#FYI: 2022-2025-Phase 2 of The Great Reset: War Crimes & Aggressive War/Violation of Article 8 of the International Criminal Court Statute
NEWSINSIDEOUT.COM: https://newsinsideout.com/2022/03/fyi-2022-2025-phase-2-of-the-great-reset-war-crimes-aggressive-war-violations-of-article-8-of-the-international-criminal-court-statute/
#FYI: Phase 2 of The Great Reset: War Crimes & Aggressive War/Violation of Article 8 of the International Criminal Court Statute
Phases include: Genocide & Crimes Against Humanity - Articles 6&7 [Plandemic]
Can someone please explain the paragraph found below from page 11?
That I quote..."In November 2020, the world, economic forum, WEF, the government of Canada, and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau were all indicted and convicted for genocide and crimes against humanity as perpetrators of a genocidal technologies, pandemic against the people of Canada."
How is it if these groups of people were convicted in 2020, were they still able to be out in public and continue their actions and agenda against citizens, regarding in genocide and crimes against humanity genocide and crimes against humanity?
Posted by: colleen nolan | 03/10/2023 at 12:10 PM