Leuren Moret: DHS/Janet Napolitano using Berkeley, CA as template for overthrow of USA – Organized Gangstalking, EMF Cop Toys, HAARP/Chemtrails, Grid Changes
VANCOUVER, BC – In this Special Exopolitics program with Alfred Lambremont Webre, Independent scientist Leuren Moret, MA, PhD ABD reveals a covert plan initiated January 1, 2014 that targets Berkeley, CA as the first of 100 NWO cities with a template in which DHS (Homeland Security), FEMA, the Nuke “Labs”, and UC President Janet Napolitano employ a coordinated infrastructure of organized gangstalking, electronic cop toys, grid changes, and institutional infiltration as a methodology aimed at the overthrow of the USA.
This new template is based on the Phoenix program originally designed to eliminate all civilian resistance to the US occupation of Vietnam. While she was DHS director, Janet Napolitano entered into agreements with 15 commonwealth nations to provide “Homeland Security” and “FEMA” services. This new template can be a mechanism for overthrown of nations throughout the world and implementation of a New World Order.
Organized Gang Stalking What You Need To Know
Leuren Moret: DHS/Janet Napolitano using Berkeley, CA as template for overthrow of USA – Organized Gangstalking, EMF Cop Toys, HAARP/Chemtrails, Grid Changes