and allowing drones to be personal items. A luddite way of life, may one day soon become a revolutionary act as AI, nanotechnology and synthetic biology has already taken steps to make humanity more robot than human. Encouraging people to have sex with robots and gender confusion are all part of this agenda to move humanity towards technological fusion with singularity.
5G and 6G is a synthetic electromagnetic microwave frequency used by cellphones that can intrude upon our mental privilege of privacy, minds can be read and our biological systems, nervous, endocrine and immune systems can be monitored and interfered with using refined 5G or 6G satellite systems, the first of which were launched last year. International radio frequency expert Professor Dariusz Leszczynski, from the University of Helsinki, told a public lecture at Griffith University in Brisbane at a conference that there was a concerning lack of understanding about the health effects. “We know only that this radiation penetrates skin deep,” Professor Leszczynski said. Dr. Joel Moskowitz, director of community health studies at the University of California, warns “precaution is warranted before 5G is unleashed on the world.” Former government physicist Dr. Ron Powell points out the plans “would irradiate everyone, including the most vulnerable to harm from radiofrequency radiation: pregnant women, unborn children, young children, the elderly, the disabled, and the chronically ill. It would set a goal of irradiating all environments.” Research published on the agency’s website said 5G technology could penetrate skin to a depth of 8 millimeters or more to the depth of cells and it can damage DNA, radiation exposures to a long list of adverse biological effects, including: DNA single and double strand breaks. Our skin has sweat ducts that react to 5G and can act as antennas and can receive signals, same with DNA. This has not been tested for safety and experts in the field expect a jump in melanoma rates around the globe. Furthermore, we will be exposed to oxidative damage, disruption of cell metabolism, increased blood brain barrier permeability, melatonin reduction. disruption to brain glucose metabolism, generation of stress proteins, the reader can find more warnings from The Bioinitiative Report (2012-2019 updated each year) by 29 precautionary scientists and the effects on our biology feature in several thousand, peer-reviewed papers.
What’s more is that 5G comes from the architects of AI with 5G sensors becoming integrated into everyday commonly used objects, from food packaging to your household domestic appliances such as coffee makers, fridges, crock pots, to cosmetics, toys, even your bi-polar and anti-depressant medication and your clothes and furniture, and of course your bed to monitor your sleep patterns and for what reason? It is called the ”Internet of Everything”, the Time Magazine published an article on the ‘Internet of Everything- which has become a catch-all phrase to describe adding connectivity and intelligence to just about every device in order to give them special functions. For example an ”Internet-connected crock pot that you could control when it comes on and you will be able to adjust its settings from the other side of the world using your cell phone. Seriously, who needs to do such a thing? The real reasons are far more sinister and they have nothing to do with turning things on and off at home or home security, they have to do with complete control of humans and the human brain.
We are at the first phase of seeing everything we use, will be integrated into a wireless system that can be used to monitor human behaviour, the data of human futures is becoming the most valuable commodity on the economic trading market and it is surpassing gold in value, as such our activity turned into data is traded and sold and already used by government agencies and corporations, just as they presently do through various social media such as Facebook, Instagram and Whats app, your private conversations are recorded and sent back to Facebook computers for data to be harnessed in whatever way agencies and corporations see fit to benefit from. This all leads to humans being completely controlled and monitored in an electromagnetic prison that robs humanity of privacy and even from the ability to have a private mind of thoughts, emotions and imagination, all of which can be manipulated through simply changing and influencing your brainwave frequencies. The technology exists to insert thoughts and emotions into people’s minds, with 6G, such technology will be much easier to use. In 2012, a science report in Cell Press Journal, Neuron, “The Brain Activity Map Project and the Challenge of Functional Connectomics, Wireless and Synthetic Biology Approaches” discussed remote brain mapping techniques which by now are probably underway, where they are using synthetic DNA which has a large capacity to store data and it can be used to record brain activity in Hz through remote activity, recording human brainwave activity, this is one reason why I believe 5G and 6G are being rolled out without the general public being given fair objection. This also makes one think of the mRNA technology used in the current experimental biological agent being peddled as a vaccine.
“We think that it will ultimately become feasible to deploy small wireless microcircuits, un-tethered in living brains, for direct monitoring of neuronal activity, although there are significant technological challenges. As an alternative to silicon VLSI, synthetic biology might provide an interesting set of novel techniques to enable non invasive recording of activity. This could be considered a wireless option, albeit a radically different one. For example, example, DNA polymerases could be used as spike sensors since their error rates are dependent on cation concentration. Prechosen DNA molecules could be synthesized to record patterns of errors corresponding to the patterns of spikes in each cell, encoded as calcium-induced errors, serving as a ‘‘ticker-tape’’ record of the activity of the neuron. The capability of DNA for dense information storage is quite remarkable. In principle, a 5-mm-diameter synthetic cell could hold at least 6 billion base pairs of DNA, which could encode 7 days of spiking data at 100 Hz with 100-fold redundancy.“- The BAM project- A. Paul Alivisatos, Miyoung Chun, et al. 2012.
The environmental and human health risk assessments of the impact of 5G/6G technology are being conveniently ignored conveniently, because it is an important part of the transhumanist matrix that has been rolled out. Through aerosol geoengineering, smart dust and the latest advanced D-Wave computers that Dr Geordie Rose was sponsored to build by CIA, NASA, Jeff Bezos, Google and the NSA in the last decade all in preparation for the last few years events. He has sold quantum computers and robots that learn to Google, NASA, Lockheed Martin, The Gap, and several US government agencies. Dr Rose also established Kindred, the world’s first robotics company and is part of the trans-humanist global agenda.
These groups of people and others are preparing us closer to the trans-humanist ideal of uploading our consciousness to the internet and being able to download information the same way, this is also why Bill Gates invented a technology that mines cryptocurrency by being connected to human biological activity, since he was one of the main transhumanists who plays a major part of creating and pushing this injectable interface technology onto humanity through his experimental COVID jab that he peddles as a vaccine. In February 2020, just before the pandemic went global, I published a book called Surviving Depression in a Depressing World, an Ecological Perspective, in this book I explore this topic and how this is being rolled out for technology in just ten years’ time as the scientists predicted we will be able to interface with computers remotely by 2030, however, this is not the case, the technocrats and communist plutocracy have squeezed the time frame to begin with the COVID pandemic of 2020, this is why there is no co-incidence, COVID-19 emerged with the 5G roll out, and during the first lockdown, 5G masts were being erected across the planet, there is also a relationship between the effects of the 5G EMF frequencies causing radiation pneumonia and suffocation in people who are receiving high exposures, since the waves burn oxygen to emit the signal. Moreover, new information has emerged out of Russia, that confirms my own research and that of many others predicting this and what we are seeing unfold, the following is courtesy of a Russian Whisteblower-
This is the strongest evidence yet that they are injecting micro-microchips via the Covid injections. (4 min 17 sec) This one was injected via the Russian Sputnik jab program. The Russians appear to be playing along with the new world order agenda enough to get the nwo technology and strategies for their elite to use on their citizenry but it is looking more and more clear they are not going to go with the great reset nonsense internationally (same with the Chinese). Here is the processor and its specs identified by the researcher in the above video: processor : 0vendor_id : E2K MACHINEcpu family : 4model : 20255552, model name : Elbrus-e2k-e2c+revision : 1cpu MHz : 496.580L1 cache size : 64 KBL1 cache line length : 32 bytesL2 cache size : 1024 KBL2 cache line length : 64 bytes.
So here we have more missing pieces of the jigsaw puzzle that shows we have crossed the bridge of transhumanism and have now entered the age of the human cyborg thanks to the COVID-19 shot and the new 5G interface. Either way, it is surprising how many people find transhumanism so seductive in Western culture, people have in the past volunteered to have a microchip inserted, as they embrace this kind of technology. However, difference now is that most people who went to get their COVID-19 jab have no idea what they are signing up for aside from the mRNA DNA experimental ingredients altering their biological systems and turning them into a living interface with quantum computers and satellites. Should they know that their entire body is now readable and their biological data is being stored on a quantum computer, that can read and record what they are doing, from sleeping, exercise to having sex, most would object to this invasion of their privacy. We all, probably know someone who has been injected with this experimental jab, they have been installed with this technological interface which works with 5G and 6G Electromagnetic frequencies, technology which bypasses a rice grain sized microchip being inserted into ones hand.
The cyborg human is being normalized and glamorized in Hollywood Science Fiction and assimilated into the western world’s cultural mind as normal. Though without much preparation on a psychological level, human consciousness still needs to advance spiritually and mentally, we need to see the necessity and value of our humanity, our empathy, the value of human connection, expression of emotion, facial nudity and reading each other’s facial expressions and the connection we gain from that along with our connection to nature, it has become a necessity to preserve and defend Earth in order to preserve ourselves. Whereas from the elitist perspective, transhumanism is nothing more than a toxic dysfunctional material aspiration that tries to use technology as a short cut to what we can still achieve spiritually without it, if we choose a more ecological and humane route for our evolution, however, we are seeing ourselves now standing in division, conscious human beings do not want this divide, we know that the plutocracy thrives on divide and conquer, and a deep unsatiated psychopathy for control. We don’t want to be divided from our brothers and sisters, hopefully we can heal this unprecedented traumatic shift caused by trans-humanist elites. We must continue to raise awareness of the current reality and support hundreds of thousands of doctors and lawyers defending our last human rights and we must continue to defend our inalienable human rights and maintain our freedom. Finally, it is uncanny that in my last book, I predicted this divide of organic humans becoming luddites and being forced to abandon most of technology in order to keep our freedom intact while we witness the unaware giving up their biological freedom, submitting themselves to technocratic slavery to become genetically modified human beings.
Environmental and health freedom writer and author
Further information and research links
A. Paul Alivisatos, Miyoung Chun, George M. Church, Ralph J. Greenspan, Michael L. Roukes, and Rafael Yuste. 2012. The Brain Activity Map Project and the Challenge of Functional Connectomics. Cell Press. Neuron Neuro View. Materials Science Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab and Department of Chemistry, University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA.
