« Top Secret DARPA/CIA Time Travel preidentification of future USA balkanization was leaked in 1977 to then Stanford Research Institute [SRI] Futurist, now Tribunal Judge Alfred Lambremont Webre | Main | Alliance of Indigenous Nations AIN Peace Treaty »



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Obviously something has to be done to stop this utter madness ,and this is a good start but unfortunately most countries that were sent these cease and desist orders are still vaccinating people as many don't even know that their governments were served with these orders .


This is outrageous.... all these good people must come together and force this information, and indeed all the information
, into a court session at the International Tribunal for Natural Justice (ITNJ) and do it ASAP, and make sure it gets broadcast to the whole world 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 I think that’s the only way this madness will stop before it’s too late ,
Love and Light everybody 😇🙏😇


It seems to me that the world’s “Mainstream media” are the ones most to blame for this whole situation. If they had been doing their job and holding governments and corporate entities accountable for their actions or non actions then I believe it could never have gone this far. I wonder what it will take to wake them up.

Debbie Rubaum

May the masses awaken to the truth. Praying critical thinking return to all of us!!


How and who will enforce them?
Concerned Canadian.

Alfred Lambremont Webre

Candice Hi! Thank you for contacting our Tribunal. Here is more background as to the limits of our jurisdiction as a Tribunal of Conscience:

"Private Tribunals of Conscience
Their History and Why They Matter"
By Judge Ralph Fucetola, JD
Of our Peaceinspace.org Tribunal of Conscience

Our Tribunal enforces its Tribunal of Conscience jurisdiction under Natural law, Common Law, International Law such as the International Criminal Court Statute banning Genocide and Crimes against Humanity which 123 nations including Canada have signed, as well as statutory laws.

Here is a link to a Cease and Desist Order our Tribunal served against Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Dr. Theresa Tam, the Ministry of Health and the Government of Canada banning genocidal COVID vaccines and COVID measures.

Canada, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Dr. Theresa Tam, Dr. Supriya Sharma, Chief medical adviser for Health Canada - MAY 5, 2021



Here are links to Certificates of Safe Conduct and Health Safety that you, your Family and networks can download and carry on your persons

2. Download Certificate of Safe Conduct & Health Safety & Cease and Desist - NATURAL AND COMMON LAW TRIBUNAL


3. Download Bearer Letter - Certificate of Safe Conduct & Health Safety


1.Truth and Evidence-Oriented community-based Common law courts and common law grand juries in Canada, such as http://www.Stand4THEE.com and the Great North Visionary Alliance can serve and enforce our Tribunal orders, and individuals can contact Dan Oke and Sensei of www.Stand4THEE.com.

2. Truth and Evidence-Oriented Peace Officers and Sheriffs can enforce our Tribunal Orders. We are including below in Appendix I a Constitutional Peace Officer Oath developed by the Tribunal at the behest of a community-based Common law Tribunal, www.Stand4THEE.com

3. Truth and Evidence-Oriented elected and Statutory Courts at the Municipal, Provincial, and Federal level of the Canadian corporate system can enforce the Tribunal's Orders by choosing under Natural and Common law, and the International Criminal Code Statute which the Corporation of Canada has ratified, to objectively weigh the evidence of genocide and crimes against humanity in the COVID measures of the Corporation of Canada's and its Provincial and municipal subdivision.

We hope this is useful. Please let us know if you need any information.

Best regards,

Alfred Lambremont Webre

Coordinating Judge

Appendix I


“I solemnly, intentionally, with full awareness and Sovereignty affirm and swear that I will uphold, support, and defend the Natural and Common Law, the Constitution, and the Sovereign and Human Rights of the People that elect me and whom I serve, creating my Sacred duty, to Serve, Protect and Defend the People against all threats, and criminal acts from whatever source they present themselves.”


The county sheriff is the last line of defense when it comes to upholding and defending the Constitution. The sheriff’s duties and obligations go far beyond arresting criminals and operating jails. The Sheriff also has an obligation to protect the Constitutional rights of the citizens in our counties. This includes the right to free speech, the right to assemble, the right to bear arms, etc..

