by Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd
VANCOUVER, BC - There is now a sufficient threshold of prima facie evidence to reasonably conclude that that the Calgary floods of June 2013, which are estimated to cost billions in property damage and affect the Canadian economy as a whole, were in fact an act of environmental warfare in the form of an intentional weather warfare attack against the people of Calgary, Alberta, Canada and environs. Environmental warfare is banned under the 1978 Convention on the Prohibition of Military or Any Other Hostile Use of Environmental Modification Techniques (ENMOD), to which Canada, the United States and Russia are all parties.
Articles I and II of the ENMOD Treaty provide as follows:
Article I
1. Each State Party to this Convention undertakes not to engage in military or any other hostile use of environmental modification techniques having widespread, long-lasting or severe effects as the means of destruction, damage or injury to any other State Party.
2. Each State Party to this Convention undertakes not to assist, encourage or induce any State, group of States or international organiza-tion to engage in activities contrary to the provisions of paragraph 1 of this article.
Article II
As used in Article I, the term "environmental modification techniques" refers to any technique for changing -- through the deliberate manipulation of natural processes -- the dynamics, composition or structure of the Earth, including its biota, lithosphere, hydrosphere and atmosphere, or of outer space.
Prima Facie Evidence the Calgary floods were an Environmental war false flag attack
The prima facie evidence that the June 2013 Calgary floods were an Environmental War false flag attack includes:
(1) Anomalous colored roll clouds that appeared over Calgary as an initial phase of the weather warfare attack;
(2) Visual forensic evidence demonstrating the Calgary and Alberta floods were caused by NEXRAD stations in the U.S. and Canada, and included weather warfare anomalies originating from Denver, Colo. and Montana
I. Anomalous colored roll clouds over Calgary in initial phase June 18, 2013 of weather warfare attack
Anomalous colored roll clouds over Calgary in initial phase June 18, 2013 of weather warfare attack
Anomalous colored roll cloud over Calgary June 18, 2013
(2) Visual forensic evidence demonstrating the Calgary and Alberta floods were caused by NEXRAD stations in the U.S. and Canada, and included weather warfare anomalies originating from Denver, Colo. and Montana
A. "Floods in Southern Alberta caused by NEXRAD Stations in the U.S. & Canada - SHOCKING EVIDENCE [Courtesy Geoengineering Watch: Calgary Alberta]
"Regarding the video below, pay close attention to the storm originating in southern Montana which moves into southern Alberta. At about 11 seconds in, we see a tapering arm stretching south to the Wyoming-Idaho border, which later feeds the southern end of the storm for some time. This storm system moves east to join other storms that originated in North and South Dakota. Also pay attention around these areas of North and South Dakota, to see how storm systems mysteriously originate from central points. It is important to note how some of these storm systems are tapered , originating from a central point. These central points will later be shown to be NEXRAD (Doppler) sites, which can emit electromagnetic waves at different frequencies that affect weather patterns."
B. Alberta Flooding Caused by Doppler Radar Stations -- PROOF -- Part II [Courtesy Geoengineering Watch: Calgary Alberta]
These Doppler stations in southern Alberta were working in conjugation with those (NEXRAD) in Montana. Each central point is a Doppler (NEXRAD) station, capable of using electromagnetic waves to steer / intensify / weaken nearby storm systems, usually preceded by high altitude aerosol spraying:
Here are photos of how the Calgary sky looked after the clouds parted and heavy rainfall desisted, taken in order throughout the day. Another set can be found here. Many signs of the Doppler effect can be seen in these photos. With signs of aerosol deployed throughout the sky, and NEXRAD (Doppler radar) influence on metallic-laced clouds, this is the aftermath of a Geoengineered storm. Here is a playlist of all unusual weather phenomenon (video footage) linked to this event. Here is a recent video caught by a user on June 18th, regarding an unusual cloud formation which is pictured below.
By whom and for what purposes was the June 2013 Calgary Environmental War false flag attack carried out?
The answers as to by whom and for what purposes was the June 2013 Calgary Environmental War false flag attack carried out include the following:
1. By whom - The June 2013 Environmental War false flag attacks against the population of Calgary appear to have been carried out by a covert command and control organization within the U.S. and Canadian military under the over-all direction of what has been termed an "international war crimes racketeering organization." Readers are directed to our articles on other similar environmental war attacks, which are set out at ECOLOGYNEWS.COM
2. For what purposes - The purposes of a strategic weather warfare attack (the equivalent of a large scale conventional bombing attack) on Calgary, Alberta include and are not limited to the following:
1. To "punish" Canada for not supporting and following the US/UK World War III game plan in Syria;
To "push back" at Canada on any presumption that it is an independent
actor with a free will apart from the CIty of London-Iluminati control
3. To bully the Canadian (Alberta-based Harper government) into making concessions around the tar sands development and other resource developments;
4. To assert North American supremacy of the United States over Canada in a forthcoming attempt to integrate the United States and Canada in a North American Union.
5. To manipulate public attitudes and public policy regarding legislation needed to deal with the effects of "global warming", falsely attributable to Environmental war events like the June 2013 Calgary floods.
Silence by Canadian media and Officials
To date, Canadian mainstream media have avoiding publishing any available forensic evidence that the June 2013 Calgary floods may have been Environmental warfare, despite the ready availability of such evidence.
Likewise, Canadian officials at the level of the Federal government, including Prime Minister Stephen Harper, Minister of National Defence Peter MacKay, and the Minister of the Environment Peter Kent have all avoided making public statements about the forensic evidence that the June 2013 Calgary floods was an act of Environmental war, despite the fact that there is prima facie forensic evidence that Canada was subjected to hostile and damaging attack in contravention of the 1978 ENMOD Treaty to which Canada, the U.S. and Russia are signatories.
The prima facie forensic evidence indicates that the June 2013 weather warfare attack against the people of Calgary and Alberta originated in the United States and was aided and abetted by Nexrad based in the United States and controlled by governmental entities within the United States, as well as aided and abetted by Canadian based Nexrad technology, as well as possibly other weather warfare technology
The public silence of Canadian mainstream media and of the Canadian Federal Cabinet and political party leaders about an apparent major environmental war attack on a major urban center, if not corrected by both reponsible members of the mainstream media and of the Canadian cabinet and Parliament and government of Canada, constitutes a gross breach of public trust that has no precedent in recent Canadian history.
Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd is a Judge on the Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Tribunal and may be reached at [email protected].
To date I have not received a single response to my email on this subject.
Have you had any feedback at all?
Posted by: DianeDi1 | 08/03/2013 at 06:45 AM