Marcer, P. and Schempp, W. (1996), A Mathematically Specified Template for DNA and the Genetic Code, in Terms of the Physically Realizable Processes of Quantum Holography, Proceedings of the Greenwich Symposium on Living Computers, editors Fedorec, A. and Marcer, P., 45-62.
Gariaev, Peter, Boris Birshtein, Alexander Iarochenko, et al, “The DNA-wave Biocomputer,”
DNA Decipher Journal | March 2011 | Vol. 1 | Issue 2 | pp. 218-244 Miller, I., Mill, R. A. & Webb, B., Quantum Bioholography
Richard Alan Miller, Burt Webb, JNLRMI , 2002 Quantum Bioholography. DNA Decipher Journal. March 2011 | Vol. 1 | Issue 2 | pp. 218-244
Sidorov, L. (2002), Control systems, transduction arrays and psi healing: an experimental basis for human potential science. The Journal of Non-Locality and Remote Mental Interactions Vol I. Nr. 2, online at http://www.emergentmind.com.
The following are just a few examples of existing Military US PATENTS for Psychotropic Mind control Patents evidence this type of technology is being utilized as follows –
US PATENT 3,951,134 – APPARATUS AND METHOD FOR REMOTELY MONITORING AND ALTERING BRAIN WAVES–Apparatus for and method of sensing brain waves at a position remote from a subject whereby electromagnetic signals of different frequencies are simultaneously transmitted to the brain of the subject in which the signals interfere with one another to yield a waveform which is modulated by the subject’s brain waves. The interference waveform which is representative of the brain wave activity is re-transmitted by the brain to a receiver where it is demodulated and amplified. The demodulated waveform is then displayed for visual viewing and routed to a computer for further processing and analysis. The demodulated waveform also can be used to produce a compensating signal which is transmitted back to the brain to effect a desired change in electrical activity therein.
US PATENT 5,270,800 –SUBLIMINAL MESSAGE GENERATOR–A combined subliminal and supraliminal message generator for use with a television receiver permits complete control of subliminal messages and their manner of presentation.
US PATENT 5,123,899 –METHOD AND SYSTEM FOR ALTERING CONSCIOUSNESS– A system for altering the states of human consciousness involves the simultaneous application of multiple stimuli, preferable sounds, having differing frequencies and wave forms. The relationship between the frequencies of the several stimuli is exhibited by the equation g=s.sup.n/4 .multidot.f where: f=frequency of one stimulus; g=frequency of the other stimuli of stimulus; and n=a positive or negative integer which is different for each other stimulus
US PATENT –5,289,438 –METHOD AND SYSTEM FOR ALTERING CONSCIOUSNESS SOURCE: Judy Wall, Mike Coyle and Jan Wiesemann. Paranoia Magazine Issue 24 Fall 2000 -Article -‘Technology to Your Mind’ – By Judy Wall.
US PATENT 5,123,899 –METHOD AND SYSTEM FOR ALTERING CONSCIOUSNESS– A system for altering the states of human consciousness involves the simultaneous application of multiple stimuli, preferable sounds, having differing frequencies and wave forms. The relationship between the frequencies of the several stimuli is exhibited by the equation g=s.sup.n/4 .multidot.f where: f=frequency of one stimulus; g=frequency of the other stimuli of stimulus; and n=a positive or negative integer which is different for each other stimulus.
US PATENT 4,877,027–HEARING SYSTEM –Sound is induced in the head of a person by radiating the head with microwaves in the range of 100 megahertz to 10,000 megahertz that are modulated with a particular waveform. The waveform consists of frequency modulated bursts. Each burst is made up of ten to twenty uniformly spaced pulses grouped tightly together. The burst width is between 500 nanoseconds and 100 microseconds. The pulse width is in the range of 10 nanoseconds to 1 microsecond. The bursts are frequency modulated by the audio input to create the sensation of hearing in the person whose head is irradiated.
US PATENT 6,017,302 – SUBLIMINAL ACOUSTIC MANIPULATION OF NERVOUS SYSTEMS –In human subjects, sensory resonances can be excited by subliminal atmospheric acoustic pulses that are tuned to the resonance frequency. The 1/2 Hz sensory resonance affects the autonomic nervous system and may cause relaxation, drowsiness, or sexual excitement, depending on the precise acoustic frequency near 1/2 Hz used. The effects of the 2.5 Hz resonance include slowing of certain cortical processes, sleepiness, and disorientation. For these effects to occur, the acoustic intensity must lie in a certain deeply subliminal range. Suitable apparatus consists of a portable battery-powered source of weak subaudio acoustic radiation. The method and apparatus can be used by the general public as an aid to relaxation, sleep, or sexual arousal, and clinically for the control and perhaps treatment of insomnia, tremors, epileptic seizures, and anxiety disorders. There is further application as a non-lethal weapon that can be used in law enforcement standoff situations, for causing drowsiness and disorientation in targeted subjects. It is then preferable to use venting acoustic monopoles in the form of a device that inhales and exhales air with subaudio frequency
Medical fascism and tyranny, biotech and pharmaceutical fascism and tyranny, environmental fascism and tyranny. Its all a reality today and its all the same tyranny and fascism coming from the richest Oligarchs or Plutocrats that run the world today, just take a look at Bill Gates who will be the world's first trillionairre by next year due to his financing the vaccine agenda. All of these industries are causing ill health in people, and environmental pollution that is beyond pandemic proportions, yet very little is known about it in mainstream media.
Our Health and the environment are being assaulted left, right and centre but corporations and their greed have more power than policy and public law makers---corporations such as Monsanto and Bayer who merged to become a superpower conglomerate, among many other biotechnological companies, they are manufacturing chemicals, herbicides and pesticides affecting every human being and causing ecosystem collapse in other species as well as soil and water contamination,toxins which get leached into soil and the ground water, running in rivers, lakes and our oceans, scientists have seen the effects of Atrazine on amphibian populations as they have become feminised, the same can be seen in human beings all over the world.
Men and women----Everyone now has hormone problems, even men, you think you are not affected, look up Atrazine which is a hormone disrupter found in pesticides. Tyrone Hayes, a scientist who has researched the effects of Atrazine says the damage can span generations, it can feminize or cause sterility in men. Genetically Modified Crops also damage our health causing cancer, inflammation, celiac disease, then we also have synthetic polystyrene which is still widely used in food packaging, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). There's also Glyphosates which cause cancer, immune system disorders, inflammation, birth defects and more. Hormones such as oestrogen in dairy products, canned foods, processed foods and grains are also related to a wave of chronic diseases including colon cancer, diabetes, heart diseases and obesity, which people die of in numbers far greater than flu, the real pandemic are these toxins which we need to stop with more intensive campaigning to local governments and the agroindustry, or you can protect yourself and grow your own organic food. Be informed, be aware, be educated, you are your environment, care for the environment and campaign for a chemical free world.
A huge fleet of Chinese fishing boats have alarmed the Galapagos Islands Navy: Ecuador warned that it will enforce its maritime sovereignty The Government of the South American country after it was reported that the vessels navigate international waters between the continental Exclusive Economic Zone and that of the archipelago. The Navy monitors them to prevent them from violating the territorial waters, every year there are some Chinese fishing vessels but this year there are noticably a lot more than usual.
It is a fishing fleet of more than 250 boats, mainly under the Chinese flag, that navigate international waters between continental Ecuador and the Galapagos Archipelago, and which is monitored by the Navy in case they violate Ecuadorian territorial waters.
Conservation scientists were tracking Esperanza, a famous Galapagos female whale shark (Rhincodon typus), an endangered species. Jonathan Green and Dr Alex Hearn, are leading researchers in the study of whale sharks in and around Galapagos through the Galapagos Whale Shark Project. They had fitted Esperanza with a tracking device for their research. Esperanza stopped transmitting its location in Galapagos, after the ships arrived. The Galapagos Islands have a territory of 96% of Protected areas, they are recognized as Natural heritage of humanity to protect unique marine flora and fauna. Whale sharks are the largest fish species on the planet and are classified as “Endangered” on the IUCN Red List. The vast majority of whale sharks found in Galapagos are not only female, but pregnant females (almost 99% of them, according to researchers).
Sharks fins, especially whale sharks, are extremely valuable in many parts of Asia for food. Millions of sharks, many of them of endangered species, are killed each year solely for their fins. Esperanza was last seen between the Exclusive Economic Zone and the Galapagos Marine Reserve.
Esperanza was tagged in September 2019 as part of a scientific monitoring project looking at the habits of whale sharks in and around Galapagos. The signals from her tags stopped transmitting on May 20, 2020. Norman Wray, the President of the Galapagos Governing Council, announced the disappearance of Esperanza’s transmissions and included his worry and suspicion of the flotilla’s possible involvement. Wray shared the news via a tweet.
The Ecuadorian Government has warned China that it will enforce its maritime sovereignty around the Galapagos Archipelago, some 1,000 kilometers from the mainland coast, given the close proximity to these waters of the Chinese fishing fleet.
"The Ecuadorian Foreign Ministry has taken steps both in Beijing and in Quito to make known to the Chinese authorities that Ecuador enforces its maritime rights without difference of flags," Foreign Minister Luis Gallegos said Thursday in a statement released by his office where he warns that "those rights are not to be violated".
The minister recalled the words of his defense colleague, Oswaldo Jarrín, at a press conference hours earlier, in which he assured that "not a single Chinese or other nationality ship will enter the Exclusive Economic Zone, nor the island nor the territory of Ecuador" .
Gallegos reiterated that, through diplomatic channels, this sovereign position has been made known to the authorities of China and all the nationalities of the ships whose flags are present in the international fishing fleet in the equatorial Pacific.
In 2017, a ship from a similar fleet entered a nature reserve in Ecuadorian waters and was intercepted by the Navy with a shipment of prohibited species and at risk of extinction, for which the Andean country brought its crew to trial and confiscated the ship. .
