National Natural Science Foundation of China: Distribution of Cesium 137 in Pacific Ocean in year 1.5(a), year 3.5(b) and year 4 (c).
VANCOUVER, B.C. - has begun a "Fukushima: Extinction of Transformation Level Event" project in which experts in fields as diverse as radiation and hermeneutics are asked to answer the question "Is Fukushima an Extinction or Transformation Level Event? Can you list the top 3 solutions to Fukushima global radiation that you can find, along with a link? People are asking for solutions."
Please check back for updates and answers from experts to this question.
If you would like to recommend an expert to be interviewed on this question, please email [email protected]. Thank you.
Alfred Lambremont Webre (Futurist)
"Fukushima will lead to a consciousness that our society cannot continue as it is and to a transformation in how humanity organizes on our planet. It is not an Extinction Level Event, IMHO." Alfred Lambremont Webre
Fukushima: Instead of extinction, outcome can be multidimensional transformation - Alfred Lambremont Webre
Science experts
1. Bob Nichols, writer (Veterans Today)
First thing, grasp the difficult concept that this is an ELE or Extinction Level Event. There is no escaping our fate, there are no solutions.
We can extend our lives somewhat, though. These steps are personal. People can do them or not. You will die quicker, or later, your choice.
1. Take off your shoes and outer ware (coats) when you enter your place.
2. Stay under a protective Roof as much as possible.
3. Filter your water.
Bonus: Eat foods as low on the food chain as possible that are thought to be less Radioactive and eat electrically Negatively Charged foods each day.
My opinion only, as requested by Alfred Webre, Dec 28, 2013, 1,024 Days from Mar 11, 2011.
Bob Nichols
Fukushima Equals 6,000 Hiroshima Bombs Today, More Tomorrow
2. Leuren Moret, MA, PhD ABT (Independent Scientist; Radiation Expert)
VANCOUVER, BC – In an October 17, 2013 interview with Alfred Lambremont Webre, independent scientist Leuren Moret provided a grim update on the anticipated effects of ionizing radiation from the Fukushima nuclear false flag operation of March 11, 2011 when combined with the radiation effects of depleted uranium (DU) weapons and nuclear weapons testing and use, stating that the outcome of these could be an extermination of humanity and the biosphere as we know it.
Download Five million babies have now been born by IVF - and HALF since 2007
Download Mini-IVF boosts chance of getting pregnant half price
Download Moose Die-Off Alarms Scientists - NYTimes
Download Moose die-off- Deadly combination of factors slaying moose, $1.2M help efforts
Download Russia and U.S sign nuclear agreement to protect planet from asteroids
Download US Conducts New Type of Nuclear Test Using Intense X-Ray Beams _ Global Research
Download Why are moose dying out in the US
Download 東日本で相次ぐ奇形魚!目が無い金魚や背びれが曲がった魚!千葉県の漁師「奇形魚は線量が高く、回転寿司などへ」 - 真実を探すブログ
Leuren Moret - Fukushima radiation outcome is extermination that human Spirit can avoid
IMPORTANT ARTICLE: Medical Intuitive Observations about Fukushima Radiation
MAINSTREAM MEDIA: Fukushima: Whom to Believe? LA TIMES: "West Coast radiation from Fukushima disaster poses no risk, experts say,0,4048380.story#axzz2qJaE9fjc
3. Mehran Keshe (Iranian nuclear scientist)
TEPCO needs to listen to world scientists. What I do not understand is that how can Japan’s Emperor and Primeminster be living in the country, which its air and food is giving them and their family cause for cancer and they are not asking for their government to do something about it. TEPCO does not have the expertise, others do, and now we are coming in as world scientists to make the change if they like it or not. The tsunami destroyed the Fukushima PowerStation, but the PowerStation tsunami contamination is destroy the rest of the humanity. The 8th public workshop also discussed these technologies for helping with Japan. We all wanted PROOF of Keshe Foundation, here is proof in a most UNDENIABLE way, LET US USE IT. If you want more information on this, please see the 8th public workshop, where the details are laid out for all to hear.
This is the beginning of the Fukushima part:
2014: The Year that the new Technology will change the course of humanity and it will bring untold changes.
At Keshe Foundation, we make 2014, the year that advanced technologies will be mass-released to public that they can show their power to create conditions that change through all layers of human society will be achieved.
4. Has Fukushima radiation made flying unsafe?
FROM MIKE SPENT ;-) Shocking geiger counter readings proving flying is not safe due to Fukushima radiation
Red Alert: Shocking Plane Radiation On Flight From Chile To The U.S.