Today Liberty and our very way of life are under attack. Because We the People are ignorant of the true Law of the Land and our history, we have lost our way! It’s not until we start to read about what we have inherited from our founding fathers that we start to realize how far we have drifted from the blessings of Liberty. But, there is hope. There is a grassroots movement across America reinstating the elected “Committeeman” to restore our American way of life. And, if we can reach our 3100+/- American County Sheriffs and convince them to work with the People to restore our Constitution, we can save America from self-destruction. ‘Sherriff, Remember your oath!’ https://www.nationallibertyalliance.org/county-sheriff-project

Did you know that the Sheriff is the highest constitutional executive authority in the county? Very few people realize that the Sheriff has the legitimate authority to prevent federal agents from entering the county – or the power to throw them out once there.

One way we could offset the tyranny in America and the apparent disregard for the Constitution – particularly by certain alphabet agencies and our executive branch, is IF we had Sheriffs who applied their oath of office and their total extent of power towards those who would tear up our founding document...

How about this...

Constitutional Oath of Office

“I hereby do solemnly swear that I will support and defend this Constitution for the united States of America, against all enemies, foreign and domestic, so help me God”.

My Oath of Office will be to the original Constitution, to We the People, not to the Federal Corporation identified as the “United States”.

It’s about the Constitution.

The taking of the Oath of Office creates a Sacred duty, to Serve, Protect and Defend the Citizens against all threats, and criminal acts from whatever source they present themselves. This includes criminal acts on the part of corporations, banks, mortgage companies, judges, lawyers and all citizens. My Oath of Office will be to the Citizens, not to the corporation known as the “United States”.

The most important aspect of the Sheriff’s authority is that he is elected by, for, and of the people. He is not appointed, he is not a bureaucrat, he does not report to the county manager or the county commissioners. The Sheriff reports directly to the People and is answerable to them and them alone.

For the Sheriff to allow anyone or anything to violate the rights of his boss, We the People, is a dereliction of duty of the highest order. The Sheriff is an autonomous Peace Officer whose duty to the Citizens through the Constitution is his Supreme Duty and Responsibility. To Serve, Protect and to Defend.

The Sheriff is the sworn protector of the Citizens of the County. I will not shrink from any man, any corporation or any government that comes to steal from the Citizens. Even if the man shows up in a three-piece suit with a fancy attaché case, with a fancy badge and claiming to be from the Feds, I will stop him/her. https://modernsurvivalblog.com/lessons-from-history/sheriffs-oath-for- we-the-people/

Rob embree

This means nothing. You no authority because the corporation , as you out, does not recognize sovereign citizenship.

Dr. sc. Zvonimir Milošić

Thank You !

Puno vam hvala gospodo.


how does this help. who is enforcing this because the useless fraudulent legal system don't care about this.who can explain this?

Karl und Maria Zöhrer

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

My question is, "What needs to be done to add the own country?"

Many Thanks for your work!!!

Alfred Lambremont Webre

Karl und Maria Zohrer Hi! What is your country, please?

Karl und Maria Zöhrer

Austria is our country!


This case is dated last year, final judgment November 2020. So evidently it holds no weight because vaccinations rolled out and are continuing to be offered to the public. In addition to this, 5g is offered by all the cell phone carriers and there is talk for even higher G's in our future. I see a list of everyone in the US that should have been served, so if they were, what now? How do we get the cease and desist order enforced? Seems like no one took this trial seriously.

Suzanne Lipworth

Has Switzerland received this cease & desist order? They are vaxxing as many as they can right now. Thanks for your info.


it is odd that people will continue to support the fraud. How can change happen on the ground if we continue to play in a "persona"?

A world based on a "constructive fraud" is doomed to fail mankind.

A whole lot of nonsense while 1000's of peoples life has been devastated to keep the lie going.

Why would we continue to support this profoundly sick world?

The courts can never be effective when we support the "Legal Name Fraud"

Satheesan Raghavan

I took he first dose but missed the second.... Pfizer. Now all places esp eating places demand the fully vaccinated digital passport which I do not have. This will soon include inter-state travel.


Who is the intended recipient of the ORDER TO CEASE & DESIST, and what specific actions or operations related to "MICROWAVE FACTORY" (including 4G, 5G, 6G, etc.) are being targeted by the Emergency Injunction?
Visit us telkom university

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International Tribunal