According to the Foreign Ministry statement, the Chinese Government has assured that "no ship of that nationality will enter the Exclusive Economic Zone of Ecuador and less to the waters of the Galapagos Marine Reserve."
The first extends for 200 miles around the archipelago, while the second reaches 40 miles.
Uno de los gráficos que publicó la Cancillería ecuatoriana (@CancilleriaEc)[/caption]
The minister stressed that the Foreign Ministry is using all resources in international law to protect their rights, and that it will undertake "consultations with the Pacific rim countries, especially Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia and Peru to advance joint solutions and intensify diplomatic actions aimed at combating illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing. "
Map included showing 5G installed in the blue map and Corona Virus outbreak in the black and red map. Click on the maps to see, the blue map showed the January 2020 installations but not what is being rolled out now, Ecuador and Peru are now 5G zones.
5G masts on the ground have a short range in an oxygenated environment compared to the signals in outer space where there is no oxygen, which can range from 25,000 to 46,000 kms, which is why millions of them are being deployed across the Earth. The radio channels can alter this signal due to the surrounding environment, which can include obstacles, reflections, scattering, oxygen absorption and movement depending on terrain, urban, countryside, mountains etc. EMF frequencies in the range of 60GHz requires a lot of oxygen in order to carry the wave signal, At 60 GHz, 98% of the transmitted 5G energy will be absorbed by atmospheric oxygen which then alters the orbital properties of the electrons of the oxygen molecules.
When 5G passes through biological cells of a living organism the oxygen molecules will be taken from the organisms cells, oxygen molecules share electrons that bind with He Iron in our body, when the oxygen is burned up by the 5G EMF it causes the cells to collapse, change their shape and affects our cells and Haemoglobin, Iron in our blood has magnetic properties. 5G EMF frequencies also affect water molecules which start turning on their axis to attempt to try line up to the EMF frequencies which causes a breakdown of water molecules in our cells, in addition to Oxygen breakdown and cell damage. We are 70 percent water.
So, what do you think will happen to the oxygen and water in our body cells when we are exposed to 60GHz frequencies?
60 GHz technology only works because it needs the absorption spectrum of oxygen molecules, as 5G is absorbing oxygen, if the EMF fields are passing through your skin and into your blood cells, your heamoglobin can’t take up the oxygen, which means this frequency can suffocate biological organisms at a distance by interfering with oxygen binding to hemoglobin in blood, this can cause strokes, internal haemorrhage, blood clots and so on, as the blood cells group together to try and protect themselves, which is why in the videos posted on youtube you see when they switched on the 5G towers in Wuhan, we see people dropping dead in the street or at work by having seizures due lack of oxygen and the EMF fields causing internal clots, heamorraging and suffocation. That’s because the frequency of 60 GHz is the frequency at which oxygen molecules oscillate and 5g oscillates between 24–86 GHz. 60GHz is the oxygen molecule absorption spectrum, the frequency that O2 molecules start reacting to and the same with water molecules in cells, and remember we are 70 percent water, we are electomagnetic beings, not just chemical beings and affected by electromagnetic frequencies.
At the molecular level, these frequencies affect the orbit of electrons, and that affects the ability of blood hemoglobin to bind with oxygen. 5G is absorbing the oxygen, and then your hemoglobin can't take up the oxygen. 60 GHz sucks the oxygen out of cells. Without oxygen, the heart stops working properly, so do the lungs because the oxygen you breath in isn't being taken up by the Hemoglobin in your blood cells, the liver becomes congested and the body, and brain, begins to close down. 5G will disrupt the uptake of oxygen to cause oxygen deprivation to each cell at the level of the mitochondria. 60Ghz is the absorption spectrum of oxygen molecules, so why are they using this bandwidth when internet works perfectly fine with our current bandwidth. Symptoms of such effects on physical organisms, on birds, bees and other migrating species it has shown to be fatal. On humans the effects are similar to what is described as the Corona Virus, fever, dry cough, no mucous we’d usually find in most flu related corona viruses, cyanosis – turning blue (lack of oxygen), then dropping dead while walking down the street or shopping other effects are potential Heart issues, issues breathing, seeing, and immune defficiencys; Less severe symptoms such as Brain fog, Difficulty sleeping, and Head-aches and Migraines. This starts to make sense.
Research by Neufeld and Kuster 2018 highlights the significant tissue heating generated by 5G technology with rapid short bursts of data transfer on a device, prompting them to call for reevaluation of thermal safety standards (let alone biological standards). The researchers state, “The results also show that the peak-to-average ratio of 1,000 tolerated by the International Council on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection guidelines may lead to permanent tissue damage after even short exposures, highlighting the importance of revisiting existing exposure guidelines.” In addition, there is convincing emerging scientific evidence causing great concern for the environment, with harm to mammals, insects and bacteria, prompting scientists around the world to call for a moratorium on 5G. This 5G technology is complex, likely to be costly, accompanied by privacy concerns and will also consume significant amounts of oxygen and energy, contrary to global climate goals. Despite this scientific evidence, the FCC has accelerated the deployment of wireless antenna infrastructure by limiting local governments ability to refuse these towers, limiting charging fees and shortening the shot clock for approval, effectively blocking the power of local authorities''.
Elon Musk has launched 46,000 5G satellites, Telesat launched 120 satellites, OneWeb’s phase one network will be 648 satellites, and SpaceX are launching over 12,000 satelites for 5G technology, All three networks are expected to reach full operational capacity by the early 2020s .
A few years ago, 240 doctors and scientists signed against 5G in Europe and 123,000 doctors, nurses, scientists and medical professionals from Physicians against 5G globally, resisted the government proposals of 5G towers and systems being launched and these experts presented documented proof and evidence to the governments and already warned the public against the effects of 5G and 6G cell phone towers. Why did the governments ignore 163,000 doctors and scientists? Their warnings cannot be dismissed as a ”conspiracy theory” by the media or by those who are too lazy to read the hard evidence that these doctors and scientists have read to self-educate.
Does blood have magnetic properties? https://www.sciencelearn.org.nz/resources/1010-does-blood-have-magnetic-properties
Magnetic Crystals, Guides for Animals, Found in Humans https://www.nytimes.com/1992/05/12/science/magnetic-crystals-guides-for-animals-found-in-humans.html
EU 5G Appeal – Scientists warn of potential serious health effects of 5G https://www.jrseco.com/european-union-5g-appeal-scientists-warn-of-potential-serious-health-effects-of-5g/
Swedish expert warnings on 5G https://www.emfacts.com/2018/12/swedish-expert-warnings-on-5g/
Systematic Derivation of Safety Limits for Time-Varying 5G Radiofrequency Exposure Based on Analytical Models and Thermal Dose.2018. Neufeld E, Kuster N.Health Phys. 2018 Sep 21. doi: 10.1097/HP.0000000000000930
High exposure to radiofrequency radiation linked to tumor activity in male rats https://www.nih.gov/news-events/news-releases/high-exposure-radiofrequency-radiation-linked-tumor-activity-male-rats
Published Literature on High Frequency,EMF Gigahertz RF on biological cells and organisms
The distinguishing effects of low intensity electromagnetic radiation of different extremely high frequencies on Enterococcus hirae: growth rate inhibition and scanning electron microscopy analysis. (2017) Hovnanyan K et al. Lett Appl Microbiol. 2017. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28609553
Effect of acute millimeter wave exposure on dopamine metabolism of NGF-treated PC12 cells. (2017) Haas AJ et al. J Radiat Res. 2017 Feb 24:1-7. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28339776
Rural Macrocell Path Loss Models for Millimeter Wave Wireless Communications. (2017) MacCartney GR et al. IEEE Journal . Volume: 35, Issue: 7, July 2017. https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/7914696?reload=true
Human Exposure to RF Fields in 5G Downlink. (2017) Nasim I and Kim S. Department of Electrical Engineering. Georgia Southern University. https://arxiv.org/pdf/1711.03683.pdf
Effects of 60-GHz millimeter waves on neurite outgrowth in PC12 cells using high-content screening. (2016) Haas AJ et al. Neurosci Lett. 2016 Apr 8;618:58-65. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26921450
Millimeter waves or extremely high frequency electromagnetic fields in the environment: what are their effects on bacteria? (2016) Soghomonyan D, Trchounian K, Trchounian A Appl Microbiol Biotechnol. 100(11):4761-71. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27087527?dopt=Abstract
5G: The Convergence of Wireless Communications. (2015) Chávez-Santiago et al. Wirel Pers Commun. 83: 1617–1642. doi: 10.1007/s11277-015-2467-2 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4821549/
Will Millimeter Waves Maximize 5G Wireless? (2015) Larry Greenemeier. Scientific America. Jun 23, 2015 https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/will-millimeter-waves-maximize-5g-wireless/
“The Human Body and Millimeter-Wave Wireless Communication Systems: Interactions and Implications,” (2015). Accepted in 2015 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), NYU WIRELESS. (Wu et al., 2015A) Wu T, Rappaport TS, Collins CM, 2015 https://arxiv.org/pdf/1503.05944.pdf
Millimeter wave promotes the synthesis of extracellular matrix and the proliferation of chondrocyte by regulating the voltage-gated K+ channel. (2014) Li X et al. J Bone Miner Metab. 2014 Jul;32(4):367-77. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24202060
Effects of millimeter wave irradiation and equivalent thermal heating on the activity of individual neurons in the leech ganglion. (2014) Romanenko S et al. J Neurophysiol. 112(10): 2423–2431. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4233276/
Transcriptome Analysis Reveals the Contribution of Thermal and the Specific Effects in Cellular Response to Millimeter Wave Exposure. (2014) Habauzit et al., PlosOne.Habauzit, D. http://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0109435
State of knowledge on biological effects at 40–60 GHz. (2013) Dréan et al., Comptes Rendus Physique, 14(5): 402-411 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1631070513000480
As events are unfolding and my understanding has shifted of what is really going on since I last wrote about this crisis we all find ourselves in, like many others, trying to discern the truth is very difficult. I have convened online with various key people and researching mostly Doctor’s reports of the patients they have seen. Therefore, I’d like to share what I have found with those that are receptive and are questioning what is really going on right now.