Inside Info: Alaska Air's Been Fuked! Cancellations Due To Fukushima Radiation Rather Than The Flu? | Health
5. Beware of covert disinformation fronts re Fukushima radiation like Turner News
UPDATE: Turner Radio Fukushima warning discredited. No new Fukushima radiation release.
6. Deborah Dupre (Journalist)
Fukushima-radiated West Co. cover up
36 Signs The Media Is Lying To You About How Radiation From Fukushima Is Affecting The West Coast
Secrets about Fukushima radiating California must end, Assemblyman says - National Human Rights |
7. Santa Cruz Waves January 2014 Radiation report - 20 CPM - Good news: Radiation in air in Santa Cruz, CA is normal; Bad news - Video encourages people to eat Pacific Ocean sea food and equates sea with air
Alfred Lambremont Webre (Futurist)
"Fukushima will lead to a consciousness that our society cannot continue as it is and to a transformation in how humanity organizes on our planet. It is not an Extinction Level Event, IMHO." Alfred Lambremont Webre
Fukushima: Instead of extinction, outcome can be multidimensional transformation - Alfred Lambremont Webre
Alternative experts
1. Author Peter Kling (Hermeutics expert)
Alfred, Fukushima is an Extinction Level Event (ELE). As we know it happened on an alignment with comet Elenin and is most likely a "man made" event, using HAARP and Tsunami bombs. The results "officially" now fit the prophecy at Revelaiton 8:10-11, one third of the Earth's drinking water is now contaminated with Fukushima Radiation, as per a report I read about 2-3 weeks ago. The bad news is that al lot of people are going to die due to the radiation, the good news is that for most, the radiation will have very little short term effect and will take years to become deadly, and would be even more deadly for the next generation to come. Each nuclear reactor is a potential "Fukushima Event" and if we get a Nibiru or Planet X event everyone of them is going to go off. Without "outside" help we are pretty much screwed! However the Nibiru Event is the last and final sign before the return of the King of Kings and the Armies of the Multiverse and they have the technology to fix the issue. Remember EVERYTHING works on vibration at the sub-atomic level, change the vibration and you change the properties of the atom. Hence all radiation can be rendered inert in literally an instant.
The only thing I would be concerned about now is the fallout and radio active hot spots.
Part 1 - Peter Kling: Mandela funeral cosmic rituals start NWO phase. Pope to lead NWO global electronic currency as King William crowned world king?
Saturday December 28, 2013
2. Mary Rodwell (Hyperdimensional Extraterrestrial researcher) -
Mary Rodwell – ETs, Souls, The New Humans and a coming global Shift
VANCOUVER, B.C. – In an interview with Alfred Lambremont Webre covering her new article "Extraterrestrials, Human consciousness and dimensions of soul: The intimate connection", Extraterrestrial researcher Mary Rodwell shared details of a coming global shift that she has discovered in her investigations of more than 2000 cases of conscious interaction with extraterrestrials, including at the Soul level. The coming shift is described as including an awakening and transformation of human consciousness, along with dramatic changes in the way human society functions on the Earth.
Mary Rodwell – ETs, Souls, The New Humans and a coming global Shift (2017 or so)
Resource links:
1. How to Neutralize Radiation and Chemtrails From the Sky, Your Garden, and Your Body
2. 10 Foods to Naturally Protect Yourself From Fukushima Radiation
3. Fukushima Facts: Protecting ourselves
4. Biomat: Far Infrared & Cancer - Elimionate free radicals from Fukushima radiation
5. These is a very good video on the different types of radiation
6. This is a very good program that talks about practical ways to protect yourself and also remove radioactive particles from your body.
7. Expert Radiation Advice from Gabriel Cousens, MD – Including 6 Principles of Radiation Protection
8. Regeneration of Food, Health, and Earth Environment (By Dr. Higa Teruo) No. 46: EM Project to Control Radiation Contamination in Fukushima Prefecture
9. Liquid Zeolite natural defense: How to Naturally Remove Radioactive Particles from Your Body in 5-7 Hours
10. Sea salt and Baking soda, protocols ( used in army )
1. HAARP - Tesla-based technology
2. HHO Gas Technology
3. John Hutchinson - Hutchison Gives Instructions for Earth Radiation Shield from Japanese Fallout
"John Hutchison and Nancy Lazaryan: A network Ham Radio, CB radio and Tesla Coil operators could form a protective barrier, not just in the U.S., but worldwide, even in Japan, from the radiation that is spewing from the damaged reactors."
