When: Monday March 1, 2010 @ Noon - 1 PM pst
Where: Vancouver
Coop Radio CFRO 102.7 FM www.coopradio.org
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Who: Independent
scientist Leuren Moret
Host: Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd
Alfred Webre interview with Leuren Moret
Date of Haiti earthquake: January 12, 2010
Program Outline
A. Hugo Chavez – Statement On ABCTV.SA “U.S. Used HAARP On Haiti”
“Venezuelan Leader Hugo Chavez Wednesday Accused The United States Of Causing The Destruction In Haiti By Testing A ‘Tectonic Weapon’ To Induce The Catastrophic Earthquake That Hit The Country Last Week,” Reports Press TV Jan. 21, Adding, “President Chavez Said The U.S. Was ‘Playing God’ By Testing Devices Capable Of Creating Eco-Type Catastrophes.”
Pravda (Ru) Statement: “Ru Navy Reports U.S. ‘Test Earthquake’ Hit Haiti
Pravda Suggests That The Earthquake In Eureka, Calif., On Jan. 9 Was Caused By A U.S. Navy Test In The Pacific. And It Reports That The Russian Navy Has Diagrammed A Series Of Quakes “Identical In Depth And Linearly On The Same Fault” In Venezuela On Jan. 8, Honduras On Jan. 11 And Haiti On Jan. 12 – All At The Same 10 Km Depth.
Pravda –
A Russian Navy Report, According To Pravda, Notes That “It Is ‘More Than Likely’ That The U.S. Navy Had ‘Full Knowledge’ Of The Catastrophic Damage That This Test Earthquake Could Potentially Have On Haiti And Had Pre-Positioned Its Deputy Commander Of The Southern Command, Gen. P.K. Keen, On The Island To Oversee Aid Work If Needed.”
U.S. Military Staging Haiti Disaster Drill – Went Live
U.S. Military Invasion/Occupation – Not Disaster Rescue
“Building Wealth Via Prospect Generation And Strategic Investment In The World’s Frontier Mineral Belts” Eurasian Mining Company Home Page
Eurasian Mining Company
* Rothschild Enterprise – Top Officials From Newmont Min.
* Bought 20% Of Haitian Mineral Rights 2-3 Years Ago
* Haitian Unrest Discouraged Mining And Investors
* Top 5 Mining Projects On Home Page:
* Haiti, N. Scandinavia, Turkey, Kyrgyz, Sumatra Region
* International Finance Corporation (Ifc) – World Bank
IFC * Summary Of Proposed Investment (Spi)
Submitted Dec. 8, 2009
Board of Directors Meeting January 11, 2010
HAITI Earthquake January 12, 2010
Board of Directors Meeting January 13, 2010 - Approve loan for Haiti project
While…Rich Haitians Left Haiti and 6000 U.N./U.S. Troops Did Nothing
HAARP is a space-based weapon of mass destruction:
More People Died In The Haiti Earthquake (300,000) Than Died In Hiroshima Or Nagasaki Bombings.
C .Economic Foreshadowing - HAARP Haiti earthquake
Here is the home page for the author of the report, "HAITI: From Natural Catastrophe to Economic Security, A Report for UN Secty General" by Paul Collier, Jan. 2009.pdf.
HOME PAGE: Paul Collier
Oxford Economic Professor for the UN in January 2009 - one year before the earthquake. Haiti was possibly hit by 4 HAARP hurricanes before they had to take it out with the earthquake to get their plan implemented.
If you look at the praise for his new book "THE BOTTOM BILLION" - from City of London-connected Rothschild faction in the world, well then you know how Collier got to write this Haiti report to the UN. Paul Collier is akin to Malthus in the 1700's who worked for the same City of London gangsters.
Paul Collier features development of Haiti for the specific economic benefit of US and Canada. The usual partners of the City of London, and remember, Collier is from Oxford - so this is a British design as usual.
As psyops, here is what Pat Robertson called it "Tectonic revenge by God" in an article by Nicholas Kristof in the NYT : "Some Frank Talk About Haiti"
D. City of London and the Oil Connection
Video and article:
South Atlantic: Britain May Provoke New Conflict With Argentina
UK oil exploration firm starts Falklands drilling

The bankers elite controls both sides in war, even start the war, using hegelian dialectic. An excellent portal to more information, World System and the Illuminati,
One example. The second world war would have stopped in 1942 if the elite didn't secure the merchant fleet against attack from both sides in the war. Everybody knows how they ended the war, in Nagasaki and Hiroshima, to scare the hell out of everybody for many years to come.
The atombomb was never the real enemy. It was the scaremongering. The same elites produces and controls todays world scenario. Today the haarp system is controlled via hegelian dialectic strategies.
Thank you
Posted by: Otto Lund | 03/04/2010 at 10:53 AM
* Observe *
The url, link, in previous post was wrong. The correct is, World System and the Illuminati,
Posted by: Otto Lund | 03/04/2010 at 10:57 AM
The difference between the right word and the almost right word is more than just a fine line! it's like the difference between a lightning bug and the lightning!
Posted by: Running Barefoot | 06/15/2011 at 03:55 AM