Firstly, I have come across numerous doctors who have made public announcements on Youtube (many interviews have now been taken down by Youtube pro vaccine biased censorship).
Dr Andrew Kaufman is one doctor below who has put his practitioners license on the line, along with his life's work, and he shares what he has observed in patients with ''COVID-19'' respiratory illness. What doctors are reporting is that even patients with perfectly healthy lungs are suffocating, this is not a normal viral pneumonia process but something very different that they have never seen before.
Dr Kaufman explains that the picture claimed to be an isolation of COVID-19 is identical to that of an exosome, however an exosome is not a virus! According to the biological explanation of an exosome - ''Exosomes are small endosome derived lipid nanoparticles (30-100 nm in diameter), actively secreted by exocytosis in most living cells, their role is to eat toxic substances in the body.
They are nothing to do with viruses and are not contagious. Exosomes are small lipid vesicles secreted by a variety of cells. They were originally assumed to provide cells with the mean to dispose of unneeded proteins, nucleic acids, and lipids. However, exosomes are now known to play a role in intercellular communication’’ Dr Andrew Kaufman explained germ theory and vaccines which are not effective even if we believe in Germ theory since viruses are supposed to mutate and change all the time, so a vaccine won't work.
Doctor Kaufman is one of many other doctors who also point out that the tests being used are faulty. RT-PCR tests were only made for testing for genetic material, not viruses. There is also no Gold Standard measurement, to test the error rate of this test. All tests should have an error rate margin, just the same as with all scientific experiments performed in a laboratory.
ER Doctor Cameron Kyle-Sidell from the ICU unit in New York City has stated that the symptoms of patients isn't that of a pneumonia virus, its that of altitude sickness, where patients are experiencing severe hypoxemia [abnormally low level of oxygen] Cameron Kyle-Sidell released several videos where he states . ''We’re treating the wrong disease, and because of this the ventilators are damaging the lungs of patients. COVID-19 lung disease, as far as I can see, is not a pneumonia and should not be treated as one. Rather, it appears as if some kind of viral-induced disease most resembling high altitude sickness. Is it as if tens of thousands of my fellow New Yorkers are on a plane at 30,000 feet at the cabin pressure is slowly being let out. These patients are slowly being starved of oxygen.
Doctor Thomas Cowan explains the futility of using RT- PCR tests- Real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tests were invented by Kary Mullis in 1984 was considered as a revolution in science. Real-time PCR, hereafter abbreviated RT PCR, is becoming a common tool for detecting and quantifying expression profiles of selected genes. Kary Mullis actually told everybody not to use these tests to test for Viruses as it does not work, they are for testing and reading genome material.
Dr Thomas Cowan explains how the Corona Virus should be tested since the flawed RT- PCR tests only test for genetic material DNA or RNA sequences that fit known genomes. The RT-PCR tests cannot detect the COVID-19 virus just as its inventor Kary Mullis stated, it was not intended to be used for this purpose. It can only use amplifiers taking a small amount of DNA and replication till it can be analysed. Any contamination in samples will also be amplified leading to flawed results of any RNA material with 40 amplifications or 60 amplifications, it becomes positive with 100 percent, they might find tiny pieces of normal corona flu RNA material but its not the elusive COVID-19 virus as there are many types of Corona virus that we already might have in our system that cause seasonal flu and colds. The RT-PCR tests can only amplify genomes not identify viruses, which distorts the information and since we don't know how many false positives or negatives there are as we have nothing to compare it too, so it makes it look like we have an epidemic when infact all these statistics are based on flawed testing.
RT-PCR tests amplification cycles are flawed and cannot identify a single pathogen even if you ignore the other implications. The RT-PCR is not the right way to test for a virus. Aside from that they cant detect it if they don't know what they are looking for, because what they claim to be the virus is in fact an exosome.
Dr Thomas Cowan does mention that we could be being poisoned as the RNA material we emit when we are, could be mistaken as external viral material, but there is no evidence of COVD-19 being a virus. There isn’t even a genome recorded for COVID-19. There are even mainstream news articles discussing the unreliability of these tests. They are actually creating flawed statistics in addition to people suffering new symptoms that doctors and nurses are unable to treat as a virus, so the governments can justify enforced quarantine and vaccines for a ‘virus’ that kills less people each year than seasonal flu. Even Italian public health officials stated that patients were dying of other illnesses and diseases being corralled to come under COVID-19 after testing positive’ as cause of death.
So what is it we are dealing with here?
Someone who is experienced with Deep State corruption in my recent meetings said that COVID-19 is a global government live operation/experiment, this seems to make sense to me. Whatever it is, I am leaning towards that there is a very clear direct connection between COVID-19 and the 5G being rolled out from country to country, since in Wuhan fifteen 5G masts were installed just before people started showing this respiratory pneumonia last December 2019.
A few years ago, 240 doctors and scientists signed against 5G in Europe and 123,000 doctors, nurses, scientists and medical professionals from Physicians against 5G globally, resisted the government proposals of 5G towers and systems being launched and these experts presented documented proof and evidence to the governments and already warned the public against the effects of 5G and 6G cell phone towers. Why did the governments ignore 163,000 doctors and scientists?
Their warnings cannot be dismissed as a ”conspiracy theory” by the media or by those who are too lazy to read the hard evidence that these doctors and scientists have read to self-educate. What doctors are reporting is that oxygen is being squeezed out of the blood cells due to changes in pressures on the blood cells and those are external pressures. This could be connected to Electromagnetic Frequencies in the 5G 60-100 GigaHz range since we have never had any risk assessments or government funding into testing of the impact of 5G on human health. However, prior tests done by the Military and scientists on the detrimental effects of MGHz have concluded that such EMF frequencies cause permanent damage to human health, read my article here about the Effects of 5G on human health
While we are all in Lockdown, witnesses are seeing 5G antennas being errected all over the world, some even in schools, near childrens playgrounds and they will be installing them in our hospitals too.
In the US government, there has been no government sponsored research into the effects of 5G. While democracy has been suspended, as that can only happen under imposed martial law and people being put under house arrest, all news agencies and TV broadcasting stations have been ordered not to debate the possible connection between 5G and COVID-19, indicating a testimonial action that there is indeed a link that governments don't want us to know about. The effects on humans are autoimmune problems, cytokines self-attacking the immune system and other cells, which could be why exosomes are detected and being hijacked and renamed as the virus COVID-19.
Other health effects are digestive problems, muscle fatigue, motor skill problems, inflammation of the brain, and nervous system, cancer, dizziness, nausea, headaches, internal bleeding, dry cough, respiratory problems, asthma, pneumonia, sore throat, insomnia, anxiety, depression, disrupted brainwave states and melatonin production and disrupted endocrine systems.
Natural News have published an article explaining the effects of 5G radiation on the porosity of cell membranes, the article states 5G radiation changes the porosity of cell membranes allowing some molecules or ionic elements to move more easily across those members, displacing other molecules (or soluble gasses such as carbon dioxide) that might normally make that leap. For example, it is well documented that 5G radiation causes “Voltage Gated Ion Channels” (VGIC), specifically with calcium ions (VGCC), causing cellular toxicity due to too much calcium entering the cell walls and poisoning the cells. The research on this was published in Environmental Research
Therefore the conclusion of many doctors and health care professionals and experts that are willing to put their careers on the line to lose credibility for speaking the truth, is that the patients with Covid-19 pneumonia present an atypical form of pneumonia that is not caused by a virus but by something else that is not being acknowledged by governments or health authorities and this adds to problems with treating patients since treatment protocol should be changed, as Doctor Cameron Kyle-Sidell explained, doctors need to change the pressures and settings of the ventilators accordingly to treat the right condition, since current treatments are actually exasperating the patients syndrome as it is not a viral pneumonia
Jon Rappaport, an American journalist reported from doctors in Italy, several doctors are asserting a very similar, or identical, situation: “Covid-19 Does Not Lead to a ‘Typical’ Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome,” by Doctors Luciano Gattinoni, Silvia Coppola, Massimo Cressoni3, Mattia Busana, Davide Chiumello:
“The patients with Covid-19 pneumonia present an atypical form of the syndrome. Indeed, the primary characteristics we are observing (confirmed by colleagues in other hospitals), is the dissociation between their relatively well preserved lung mechanics and the severity of hypoxemia [abnormally low level of oxygen]…intubation [with breathing ventilators] should be prioritised to avoid excessive intrathoracic negative pressures and self-inflicted lung injury. After considering that, all we can do ventilating these patients is ‘buying time’ with minimum additional damage: the lowest possible PEEP [a method of ventilation in which airway pressure is maintained above atmospheric pressure] and gentle ventilation. We need to be patient.”
Jon Rappaport explains that ‘"at the millimetre wave frequency of 60GHz, the absorption of oxygen is very high, with 98 percent of the transmitted energy [from 5G waves] absorbed by atmospheric oxygen. 60GHz is a very good frequency band for 5G transmissions, and b) nearly all of the 5G energy is absorbed by oxygen. So if oxygen is necessary for 5G in the atmosphere, what are the effects of 5G on the human body as waves permeate our cells?" Rappaport recommends "the use of hyperbaric oxygen chambers for patients with COVID-19 pneumonia. The technicians, MDs, and researchers involved would need to be experts, and from what I've seen, not many are. Slap-dash formulaic use of hyperbaric oxygen won't do. Harm could result. The apparatus itself is, of course, non-invasive. Interested doctors could consult with Dr. Paul Harch ''
Meanwhile, in my recently published book which came out the beginning of February this year, "Surviving Depression in a Depressing World, an Ecological Perspective, I present research on the effects of 5G on human health and mental health and explained the phenomenon of a new world that will change the course of human evolution and human society forever, I explain Elon Musk’s role in this since he is responsible for launching 46,000 5G satellites, and he runs a human brain research institute called Neurolink which has technology to imprint emotions and thoughts into the human mind and has created a sophisticated Neural Implant that will wire your body and mind to the internet with 5G and even more so with 6G. Remember that Elon Musk himself said in many public interviews ''AI is the biggest threat to humanity''.