Life Ray - Ray Gun: Tesla technology
Ray Gun system
4. Keshe Technology
Public workshop on Fukushima with Mehran Keshe & Alfred Lambremont Webre
5. Quantum Physics & Morphogenic Field
6. Dr. Emoto - Water consciousness
Elizabeth A. Dossano video thanks Elizabeth A. Dossano for her support in assembling these sources.
Is Fukushima an Extinction or Transformation Level Event? How experts respond to this question (article in progress)
FROM MARK HOUSE ;-) Mark House: Top 3 Solutions: 1. Hydroxy torches. 2. Hydroxy furnaces. 3. Bio remediation using Worms, Hemp plants, Algae's, and microorganisms.
Alfred Lambremont Webre III: Thank you Mark!
Mark House: It is only an ELE ...extinction level event if we do nothing. If Tepco is not removed it may be the end of all life on Earth
Posted by: Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd, CERTPublicHealth | 12/28/2013 at 05:20 PM
Deva Priya: FINALLY an open dialogue BEGINS...TY and deepest bows, Alfred Lambremont Webre III
Posted by: Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd, CERTPublicHealth | 12/29/2013 at 03:46 PM
FROM LEUREN MORET [In response to an offline comment]
My information in the interviews is based on scientific published and peer-reviewed studies - when I can get accurate ones - and there are almost none coming out now despite the seriousness of the issue. Frequently my information is shocking and hard to believe/accept for some people, but within a short time, I have proven to be accurate, having done careful and thorough research and trained for 13 years by one of the last Manhattan Project scientists.
The global community is very aware at this moment in time, and since Fuku happened, that governments and other entities are completely hiding the true effects and real danger of the Fukushima disaster. My interviews are posted on Alfred's site and most of them have extensive outlines and links to sources, scientific studies, and other information/observations supporting my statements in each interview. In fact I have put out more factual data and deeper insights than I have seen anywhere else thanks to Alfred's willingness to interview me, and much of what I have seen otherwise is disinformation. People interested in Fukushima news without scientific backgrounds are at a disadvantage. In fact most scientists are too because they lack the ability and knowledge base to gather information that crosses many disciplines, and are almost non-existent, because most scientific disciplines require very a narrow focus and are able to only present a very narrow discipline-specific perspective. So there are very few people who can actually do the research AND integrate the cross-discipline data in order to be able to present the radiation issue accurately and meaningfully on Fukushima. Radiation REQUIRES many disciplines to evaluate and understand the impact of radiation disasters - and Fukushima is UNPRECEDENTED. Finding the information now is the problem because this has been a huge coverup from the beginning.
You mentioned that I reported observations of birth defects in babies in the Bay Area post-Fukushima, but did not provide any published studies. That is not true, because Dr. Janette Sherman and Joe Mangano (I have worked with both of them since 2000) have published a number of peer-reviewed papers on the increase in birth defects and infant mortality since Fukushima from Centers for Disease Control data. You can look up that data yourself. Its reported every week by every county in the US. However it requires special training as an epidemiologist to be able to make sense out of the data. I have mentioned those studies many times when reporting on effects on infants from exposure to Fukushima radiation.
Alfred and I are putting this information out to empower and inform the public, BUT what they do with the information is none of my business. I am glad to hear you don't believe some/much of what I have put out to the public, I don't want people to blindly accept what I present. But I really don't care if anyone believes me, I am just a messenger encouraging people to investigate what I have said - people believe WHAT THEY FIND OUT FOR THEMSELVES. And since you question my information, I am certain you will have no trouble finding truckloads of (dis)information on the internet that will make you happier and that your knowledge base finds more acceptable... until you are ready to look a little deeper into sources I have mentioned.
Good luck - the tsunami debris field arrives in full this spring and summer - I hope you have some better observations and answers than I have provided before that genocidal pile of Japanese radioactive debris the size of the state of Texas arrives on our beaches:
(see attached Chinese paper w maps published in August)
Maybe you just might believe the Chinese scientists. China declared the past week that they will no longer accept/buy food from the West Coast of N. America... and they are not planning to ever lift that ban in our lifetimes. I might mention that the Cesium maps provided in the Chinese research paper attached are for Cesium levels across the Pacific Ocean from Fukushima - and that nearly 2000 other isotopes of radioactive elements were produced in the Fukushima plant and are presently on their way to our shores.
Posted by: Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd, CERTPublicHealth | 01/01/2014 at 08:23 PM