What is the probability of the ICC Prosecutor granting the Tribunal’s Request for Investigation into the Genocidal Technologies Pandemic?
There are various factors that might affect this outcome.
According to the ICC website, the Office of the Prosecutor has to date received approximately 12,000 Requests to Investigate. Yet the ICC website itself shows only 14 Situations under Investigation, with 11 of the 14 being in Africa. SEE: https://www.icc- cpi.int/pages/situation.aspx Thus current Situations under Investigation by the Prosecution amount to 14/12,000 or .00116667 of the total Requests for Investigation received by the Prosecutor over time. This vanishingly low percentage of acceptance by the ICC Prosecutor of Requests for Investigation suggests that, unless an applicant is a State Party, a Request for Investigation by the ICC Prosecutor may under ordinary circumstances be just another United Nations Cabal exercise in futility. Reference: Download MEMORANDUM – ICC PROCEDURAL RULES https://exopolitics.blogs.com/files/memorandum-icc-procedural-rules-.pdf