There are other companies that have also launched 5G satellites but not as many as Elon Musk, and right now Musk has also been granted permission to set up a 5G electromagnetic grid that covers every inch of the planet, consisting of 1 million 5G masts. It appears that overnight we have woken up to this New World Order nightmare, and we have had our freedoms removed, we have been warned by the governments propaganda mainstream media agencies that we will have mandatory vaccines coming.
In my previous article looking into why we need more transparency in governments and about the new Merial vaccine conglomerate, government corruption, corona virus patents and vaccines you can see who the companies are that are benefiting from this. Bill Gates’s father William Gates was the founder of Planned Parenthood which was a neutral name for a eugenics company, The British Welcome Trust, Pirbright, Glax Smith Kline, and Merk are all involved along with the Bill and Linda Gates Foundation.
Here are some other vaccine companies that are involved in this and look at their worth.
Arcturus Therapeutics $249.1 million
BioNTech $12.2 billion
CSL Behring $89.8 billion
Dynavax $293.9 million
GlaxoSmithKline $93.7 billion
Inovio Pharmaceuticals $1.2 billion
Johnson & Johnson $357.9 billion
Moderna $11.4 billion
Novavax $821.8 million
Pfizer $190.2 billion
Sanofi $112.9 billion
TranslateBio $614.1 million
With proper testing and long-term laboratory trials, vaccine testing and production is usually supposed to take seven years, however, two of these companies Moderna and Inovio have already started trials on human volunteers, doesn't that seem a bit strange to the medical experts?
According to new legislation being created (under suspended parliament, and under suspended democracy), if you don’t have a vaccine, you will not be permitted to travel, in the UK they are looking to create passports that show you are immune to COVID-19 (whatever, it is as, it clearly isn’t a virus according to many doctors and health experts who have witnessed patients dying from the symptoms), you will need to show you are immunised before you can return to work. In Spain, which is the second worst hit country, where I am currently residing, the Spanish government are starting to launch a Universal Basic Income, to save the Economy, although some think this is a positive move and in this situation it is, the problem is that debt and people losing jobs and their companies is forcing people to depend even more on the State, including UBI systems even though they prevent debt, again, less freedoms for ourselves. We are being encouraged to socially distance ourselves and in my view after reviewing all what the experts say, there are other reasons for this, perhaps its to discourage social resistance and reorganisation to overthrow governments that are acting in a fascist way, or is it to also discourage spiritual mass prayer and worship which can have a healing effect on stress and fear that the media and governments are creating, or will mass public gatherings continue to be banned as being proposed, because they are concerned about our well being or is it because its harder to track individuals with current satellite surveillance technology unless we are all within two meters distance from one another? These are not conspiracies, these are new policies being published in current news and rolled out by governments according to draconian orders from deep state while democracy has been suspended.
Try to be more discerning when reading mainstream news, because mainstream media is just a propaganda machine, that's right, you can find this out for yourself on the internet. Just google the Smith-Mundt Modernization Act - In 2012, the US government revived an act from World War II, to film and broadcast fabricated propaganda news to an international audience. The US Information and Educational Exchange Act of 1948 (Public Law 80-402), popularly referred to it as the Smith–Mundt Act, specifies the terms in which the United States government can engage global audiences, also known as propaganda. Its not just the US doing this, it’s the UK, Europe and the rest of the world.
So try instead to listen to the Doctors and Health Authorities who are witnesses to the patients that they are treating and seeing die from this sickness as a result of its misdiagnosis. There have been many criminal violations against humanity as a result via government and the media used as a tool to create the largest misjustice of lies and manipulation being carried out in human history.
What can you do about all of this?
Some solutions to explore-
1. Strengthen your virtual communities of friends and family if you cannot strengthen physical ones, create online zoom meetings off record preferably, or Meet or on the phone- and share information from Doctors and healthcare advisors that are speaking out about what is really going on in your network, explore and share information, share your humanity, emotions, assimilate, explore possibilities, options, strategies, collaborations and spiritual connection is very important, cultivate/ reinforce your spiritual world, we will need it more than ever with all that comes forth from here.
2. Look at ways to survive possible Economic collapse. Create a virtual and possibly physical community, grow your own food, share food, share everything, as we need to support each other through economic collapse. Look into community Lets Scheme and similar ideas.
3.Learn about and use Sovereign Law and Ultra Vires can be used with Natural Law -In the police act there can be citizens arrest of police For example in the current situation of 5G masts being illegally installed without prior public consultation- Police are not arresting the companies and people who are installing the 5G masts, therefore they are failing to protect the public aside from the harmful health impacts that experts have already demonstrated, and which is going on during suspended parliament under draconian rules.
The people created governments to serve and protect the people, the same with the police, its not the people serving the governments as it currently has been inverted to be the case. With Natural Law and Ultra Vires Law we can demand governments operate within the principles that they were originally set up for and we can audit corruption at these deeper levels, but we have to take organised action to do this, which is why I encourage underground cafes and meetings to implement this on an official active level, there are actually police and officials out there that are aware of these issues and its their choice to support Ultra Vires or continue to be a part of this mass deception.
In 1974 extensive military and science volumes on experiments on the effects of EMF frequencies in the Mhz ranges already learn how negatively those frequencies impact human health, let alone the hundreds of lab animals they tested on, the research is included in my recent book, and article I published a year ago
4.Find anti-vaccine doctors in your area to sign a legal document you can use to present your case if anyone tries to force vaccines on you
6.Hone and develop your inner spiritual abilities, we need to with what is ahead of humanity, if we want to come out of the darkness. ''I do not live in fear, I live in love'', stay in your heart and meditate on the heart whenever you feel fear and stress
7.Stay well informed and discern programmed media propaganda from genuine independent media with a broad range of scientific references, be wary of astroturfed journals sponsored by pharmaceutical companies.
8. Create a list of doctors in your area that are aware of the harmful effects of vaccines, and for those that are resistent remind them of the historic win that Robery F Kennedy Junior Won Against Government For Vaccine Safety Violations 2018. Share Vaccine Awareness News as much as possible as its soon to be banned from all social media, as free speech has become a thing of the past on Facebook, there are Vaccine awareness groups that share Vaccine Recovery Tips
Question: how do you get Scientific Certificates for Vaccine Exemptions, I didn't see it?
Answer from Judge Alfred Lambremont Webre :
''Just as the Findings of Fact & Law of the Natural and Common Tribunal for Public Health and Justice apply to all natural persons on Earth, so the Scientific Certificates for Vaccine Exemption apply to and can be used by any natural person under natural and Common law for Vaccine Exemption Use the template given in this article to create a Vaccine Awareness Certificate and get a local Vaccine Awarness Doctor to sign it for you''.
9. Take care of one another-We must keep an eye on and help the elderly and also those who are suffering from mental illnesses such as depression and bipolar, support these people in your community. Keep showing your humanity and stay connected with everyone you love, listen to the inner voice and treat this as a warning sign to find your place on the planet before we are unable to travel for good. They encourage Social Distancing, so we must reinforce Social Strengthening as much as possible, in whatever way we can online or via telephone and so on.
10. Share alternative therapies and health tips on how to augment and boost the Immune system, whether it is a virus or EMF radiation both weaken the immune system to actual pathogens and real viruses, taking Spirulina, Ashwagandha, 1000 mgs of Vitamin C, Moringa, Boron, Apple Cider Vinegar, Zinc and Magnesium, all help protect and support your immune system.
by Carlita Shaw
Author, wildlife biologist and environmental journalist
When 240 doctors and scientists in Europe signed against 5G and 124,000 doctors, medics, nurses and scientists worldwide signed a petition against 5G towers being installed, experts who have presented documented proof and evidence to governments. According to The Physicians for the Safety of 5G technology and who already warned the public against the effects of 5G and 6G cell phone towers, it cannot be dismissed as a ''conspiracy theory'' by the media or by those who are too lazy to read the hard evidence that these doctors and scientists have read to self educate.
The effects on humans are autoimmune problems, cytokines self attacking the immune system and other cells, digestive problems, muscle fatigue, motor skill problems, inflammation of the brain, and nervous system, cancer, dizzyness, nausea, headaches, internal bleeding, dry cough, respiratory problems, asthma, pneumonia, sore throat, insomnia, anxiety, depression, disrupted brainwave states and melatonin production and disrupted endocrine systems.
Telecommunication and the Military Complex are heating up the Ionosphere with high frequencies generated from HAARP, Gwen Towers and 5G in the range of 60–100 GigaHz, and 6G will be in the range of 100 Gigahertz (GHz) to 3 terahertz (THz). Not only do these frequencies affect climate change but microwaves frequencies can have a powerful effect on our brain waves, 6G will be a complete intrusion to the human brain and human mind, to the point of AI intrusion and manipulation.
The US Army and School of Aerospace Medicine published several volumes of hundreds of published peer reviewed papers with the results of microwave technology on biological tissue and organs, including human examples, In September 1974. The results of several hundred sick military experiments on animals which were released as findings in Several Volumes, Each volume comprises of several hundred military funded experiments.
Military and Scientists knew very well, over forty years ago, after experimenting hundreds of times with microwave radiation on animals and people, using pulses and ranges of exposure up to 2.45 MHz /4 MHz range, and S band waves and beyond 150-10,000 MHz. The documented effects in over several hundred scientific journal papers include negatively damage living biological tissues, heart problems, brain damage, cataracts, abnormal DNA changes and damage, cell damage, changes in the cerebral cortex, changes in EEG brainwave patterns, changes in behaviour.
One 1972 paper states ''personnel should not be exposed to .01w/cm2-.0035w/cm2 waves''
Some experiments demonstrate Chromosomal aberrations (damage) of living cells induced by microwave radiation and a high incident of Down syndrome human babies when the male parent is exposed to high levels of microwave radiation.
