C60 is not toxic/harmful to DNA/RNA & is a potent defense against AI-Entrainment-Scientist Ken Swarz
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C60 - Peer-reviewed science demonstrates C60 is not toxic or harmful to DNA/RNA, and C60 is a potent defense against AI-Entrainment: Scientist Ken Swarz
By Alfred Lambremont Webre
EXHIBITS: C60 - Peer-reviewed science demonstrates C60 is not toxic or harmful to DNA/RNA, and C60 is a potent defense against AI-Entrainment: Scientist Ken Swarz
6. Sub-acute oral toxicity study with fullerene C60 in rats
Download C60CompletelySafe - 2012
7.Review of fullerene toxicity and exposure – Appraisal of a human health risk assessment, based on open literature
Download C60SafteyLiterature - 2010
1 - Biodistribution of Nano materials-C60
Download ANTI C60 - Biodistribution of Nano materials and C60 - Copy
2. A large-scale association study for nanoparticle C60 uncovers mechanisms of nanotoxicity disrupting the native conformations of DNA/RNA
3. "C60 binds to and Deforms Nucleotides"
Download ANTI-C60 - C60 Binds to and Deforms Nucleotides
4. "The Biological Mechanisms and Physicochemical Characteristics Responsible for Driving Fullerene Toxicity"
Download ANTI 6CO - FullereneToxicity
5. "Effects of C60 Fullerene on Cell Differentiation with EL-M3 and ES-R1-EGFP B2/EGFP Cell Lines"
Download ANTI C60 - C60 fullerene