Now, bare in mind the above journal excerpts were just concerned with microwave levels of radiation at a tune of Mega hertz frequencies and are no where near the level of 5G which is at high frequency electromagnetic radiation with Gigahertz such as 2.45 - 6 Ghz/ Giga hertz, (*Giga hertz *One GHz represents 1 billion cycles per second). So with over four hundred military papers and experiments funding this research and the overall conclusion being extensive damage can be caused to cell tissue, brain tissue, and organs with just Mega hertz, is it not clearly apparent to scientists, doctors, governments, military and civilians, that Giga hertz is at the level of Military frequency weapons that are clearly extremely harmful to humans and animal life, let alone, the implications of this on weather engineering and the delicate ionosphere and all ecosystems that will be affected. At this level the entire ionosphere can be heated up to high radiation levels, also 5G networks can increase random forest fires and electronic fires with the microwave radiation being highly electrically charged at Giga Herz levels, the environmental risks, impact and implications are being completely negated and are unknown.
1.4 GHz is 1400 MHz, 5G is using the spectrum in the frequency range (600 MHz to 6 GHz) and also in millimeter wave(mmWave) bands (24–86 GHz).
Over 240 scientists from more than 40 countries have expressed their “serious concerns” regarding the ubiquitous and increasing exposure to EMF generated by electric and wireless devices already before the additional 5G roll-out. They refer to the fact that ”numerous recent scientific publications have shown that EMF affects living organisms at levels well below most international and national guidelines”. Effects include increased cancer risk, cellular stress, increase in harmful free radicals, genetic damages, structural and functional changes of the reproductive system, learning and memory deficits, neurological disorders, and negative impacts on general well-being in humans. Damage goes well beyond the human race, as there is growing evidence of harmful effects to both plants and animals.
The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), the cancer agency of the World Health Organization (WHO), in 2011 concluded that EMFs of frequencies 30 KHz – 300 GHz are possibly carcinogenic to humans (Group 2B). However, new studies like the NTP study mentioned above and several epidemiological investigations including the latest studies on mobile phone use and brain cancer risks confirm that RF-EMF radiation is carcinogenic to humans.
New research by Neufeld and Kuster 2018 highlights the significant tissue heating generated by 5G technology with rapid short bursts of data transfer on a device, prompting them to call for reevaluation of thermal safety standards (let alone biological standards). The researchers state, “The results also show that the peak-to-average ratio of 1,000 tolerated by the International Council on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection guidelines may lead to permanent tissue damage after even short exposures, highlighting the importance of revisiting existing exposure guidelines.” In addition, there is convincing emerging scientific evidence causing great concern for the environment, with harm to mammals, insects and bacteria, prompting scientists around the world to call for a moratorium on 5G. This 5G technology is complex, likely to be costly, accompanied by privacy concerns and will also consume significant amounts of energy, contrary to global climate goals. Despite this scientific evidence, the FCC is accelerating the deployment of wireless antenna infrastructure by limiting local governments ability to refuse these towers, limiting charging fees and shortening the shot clock for approval, effectively blocking the power of local authorities.
Telesat plans to launch 120 satellites, OneWeb’s phase one network will be 648 satellites, and SpaceX are launching over 12,000 satelites for 5G technology, All three networks are expected to reach full operational capacity by the early 2020s .
Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Radiation Volume 1. The US Army and School of Aerospace Medicine published In September 1974, the results of several hundred sick military experiments on animals which were released as findings in Several Volumes, this is from Volume 1.
Lennart Hardell, MD, PhD, Professor (assoc) Department of Oncology, Faculty of Medicine and Health, University Hospital, Örebro, Sweden. Present address: The Environment and Research Foundation, Örebro, Sweden, www.environmentandcancer.com ([email protected])
5G: Great risk for EU, U.S. and International Health! Compelling Evidence for Eight Distinct Types of Great Harm Caused by Electromagnetic Field (EMF) Exposures and the Mechanism that Causes Them. Martin Pall PhD. 2018. Book published online with scientific references. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29655646
5G wireless telecommunications expansion: Public health and environmental implications. (2018) Russell CL. Environ Res. 2018 Apr 11. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29655646
The human skin as a sub-THz receiver – Does 5G pose a danger to it or not?(2018) Betzalel N et al. Environ Res. 2018 May;163:208-216. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29459303
Published Literature 5G High Frequency, Gigahertz RF
The distinguishing effects of low intensity electromagnetic radiation of different extremely high frequencies on Enterococcus hirae: growth rate inhibition and scanning electron microscopy analysis. (2017) Hovnanyan K et al. Lett Appl Microbiol. 2017. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28609553
Effect of acute millimeter wave exposure on dopamine metabolism of NGF-treated PC12 cells. (2017) Haas AJ et al. J Radiat Res. 2017 Feb 24:1-7. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28339776
Human Exposure to RF Fields in 5G Downlink. (2017) Nasim I and Kim S. Department of Electrical Engineering. Georgia Southern University. https://arxiv.org/pdf/1711.03683.pdf
Effects of 60-GHz millimeter waves on neurite outgrowth in PC12 cells using high-content screening. (2016) Haas AJ et al. Neurosci Lett. 2016 Apr 8;618:58-65. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26921450
Millimeter waves or extremely high frequency electromagnetic fields in the environment: what are their effects on bacteria? (2016) Soghomonyan D, Trchounian K, Trchounian A Appl Microbiol Biotechnol. 100(11):4761-71. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27087527?dopt=Abstract
“The Human Body and Millimeter-Wave Wireless Communication Systems: Interactions and Implications,” (2015). Accepted in 2015 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), NYU WIRELESS. (Wu et al., 2015A) Wu T, Rappaport TS, Collins CM, 2015 https://arxiv.org/pdf/1503.05944.pdf
Millimeter wave promotes the synthesis of extracellular matrix and the proliferation of chondrocyte by regulating the voltage-gated K+ channel. (2014) Li X et al. J Bone Miner Metab. 2014 Jul;32(4):367-77. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24202060
Effects of millimeter wave irradiation and equivalent thermal heating on the activity of individual neurons in the leech ganglion. (2014) Romanenko S et al. J Neurophysiol. 112(10): 2423–2431. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4233276/
Bactericidal effects of low-intensity extremely high frequency electromagnetic field: an overview with phenomenon, mechanisms, targets and consequences. (2013) Torgomyan and Trchounian. Crit Rev Microbiol. 39(1):102-11. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22667685
Whole-genome expression analysis in primary human keratinocyte cell cultures exposed to 60 GHz radiation.(2012) Le Quément C et al. Bioelectromagnetics. 2012 Feb;33(2):147-58. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21812010
Antenna Concepts for Millimeter-Wave Automotive Radar Sensors. (2012) Menzel W, and Moebius A, 2012. Proceedings of the IEEE. 100(7). http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/6165323/
Modeling of reflectometric and ellipsometric spectra from the skin in the terahertz and submillimeter waves region. (2011) Ney and Abdulhalim. Biomed Opt. 16(6):067006. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21721827
Protein changes in macrophages induced by plasma from rats exposed to 35 GHz millimeter waves. (2010) Sypniewska RK et al. Bioelectromagnetics. 2010 Dec;31(8):656-63. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20683908
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Human skin as arrays of helical antennas in the millimeter and submillimeter wave range. (2008) Feldman et al. Phys Rev Lett. 100(12):128102 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18517913
Gene expression changes in the skin of rats induced by prolonged 35 GHz millimeter-wave exposure. (2008) Millenbaugh NJ et al. Radiat Res. 2008 Mar;169(3):288-300. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18302488
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Recent reports by scientists estimate that the proportion of plastic debris of our oceans will outweigh all sea life by 2030. Pause for moment about what this really means. Look at what we are doing to all sea life. We don't have long to save our oceans. While many refer to the Amazon rainforest as the lungs of the planet, it is actually the world's oceans and their algal and phytoplankton activity that produce 80 percent of the world’s oxygen needs, our seas are the our vital lungs of the Earth. Yet the oceans are being subjected to an escalating pollution with plastic and toxic effluence contaminating the sea's fragile ecosystems and food chains. While we continue to over-exploit over 85 percent of the world's fish stocks. Some experts say that we are the last generation to be able to fish as we do with fish stocks rapidly declining.
Most sea birds and sea creatures are doomed to this fate, a stomach full of plastic, this specimen contained 274 pieces of plastic. The Sheer water bird species collected the plastic in its stomach while finding food for its chicks, then it unknowingly feeds the debris to the chicks back at the nest. The plastic that filled the stomach of this sea bird is just one example of the overwhelming scale of this problem.
The damage we are causing all ocean ecology from majestic fish to sea mammals like our celebrated cetaceans, dolphins and whales and seals and sea turtles, all threatened with death by entanglement in plastic waste or ingesting the debris. Our Coral reefs are also detrimentally affected, Coral reefs that stretch from Australia's Great Barrier Reef to Thailand, are like the ocean's rain forests, they are havens for all sea life, biodiversity hotspots of the oceans. Plastic is affecting the corals delicate ecosystems, because many micro -particles of plastic act like rafts and carries harmful protozoan and prokaryotic bacteria that affect the fish, the corals then become sick and suffer from weakness turning black and die from Skeletal eroding band disease or other problems due to the plastic debris.
This is how lethal plastic is to coral reefs, the billions of floating plastic debris increase the vulnerability of corals infected and dying this way by 89 per cent when compared to rare areas of coral where there is no plastic debris. The Great Pacific Garbage Patch Plastic is now the size of Texas and getting larger at 0.4% to 8% of the size of the Pacific Ocean, that is 700,000 square kilometres or 270,000 square miles to more than 15,000,000 square kilometres (5,800,000 square miles).
''Shoppers worldwide are using approximately 500 billion single-use plastic bags per year. This translates to about a million bags every minute across the globe, or 150 bags a year for every person on earth. And the number is rising''.-Ocean Crusaders
Research from Ocean Crusaders state that there are 5.25 trillion pieces of plastic debris in the ocean. Of that mass, 269,000 tons float on the surface, and below the surface four billion plastic micro fibres per square kilometre are polluting the deep sea and killing all sea life.
Alternatives to Plastic
The EU aims to recycle 65 percent of urban waste by 2035, however, recycling campaigns are not enough to address this problem. Plastic is a fuel based bi-product of Petroleum, which is why it is used so much, although it takes a lot of energy to produce and damages our environment detrimentally, another reason why we must phase out oil which we are also over drilling by 3.5 Billion Barrels a day. Corporations and Governments have an obligation to reduce the amount of plastic waste and packaging that is one of the root causes of this problem.
There are biodegradable options such as Hemp bioplastic which is the strongest and most durable bioplastic, it contains about 65-70 per cent cellulose, it can be used to make most grades of durable plastic from clear plastic water bottles to an almost indestructible grade of strength that can be used for the body of a car, Henry Ford built a model of car in 1941 that comprised of using some Hemp fibre in the car body that was ten times stronger than steel. In 1957 Industrial Hemp was outlawed in the U.S to cultivate for viable biofuel or industrial materials, of which it has over ecological 50,000 uses and benefits. Today, it is slowly re-emerging around the globe valued for its ecological importance in many industries including the bio plastic industry which is a growing and necessary market if we are to replace conventional plastic with biodegradable alternatives.
Bamboo is also being hailed as an amazing eco-friendly alternative to plastic and can also be used to make fabrics and has anti microbial properties. It is actually a grass and produces 30 per cent more oxygen than trees do, it is one of the fastest growing plants that takes only 3 to 5 years to mature and process for plastic or ten thousand other uses. Plant based plastics are made from plant cellulose and because bio-plastics are made from plant based materials they can degrade quickly in landfills, composting bins and the oceans without causing any harm to the environment.
The most common types are made from corn starch like polyactide (PLA) plastic, biodegradable plates or food trays and disposable cups, these can also be made from Polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) plasticalso starch based derived from sugarcane or beetroot. The appeal of Banana Peels to use for creating a biodegradable plastic was discovered by Elif Bilgin who at the time was only 16 years old when she won a Science in Action award in 2013 for her design.
With all these alternative solutions to petroleum based plastics, we have no excuse but to take responsible action and campaign for corporations, supermarkets and governments to create the eco-friendly bioplastic infrastructure in the plastic producing industries to transfer over to these biodegradable alternatives and save our oceans and landfill sites from the current ecocide plastic waste is causing.
This video that illustrates clearly how plastic is killing all sea birds and ocean animals
Gluttony for new technology is causing extinction of rare natural elements. Yet, there is a heavier price for our insatiable consumer paradise, if we buy a new cell phone device or a laptop, we are part of this destructive predator named Capitalism, the beast of 'First World Nations' that is driving ecocide. The predator that we feed, leaves behind a trail of destructive footprints across the planet, wherever it treads to extract and deplete, natural resources. The frightening thing is, no where on Earth is left sacred, protected or untouched any more, because Corporations are able to lobby, (legally bribe) politicians to rewrite environmental laws or any law that allows corporations to access minerals, oil, gas or any other biological resource, even in the most protected national parks, environmental laws have dwindled dramatically over the last forty years. All species, all ecosystems, all natural resources are dwindling at an exponential rate, as a result of this predatory insatiable appetite.
Another EPA report reveals that by recycling one million cell phones, we can recover more than 20,000 lbs of copper, 20 lbs of palladium, 550 lbs of silver, and 50 lbs of gold. Then there are these other rare elements below that will soon be extinct, if we were able to recycle computers and cell phones without worrying about license laws, but with the care of the planetary resources in mind, we could millions of tons of reduce electronic waste each year and salvage rare elements that are becoming seriously depleted.
Our over-reliance on renewing our technological devices, is driving this unfolding ecocide, the consumerism of electrical goods such as ipads, tablets and android phones. All of these electrical devices rely on a highly unethical mining industry that uses slave labour to mine and assemble electrical products in inhumane conditions; in addition to driving the destruction of the last cloud forests home of the highly endangered Silverback Gorilla populations in Africa. This is well illustrated by the story of the Silverback Gorillas in the African Congo.
The mining of Gold, Diamonds and Coltan, (Ta on the Periodic table-geological name - Columbite Tantalite), a mineral used in the microchips of every single new electronic device, cell phone or tablet and laptop, comes from the African Congo, in the Virungas National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The African Congo has a small area of biodiverse cloud forest ecosystem, where a small group of the world’s last pocket of remaining Silverback Gorillas which lend thanks to the work of Dian Fossey who was murdered on December the 26th 1985, her work was to preserve and protect these primates, which are critically threatened with extinction from poaching and a continually eroded habitat due to these existing ‘Conflict Minerals’ being extracted in the area. Including the mineral Coltan used for microchips, the western greed for constantly renewing cell phones and laptops, is responsible for this plundering. Other rare elements such as Indium are also depleting for the same reason -
''Devices like computers and smartphones. Indium, for example, is a silvery metal used to create touch screens for phones and computers. According to Cole-Hamilton, the world's indium supply is "extremely thinly spread" across the planet and could soon dry up if we continue chucking out our old devices every few years''-LiveScience
According the the European EuChemS new Periodic table on the rarest elements, Coltan Ta is under serious threat of disappearing within the next hundred years. Coltan Tantalite is used primarily for the production of tantalum capacitors, used in every kind of electronic devices such as mobile phones.
Niobium and Coltan Tantalum have a wide range of uses, including refractive lenses for glasses, cameras, phones and printers. They are also used in semiconductor circuits, and capacitors for small electronic devices such as hearing aids, pacemakers, and mp3 players, as well as in computer hard drives, automobile electronics, and surface acoustic wave (SAW) filters for mobile phones. Coltan is also used to make high-temperature alloys for jet engines and other engine turbines.
Coltan can only be found in a few places in the world, one of which is in Australia, which was the world’s largest producer at Wodinga Tantalum mine in Western Australia, however they closed their mine in 2012 because it is cheaper to mine Coltan using child and adult slave labour in inhumane conditions in Africa’s Democratic Republic of Congo and exposing these working communities to toxic chemicals. To make matters worse for the Silverback Gorillas, the SOCO International energy company are pushing to extract gas and oil reserves from under Lake Edward in the National Park. All this, at the cost of one of the last greatest African forests and majestic Gorillas which have only been given an estimated 15 years of survival amidst the adversities they face through our lack of global responsibility to better manage conservation of critically endangered species, because minerals, gold, diamonds and oil are far more important to the world than saving the Silverback Gorillas and their forest home.
The fact that global mining companies can cut corners to make a bigger profit at the expense of an entire endangered species such as the Mountain Gorilla and at the expense of hard working African miners, who are exploited slave labourers, shows that international environmental and human rights laws are far too flimsy and ineffective.
However, the Western world conveniently lacks humanitarian and environmental ethics in business, which in turn perpetuates slavery, species extinction and ecocide. This has come so far as corporations suing and imprisoning entrepreneurs and innovators whose mere crime is to combat human waste and planned obsolescence to attempt to create sustainable solutions.
Eric Lundgren, ecological entrepreneur was imprisoned for recycling computer circuit boards into reusable computers. Image credit-David Sprague
Eric Lundgren, a 33 year old e-waste entrepreneur, from Los Angeles, United States, was imprisoned in 2018 for his success in a business which achieved recycling of 41 million pounds of e-waste each year from major corporations such as IBM and Sprint.
Microsoft took Eric Lundgren to court where he was then served a sentence of 15 months in prison and had to pay a $50,000 fine on April the 11th 2018. Microsoft's argument was that Lundgren could potentially damage their future sales of new computers and new software licenses, the court ruled in favour of Microsoft saying that he had infringed on Microsoft Corp. to the sum of $700,000.
Lundgren pleaded guilty, but he stated that the value of his discs to Microsoft was zero, as Microsoft, nor any computer manufacturers, sell them. He also explained that the discs could only be used to restore the software to computers already licensed for it. The licenses are good for the life of the computer.
Right-to-repair activists want legislation to remove the manufacturing and legal barriers that make it harder for consumers to fix their stuff. When people buy used devices and keep those devices working longer, fewer natural resources are needed for manufacturing and less e-waste ends up in landfills.
Planned Obsolescence needs to be revealed for what it is. People need to wake up to the damage corporations and consumers are causing to the environment and the perpetuation of slave labour, habitat destruction for mining and as a result species extinction.
Fifty million indigenous people live in the world’s remaining forests and 370 million Indigenous people live in various different threatened wildernesses and ecological biomes across the world. We need to take into consideration their defence treaties for the last natural wildernesses that they occupy on the Earth. I have found that working on conservation of the land with indigenous people involves dealing with many of the front line issues that the larger established charities, governments and academic institutes know little about. One common example in the Amazonia regions of South America, is the ongoing internalized governmental corruption where some government connected corporations provide finances and arms to vigilantes to attack indigenous environmental activist leaders and drive indigenous people forcefully off of their land. If governments in Amazon region countries gave more protection and powers to indigenous leaders and reinforced heavy prosecution on such cases, these incidents would be discouraged but instead they are conveniently overlooked and such activities are increasing with corporate land grabs and violations of indigenous people's rights to critical escalation in Ecuador, Brazil, Peru and Colombia.
Many indigenous communities live solely off of the land, many live in isolated regions that are difficult to access, therefore most are not money motivated or materialistic in the way Westerners are and this goes in their favour to be the world's best and most trusted conservationists. Their lives depend on the preservation and conservation of their ancestral land, not on money. Their connection with the environment is not just dependent on daily living, it is part of their spiritual ancestry, their spiritual ecology, part of their souls and beating hearts. This is what we have forgotten in Western civilization.
Therefore, they are the best conservationists to manage and conserve the forests and last great wildernesses, as their immediate survival depends on the land and they are attuned to the environment around them, because of this, they are also the most vulnerable when it comes to ecocide, their cultures and survival is ultimately threatened. Read my previous article People on the Edge of Extinction-The Last Tribes of the Amazon
There are indigenous conservation treaty recommendations supported by many Indian and Alaskan Native organisations. A recent convention set up by the Indigenous peoples of all the Americas allowed them to form sixteen principles for building a sustainable and harmonious world community.
This emerged from a 40-year-long process of reflection, consultation and action within Indigenous communities across the Americas. These principles are rooted in the concerns of hundreds of Indigenous Elders, Spiritual Leaders and Community Members, they are also rooted in deep ecology values, they recognise the interconnectedness of all life on Earth and how we affect one another and the Earth with our actions. They recognise how humans must work on internal balance to create external balance and a sustainable world. They recognise the importance of morals, and ethics in communities. These guiding principles constitute the foundation for the process of healing and developing ourselves (mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually), our human relationships (personal, social, political, economic, and cultural) and our relationship with Mother Earth.
The senseless annihilation of the Earth’s last rainforests is part of an ecosystem, not only providing vital equilibrium for the climate but also plant medicines and foods and resources everyone takes for granted. Corporate ecocide has to stop along with the global unfolding ecocide of other ancient wildernesses where our great indigenous people remain.
The above poster illustrates the ecological goods and services from the rainforest, it was made in 2012 by my friend Samuel Remerand, a French Biologist and teacher, to educate adults and children in the West on the ecological goods and services that the Amazon rainforest provides for its people. Samuel Remerand, came all the way to Ecuador to work with the Shiwiar people and took thousands of photos. We stayed for 3 weeks with the Shiwiar people of the Ecuadorian Amazon, deep in a remote part of the Amazon, which is only accessible by an apache airplane, it took a 1 and a half hour flight over the Ecuadorian Amazon to reach the Shiwiar territory,
Here is a video of some of our experiences when we were there.
All this senseless destruction of the Amazon rainforest, is for gold, or minerals and a non-renewable fuel, Petroleum, the black life blood of Pacha Mama herself, valued over human life and all life on planet Earth. How many of us have to suffer and to what limit of destruction will this planet be pushed to, before we realise human consciousness is now an ecological issue? Humanity is a threat to itself unless we change the way we live on this planet, we have to live with nature, not separate from her, we are our environment, we are nature.
Read these Sixteen Guiding Principles from The Four World's National Institute they offer these Guiding Principles as a gift to all who seek to build a sustainable and harmonious Global community.
The UN defines genocide as "any of the acts perpetrated with the intention of destroying, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial or religious group." But the classification of such crimes as genocide or not is partly a matter of the number of victims. While the genocides of Rwanda or Bosnia received global attention, many others that take place outside the visual field of public opinion, especially on the Latin American continent. These are neither investigated nor recognized because they involve rural villages of a few hundred, or even a few dozen people.
Although the agreement on the genocide of the United Nations (UN) Organization came into force 70 years ago, entire tribes continue to be attacked and exterminated by powerful corporations and their dominant society in order to steal their lands and natural resources. In the depths of the Amazon rainforest, one of these native tribes forced to uproot and leave their ancestral land because of this. It is the Kawahivas, a small isolated tribe of a few dozen members, survivors of waves of violent attacks that have brought them to the brink of extinction.
''Their territory, known as Rio Pardo, is in Mato Grosso state, where illegal deforestation rates are the highest on record in Brazil’s Amazon.
Rio Pardo lies within the municipality of Colniza, one of the most violent areas in Brazil. 90% of Colniza’s income is from illegal logging.
The Kawahiva’s plight is so serious that in 2005 a public prosecutor launched Brazil’s first ever investigation into the genocide of an uncontacted Indian tribe. Twenty-nine people suspected of involvement in killing Kawahiva, including a former state governor and a senior policeman, were detained but later released. The case has stalled for lack of evidence.''- Survival International.
The last of the Kawahiva are forced to live on the run from armed loggers and powerful ranchers. Image taken from rare footage from a chance encounter with government agents. -FUNAI
We know almost nothing of the Kawahiva, except that they have been forced to change their way of life from settled villages to becoming nomadic and only setting up temporary shelters to constantly flee the Oil merchants and the Loggers tractors and mechanical saws. They live in constant fear of genocide, in this region of the Brazilian Amazon basin, where there is the highest rate of illegal deforestation in the country. The territory of the Kawahivas is located near the city of Colniza, one of the most violent areas of Brazil, where 90% of the income comes from illegal logging for the timber industry. Unless the Brazilian authorities act immediately, the genocide of the Kawahivas will be fulfilled shortly.
Often, small tribes such as the Kawahivas are seen as an obstacle to the advance of oil drilling and agro-industry, mineral extractive industries, roads and dams. The Brazilian Amazon is home to around 100 isolated tribes, which make up the vast majority of the world's uncontacted population. They are the most vulnerable people on our planet.
As the jungle is invaded and destroyed in the name of economic progress and personal gain, these peoples are attacked and liquidated by the simple fact that greedy outsiders know that they can even kill with impunity and the public media do nothing to report these horrors. These are silent and invisible genocides, of which there are hardly any witnesses. Often, the news only comes to light months or years later. It is probable that we will never get to know the real number of uncontacted indigenous peoples that have been eliminated because they are indigenous, they may not even speak more than their own native language, not Portuguese, and they are seen by the established colonials and especially by the elite and government as a "nuisance" and obstacle to development.
This mentality goes back to the Far West of the 18th and 19th centuries, when the native peoples of the United States were annihilated by the settlers, many of whom considered that "the only good Indian is the dead Indian". Jair Bolsonaro, president-elect of Brazil, also thinks this. He has declared that "it is a shame that the Brazilian cavalry was not as effective as the Americans, who exterminated their Indians."
His words of hatred add fuel to an already incendiary situation: in recent months those who want to appropriate indigenous lands have been encouraged and attacks on indigenous communities have proliferated. Bolsonaro has proposed to take FUNAI, the Department of Indigenous Affairs responsible for uncontacted indigenous peoples, from the Ministry of Justice to place it in the new Ministry of Women, Family and Human Rights. This will undoubtedly reduce the effectiveness and influence of FUNAI.
Moreover, she has appointed Damares Alves as the new minister, an evangelical preacher and parliamentary assistant. Along with other people, she founded Atini, a group dedicated to evangelizing indigenous communities that is being investigated by the prosecution for incitement to racial hatred against indigenous peoples.
Bolsonaro has promised that under his presidency will not protect "a millimeter" more of indigenous lands. Sonia Guajajara, an indigenous woman who joined the candidacy of another candidate for the presidency in 2018, declared during the campaign: "In Brazil, there is a political decision not to demarcate territories and, when it is denied [the demarcation] an entire population is condemned to extermination". Things do not have to be this way. Survival International was founded 50 years ago, after the publication of the article "Genocide" by Norman Lewis, in the Sunday Times [British newspaper] in 1969, which revealed the atrocities suffered by many indigenous peoples in Brazil in the last century. The 50 years of our successful campaigns demonstrate the strength and influence of raising awareness and mobilizing public opinion against governments and companies that do not respect the rights of indigenous peoples.
Now more than ever we have to mobilize our collective strength to denounce and put an end to these hidden genocides. If we stand silent and do nothing we are also complicit in the annihilation of the indigenous natives who are the most responsible and environmentally conscious guardians of the Amazon forest.
The above map shows the amount of industrial activity in the Amazon and the red crosses show the amount of indigenous people assassinated due to conflicts over rainforest that they are fighting to protect.
Between August 2017 and July 2018 some 7,900 square kilometres of forest were logged in the Brazilian Amazon, the worst annual rate of deforestation in a decade, according to official government data. This represents an increase of 13.7% over the same period last year.
Greenpeace Brazil pointed out, approximately 1,185 million trees were felled in an area equivalent to the size of 987,500 football fields.
This worrying news comes amid fears that the new far right president of Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro, may worsen the situation due to his promise to open more the Amazon to the development of the timber industry, in addition to his public hatred of indigenous people, specifically the Kawahivas people who are on the edge of extinction.
The above graph from Global Witness report ''At What Cost'' shows Brazil has the highest rate of environmental defenders being killed than any other country in the world.
The Amazon rain forest is deadlier than ever for land and environmental defenders, with mining and oil industries and agribusiness, these industries are the most linked to genocides of environmentalists and indigenous rainforest activists.
Between 2005 and 2011 deforestation decreased in Brazil by an encouraging 70%, mainly due to the increase in government protection in response to a growing awareness to protect the rainforest. Even between 2011 and 2017, when Brazil entered a more chaotic political period, the decline in deforestation stopped, but did not reverse. Bolsonaro's leadership plans, unfortunately, will undo some of that progress.
In a statement, Brazil's environment minister, Edson Duarte, blamed illegal logging for increased deforestation in the Amazon and called on the government to step up surveillance in the forests, Reuters reported.
Greenpeace claims that the Brazilian government is not doing enough to stop deforestation. In addition, with Bolsonaro in command, "the predictions for the Amazon (and for the fight against climate change) are not good".
The loss of forests creates an unpleasant feedback loop in climate change. Forests and forest soils are a major carbon sink, and deforestation adds more carbon dioxide to the atmosphere.
In the new report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, regarding the limitation of global warming to 1.5 ° C above pre-industrial levels, it is pointed out that the planting of more trees and the maintenance of existing trees are essential to achieve that goal.
Moreover, in the Amazon, biodiversity loss is devastating and irreversible when deforestation occurs, it is not a matter of planting more trees. It is impossible to replace the biodiversity and species lost which have evolved through millions of years in the biodiversity rich Amazon. Half of the world's entire animal, amphibians, reptiles, birds, plants, and insect species are found in the Amazon rainforest which is the world's largest biodiversity hotspot.
The Amazon rain forest contains:
One in ten known species on Earth 1.4 billion acres of dense forests, half of the planet's remaining tropical forests 4,100 miles of winding rivers 2.6 million square miles in the Amazon basin, about 40 percent of South America There is a clear link between the health of the Amazon and the health of the planet. The rain forests, which contain 90-140 billion metric tons of carbon, help stabilize local and global climate. Deforestation may release significant amounts of this carbon, which could have catastrophic consequences around the world.